He's Away For Two Months And We Just Started Dating

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  • #473139 Reply

    Good Morning guys,

    My name’s Amanda and I just started seeing this guy. Let’s call him Dave, for now. So, we a few months ago and we have talked quite a bit, showed interest in each other. But, we only recently began “seeing each other” in his words, two weeks ago. In this short time, it felt like we really connected. We went out to eat, had a drink, we talked. We have so much in common. He played footsie with me under the table all night and then, we went to this romantic little bar, where we sat in candlight and continued to talk. After that, he took me to this private place, where we kissed, among other things. From there, we went on two more amazing dates, where we talked and got closer, more intimate. We haven’t had sex yet, which he may not love. But, he said that he understood if I wasn’t ready. That he didn’t want me to feel uncomfortable with him.

    The problem is that he’s a tour manager for this travelling ballet and he left town yesterday for two months. We never really defined what we are to each other. He said that we should wait until he comes back to see if the whole girlfriend/boyfriend thing will work. He also told me that he considers me a friend and that he really likes me, but he’s not the best at commitment. He’s the tupe of guy who is very simple, doesn’t overthink things and just goes with how he feels. He uses words like make love and intimate. Which makes it hard for me to read him.

    I just need to know, what should I do. I want to ask him how to go about thos two month separation. He said we could keep on contact, but I’m always the one to text or message first. He answers right away, yes… I just don’t know of I should message him or wait for him to get a hold of me. Or if he will just wait until January for contact.

    Please help!

    #473143 Reply

    He is carefree and lighthearted when it comes to women. It is his choice to pick this career and he knows very few women would not wait around.

    So do you get the message that he gave you before he left now?

    A care who cares for you and think you can be a potential girlfriend would not tell you that ?

    Why you keep texting him? He is not even your boyfriend?

    He has no concern other guys will snatch you while he is gone?

    Hello – please reevaluate your situation and your actions.

    Act like a high value woman and he did not put you in that category for now that he is gone. Sorry to be blunt.

    #473146 Reply

    Would wait around

    #473148 Reply
    Amy S

    Hes already told you how he feels he has been clear. He said that you should wait till he comes back to see if the bf/ gf thing will work, hes told you he likes you as a friend but hes not great at commitment. So hes clearly not offering or expecting that. He said to keep in touch. I dont know why you need to ask anymore its simple. He is telling you not to hold off for him or put your life on hold but dont be a stranger and if he comes back he may pick up things with you again but hes not promising that at the moment. I dont know why this isnt so clear to you. x

    #473150 Reply

    Bottom line is he does not care for you like the way do you.

    He would have told you he wanted more before he left but he said otherwise …

    Keep dating … Not unless you want to wait around for his other tours

    #473158 Reply

    Keep dating and don’t contact him!! Live your life and respond when you have time IF/WHEN he contacts you.

    #473166 Reply

    It sounds like you are way too invested in this guy. He seems very go with the flow and casual.

    I think you should go about your business and date others. If he wants to reconnect when he returns and you are available then go from there.

    The two of you did not have enough time to bond so, you can’t expect him to make contacting you a priority.

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