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- This topic has 8 replies and was last updated 9 years, 1 month ago by
I’ve been feeling pretty down these last weeks. I’m sure that it’s happening because I don’t love myself, don’t like the person that I am, don’t think I’m pretty (even knowing that I atract attention from both men and women when I go out) or worth of anyone time. And I do want to change and be confident and trust myself more. I’ve tried to think positive and do things to make me feel pretty but after a week or two I feel frustrated that I’m not making progress. I think that not loving myself is affecting my relationship and my life. How can I change? I want to love myself, accept myself and have more friendships. Also how can I make new friendships? My classes start only in March and I’m feeling like I need to get out with friends, but the only two friendships I have can’t go out with me for some time (last time I’ve seen then was six months ago).
You came to the right website. Sabrina has written a bunch of articles on finding inner contentment and happiness and building your confidence. They are all excellent. A few practical tips: 1. Sign up for an activity you have always wanted to try. Cooking and pole-dancing are fun and a great way to meet new girlfriends. 2. Join a meetup group. If you’re outdoorsy, you might meet cute guys and if you join something like a book club, that is also a great place to make new girlfriends. 3. Focus on people and things that make you happy. Even the best friend or closest relative will occasionally hurt you without meaning to, but if you have any so-called friends or relatives who are negative, nasty, and pull you down, cut them out! 4. Start a gratitude journal. Every night, write three things you are thankful for. No repeating! Learn to cultivate a happy attitude by looking for new positive things. 5. Make an affirmations jar. Write down things you like about yourself or positive things to say out loud about yourself on little pieces of paper or Post-Its. Put them in a jar or container of some sort and pick one every morning. Try to focus on internal things, like, I am good with kids instead of physical stuff. Physical beauty fades for all of us over time so it’s most important to focus on the inner beauty that stays with you over time.
Wow, Amy gave you some great points.
One of the things that is happening to you is you are too focused on your issues, difficulties, and yourself….so Amy’s suggestions can really help with that.
Here is a tip if you can use it. These internal voices are negative rather than neutral towards yourself. Most of that is expecting perfection and falling short of the mark, and when you are down on yourself you slip up more because you are in an whirlwind inside.
Here is the ticket….ticket to freedom….everytime you are in a struggle and feel you are losing remember to think neutral about yourself….while looking at the good is a great thing sometimes it is too far away from how you are feeling to easily do….first step is to think neutral instead of down on yourself….once you accomplish that it frees the emotions to move forward to positive.
Oh, let me add that there has never been a you….and there will never be another you….you are unique…so love that unique person.
i think this is a daily struggle for a lot of people – and i get it, it’s totally understandable because there are days when you have setbacks and think nothing of yourself. when you feel disappointed, upset, or sad remember that it is just a fleeting moment…life is too short to be down on yourself like that. @redcurleysue i like the advice of looking NEUTRALLY at yourself rather than DOWN at yourself. keep in mind, that these are setbacks and it’s OKAY to have them. BUT IT’S ALL ABOUT HOW YOU LET IT AFFECT YOU. wake up in the morning, tell yourself that you are awesome. happiness comes from a place of finding the positives within yourself. life is too short to be down on yourself like that. the moment i feel down, i think about all the millions of other people out there who have it way worse than i do. know that you are UNIQUE, LUCKY AND A SEXY woman who can conquer anything you want. surround yourself with family and friends who uplift you. you are the owner of your life and destiny. you create the path, and you are responsible for the change. successful people, happy people always take setbacks as a learning curve, rather than a moment of failure. they take what they’ve learned, pick themselves back up and keep trudging ahead. don’t let yourself get down like that. you are in control, and #1 thing to have is a positive attitude/outlook. without this, it affects every other part of your life. be grateful for what you have, the skills that you’re good at, how far you’ve come. other people out in the world can be way less fortunate and eons more positive. try to get yourself in that headspace as well. do things that make YOU feel good. look out for yourself because no one else will. you’re your biggest cheerleader if you let yourself be :)
and let’s face it. shit happens. life happens. the world isn’t fair. but the clear difference between happiness and unhappiness is your CHOICE in HOW it affects you. you can either go in 1 of 2 directions …1) be the agent of change…what can i do differently to change my current situation 2) wallow in self pity, and attempt to invoke ZERO changes in your life by talking about how awful your situation is (meanwhile no action is done to change current situation)
I think it’s always good to write down nice things people tell you. For example if someone says you have a great smile or that color looks good on you or you handle yourself well in stressful situations. Think of all the positive comments people have said to you and write them down. Add to it when people tell you those kinds of things. Read them when you’re feeling down. And compliment others. I always try to compliment a stranger at least once a day. For example a young boy held the door for an elderly lady yesterday and when I saw him do it I made a point to walk up to him and tell him what a nice gesture that was. Or if I really love someone’s haircut or outfit I’ll tell them. You can make a total stranger’s day with one comment and it makes you feel good about yourself to.
Eric Charles
KeymasterI’m about to go to bed, so I have to make this fast, but my recommendation for “loving yourself” is very simple (and if you do it, very effective)…
It’s this…
Your mind already knows what kind of thinking is “good for you”…
When your mind is in the right place, you feel happy…
When your mind is looking at things in a way that’s out of alignment with what’s good for you, you’ll feel bad… (maybe that “badness” will show up as worry or anxiety or anger or jealousy or resentment or whatever…)
When you feel bad, that’s your mind telling you you’re on the wrong track…
When you feel good, that’s your mind telling you you’re on the right track…
Loving yourself is just listening to your body and not pushing the “override” button on those feelings. Instead of ignoring what feels bad when you think about it, let it be your guide and when it feels bad… drop it.
I’m not recommending that anyone stop thinking negative thoughts… I think that would be an impossible thing to expect from even the happiest people…
I’m saying recognize what kind of thinking “feels bad” and (this is key) don’t feed into it.
When you don’t feed into negative thinking, that’s loving yourself.
Good luck and hope it helps.
I suggest looking on MeetUp.com. you can find our own interests and people who engage in activities regarding those interests. Everyone there is always welcoming and caring and wanting to lake friends and have a good time. Most activities are also free.
Just go to the website and enter your city and see what groups come up. Ot’s a bit scary at first but I’m a social inept person and I love doing this. People want you to come and join them for drinks or painting or live music or walks ir learning a new language. Whatever you’re interested in.