Here we go again, mentioning her again, is this person Completely insensitive

Home Forums Complicated Situation / Mixed Signals Here we go again, mentioning her again, is this person Completely insensitive

  • This topic has 18 replies and was last updated 5 years ago by Jena.
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  • #784555 Reply

    Hi ladies I had posted about this before, my bf being obsessed or hung up with this woman he considers precious, after some time of not mentioning her, he did again and this time,

    UPDATE: Oh lord he mentioned her again, but it was my fault cause we were talking about having chemistry with someone, and I told him the story if a good friend of mine, and he had the exact same thing happen to him, except that he was telling me that he was connected emotionally to this girl, that they had chemistry but they had a deal he would not have sex with her due to the fact that she asked for it because she was vulnerable because her boyfriend at that time broke up with her, left her for this other girl and married this other girl little after breaking up with her.

    So he has the nerve to explicitly tell me, she was lying in bed in a bra and panties with this amazing body, he had boxers on, they were kissing, cuddling and nothing else happened because they made a deal they wouldn’t have sex until a little more ahead.

    And again tells me with an insisting manner, that she is precious, that she had a whole bunch of men after her, she has this amazing body of working out at the gym, this work position, etc etc, and he always seems frustrated or almost bitter when TALKING ABOUT IT, about it, I wonder why!! They had nothing serious, just going out and getting to know each other.

    I have come to conclusion and think he is somewhat frustrated cause deep down inside ( which he told me)he did want to have sex with her but due to respect he did not, he said this to me,as it is yesterday. He sounded intense about this.

    #784572 Reply

    Does the man tell you he loves you? Is he in love with you. True, it sounds like he regrets he didn’t end up with her

    #784574 Reply

    I think you are making a mountain out of a molehill and just as fixated on her as he is and you’re judging him for it?!?! Think hard about this because she has gotten in your head too and appear to be just as fixated one her as your BF is.

    So what, he almost had sex with a hot lady who appears to be very charismatic and regrets not having sex with her so his imagination took over. Most humans during their lives are encountered with those “what if” scenarios where some are able to get over them quickly; others it can take years; and for others it never goes away and remain forever—you can’t control how a person’s mind operates.

    Have you never had any regrets not doing something you wished you had done and it took a long time for it to finally fade enough for you to rarely or never think about it again? Our brains are complex and we don’t always have the answer or know why one image/event is harder for us to forget or get over than others are. Its how the human brain works, where I can guarantee he doesn’t understand *why* this specific event has affected him the way it has and over time those thoughts pop up less and less and pop out just as fast as they popped in.

    Listen, if you are going to keep testing him then at least be HONEST instead of silently punishing him for your own insecurities. If you feel like “second best” then go find a man you can be in first place with. BTW, you may not see this because you are so blinded by this woman that you don’t even realize it but he feels very SAFE and SECURE with you or he wouldn’t have ever brought her up. One thing I do know is that a man doesn’t bring up or talk about subjects like this with a woman he’s with if he doesn’t feel safe opening up to her and knowing he won’t be judged for being the flawed human being he is.

    I thinks its time for you to pick a flipping side—either trust that he loves and wants to be with you or let him go so he try again with Ms. Never Going To Happen so the both of you can end your fixation with her.

    #784577 Reply

    “Oh lord he mentioned her again, but it was my fault cause we were talking about having chemistry with someone, and I told him the story if a good friend of mine, and he had the exact same thing happen to him”

    How can you possibly call him insensitive when YOU are the one who brought this up by telling him you had chemistry with a good friend? You say he had the exact same thing happen to him so did you tell him you were in bed with this friend but then didn’t have sex? Otherwise how is this the same?

    PLEASE don’t talk about prior sexual experiences with others…EVER!!! And this is exactly why. Don’t bring up these things if you can’t handle hearing them back.

    #784600 Reply

    He says he does love me but it does not convince me, sometimes i get the impression that he is not in love with me.

    I don’t think that a man that is in love would talk about a past fling the way he did, with details, maybe I’m wrong.

    My good friend did tell me that I should not focus or give any type of importance to this woman at all, specially because she is no one in my life, neither should I care whatsoever about her. And focus more if he truly loves me and wants me.

    #784607 Reply

    Im not sure what i said last time but i dont think you will get over it. Its almost you triggered it this time on purpose. This guy is an idiot for telling you the same story every time like its the first time you heard it. I also think he is immature. Its ok to have past crushes and talk a bit about them but not into detail like they were in bed etc etc. Its tasteless. I would ask him why he keeps mentioning her over and over and he go try to get get if the answer is not satisfying. I also think he doesnt love you enough. In his mind. Maybe he loves you enough but only find out once youre gone

    #784608 Reply

    *he can try to get her instead of you

    #784610 Reply

    You have a smart friend. I think you need to get to the root of why you need to self sabotage. If he says and shows his love, then a man is in love and should take it at face value. I think there’s some underlying personal unhappiness going on here that you’re trying to project on a woman who has no clue what’s going in your heads and would probably freak out if she knew.

    I think you need to focus on why you can’t be happy because it has nothing to do with her but how you feel about yourself.

    #784631 Reply

    I think he is not truly in love with me, he focus more or lives more in his past than in his present, it’s like if he has unresolved/emotional issues, when we go out he always seem like down or bored like if he was not happy with me, or if am not enough for him, I believe I need to have a serious talk to him, I can’t take it anymore, it’s so bad to live with this anger and resent( being with a man that sees me like a second best), or so I think, we barely even have sex. Like he doesn’t want to have sex with me, it’s incredible, I have to tell him about it, he just doesn’t seem to care, when he is too tired from his job, then he uses the spiritual excuse( that we should not have sex outside of marriage, and that from time to time he feels weird about it. I feel this is all an excuse.

    #784633 Reply

    This is also the guy that doesnt want sex? You got lots of advice in your posts. Why dont you take some steps based on them and doing whats right for you and stop lamenting about it

    #784646 Reply

    So are you also Gina from the post about the boyfriend not wanting to have sex? You really shouldn’t change your pseudonyms because it is against forum rules and people can give you better advice if we know multiple issues are going on.

    It sounds to me like he may be depressed. Is there something going on at work as to why he’s so tired lately. Or he could be struggling and conflicted by his Christian faith of not wanting to have sex before marriage. You really do need to have a serious talk with him.

    #784704 Reply
    ANM Staff

    Mod update: Hi Leslie, kaye’s statement above is true – I’d prefer that you stick with a consistent pseudonym here on the forum!

    But also, I noticed you mentioned in your opening paragraph that you’ve posted here before, and I appreciate that. When our community knows that there are details mentioned in other threads, it helps them come up with advice that’s more relevant and hopefully more helpful to you.

    Anyway, carry on – I hope that your conversation here is helpful to you!

    #784725 Reply

    For your boyfriend, she’s the one that got away. That’s why he’s fixated on her.

    #784807 Reply

    I mean my boyfriend Is difficult to decipher, he can be complicated, we has been together for 2 years, and he has not married me, the few times I have mentioned him this, he always says he does not have money, that his account is in 0.yet he has lend money to family members like three weeks ago and now he lended money to his cousin, so you tell me if this is all an excuse or what, I just feel this man will never marry me or have a family ( he is 47 and I’m 31, to me is unfair that he just drags me along instead of being honest about this whole thing once and for all. ( seriously you guys I smash my head trying to figure out the reason behind this mans behavior).

    #784810 Reply

    @Kaye Also my good friend was telling me how she finds this man to be so insensitive, out of tact, and a bonehead, that any other good boyfriend if talked about a past fling, he would end up the conversation “But you are the prettiest girl I’ve ever had” she does not understand why he wont tell me this, ( she knows me since high school, she knows and has even told my how beautiful and attractive I am, I was popular back in the day) not to brag just so you can understand why she is saying this.

    In my opinion he wont say it because he finds this other girl way prettier than me, and for him there is no comparison the only thing he did tell me is that I was a younger girl, that I had a big heart, was a pretty human being , was noble, sweet, but thats it, physically speaking he never compared neither said a word. He just said, this girl was beautiful, precious, and the rest well you all know it.

    She also told me that this behavior of his is demeaning and provocative, as if he wanted me to feel extremely insecure, jealous, and create controversy and this is exactly what he wanted ever since he told me about this woman.

    #784823 Reply

    Youre 31 and want to start a family at some point. But you let yourself getting stuck with this middle aged man who drools over other ladies, wont have sex with you, makes you doubt yourself and more insecure. How did you stay with this guy for 2 years already? You have to find the answer or you will be stuck with this guy or some similar clone and end up with no partner and a family. Find a guy your own age who likes to start a family at some point. Around 30 is the perfect age.

    #784824 Reply

    And you posted over and over about the same man from different perspectives. It makes me sad that you cant find the logical door by now: the door getting closed on him. He is not your lifeline, your lifesupport. You will grieve but be ok without him

    #784825 Reply

    He doesn’t sound like he loves you.

    I have a friend who after losing the love of his life then having a few failed relationships has now settled for someone he doesn’t love rather than go through more traumam or go through his life lonely. He talks about his ex the way your boyfriend talks about his. He talks about his girlfriend the way your boyfriend talks to you.

    #785178 Reply

    Leslie, I understand what you are saying. He talks about this girl like she is a Goddess but with you he has multiple excuses why he doesn’t want to commit. Of course you feel bad. You may have to move on. I had a very similar situation. Every girl in his past plus current co workers, etc, were either beautiful, talented, special, or just plain amazing. But I was none of these things. The biggest compliment I ever got was, “Hun, you look nice” when going to a wedding or something.

    We did get married (mainly because our mutual friends encouraged him to) but he ended up developing emotional relationships with women at work (as he called them). Finally one led to sex.

    I got all the same things Lane was saying whenever I brought up things. “I am with you, I chose you, why would I be with you if you weren’t the one?” He even took me to priests and therapists who said I was “Sabotaging our marriage”. (Sex life was fine before and during marriage) Finally, when I almost left he confessed everything in front of our entire church. We tried to work it out by moving across country but eventually he cheated again. I just wasn’t the one. I never was. I was opportunity. And that was all.

    He is now married to his first girlfriend who “got away”. This is just what happened to me. Doesn’t mean it’s your situation but it just sounds so similar. End of story I posted a pic of his wedding (we remained friends) and all my friends commented how shocked they were that this was his one that got away and multiple people commented how I was so much prettier (I did not want that as it was mean to her but clearly this was not about “Looks”).

    SO I get you Leslie. Don’t listen to people who say you are paranoid or obsessing. People either love and support each other or they don’t. If someone wants you they aren’t thinking about someone else. Listen to your gut. It’s telling you something. Whether you brought it up or not it’s still the same. He has regrets and you may not be the one for him.

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