How can I get him to include me more?

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  • #390129 Reply

    Hi all!!

    I’d love it if someone can offer some advice on my situation:

    Some background: I’ve been in an on/off/on relationship with my bf. We dated for a year and then he broke up with me claiming that we were fighting a lot. He would contact me every now and then for a few months after the breakup. We eventually started dating again and are now bf/gf (dated for about 4mnths and official for about 2mnths). Things are going really well and we really are into each other. I am incredibly happy with him and the way things have been going.

    The one issue that I am having is that he doesn’t straight out invite me to things. I hear him talking about festivals/events with his friends but he never really mentions that stuff to me. We’ve been to a lot of events together in the past (concerts/festivals/trips), however it bothers me when I hear him discussing things with friends and doesn’t invite me or tell me what he’s thinking of doing. One of the issues we had in the past was him not always communicating his plans with me and I would always get so irritated by it. But if I put myself in his shoes, I wouldn’t think that I needed to tell my bf everything I’m planning on doing for the entire year. I just think it bothers me when I’m not invited…. but how can I stop this?? I know I’m over reacting, but I kind of associate him not inviting me with him not caring about me…. although I think that he cares so much and shows it in so many other ways.

    He was recently talking to an employer and told them that he would probably move back to his hometown within 3-5 years. His hometown is 5hrs away!!! At first I pretended that I didn’t hear his conversation but eventually confirmed it with him and he said that he eventually would move back. I was really angry inside that he hasn’t mentioned this to me ever before but all I said was “ohhh”. This would be a huge deal for our relationship and the fact that he has never really mentioned it scares me.

    How do I get him to communicate with me more??

    #390132 Reply

    I actually don’t know if you are overreacting here.. I might be upset if I were you too..

    The impression I am getting is that he may not be inviting/including you is because he doesn’t see a future with you.. I am not saying that to hurt you, that is just how I would personally feel about it..

    If he already knows this bothers you and nothing has changed, I doubt it ever will :/.. Is it only group things that he doesn’t invite you to? or is it everything? how much time do you spend with him?

    #390133 Reply

    And not mentioning the move to you is a big deal.. That is personally when I would have brought up if he sees a future with you or not

    #390140 Reply

    thanks for your input Pollyanne,

    I didnt want to make a big deal of him not mentioning the move because I didnt want to scare him. I guess i want to take things easy right now and start fresh with him and I thought by me mentioning our future together it might freak him out a bit. I wanted to think about what to say and how to say it first. But I do agree that it is a big deal, I just dont know how to approach it.

    We spend a good amount of time together. We both have lives and like to do stuff on our own too. My issue is when he talks about concerts and festivals with his friends and doesn’t really mention it to me. Last night, he was talking about how many days he will have to take off of work this year because of “this festival and that concert”. I wish he would say “oh yea, I know XYZ festival is in July, but did you want to come with us this year?”

    Everything else is perfect with us, him not including me in some things just upsets me. and maybe you’re right and he doesnt see a future with me. in which case i need to move on….

    #390149 Reply

    I would mirror his behavior a bit, and not be so available to him. for some reason alot of guys don’t change things when we say something bothers us. they see it as complaining. that’s why you need to show him with actions. be a little less available to him & also seem less interested in his activities. he will get concerned if you suddenly don’t care what he’s up to anymore, & will work harder to include you if he thinks he’s losing your attention

    #390156 Reply

    thanks Ashley!

    I agree with you. I’ve changed a lot since our initial breakup and I try to not make a big deal of things as I did in the past. I guess I have learned to pick my battles. And if it is something I feel strongly about or bothers me a lot, I let myself calm down and think about it first before confronting him.

    With him not inviting me to things, I have not made it seem like it bothers me at all. But obviously deep down it bothers me as i associate it with not caring and like Pollyanne said, maybe it means that he doesn’t see a future with me. which scares me.

    I just don’t know if I should talk to him about it. How can I do that without sounding needy and as if I don’t have a life of my own?

    #390164 Reply

    If it bothers you, you need to say something & have a conversation or it will continue to eat at you.

    #390167 Reply

    I completely understand how you feel. I would feel the same way!

    The thing to remember when it comes to guys is they do what they want. If he wants to include you, he will. That’s why I say if you pull away in that regard a bit, he should notice, & will feel the need to reel you in more. That hopefully will include including you more :)

    the problem with girls telling a guy something that has to do with his behavior/the way he lives his life is usually guys see that as “nagging” even if that’s not the way we see it, and they don’t actually CHANGE IT, they in fact do it more lol one of the many differences of the sexes.

    in many cases when a girl is saying something that is totally logical & not sounding needy or anything, it doesn’t matter, they interpret us saying something about the way they do things, as nagging. women who would NEVER consider themselves “nagging” actually are, to a guy. it is sooo frustrating I know, but that’s the way it is most of the time. that’s why you have to show a guy through actions instead.

    #390179 Reply


    Now I am wondering.. Do you enjoy going to concerts and festivals? or do you not? does he know this?

    Because if these are the only events that he is not inviting you to, then it might not be that big of a deal.. just because you associate it with him caring, does not mean he does, if that makes sense.. esp if you are still spending a good amount of time with him

    #390184 Reply

    I do enjoy going to concerts and festivals with him and he knows that. I don’t think he really thinks its a big deal when he doesn’t invite me. He just thinks of it as him hanging out with his friends and not him deliberately excluding me.

    I know if i bring it up to him, he’d definitely think I’m over reacting and that I shouldn’t care that much. And I know I shouldn’t, its just that when I see his friends bringing along their GF’s it hurts my feelings.

    It just makes me feel like he doesnt want me to be a part of his life. Is that weird to think? I want him to WANT me to be there with him and have fun with him. And when I dont get invited to something, it definitely makes me feel like he doesnt want me around.

    I know he cares about me and he shows it so much in other ways. And I dont want him to think that he’s doing something wrong (because i dont think he is, i just dont think he really thinks about how it makes me feel).

    #390194 Reply

    “How do I get him to communicate with me more?? ”

    Well, for starters, you could actually communicate with him more. You are not expressing yourself to him and you are not communicating with him.

    “but all I said was “ohhh”.”

    That is not communication. How can you expect him to communicate to you if you are not communicating with him? How can you expect him to read your mind and know what you want and what will make you happy when you are holding everything inside?

    Why don’t you one time say “Wow, that festival sounds like a lot of fun, I would love to go to that, would you like to do that with me sometime?”

    We don’t know why he is not inlcluding you but you might want to start with something light and see how he responds. You will get more information about the situation once you open up the communication. Also, do you invite him places with you and your friends?

    #390196 Reply

    BTW – the way to bring it up with him is not to blame or say why don’t you inlcude me, why didn’t you invite me, that is nagging.

    Saying to him,,, in an excited fashion, Wow that sounds like fun, wanna go with me to the next one?

    That tells him the event sounds interesting to you, you would like that activity, you want to do that with him. His response will tell you where he is. He might say, Sure, I am going with my friend next month wanna go, or he could say, there is one next week you and I could go, or he might say, Ugh…ok,,, and not follow up, either way you get more info by communicating with him.

    #390200 Reply

    Great advice, Ivy.

    #390208 Reply

    Thanks Ivy,

    I’m confused if I’m just caring too much. I’m scared if I bring it up to him he will think I’m a child and that he needs to do everything with me. And that’s not what I want. I don’t want him to feel that he NEEDS to include me in everything or I’ll throw a fit. He has a lot of friends and they’re always doing things together. I get that. I just don’t want to feel like I’m on the backburner. ugh

    I just want to know why he doesn’t think to invite me to things or talk about future plans with me. Am I too annoying? Does he think he has to babysit me? Do his friends not like me?

    And yes, I do invite him with me and my friends all the time.

    #390214 Reply

    you could say “I’d love to go sometime” the word sometime takes the pressure out of it and indicates you’re not trying to intrude, you’re just genuinely interested in going :)

    #390217 Reply

    Hi Lisa.

    I agree with Ivy in that you shouldn’t feel or be afraid to talk to your boyfriend, but I think the problem is not know HOW to properly frame it in a way that comes off as “nagging.”

    If I want mine to do something, I just say “I would really appreciate it if we could go that together, what do you think?” and give him a chance to respond. It could very well be that its a ‘guy date’ where just a bunch of his buddies are going alone; OR it could be that he’s not yet sure if you’ll be together then because he’s still not sure if you will ‘get along’ as 2 months is still too early to really know, and to buy tickets and make arrangements may be too big of a risk for him now; OR he would be GLAD to take you! Until you ask you will never know.

    As to him possibly moving back in 3-5 years, that’s just a THOUGHT he’s tossing around so I wouldn’t put any emphasis on it. Mine has done it a few times too, but the one thing you have to know about guys is they are ‘visionaries’ and although they may think about it, 9 times out of 10 it won’t happen. Only when they start seriously considering it by looking at job opportunities or physically taking a trip to interview and look for a potential place to live would I take them seriously.

    I think you need to learn how to communicate with men better. There are ways of approaching things with them and once you become develop these skills your won’t be so afraid all the time. I have found “effective communication”, “active listening”, the “art of negotiation” and “conflict resolution” to be great skills and tools to develop as they won’t only help you out in personal relationships, but professional too :-)

    #390219 Reply

    Can you quantify how much time he spends with you vs. time with his friends?

    How old are you both?

    My initial concern is related to integration. When a man makes you his GF he begins the process of folding you into his life. If you feel as if he keeps you compartmentalized, that could be concerning.

    I cannot tell from what you write if this is a problem or not. Can you provide more details. or examples?

    #390220 Reply


    I know you’re scared but I really thing you need to communicate how you’re feeling w your boyfriend.. because at this point I think you’re now making yourself paranoid and feel worse about it than you have to, and I know how much that feeling sucks!.. all the “why” questions you are asking, only he knows the answers to.. and you never know until you ask :)

    And remember it is all about how you bring it up and talk about it.. have you ever hung out with his friends? because If you have I would maybe say something like, “remember when we did ‘blah’ with ‘so and so’? that was so fun! maybe we can do that again sometime”

    #390225 Reply

    Thanks for your input Lane. I think that sometimes when I bring something up to him and don’t get a pleasant reaction it could be the way I’m communicating. I’ve been trying to accept that everyone does things differently and I cant expect him to read my mind and know what I want. It saddens me to think that he doesn’t see us together in the next few months and doesn’t want to commit to going to a festival in the future. But that can definitely be true… didn’t really think of it.

    LAgirl, he lives with 2 male roommates and they are bestfriends. They have people coming in and out of their place all the time. They always do things as a group. We get about 1-2 alone dates a week and maybe 1 -2 days where we hang out with his friends in group activities (or just at his house).

    I don’t feel like he is keeping me away from his friends or ‘hiding me’. I just feel like sometimes he likes to do a lot of stuff without me. And I know this is bad, but I do compare us to his roommate and his GF. They’re ALWAYS doing stuff together and I feel like he makes plans with her before mentioning things to his friends. My BF and I are different than them and we both acknowledge that.

    I want my BF to want to do more stuff with me. I’m nervous that if I mention it (even in the nicest non-nagging way), he’d feel pressured to include me and things will be even more of a struggle.

    Oh and we are both 28yrs old.

    #390238 Reply

    If you are going out with him 2-4x a week I’d say that is quite good and perhaps you could take some time to develop your own interests.

    And if there is a fun event he went to that he did not invite you to then once again I don’t see any harm in saying “Sound like fun would you like to do that together sometime?”

    As for now perhaps chillax a bit and cultivate your own interests, he doesn’t have to be your world. Then once you get to your own busy funfilled life, revisit the issue and see if you are content or still discontent and try to decide what is the reason for your discontent. Maybe if you aren’t happy with him he isn’t the one for you.

    #390258 Reply

    it’s making more sense to me now , that since you see him a couple times a week, maybe he doesn’t invite you just to have some time with his friends. most guys don’t wanna be with their girl ALL the time they need some time to do their own thing both alone and with their friends so I am getting the feeling that it’s nothing personal towards you at all he just needs his own time with his peers. I think you see him enough, like maybe it is just bugging you because you already have an insecurity that he’s not serious about you in the long term. I think that’s the main thing and the fact he isn’t including you as much as you’d like just validates it in your mind. if you can get to the bottom of that & work your way through it, I think you’ll feel better.

    #870862 Reply


    #870869 Reply

    Hi Lisa, I think you two already spend quite a lot of time together. Maybe he wants to spend sometime with his friends? Unless it is something you are very interested and really want to go (not because of him, but because of the event itself), you can simply ask him if you can join coz you would love to see that concert.

    When I was your age, I did not know how to communicate and whenever I felt I could not get through my point and my thought to my then bf, or I was being misunderstood, I would throw a tantrum. I was insecure myself, then I turned into being possessive, wanting all his time and wanted him to feel the same to spend all his time with me; and if he did not feel the same, then I would feel he did not care. I was very wrong, and I lost a very good guy because of it.

    I don’t see you mention your own friends. What about when he is doing things with his friends, you spend sometime with your friends? Go shopping, go to spa day, go watch a movie, go hiking…anything. You need to have your own social circle and your own activities.

    You mentioned you two are on/off/on, and now you two are just back together for 4 months and official for only 2. Maybe he is not very sure how far it will be going, I think it is reasonable. Give him a little more time. When you two are more solid, I am sure he will invite you and include you more.

    About his moving plan, that’s his “prospect” of 3-5 years later. Again, you two are back together only a few months. You don’t even know if you two will still be together in 3-5 years. If I were you, I would not be too concern on this. If you are very curious, why not just ask him? Or is there any reason if you could picture yourself in his future but you would not even consider to move with him at all, like you dislike that town? I think you need to learn a bit more about him before you make judgement that he doesn’t care.

    Take it easy.

    #870876 Reply

    Trolling 6 years later, shame on you… Don’t you have anything better to do?!

    #870890 Reply

    Always best to pose it as a simple question, such as “Out of curiosity, I noticed you make a lot of plans with your friends but don’t include me?” THE END. Very carefully listen to his answer, whereas, if he say’s something along the lines of “it doesn’t cross his mind” or “I don’t think of it” then it doesn’t sound like he’s thinking of you in the long-term.

    I seriously would cut this off, as he hasn’t changed, but you’re now twisting yourself in a knot, bending, walking on egg shells, and catering to his needs while neglecting your own for fear he’ll break up with you again. That’s not a long-term plan to happiness but misery.

    The fact he’s not including you in current, or future plans, is a big neon sign saying “you’re not the one.” A man who is seriously considering you, would include you in most of his plans, because that’s how men SHOW the woman they dearly love, and truly want to be with, not only how important she is to him but how much he wants her to be included in his life.

    Sounds like he’s just biding his time, until he moves back home, probably with out you. I would totally get to the bottom of that one, because my guy moved to me, not away from me.

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