Home › Forums › Dating and Sex Advice › He’s slow fading after 3 months, need some reassurance
- This topic has 13 replies and was last updated 3 years, 9 months ago by
Liz Lemon.
I met a guy through a local sports club who messaged me through a dating app; he had by chance come across my profile.
We really hit it off, and had been seeing each other for just about 3 months. In the last couple of weeks, after we started to sleep together, he hasn’t initiated texting as much and after I asked him to FaceTime me last night, he never did. I know he is pulling back and probably slow fading me. This really hurts- I felt like we really connected and he was being really open and honest with me. He never said anything about only wanting something casual. However, I’m getting the sense that maybe he picked up on the fact I’m looking for something more meaningful than a fling and he’s just backing off. I’m just feeling really down right now. For once I just wish things would work out.
I”m sorry, this is a painful and all too common situation here.
You MUST honor your heart and your body by saying something BEFORE you get sexual with a guy.
Like, “hey, we’ve been having a great time together and I’m enjoying getting to know you. I want to bring up where I”m at before we get intimate. I’m interested in having a monogamous relationship with a future at some point with the right man. It’s early on for us, so I’m not concerned with labels at the moment. My standard for myself is that I only get into a sexual relationship with someone who is in a similar place in life and is on a similar path. Where do you feel you are in your life regarding relationships?” Or something along those lines. And then SHUT UP and listen and observe what he says and does. His body language and words should match.
So that’s what you do in the future so you don’t wind up in this position again.
In this situation, match what he does. Don’t start chasing. You may be right, he may be fading out. Be careful what you say – don’t go at him with “where is this going”, that’s a weak position. And don’t do the dirty work of breaking it off without considering carefully what you would say to end it if that’s what you want to do. And DO NOT do that in text or email.
As it’s often said here, you can’t sex a man into a relationship and you can’t assume because you’re having sex that you’re in one.
If he does fade away, decide that you’ve learned once and for all how to handle dating and sex early on. For what it’s worth, most budding relationships tank at the 3-4 month mark, that’s normal.
That’s the thing. I did bring up the fact I only sleep with one guy at a time to him and he said he doesn’t sleep around either. But it was right after that I felt an energy shift. We had been on 5 dates at that point and talking for 2 months.
Do people really think that’s too early to be having these type of convos? I find myself at the 5th or 6th date usually wanting to know if I’m at least exclusive with a guy or at least know he is open to that. it’s so uncomfortable for me to remain in ambiguous dating situations past 2 months. I feel like a lot of people think that’s too early to ask for anything
You were talking about sexual exclusivity. That’s entirely different from being in an official relationship.
5 dates in two months isn’t very much time together.
There’s no magic number of dates that have to happen before sex is OK. It’s different with each guy. The question is, do you really have enough evidence you’re on the same page. That’s more than words or discussions.
Getting exclusive that early is risky. You don’t really have enough evidence to decide if he meets your standards. Its getting all in too fast. Men take longer than that to decide. It’s at about the 3-4 month mark they figure it out. Women get sold on a man sooner. That’s the disconnect. Women are all in and then the guy says well it’s been nice but I don’t see a future here and is out and she’s left brokenhearted. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Slow down. Enjoy the process of getting to know a man. Watch and listen. You don’t have to ask too many direct questions to find out what he really is. His behavior, words, environment, relationship history, etc will give you massive clues and you use that to decide if he’s up to scratch. Women are the real choosers. Stop handing all the power to him.
Just ‘waiting out’ the apocalypse in this case is not really ideal and neither is making drastic decisions based on deductions which may or may not be true.
If a guy is fading out like this, there’s just one ‘trick’ to either put the situation to bed altogether or maybe try to salvage it, in way that gives a clear picture about what’s going on.
Just text him “Hey Sam, I think we should meet and catch up this week 😊” or “Hey Sam, we should totally meet and catch up this week 😊”. Yeah, after 3 months with a guy you are allowed to text him that.
His response will tell you where he’s at
If he ignores, he’s gone, doesn’t matter if he surfaces days later with a lame ‘hey’ and not acknowledge the text.
If he tries to weasel out of it he’s gone. By weasling I mean ‘Im busy this week, sorry’ or throw some excuses with no reschedule or solid promise to do so at some other convenient and nearer date.
“If he accepts but date, venue and time is not suggested after you give the idea or confirmed when you give him the logistics, then he’s out.
If he accepts only to cancel last minute or flake then he is out.
Only ask him ONCE and that’s it, you’re giving him the benefit of the doubt here. If it falls through, don’t despair, you know where you stand and you should probably end it before he does it for you.
Guys who are slow fading you, losing interest and about to ghost, don’t have time to meet up with you.
If it’s a big and resounding YES then go for the date and enjoy it without getting weird and dramatic. 5 dates is just too fast to demand some kind of explanation or exclusivity with a guy.
I ain’t seen a man who was ‘too shy’ to hold a girl down and make him his girlfriend. Even shy guys gets girlfriends and have sex, go figure.
Asking a guy What are we?” or” Where is this going’ or giving him some kind of Ultimatum is just going to backfire badly all the time. It will just show him that you are just chasing the relationship but everything you’ve been doing up to this point was so you could get a relationship from him. Not a good look. It’s just like a guy expecting to get laid each time he does something nice for you.
@Erin, I’d really like to catch up with him, since I know he had a work conference and a wedding to go to this past week. But he’s not been reaching out to me first and I feel a bit awkward asking him that since he never Facetimed me back. I took it to mean he wants to back off.
@Angie Baby thank you, you have wise words and good points.
T from NY
I truly feel we have crossed a threshold with these dating apps. Lately I am rarely meeting or talking to women who are actually finding love online. Men know they can get sex with a little time and attention, they enjoy the honeymoon phase, have some sex or sexual encounters, then move on – rinse and repeat with someone else. Or they enjoy having multiple honeymoons with a couple of women at the same time. 5 dates in 2 months really sounds like he was seeing others, and even if he wasn’t, he wasn’t progressing your relationship.
I know it hurts. I’ve been there when everything seems to be perfect one day with a guy you’re really starting to see a possible future with – then fading away the next. I would definitely not ask him out. I would accept he is not in a place to offer you what you want. You did nothing wrong. And he did nothing wrong, and it’s totally fine for a man to lose interest once sex starts and he senses the woman wants a deepening commitment if he’s not feeling it, or he’s just not interested in being a boyfriend at that stage in his life. It sounds like he never lied to you. And this honestly just part of DATING these days. Because even if he had made it exclusive, and spent more time and dates with you, many men fade at this 3-4 month mark.
Women are very action oriented in relationships. But this is not a time to act. Sit with your discomfort, be gentle with yourself, and know that you ONLY want a man who wants to be with you and that if he was that man – he would be making sure you knew it. Screw tepid men. You were fine before him, you’ll be fine again.
@T from NY you always have great advice. My last few dating situations that made it past the first few dates have fizzled out at the 2 to 3 month mark, and always I sense a shift after we start to sleep together. It makes me feel like it was wrong for me to sleep with this guy, or silly for interpreting his actions and behavior before that as someone who wanted a relationship.
Yes 5 dates in 2 months before we started to become physical isn’t a lot, but we were both out of town so it was difficult to meet up. It’s going to suck to see him around the sports club we are both members at. He showered me with a lot of attention and consistent communication early on. This super stings because he’s the first guy I met post lockdown, and it was a strong connection right away.
With the last guy, I felt like I continued to try to reach out even though he was pulling away and only texted me here and there over a month. For this situation, I’m going to stop initiating contact as I have learned my lesson. And going forward I’ll be more explicit about what I’m looking for in a relationship before being intimate with someone. And it sounds like I can’t take anything guys say in the first 3 months or so too seriously, because they might just be looking to get attention from me and not looking to give commitment.
Ladies, men who want to be boyfriends talk and act like it. 5 dates in 2 months is not that. That is why we let them
lead by initiating . Date 3 or 4 is the alignment convo before sex as a general concept. And it is not enough to ask for sexual exclusivity, you must say, I don’t sleep with men who are on match the next day… and you say that before you get very hot and heavy. But we can decide that together when time comes. You own those conversations and they show that you are confident.Every boyfriend I have ever had committed pretty early to focusing on us usually 3-6 weeks with very consistent seeing each other 1-2 times per week.
I am sorry this is happening.
Stop contacting him. He knows where to find you…. Every man who was my boyfriend escalated after sex. Any one who did not disappointed me. But I let them go.
Kad17 yes you should take it with a pinch of salt, I think when it comes to sex it really does depends, if that is what you want then by no means have sex with them early on, but don’t really expect too much. I know some men who committed even after they slept with someone on a first date. It really depends if a guy you are dating wants something serious or not. I have realised that when a guy wants a relationship it doesn’t really matter who he is going to meet, he is going to make it work but when he doesn’t no matter how much you try he won’t be interested.
And don’t blame yourself for sleeping with him ,because most men fade after 3 months. It has nothing to do with having sex with them or not.
and to be honest did you enjoy sleeping with him? if so then own it. I know it sucks when we get rejected. I saw a post on insta once, one of the guys reposted it, if we ‘talked’ for less than 3 months we did not talk. you were in your 90 day probation period…
treat the men you date exactly the same in the future.Erin
If you’re okay with not doing anything or reaching out then it’s fine too. You shouldn’t do stuff that makes you uncomfortable.
The ‘let’s meet’ text I suggested was more of a test to see where he’s at before making drastic decisions. It wasn’t you asking him out per se, I think we can all agree that ship has sailed. It’s so you can get clarity and closure and a resolution. It’s you getting your power back and not leave it in some guy’s hands.
Relationships with ambiguous endings trouble a lot of people. A lot of threads here are about guys or girls who left people high and dry without a word and those people thinking they can salvage the relationships somehow.
It’s not a good state to be in. You know the person is not into you but you keep rationalizing, I’ve seen a lot of women rationalizing here because of these relationships which end silently.
Are you ready to close that chapter ambiguously while just wait for him to ghost?
@Tallspicy, thank you for your advice and reminder.
@Ewa, Yes. I realized…I’ve waited even 6 or 7 dates with a guy before we slept together and it still didn’t work out, probably because he wasn’t looking for anything to begin with. I need to remind myself its not so much the timing rather than what each person is looking for.
@Erin, no, I totally hear what you’re saying. I actually had messaged him something similar to what you suggested the last time we met up because I felt he was putting in some distance but I didn’t want to assume. He immediately tried to pin me down for a date. So that is adding to my confusion now. In the end, I feel more uncomfortable with trying with this guy who isn’t giving back, so I think I will just let things sit for now even if its hard to remain in this ambiguous state.
Thanks ladies
Liz Lemon
There’s a great article on this site about “when to have sex with a guy”. I suggest you read it. As you mentioned, it’s not about the number of dates. It’s about the connection you build with a guy before you sleep with him. So waiting 5 or 6 or 7 dates to sleep with a guy means nothing if he doesn’t feel an emotional bond with you first.
Tallspicy is spot on that men who want to be boyfriends act like it. They escalate their interactions with you over time. 5 dates in 2 months is not much at all, unfortunately. So that right there indicates he was not terribly invested. And a guy should absolutely be escalating things with you (more contact) after sex– the fact that he’s not shows you where he’s at.
It’s also important to remember that a lot of relationships fizzle out at 3-4 months, as has already been mentioned. It doesn’t mean the guy was lying or being fake with you while you dated. A guy can be really into a girl and enjoy her company for a few months, then he sits back and takes stock and asks himself if he wants a long-term commitment with her. Unfortunately the answer is often no. But it doesn’t mean the guy wasn’t genuine or didn’t have feelings for you while you were dating. It just means he doesn’t feel strongly enough to take it further. It’s disappointing but it’s just how dating works.
I’m sorry this is happening to you! It sucks.