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I’ve been seeing my partner for 8 months now, been exclusive for 2 months. We met online and my best friend is on the same account as him. She told me about the fact his account is still active and he responds 80% of the time. She was stalking him online discreetly.
I am not good with communications so its not as easy as some people confronting their partners. I am a little shy and confronting someone is not my strength…I would understand if his account is still there and he just doesn’t use the app but my best friend told me he has been responding to women. She won’t lie to me.
What shall I do?
Nothing, you kind of invaded someone’s privacy. Is it coincidence your best friend stalking your partner? If this is indeed your partner and you trust them, you wouldn’t need to dig in to find out stuff. If you reverse this story, how would you feel? What does really makes you insecure in the relationship? Is like stalking all of his followers or online friends for clues, and I mean do you necessarily talk or flirt with all these guys you’re connected on social media? Secondly you’ve met online.I would expect they kept in touch or chat unless they explicitly told me they deleted it. Perhaps you can have an honest discussion on your relationship and what generates insecurities otherwise you wouldn’t be searching for clues. Being honest never hurts if you feel your integrity is compromised.
you have been seeing him for 8 months and you are only exclusive for 2? I am assuming you are not in official relationship? Most people discuss being exclusive within a month or 2 into dating someone . Are you saying that for the 6 months of you seeing him you were dating and sleeping with others and I am assuming he did the same?
I wouldn’t be happy with that.
I think he is using the fact that you are shy and not good at confronting and you put up with him not really making you his gf.
if he is online and responding then he is actively looking and if this is not your vibe then he is not your man.T from NY
At the end of the day women sometimes make things complicated when they are really quite simple. I would get proof from your friend, such as screenshots of his online status, messages or whatever. And if you can verify he is actively online talking to other women, after he made it exclusive with you – that means he’s cheating. Full stop, no questions asked, he’s a loser, you need to BREAK UP. Get out, don’t look back, move on etc etc. There is no “fixing” the situation. He is deceptive, has boundary issues, poor character and lack of feeling.
You will grieve the betrayal and loss of the relationship, heal and grow stronger. It sounds like you may need some therapy anyway because it’s important for healthy relationships to be able to communicate effectively. (I go and recommend it to anyone) It requires being brave, calm, open, secure enough about yourself you can discuss difficult things.
I’m sorry he is cheating on you. Something very similar happened to a friend of mine who was dating her bf for 10 months, and she found out while they were actively looking for an apartment together. She dumped him immediately, did not have Long Talks with him. Because she knew he was just a scum bag, not worth wasting her energy and she knows that closure comes from inside us, not a dude. Wishing you well.
Liz Lemon
I had the same thought as Ewa. You dated without exclusivity for 6 months? Most people discuss exclusivity early on, like she says- the first month or two. At least, if the guy is into you, he wants to make sure you’re not seeing others even if you aren’t in an official relationship.
I don’t think anyone’s privacy was invaded. The guy was on a public dating app, presumably with his picture. Your best friend happened to be on the same app and found his profile and recognized him. That’s what happens when you put yourself out there on a public app! And if I happened to be on a dating app and my best friend’s man was doing something like that, I sure as heck would tell her.
He sounds shady and dishonest. Do you really think you can trust him after this?
I ran into a guy online someone I know had a complicated relationship with but who wasn’t supposed to be actively online dating… it took me a few messages to put together that it was the same person because we’d never met, but I blocked him and told her as soon as I realized it without any thoughts of it being a privacy violation. So I wouldn’t really worry about that. I’d never do that to someone but I think if the situation was reversed, I’d know I did something very wrong trying to cheat on an exclusive relationship and hurting someone so would be upset I got caught and would try to deflect blame by bringing up privacy violation stuff! If I was willing to cheat so early in a relationship, why would I feel bad about doing so? If I felt bad, I’d not have done it in the first place.
Anyway, I agree with posters here. If you really feel you can’t confront him, get rock solid proof and then leave. And then while you recover from the breakup, do what you can to learn better relationship communication skills. There’s a big difference between being shy and not being comfortable having and expressing needs. There’s some free internet videos and online sources on how to have healthier relationships and communication, and as already said, there’s also therapy. This is foundationally important to healthy, mature adult romantic relationships, and in strengthening your abilities in this area, you’ll actually attract and meet better men as well who would be far less likely to take advantage of you not speaking up.
I’m sorry you’re going through this, but if he still is active online, it’s best to know sooner than later when things are even more serious. And you’ve been able to identify a very important aspect of your relationships from the experience that you can actually do something about to improve your ability to eventually find what you’re looking for if you choose. If he’s a cheater, the break up will hurt, but you’ll really come out stronger for it on the other side. It’s not just a cliche when personal growth is involved!
I didn’t talk exclusively in earlier on maybe that was my mistake cos I wanted to get to know him and I think I waited too long, another mistake I made. I thought after 6 months we should have the talk where we were heading in our relationship. He told me he was happy being exclusive cos he get on so well, until my best friend came across his profile while swiping and the percentage of response is high…and thats when she told me. I know nothing is going on between them cos she’s seeing a guy at the moment.
I think I might have to confront him this week…he is cheating on me since we agreed exclusivity.
I’m a little incredulous that your friend can accurately tell how often he is responding. I don’t know what app this is, but if it’s saying he responds 80% of the time, how do you know that’s an accurate figure, and not just an average from when he was on previously before you got together? I would say unless she or someone else you know has actually spoken with him through the site, I wouldn’t put a huge emphasis on that. Also, whether he is active, does it say exactly when he was last on? Or just that his profile hasn’t been taken down? Again, some of these apps/sites try to make it look like some people are more active just to increase engagement.
What your friend is saying could very well be true, but I would just make sure you’ve confirmed everything before you accuse him of anything.
The app is coffee meets bagel,at the bottom of their profile it says how much percentage he responds and there would be a green dot to say he’s online. She checked this out last week that he was online, but I just don’t understand why he would be online. If he hasn’t deleted his account cos he can’t be bothered and that he’s not active anymore cos he fou d me I could understand.
I really need to go about this the right way, if he is making excuses then I’m gonna dump him.
Exclusive doesn’t really mean you’re in relationship though . It just means you’re not sleeping with other people. In my world anyway I can be wrong .
And yes you have waited way too long to have this talk and to be honest if a guy really wanted to be with you he would have asked you if you are seeing others within a month or 2 of dating. Some guys don’t though.
So we don’t know if he is just talking to girls on there or is he actually meeting someone from the app.
I think you need to ask him what being exclusive means to him.And does he not know that she is your friend?
Oh, I thought you meant your friend was messaging with him! And he was actively responding. This is different. Those apps do all sorts of things to make more profiles appear more active than they may be. This doesn’t prove anything yet… he may not be logging in but didn’t delete the app or his account and it periodically says he’s active because it’s running in the background. It could be how often he responded prior to agreeing to exclusivity. Do you have any other reason to distrust him or are you feeling distrustful because you’ve not been forthcoming about your relationship needs?
T from NY
“If he is making excuses I’m gonna dump him” You have your friend open up her app coffee meets bagel, if it shows he’s recently been online or that he has a recent 80% responding rate – other than confronting him to let him know you’re dumping him I don’t understand what else there would be to talk about.
T from NY,
I am reluctant to dump him just in case the response rate is from before we were exclusive and that he might just give out reasons that he hasn’t deleted his account yet. He might not be active since we were exclusive.
Just ask him about his CMB account.
“I got a message from someone on CMB and I didn’t answer – I’d rather just delete the app. Have you been on lately? How do you feel about deleting?”
Don’t second guess on third hand information.
Your friend may not lie to you, but dating apps most definitely lie to people. Why would the app display an accurate number about response rate? Why would the app attempt to be accurate about whether or not a person is online? Those apps do not have a “successful relationship” in mind.
Do not blow up your relationship because an app displayed a certain number! Maddie’s and AngieBaby’s advice is on point – examine your relationship from other angles. Do you have any other reasons to not trust your partner? Can you have a direct conversation and ask how he feels about deleting the app?
People on this forum constantly talk about actions speaking louder than words. How is he behaving in his treatment towards you?
I”m wondering why your best friend is “discreetly stalking” him on CMB. My bestie would never behave like that. What’s her motive? Does she not like him or does she treat you badly and she wants to protect you?
What does your GUT tell you??
If he’s otherwise treating you well I wouldn’t be so quick to follow your friend and most everyone else here to jump to conclusions and dump him. It’s worth having a chat with him about the site. Don’t just chuck the guy out on the say-so of a bunch of strangers on the internet who don’t know the situation and all the facts like you do.
And… you have to learn to speak up. Don’t be a doormat and excuse it as being shy.
I meant, does he treat you badly and she wants to protect you?
At this stage if you could share more information about your relationship it would be helpful to give you useful advice.
Okay so maybe percentage rate can be doctored by the apps but in the case when someone is online, it is what it is, they really are online, especially if it has such a feature. Apps like OKC actually show when someone is online by a green dot,I believe you said CMB has the same feature too..
If he goes online then,, he’s definitely still fishing
I was recently laughing with my sister when she told me online dating players have this thing of unmatching you or blocking you on the app after y’all together so they’ll say I deleted the app for you I’m no longer there.
Some will just tell you they want to delete the app now that they’ve met you which makes you delete yours or talk about being serious and you feel comfortable to delete yours while they remain with theirs and continue fishing.
It’s absolutely possible he’s still playing on the app behind your back. And it’s absolutely possible he’s not. We can’t tell entirely from what you’ve said here. Good relationships are all about communication.
I’ll say it once more – TALK to him. Only you can gauge if you think he’s telling the truth. Only you can decide if you’re going to take a chance and trust him. Or if you smell something rotten and feel it’s time to break it off.
Have an open talk about the app. Step up and ask, don’t flinch.
Again, it’s good to get other opinions but would be foolish to make a decision solely on what you’re told here.
I’ve said all I can say here. Good luck.
He sees me every weekend and we work 9-5, I’ll talk to him next week about the fact it makes me uncomfortable he’s online…my best has never lied to me so yes she is protecting me cos she is stalking him to make sure he’s in his best behaviour…it seems like she’s updating me on whether he’s online or not.
When he tells me he has plans with friends and family, I let him go, but I always feel like he’s going online to date, but thats just me being insecure. I have no proof.
I guess I’d have to communicate with him one way or another.
Just talk to him face to face honestly, this is eating you up and it’s going to cause resentment pretty soon. Time to handle this, no drama, just adult straight talk
This is a tricky situation.
To be honest, your bestie is the one who should be confronting him as she’s the one who’s been stalking him, and has the first hand information. If I was in the position of your friend, I would have already confronted him, because I was the the one who caught him.
That is what I would do, and if it causes a rift, then so be it because its best to know now if he’s a cheater, rather than wait until he cheats…just sayin.
My best friend told me to confront him since it wasn’t her position to talk.
I did confront him and he ended it. He said that he likes me a lot and that I was a great girl to be with. He did tell me that he has been talking to girls online but he hasn’t gone on dates with them. I said talking online after we had an agreement not to sleep with other people is still cheating. I told him that he just wanted to see if someone better comes along because he’d complain about my imperfections. The thing is, he’s looking for perfection in a relationship and perfection doesn’t exist…I told him that and he just denied that its what he was looking for. He actually had a go at me telling me that if I wanted him to not be online, just tell him, why confront him and make myself feel I’m the victim. He said you know what it seems I’m insecure…which I’m not, I just wanted answers. I told him, you know what its not working out and I said I want to break things off…we’re not together anymore. I said this at his apartment…and walked out.
I should have known I should know if a guy wants commitment, he should have told me within a month instead of waiting 6 months. I had two serious relationships in the past and we were friends for 2 years before we got together and I treated online dating the same, so I think that qas my mistake.
I’ll get through this, I still feel like maybe I was overreacting but my gut instinct was right and my best friend was right.
Sorry, and good for You!