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- This topic has 16 replies and was last updated 6 years, 10 months ago by
My boyfriend and I have been seeing each other for around 8 months now.
Things have been going well between us, however the last couple of weeks have been different. We spend weekends together, and have this weekend together too. We have some activities planned but also will just have time to be together. When we are together we are both playful and there is still intimacy there (although that has calmed down, it is still there). Hence I believe he is still interested.
However, I have noticed that the last two weeks my boyfriend has been much more quiet in messaging me. I’m trying not to read too much into it as he is a busy guy, and I realise he has a lot on his plate, but there’s no longer any intimacy, or any interest shown in our conversations. There’s not even the silly little chats anymore (anything from what either of us is having for dinner through to there’s a spider in his bedroom). When I ask how his day is going he sends one word replies. I know things will calm down, but we’ve had eight months of healthy messaging, and then we go to very little.
As I said I don’t want to read too much into his actions. We have both had a hectic couple of weeks. However, this is very different behaviour for him. When he is busy, he still makes time to message in the morning and evening, and let me know, as I have always done.
So how do I ask if we are okay? I know he is still interested, and I know how we are together in person is most important, but as I said its a big change in his behaviour.
Don’t ask. You have been together long enough that messaging naturally slows down. His needs are met in the relationship. He doesn’t need to message more. Your need for more messaging to feel loved is immature.
Thanks Anne.
I agree messaging slows down, but it has been pretty constant for months, and the change in the last two weeks has been dramatic. That’s what my concern is. It’s gone from us sharing lots to very little.
He is your boyfriend….. when you’re hanging out just ask him lightly in a non-confrontational way. “I noticed we have been messaging a lot less lately….everything ok?” Listen to his answer and then if he says its because he’s busy, doesn’t feel need to as much anymore, etc. I would just drop it if everything in your relationship is fine otherwise.
Its hard to answer your question. What you call 8 months of healthy messaging may mean that it was 8 months over the top messaging for him and he is slowing down naturally. I might also be a phase. If he is busy, he might be doing boring stuff, so there is not much to tell. In short: dont put too much emphasis on the texting, but look how the relationship is developing as a whole. Are there plans for the future, does he include you in your life etc. Those are more significant indicators of the status of the relationship.
For some odd reason, guys respond very strange to a question if he is ok. They will always respond with: why? I think they know instinctly its about the relationship. If you really want to discuss this, this weekend (i wouldnt), just say at the end you love to hear more from him during the week.Miss_A
You’re still spending time together in person, correct? Have you noticed a change in behavior in person? That would be a lot more telling, I think, than a change in texting habits.
There are people who constantly stay in communication all day long, but that is pretty rare long term. Remember, before cell phones, you went to work all day and didn’t talk to friends all day. You had to pick up a tethered phone to talk to someone.
If he is still great on the weekends and enthusiastic about the dates, he is still into you. If you really the need for all day texting, you can tell him that you like hearing from him all day, but IMO, that’s a HUGE ask of someone. What’s the minimum you need to feel good?
It can be jarring to suddenly not hear from someone, so maybe you set the bar as a daily good morning text when you guys are busy. But constant “hey, how are you?” while fine on a slow day gets straight up annoying on a busy one.
If I were you, I’d focus on his actions in real life. Is the chemistry still there between you? Do you still have the flirtatious and funny conversations about the little things in life? Or is he cold and distance? Only you know the answer. My boyfriend is the type that likes to text all day about random things. We have been together for a lot longer than 8 months-several years together. His messaging pattern has never slowed down and its like he never runs out of things to say. But every guy is different. Your boyfriend might have been texting all the time because he was trying to court you but now that he has you, he is comfortable with texting less. You can also ask him straight out.
Anytime there is a big shift in a pattern it can be jarring! So don’t feel bad that you are feeling concerned about this…
I would try to focus on the in person time together though– if that hasn’t changed things are probably fine and he’s either busy or reverting to what is his texting style/preference all along…
Don’t crowd him, but if/when you do text him at least try to make it a bit more lively than “how are you?” or whatever. Like, send him inside jokes, or maybe something flirty, anything that might spark a playful banter.
Honestly I would say NOTHING and let it go. He warned you that he would be busy, you know he’s busy so his focus is on work which it should be as that’s what he’s being paid to do, not converse with his girlfriend all day.
Just know TEXTING is one of the TOP TWO reasons (having sex early is the other) as to why dating and relationships are failing today. Your complaint is the most common as woman for some odd reason have integrated their phone into the relationship to the point they use it as a measurement of man’s interest and feelings. I’m going to tell you right now, its the WORST measurement to use because its CHEAP, LAZY and SUPER EASY to do; however spending their $$$, time and energy on a woman is not and that IS the ultimate measurement of his love and devotion.
Ask yourself, do you want to be in a relationship with your phone or you BF?
I would ask if there is something going on since he is seemingly uptight about text lately.
If he says no then just go about your business. Do not message him too much, let him lead on that.
You asked and that is all you can do.
Hi Samantha. I am in a similar situation to Saria. However there are times my guy is tired,stressed at work or just plain busy and then things will tail off a bit. I can usually tell what his issue is and know it is probably nothing to do with me or our relationship.
I would give him the benefit of the doubt here and try to stay confident and calm. When you see him just ask how his week was ad see if something was preoccupying him. Chances are,all will retur to normal. If in does not,in a week or so,I would bring it up as mentioned by others here.Emma
if there is a sudden change in communication style there is something behind it. But it might not be related to your relationship. How are things otherwise? Intimacy? passion?
If you see changes across the board then it is not a good sign.
Talking about it is not going to give you much I am afraid. He might correct his style a little but if something is wrong, he won’t tell you. Men wait before they say things that they cannot undo. They are a little more clever in this regard than we women are, we normally blurt everything out, so you are being smart by thinking before saying.
I’d pull away a little and observe. Stop initiating contact, let him come to you. If he sends you a one word text, do not reply to it or reply with one or two words as well. Or if you want to be Ms. perfect, tell him to text you when he has time to type.
I find in real like Ms. Perfect don’t work. What works is when you are not that nice and can show them your claws. LOL “be a challenge”. LOL It is important not to be insulting, mean or unfair. But do not be afraid to show a man your claws or your teeth if you don’t feel he is treating you right. He will love you more for that. LOL
I’m happy to give him the benefit of the doubt. We are great when we together (admittedly things have cool down a little in the passion side, but that’s natural as we are both tired from work at the moment), and that’s why I’m not overly concerned.
I guess it is just the jarring change that is concerning me. Maybe this is just the normal ebb and flow – he has been sharing everything for seven months and perhaps he is pulling back a little so he can focus on his life and career? I will admit that he’s normally much more likely to share things than I am. I’m more of the quiet, reserved type, but have been much more open with him as we grew together.
I can understand it might be ‘off putting’ when there’s a shift from the norm but you have to remember we are human beings and sometimes when we feel overwhelmed, tired or exhausted we just can’t muster up the energy to be ‘engaged’ and need that extra space from time-to-time.
Trust me, its NOT YOU or the relationship or he wouldn’t be making any plans or spending time with you. You can ASK him if there’s anything wrong but I guarantee it will be work related and you want to get him out of ‘work head’ not keep him in it. The best thing you can do is make the weekend fun for him. Do something interesting, get him out of “work mode” and he’ll spring back quicker. Is there anything he said he wanted to do/try but hasn’t done it yet? Do you have a mini-golf course, arcade, theme park around you? If so go have some FUN and PLAY because men love to play lol.
‘are we ok?’ – how about that? honestly, I think it doesn’t really matter… you may let it go, you may ask a straightforward question. the only thing that I find worrisome is that you are worried about how to ask, after 8 months, shouldn’t you feel more secure and comfortable? he may be just busy, he may be having some difficult time, it may be nothing. but really, if you ask ‘is everything fine?’, and if this is what’s genuinely on your mind, you are not going to ruin anything by asking… and maybe it’s good in the long run to let him know that a shift like this can make you a bit worried.
We had the weekend together. It believe is definitely work related.
I just made a small query about how work was going when we first caught up, along the lines of ‘How’s the week been at work’, but let him take the lead on it. Over the weekend he had to do some work at home, and I left him to do it. When I took him a glass a water, and kissed him on the head, he said ‘if you are going to ask how it is going, it’s going sh*t.’ I replied with ‘I wasn’t going to ask, rather I was just letting you get on with it, and you’ll tell me when you want to.’ I want to be supportive of him, and he has in the past shared so much about work with me, but this is a stressful time and he just wants to get things done.
Anyway, we spent the rest of the weekend doing things that we both enjoy – cooking, spending time with friends, shopping, watching a movie etc. His mind was still on work for some of that time, but at least it wasn’t always focussed on it. He said it was nice just having quiet time together, and as I left today he said ‘I love you’.
I think you are on the right track Lane. He has demands on his time from left, right and centre. He wants to vent to me, but also wants to have time away from work, to just forget about everything and to let his hair down.