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I was friends with a coworker for roughly 3 years, married at the time. We would text/call occasionally, go to lunch, never flirted strictly friends. I had advised I was leaving my husband and in the middle of my divorce about a year ago he admitted to being attracted to me and we had a random hookup. We both enjoyed the sex so much it turned into a full year of having sex 2-3 times a month. He lives about an hour from me and I used to have sex and leave but it turned into spending the night, him making me coffee in the morning, watching movies, we even went out on a few occasions with his friends to parties.we would FaceTime for hours sometimes just talking about random things, not even sex. He said he values our friendship and opened up immensely while he is a very private person. He is 31 and has never had a girlfriend or has been in love. I realized about a a few months ago how deep I was in when he disappeared from texting for a few days. I told him it made me feel weird, he apologized but then it happened again. This time I told him I realized I have feelings because otherwise this shouldn’t be bothering me. He said that he has feelings for me more than just sexual but in the same breath that he doesn’t know if there is potential. We talked on the phone for a while ending it and I cried of course. He didn’t understand why we could not talk, text and be a part of each other’s lives. He said he understands the sex is done but doesn’t want me out of his life. After the call he text me apologizing. Said maybe this is what he needs to realize I’m the one, said he was even crying, and then started to talk about clothes and shoes he bought this week. Am I crazy or is that a strange way to end things?? Maybe he is just a really nice person but I can’t help but still think he will reach out going forward and I just need to move on correct? I’m hurting so badly but I anticipated him being on bored with a clean break and not questioning why we can’t still call and text.
Women need to understand that many people, not just men can spend a lot of time in companionship with someone they like, but don’t love. Especially if they are unclear about what they want or still nursing past pains. He enjoys your company and it came essentially free. Of course he does not want to let it go.
Yes, move on as the likely hood he will realize he was missing something is very very very unlikely. And if he tries to stay connected, tell him very clearly to go away.
so to make it clear, he was ok with having sex with you, talking to you for hours and then told you he doesn’t think there is potential ! read this again!
that is all you need to know to get over a heartbreak.
How can you say he is a nice person when this guy was clearly using you with no real intention to ever committing to you , of course he wants to call and text you, because you kill his boredom , boost his ego , while he is looking for the love of his life!
Men in their 30s who never had a relationship are not the men you should be dating, there is a reason why they haven’t and no it is not because they can’t find the one, it is because they don’t want to find the one…Liz Lemon
Totally agree with Tallspicy and Ewa. This guy has never had a relationship, which says a lot. It sounds like this was a perfect setup for him to get sex, companionship, and an ego boost without having to commit or take responsibility on his end.
Men in particular can be very good about enjoying sex and companionship from a woman without falling in love or wanting a relationship with her. That’s why FWB works for them, but almost never works for women. Women just aren’t wired that way. Once we start having sex with a guy our emotions get into the mix and we wind up getting attached to him– we can’t separate sex and emotions. Guys very much can.
As hard as it is, you should walk away and block this guy. He will string you along for as long as you let him. A man who wants to be with you makes it clear. This guy is saying he’s not sure there’s potential in one breath, then crying and apologizing in the next breath– don’t be his yo-yo. He’ll say whatever he thinks you want to hear to keep this setup going because it works for him. If you’re looking for a guy who will have feelings and escalate things into a relationship with you, this isn’t your guy.
Boy, that’s rough. Totally agree with what everyone here says.
I’m so sorry Rachael. You don’t deserve this.
You deserve SO MUCH MORE than this guy is giving you.
It hurts now, but you’ll get over it.
You will. For sure.
And then when you meet someone who does know how to step up and give you friendship, love, commitment and sex, it’s going to be AMAZING!!!
Don’t get too excited about your future yet though. Mourn this one first. Cry it out honey. It’s not fair, it sucks. It shouldn’t have happened like this. (I know your pain, it’s happened too many times to me too.) If I were you, I’d get myself a big tub of ice-cream (or whatever your thing is) and give myself plenty of love and attention and pity….
….For a bit anyway….
And, then. When you’re done crying, get your glad rags on. Because the one you’ll end up with, he’s still out there…
….probably wondering if a woman like you even exists in real life…..
This guy wasn’t it (or even close really truly), but out there are real gems, beautiful beautiful guys with hearts that will do you right a million times over. They’re the ones you’re looking for….