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- This topic has 12 replies and was last updated 3 years, 10 months ago by
This will be our fifth date and yet he still only wants to go out on a weekday. My gut tells me there’s something fishy going on, or do you gals think I’m being paranoid?
I even mentioned to him that I prefer to go out on weekends but he is never available on a weekend and there is always a different reason why he’s not available.
Have you asked if he’s dating others?
Are you sleeping together? If no then he has his prime night booked with someone else, if so, you could be on his rotation.
Assume he is dating other people and he sees them on the weekend.
If his availability doesn’t work for you date other who are free on the weekends.
Dating is about finding the right match and someone’s availability is something to consider.
I didn’t ask if he’s dating other girls. Should I ask? I always feel awkward about asking these questions.
You should assume he’s dating others. He has a right to at this point. You are also free to see others. Therefore I wouldn’t ask directly unless you want to force a discussion about exclusivity. If you force that discussion, be prepared to walk.
He isn’t asking you for exclusivity or dates on weekends, so obviously you aren’t the top girl, you’re the back-up girl. If by 8 dates he isn’t asking you out for the weekend, then I’d start being a lot less available and I’d cross him off the list of serious relationship prospects. I’d only date him strictly for fun after 8 weekday dates and excuses about why he’s not available on the weekend. Let’s say he’s not really seeing anyone else and was just busy – by 8 dates he should be willing to make you a priority and see you on a weekend. If he doesn’t, he’s either too busy to be serious about anyone or seeing other girls and you should bow out either way if an exclusive relationship is your goal.
No you don’t ask if he’s dating others. It’s way to assume he is unless he tells you otherwise. He’s allowed to date others, as are you because that’s what single people do until you’re no longer single (in a relationship).
If you want more than what he’s offering then you walk away…It’s as simple as that.
Learn to say no to people who show you odd treatment LOL
I’d try being unavailable on weekdays. “I can’t any night this week, how about the weekend?”.
Even if he is dating other women on the weekend, there is always lunch or brunch if you are a back up girl.IDK, most single guys I know probably don’t date on weekends because they get drunk with the guys on Friday, hung over Saturday, start drinking when the game starts Saturday (mid afternoon), hung over Sunday etc. Or they are like my ex and their weekends are booked months in advance with concerts, festivals, hiking trips. Or they have kids and it’s booked with kid stuff. I dated a guy who was really active in the lives of his 3 kids. Every other weekend he had custody and the weekends he did not have custody, he still attended sports and outings with the kids.
Either way, if you want a guy to spend time with on the weekend, he might not be the one….
T from NY
Women while dating sit back and observe the man and see if we like what we see, and how they are treating us. Then if there are things we notice we do not like — we can either refuse to see the man again, or ask for what we need.
I would also not be as available on the weekdays. Maybe tell him you have a big project or whatever for a couple of weeks – better yet get busy booking other dates with other men or making plans with friends to see if he steps up. I would not ask if he’s dating other women! Agree you should assume he is. And women on here act like it’s a crime to be dating several women (rotation terms and etc) when we encourage the same thing. And I do!
He obviously likes you if he continues to take you on dates. Have you slept together? I would not continue seeing someone who only asked me out on weekdays if we’ve slept together. If not. Just have FUN and enjoy his company. If another month goes by and no weekends you could walk then. But right now you have your weekends free for YOU and other men. Breathe a bit longer and enjoy it.
Linda bennett
I’m been sort of seeing this guy for a short time.he tells me he wants to only have time on the weekends only..him.not married.lives by him self works.saying there arnt other women..dont want to live with women.what is your appiontion.
Linda, you should start a new thread. You will not get many replies on this one, as it is several years old.
@Linda bennett, why do you want to be with this guy?