How do I proceed?

Home Forums Did He Lose Interest? How do I proceed?

  • This topic has 3 replies and was last updated 3 years ago by Liz Lemon.
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  • #931688 Reply

    I went on a first date two weeks ago with one of my neighbors. I thought we had a great time, we laughed a lot and had so much in common. I went back to his apartment and we made out a bit. I told him I didn’t want things to go further. We tentatively made plans to get coffee the next morning. He cancelled those plans and then didn’t text me for a few days. On Thursday I invited him out to get dinner and/or drinks again on Friday night. He said he was “busy studying” as he had an important test at his job. The next day he saw me and asked when I was going out to eat with my friends for my birthday. He said if he was done studying, he would let me know and maybe we could do something. I never heard from him, but he will stop his car to talk to me when I walk my dog. He ended up pushing back his test because he wasn’t ready for it, and I still haven’t been invited out. I don’t want to initiate things if he’s not interested!

    #931689 Reply

    Sorry, he’s not interested. If he were, he would have set something up…

    #931691 Reply

    Yep, that’s what I thought…and why I haven’t bothered initiating anything again. Just don’t know why he is stopping his car to chat with me every morning but I assume it’s just to be a nice neighbor or something haha

    #931693 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    I agree, he’s not interested. If he were, he would have arranged another date– he canceled the coffee date and never scheduled another one. He’s probably stopping to talk to you to be polite and nice, since you’re neighbors. Keep in mind that guys can easily make vague comments about “going out sometime” but it’s not difficult to actually arrange a date if they really wanted to!

    I wouldn’t overthink it, just move on and definitely don’t ask him out.

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