Help me sort this out

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  • #785928 Reply

    I was seeing a guy off and on since July. It was never super serious – I was dating other people and assumed he was too. We would hang out maybe every couple weeks and then it sort of tapered off in the fall. I basically gave up on him around Thanksgiving because he seemed to be not making much effort at all and mostly e-tethering.

    After a few weeks of no contact I decided the right thing to do might be to give him an explanation for how I read his level of (dis)interest rather than leaving it up in the air. He responded with a surprisingly lengthy text about how he thought it was the other way around – that I wasn’t very interested and he didn’t want it to seem like he was stalking me. To be fair, he had asked me for the majority of our dates, though he also was somewhat flaky with planning and would leave things to the last minute, which I don’t respond to well.

    We had a pretty good conversation, and it was illuminating to me how I may jump to conclusions and read into things. I have a tendency to be emotionally unavailable and overly cautious, so from what he was saying I started seeing it as a misunderstanding mostly caused by my own issues. He was enthusiastic about talking again. Keeping in mind what he said about not seeing much effort on my part, I asked him if he wanted to meet for dinner. He told me he had guests that weekend, but would follow up after that. More than a week passed and nothing. Eventually he sent me a lame text, he’d been sooo busy, blah blah, no mention of getting together. I responded politely. Fast forward 2 MORE WEEKS, and I had completely written him off. Once again he texted me yesterday as if no time had passed, finally asking me if I’m free for dinner this weekend. I said “to be honest, it seems like our styles of communication and making plans are not in sync, so I think it’s better we don’t continue this. I truly wish you the best!”

    I expected that to be it, but again he wrote out a super long defense of his actions and blamed the whole thing on me. Told me I’m just “frustrated that we have different lives” (wtf?) and basically that he didn’t owe me the courtesy of communicating that he’d be off the map for almost a month because I never share anything with him. It all sounded like gaslighting nonsense. I stayed cool and just reiterated that we’re obviously both frustrated and not seeing eye to eye there’s no sense dragging it out. The conversation ended on kind and civil terms and we seemed on the same page about things just not being in the cards.

    Then today he asked me again if I want to get dinner and I had to repeat the same things I told him yesterday. I’m perplexed, and it’s become so convoluted. On one level it seems like an obvious case of lukewarm interest, but the fact that he puts so much effort into defending his side of things is confusing. Is that just an ego thing, like he can’t see himself as the bad guy? How could I have handled this better?

    #785929 Reply

    He was attempting to keep you around as an option or on the back burner.
    If this were me I would stop responding to any of his messages.

    These kind of guys will disappear and reappear as long as you let them. Its a waste of time and makes you a placeholder until someone else they want comes along.

    Your time is precious and there is someone out there who won’t waste it.

    When we as women entertain guys like this we miss out on something better for us. In addition it makes us jaded towards dating.

    Stop responding and move on to someone better.

    #785930 Reply

    You sound like a nice person a bit ignoring your gut or dismissing it. You said you felt he is gaslighting you. I think thats exactly right, but you dont really believe people can do that, so you start to think something is wrong with you. I think you did nothing wrong except explaining to him how you read his half hearted interest. As you can see it let you nowhere to any clearity.

    #785936 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    Totally agree with the others. Don’t let this guy get you twisted and think you didn’t handle things the right way. You handled it just fine. He’s just being a pain in the a$$.

    You don’t owe him your time, energy, or further explanations. Could you imagine what it would be like to seriously date this guy? Ugh. If he keeps asking you to dinner just say “no, I’m not interested” and don’t engage in back and forth conversations about being on the same page or whatever.

    He seems to get off on dragging things out. I had an ex like this, who after we broke up would pull the same kind of stunts and try to provoke arguments about what went wrong between us. He just wanted to continue to engage with me even though it was in a negative way. The fact that it was negative didn’t matter to him, he just wanted my attention and energy. He was a total gaslighter and it sounds like this guy is as well. The best thing you can do with this type is stop engaging and stop trying to justify yourself. They’ll never see your point of view, and will always come back with something. Just say no and walk away, if you say anything further than that and he’ll just grab on to it and try to force you to engage.

    #785941 Reply

    Thank you all. Even now he continues to try to guilt trip me by laying out all the stresses in his life as reasons why he can’t believe I would cut him off. The whole time he’s been portraying me as this cold-hearted person, which is why I started doubting myself. Your responses are very helpful.

    #785966 Reply

    This is real easy. Either a guy is asking you out on a regular basis or he’s not. If he is, he’s interested. If he’s not, he’s not interested. Words and long texts and all his nonsense are worthless and not worth paying any attention to, it’s all a manipulation. Don’t play his game. You called it, his long explanations are nothing more than an ego trip and an attempt to suck your energy.

    #785967 Reply

    And you have to stop doubting yourself just because someone spouts off.

    #785971 Reply

    You said “I had to repeat the same things I told him yesterday”. No, you didn’t. It’s not obligatory to reply to every piece of communication. Obviously, I’m not suggesting you start being rude to people, but you are allowed to just disengage once you feel you’re starting to repeat yourself.

    #785981 Reply

    Yes, I agree with Jo. Just stop replying. You made it clear that you don’t think he’s a good match for you. If he doesn’t respect that then he doesn’t respect you.

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