Home › Forums › Did He Lose Interest? › He's pulling the slow fade.. Should I delete him from social media?
- This topic has 25 replies and was last updated 6 years, 9 months ago by Raven.
Basically I was seeing a guy I met online for over a month. We lived close and hit it off right away. Went on nice dates, he paid and followed up. We kissed on the 3rd date and hooked up on the 7th (blame it on the wine). But he followed up and we hungout after. It was 2 weeks after that about 2 weeks ago he started acting different. Distant and not as enthusiastic. I could sense a change. He didn’t make plans with me last weekend and ignore a text from me ok Sunday (very unlike him) he is busy with work but that is no excuse. On Tuesday I sent him a text “is there a reason you are avoiding me ;)” to which he responded with an apology and explained he’s been packing to move (same city). We exchanged a few texts that night and now nothing. I see that he has been going on tinder a lot lately when he wasn’t barely going on the month we hungout. I guess I know he lost interest I just don’t know why. He seemed way more into it than me and always initiated dates and almost always intiated the texting as well. I’m hurt and I don’t understand what happened. There was real chemistry there. Anyway I guess my question is do I just move on and ignore him. Or respond if he texts me. Should I delete him on social media? It’s hard not to check his stuff. I’ve since deleted tinder since I was not meeting anyone of quality on there anyway.
Ashleyin the future don’t do anything like the avoiding me text.. something like that would make a guy want to avoid you more. but he was doing that before that text, so anyway. it seems to me he may have just wanted to hook up with you & after that is when he started checking out. even if a guy takes you on dates & all that stuff, it doesn’t mean that they are above just wanting to hook up. they know they need to charm you in order for that to happen so all that date stuff doesn’t mean anything if they didn’t ACTUALLY want something serious with you. he is on to his next conquest. I would move on but don’t delete him from social media yet because then it looks like you care. if you didn’t care it wouldn’t even be on your radar, so don’t. after awhile you should though of course. it sounds like he is just looking to meet girls & hookup with them so don’t take it personally because there is nothing you could’ve done to prevent it
aliaIf it makes it easier for you, go ahead and delete him. It really doesn’t matter what he thinks, IMO. You feel crappy and if it helps you to move on and go NC, you should delete him.
There could be a myriad of reasons why he lost interest. Some people just aren’t in touch with their emotions and struggle to make connections with others. He may not be in a place in his life where he is ready to take the time to truly connect with someone. Oh, well, it’s his loss, since it was really short term, you should focus on dating others anyway. There are interesting people out there who would love to meet you and who knows maybe one of them is aware of their abilities to connect and wants to pursue a relationship.KhadijaHello Dana,
Sigh…where should I begin?First off,from what I gathered you aren’t interested in casual sex. While you can blame the wine it’s more than that. When you first meet a man try to avoid going back to his place or yours.Most women who have sex early on will second guess it later and start worrying if the man has lost interest or wants sex from there on out.
Secondly, that text was passive agressive and no guy likes that. You just met him and are already coming off demanding about is time and when he responds to you. I’m sure that was not your intention but, that’s probably how that text came off.
At this point allow him to come to you. If he does, great if he doesn’t that’s fine too.Also, keep in mind that you should be dating others. Most dating situations rarely get off the ground so, don’t be attached to one guy and like I said try not to sleep with him early on because you don’t know what his intentions are for you.
Lastly, DO NOT add a guy you are dating to your social media. I say this because people get all wrapped up in what they see and blow all kinds of silly things out of proportion. A social meida is a window into your private life, keep the mystery up and don’t add a guy you just met into that world.
Best wishes to you!
There could be 101 reasons why he appears to be slowly losing interest. I have begun to notice that many guys come off very strong in the beginning especially when u meet online. They text all the time and want dates pretty much right after the other. Its almost as though they want to hurry up and see what it is and then they pull back (with or w/o sex) for no reason other than they have done the cycle are not back into hunting mode.
IMO not all hope is lost it means you need to break the cycle. Do not contact him instead do a no contact for as long as you can …..most likely he will reach out again and take things very slooooowwww! If he texts you be very short and quick…show him that you have a life.
Melindaif i’m having problems like this with a guy I personally don’t delete them either because it looks like you care. guys always come back when you look like you don’t care/have a good time. it will be tough at first but worth it in the end. usually most social networks you can “hide” people – Facebook and twitter you can hide or mute people so try to do that if you can, it helps a lot. guys also do the slow fade all the time. i’ve realized you can’t take it personally because you can be the greatest girl in the world and have so much chemistry but if the guy isn’t looking for anything serious or wants to play the field he will and nothing will stop him, no matter how much you guys hit it off. i feel like many guys who aren’t looking for relationships don’t think long term – so why not play the game and give themselves boosts of confidence here and there because they need it. if he contacts you at some point just be short to him and don’t give him the time of day. don’t contact him either. don’t be hard on yourself or feel like you did anything wrong, guys get little power trips from stringing girls along!
redcurleysueI would let the ghost fade just to be polite.
Please, in the future really take time to get to know someone before you get emotionally involved. It takes months to know someone…as you can now see. If you had really really known him as a person you would have known he was prone to this type of behavior and not been surprised.
Lesson learned. We got to know what we are getting into and with who.
EXACTLY the same happened to me, so similar that I am just laughing at myself right now. After reading basically all that there is on the internet about this topic (why he lost interest/disappeared?) it seems to me it is more common than what I expected.
Yes, I met him on Tinder, we kissed on the third date (he was so sweet, even his hands were shaking a bit, as though he was nervous), I have met some of his friends, he has met some of my friends, we had like 10 dates in one month, had sex, I started to like him and then…nothing, hahahaha, just nice texting but no attempt to meet again. Never. Ever. LOL. If it helps, my conclusions:
1) Do not take it personally. He doesn’t know you enough, you do not know him enough. None of you have enough information to measure what you lost. So let it be. It hurts still, but hey, one month ago you didn’t know this guy existed, so why make it so important?
2) It doesn’t matter what you do (text, not text, delete him from facebook, block him on whatsapp…) or what you did (the torture of the sex issue: was it too soon? Should I have waited more? Was it the nail polish color?? :)). But I really think that the fact is that if I guy for some reason doesn’t want to see you again, it is going to be that way, sooner or later, with sex or without sex.
3) Be true to yourself. I mean it. In my case, I should have been more honest with myself about what I want. If what I want is a stable relationship, why did I sleep with a man I barely knew? But, it has worked for some people! Okay, good for them. I know myself, and for me, it does not work.
4) Be the best version of yourself that you can be. Whether you have a partner or not, looking for one or not. Be happy and feel fulfilled with your job, your friends, your hobbies. This is the typical advice, but it is true. It helps taking this type of disappointments with some distance and looking at them with a healthier perspective.
5) Put yourself first. Women tend to give, men tend to take (this is psychology, it is not me saying). At the beginning of a relationship, men need to “do” and women need to let them show, with facts, if they are interested. It is not a game, it is not a test. If you are happy with your life, you will have this attitude naturally.
Hope it helps and sorry if a write too much.
Good luck with the next one!SinBea99! Really well put! Hear hear! :)
KitKat0220Great advice. I agree completely.
PhillygirlBea99 hit on the head!
I never understand when people say deleting someone from social media makes a statement you care too much??
I think it says the exact opposite. To me it means “I care about you so little I don’t want anything to do with you, nor do I want you in any facet of my life.”
Why worry or care about what someone who isn’t worth your time thinks?
If someone doesn’t treat me right I could care less what they think.
Em.You won’t know why he lost interest. Could be nothing to do with you. However, don’t ever ask a guy you just started dating are you avoiding me. Makes you look like a needy mess. Just chalk it up to not the right match and forget about him. And yes, I would take him off your social media. There’s no reason to keep him hanging around and I’m a big believer in clearing out all signs of an ex to make room for new love.
NellieOld post but good advice.
I used to ask “did I do anything wrong?” when I didn’t hear from guys, GEEZ!
PeggyI was in a similar situation as well-4 months-spent every weekend together, (we live an hour apart)nightly phone calls ,future talk etc. and then -pretty much what Dana described. I have learned that if a man says or demonstrates by his actions/non-actions ,that he can’t or won’t, be able to give you what you want/need -believe it. I was crushed but broke it off then and there and left.
The best thing I did was tell him that I would not contact him again. No matter how much I miss him and wish things were different-I will not embarrass myself by going back on my word. Also, I asked him if he was surprised I was leaving and he said-“yes, but I know you are doing the right thing”! Don’t look back Dana-just go forward.StephieOMG bea99, RIGHT ON THE POINT!
the very exact same thing happened to me. and all i wanna say is, follow what bea99 wrote here.
Really, it could be millions of reasons he doesnt want to talk to you anymore. in my case, he went back to his EX. lolI wasted 2 weeks wondering what I did wrong and it did not help me at all. I was so upset cuz I really liked him, with all the right vibes, chemistry, sweet talk. but all this just short term. and I realized now I do not know him at all. HE DOES NOT CARE how I feel! so girl, start living your life and love yourself. I started going on dates with other guys, it helps and forget about that guy at the moment. now im back at my happy self and not serious with anyone until I see someone i like is willing to commit. I learnt so much from all these ladies.
Cheer up :) you are not alone.Stephieooops, did not know it was a really old post. my bad. but still. GREAT ADVICE:)
mingreat post. just what i needed to hear.
i was deciding if blocking this person who did the fade/ghost/pull away (don’t even know what it’s called) off facebook. and i did, but i believe it was the right decision for me. personally, i’d hate to have someone see all aspects of my life, when they just didn’t want to be with me to begin with. i’d rather not, you don’t deserve that space. and for all you ladies who are afraid that un-friending or un-blocking is childish or just seems like “too much” — who cares. do what makes you feel comfortable and who gives a rat’s ass about what HE thinks, because rest assured, he probably doesn’t give 2 shits what you’re doing with your life anyway. so do you and him the favor and block men you’ve dated to rid them forever. if he thinks that’s mean-spirited …it;s not for him to judge. you can do whatever you want with your life. if he ever wanted to be in some sort of contact with you, he can call you. until then, they don’t deserve to know what you’re up to.
ShannonI think you should tell this guy how you feel.
Honestly, if he’s been doing most of the initiating and the chasing and you’re just sitting there waiting for him, he may be thinking that you’re not all that interested in him. The hard part about all this is we sometimes have to put aside all the nonsense dating advice out there…which seems to be making us more single than ever, btw…and see how it looks from the opposing side. If you’re playing hard to get, he may figure he should move on. Yes, this is contrary to all the other advice out there…which appears to have come from our grandmothers who all got married right out of HS and was geared towards tricking the seventeen year old neighbor boy into liking you. The men we are dealing with in this day and age have more responsibilities than football practice and going to the malt shop after school…they have full time jobs, kids in some instances, active social lives, etc. Many times us women end up treating guys in a way that would scream NOT INTERESTED if the shoe was on the other foot, in some misguided attempt to play hard to get.
It’s the twenty-first century. We ladies wanted an even playing field, now we’ve got one, and we’re refusing to play ball. We’re expecting the ball to chase us and it’s not happening.
You like him? SAY “I feel like we’re drifting apart, and I really don’t want that to happen because I think you’re someone special.” And no, that’s not pathetic, nor is it desperate, that is confidence and strength, saying “I’m not afraid to say what I want,” and if he doesn’t feel the same way, that same confident woman can shrug and say, “I tried, I told him how I felt, and now I can move on in peace.”
VanOnline dating/social media is a pain in the ass!! But any ways, This is the “ish” they do! First of all, don’t blame yourself sweetheart, not your fault. It’s just that even though he could have been liking you, which I think he does…I mean, at least enough to have spent money on you for quite a few dates, before pulling away, even if he did it as a means to an end, which was getting the ‘cookie’…he still did it, which means he at least felt you were worth the investment, is what I’m trying to say. So, don’t feel too bad, cause he’s not worth all of the emotion.
Now, with that said, social media is, oh my Lord! soooo much of a thorn, because, he could have had some genuine feelings for you, but because of SM, it has put you at a disadvantage, by putting him in contact with MANY other women, therefore the competition is just TOO abundant, and men having that kind of availability at their finger tips is dangerous. Therefore, he loses the steadfast desire to pursue you, because he’s being distracted by sooo many others. It’s like putting a chid in a candy shop, and telling that child to choose only one piece of candy…smh. I think a man has to REALLY be into a ‘grown man mature head space” to feel content with one woman when in that type of situation. This is SOOO awful!
Good luck to you. (smile)
What you suggested about “having the talk” and show your feeling upfront and don’t care about how the guy reacts, I’ve experimented with it before. This guy liked me a lot but did not meet all my criteria. He initiates things a lot and treated me well so I was willing to give him a chance and see where it may take us. After a while, he suddenly pulled back and we were drifting away when scattered texting still existed. Then I asked if we should end it and he said it seems we were both very busy and didn’t have time to ‘feel’ it. I was find not seeing him but I got the idea of communicating how I feel from my friend. Then we shared our thoughts and decided to give it another chance.
We made plans and continued seeing each other but the reason why he pulled away in the first place (the real reason that I would never know) still seemed to be there. And I can feel that he doesn’t act as sincere and sweet and he used to be. Then I found him on another dating site (he closed his account on the website we met each other). Then things started to fall apart very fast. It did’t break me but it definitely take a toll on my emotional status since I feel bad about things going south beyond my control ( as controlling as a Leo woman can be). I wished that I followed my guts and ended it at that point.
The man may realize how much he likes you and wants you to be in his life and come around after the pulling away. But it’s better for him to make that decision himself and not through communication about what each other wants (it’s not like communicating about what each other wants is not important, just at that phase, you are not connected on that level to make it genuine since you don’t know each other that well).
Jenni smithShannon, I would be interested to hear what your relationship status and circumstances are?
Sensy@ Bea, nail polish color…very cute:)
maryLate September, I wonder what their names are. Going through the exact same situation,
PopcornThanks bea99!!!
Jessica1) Realize he’s not into you. Realize he’s an ass.
2) Guys pretty much make attempts and do things with logic rather than with emotions . We girls tend to think emotionally in most of the situations. This is probably why we get attached too easily without our knowledge and tend to regret it in the end
3) A guy who kisses who you on the third , fourth , or tenth date, Screw him!! Cuz thats what he even wanted all the while. And if you notice he wouldn’t even be talking properly to you after that. He’d just give lame excuses to not go thru a series of arguments.
4) Block him if it makes you feel better. Why think of him? He wouldn’t. -