Home › Forums › Did He Lose Interest? › his keeping his options open , what does he want with me
- This topic has 5 replies and was last updated 9 years, 4 months ago by
I met a guy abt 3 weeks back. His good looking , good job n very free spirited , loves having fun kinda guy n seemed very interested in me. I like having fun too bt im not so outrageous I could say. Neway we went for cocktails after work. Date went ok I guess except I felt really tired n we had to cut it short.i was also very shy that day. Two days after that we went for ice cream , he sed he enjoyed seeing me n asked wen we meeting again. I sed hopefully soon. Since then his morning msgs stopped , his chats became less. I tried not to think nething of it bt it became a once a day chat in which he didnt even seem interested. But I always waited for him to msg first bcos I didnt wana run after especially if he lost interest. Neway the weekend came n I suggested gng out for a drive or ice cream n he sed he wasnt feeling up to it.the week continued n I never msged until he did for a little but he wud flirt abit with me bt still seemed uninterested in me unlike wen we first started chatting. The weekend came n I dint hear from him. After d weekend I msged to ask hw was his weekend n he sed it was fine n did some stuff at home. Told him I went out n got drunk at my frenz bday. Then he slipped n sed dat he went for supper wid a friend at a very fancy restaurant n dey had 5 bottles of red wine between d 2 of them n got drunk. I just replied n sed wow sounds like u had a fun evening.he quickly changed d topic n asked hows work. I had d feeling he was giving his attention to someone else n I think this friend is d person. I dint chat after n he dint msg me until 2 days later n asked when he is going to see me again. I think his keeping his options open but this ‘friend’gets more of his time dan I do n he sounds like he enjoyed their date a lot. Y is he keeping me around? N wat do I do nw bcos I do like him n wish things worked out for us? Help feeling a little heartbroken.
first of all this is not a text forum. Your post is full of shortcuts like when someone is texting and IMO its hard to read. I could be the only one on this but it may be a good idea to use complete sentences so no one has to guess on what your talking about.
To answer your question, he wants you to be one of his options plain and simple. what should you do? keep yours open as well. He’s not the last man on earth that you will ever like.
It would be helpful if you wrote with proper s p e l l I n g, this was kind of hard to read.
Anyway, why are you heartbroken over a man you went out with twice? You hardly know him and he never put in much effort. He took you for drinks and ice cream, that’s it? I think maybe after those two dates something didn’t click for him and so he’s backed way off and isn’t interested. Probably keeping you around as a potential hook up but he’s not interested in dating you, that much is obvious. Also, you shouldn’t be suggesting plans this early on. Let the man lead, that is how you gauge his interest. When you flip it and you’re the one going into pursuit mode it is a huge turn off, especially to someone who already isn’t interested in you.
I suggest you move on from this.
He’s keeping you around as a back up plan. When other women reject him, he will be on your line. Have some dignity and walk away from this. It’s only been 3 weeks. You’re not missing out on anything.
Please use proper grammar so that people can actually read and understand what you wrote. But no it doesn’t sound like the guy is very interested if in 3 weeks you’ve had drinks and ice cream together. And the fact he hasn’t tried to set up another date with you and ignored you all weekend definitely shows he has other priorities right now. Not sure how you can be heartbroken over a guy you’ve seen twice. You need to stop initiating any contact with him and be dating other guys.
He is not interested, move on to the next!