How to cope after being ghosted after few months of dating

Home Forums Complicated Situation / Mixed Signals How to cope after being ghosted after few months of dating

  • This topic has 27 replies and was last updated 5 years ago by Helle.
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  • #781875 Reply


    Sorry for a lengthy post, I need some advice from people who are not emotionally invested in this story.

    I am an expat in another European country and I met a guy from my hometown at a company event, he was an intern and I am working full time (we are same age, 28). For the first two months we were friends and then we started dating. Everything was going really well, we went for a long weekend trip together and had a nice time there. We always told each other that we love the fact that we can communicate openly and without drama and that we have a great time together.

    Upon his return to our home country, we decided to continue dating exclusively and see where it goes as we really enjoyed each other company. He said he was never in love before and did not date in a while as he was focusing on his uni and that girls were never his priority. I also did not date in a while (over a year) as I was focusing on other stuff and had some family issues but really started liking him and had a very high opinion about him as a person. Hence decided to give the whole thing a shot. His plan was to finish his masters (5 months long) and then come back and look for the job in the company as he really enjoyed the work and people there.

    Upon his return to our hometown (end of October), I noticed that he became more depressed and grumpier. I visited our hometown in mid-November and we had a nice time together. He told me he was much happier back a few months ago when he was doing his internship.

    Our LDR was not very fulfilling for me as we did not communicate as often as I wanted but decided to tell him that in person when I visit for Christmas holidays. I understood that the situation was new for both of us and we needed to sit down and see will this work out or not. When we were together we had no issues with communication but the communication over texts and phone was off. I realised that the Christmas brake was either brake it or make it for our long distance relationship.

    Couple of days before coming back home (everything was normal a day before, he gave me a pep talk for the upcoming exam I had), I had a terrible day at work and some personal stuff going on, I texted him (against my better judgement, I had a strong feeling that I should not push and that he is not feeling well/in the mood) about plans for one day when I get back home. I was a bit annoying but the next day I apologised over a voice note (since he did not pick up the phone) that I understand that I was a bit annoying but I had some work problems and that our hometown is my happy place to disconnect so I can get a bit overexcited and that I am looking forward to spend some time home with my family and friends and him. I decided to focus on the upcoming exam and call him once I am in our hometown.

    When I got home a few days later I called him and then left a casual voice note asking if he wants to grab a cup of coffee. He never replied and I realised that I got ghosted. I sent him a final message saying that I had a high opinion about him and did not expect to be ghosted, had a nice time hanging out with him, happy holidays and all the best. This was my closure text.

    On some days I have a really hard time dealing with this ghosting as I always thought of him as a nice guy (boy next door) with strong family values and high moral compass who is not at all into the artificial stuff like social media. My friends that have met him share the same opinion and no one saw it coming. I also realised that he is watching my every IG story which he has never done it before when we were together as he was barely using IG.

    As I rarely open up to a guy I date and rarely fall in love with someone, I am really angry with him and then myself that I never saw it coming and that I had (apparently) too high opinion about him as a person. At the first I did not care that he is lurking my IG (I never followed him as he was barely using it) but now I am really pissed off and annoyed that he keeps tab on me but had no guts for to meet up with me or at least text me about the break up.

    How to deal with this situation so that my healing is faster and that I do not bring this luggage (I honestly thought that ghosting happens after one or two Tinder dates not after months of exclusive dating so I am quite shocked with this situation) to another relationship?

    And how would you deal with him if he comes back to the company after he finishes his uni a few months down the line? I know I will be seeing him regularly.

    Thanks in advance!

    #781879 Reply

    Yes. Make your ig private and remove him from following you or block him. Totally reasonable given the circumstances. And one day feel sorry for this baby man child.

    #781884 Reply

    Delete him from your IG…

    #781887 Reply
    Better off single

    Since its out of your control and even though you care, you have to do your best to stuff down those feelings as if it never happened and they will go away eventually.

    #781889 Reply

    It doesn’t sound like this was a relationship, and he gave you a warning early on that he was not looking to commit. Take the focus of him (block) and learn to recognize the signs that a man isn’t wanting something serious. What he did was crappy, but from the outside looking in it seems feelings and effort were mostly one sided.

    #781928 Reply

    Long distance is not easy and for every one. You said yourself you werent happy about it and considering ending it. I agree he went about this as a coward, not talking at all when you were back home. So Yeah delete him from IG and so.
    I have a feeling he is stuck in finishing his masters. But anyway that doesnt matter. You have got to remember that you still didnt know him very well

    #781929 Reply

    Honestly, after being ghosted a few times, you might consider a session or two of counseling to get past it.

    It is really unnerving to have people you had a regular interaction with just go “poof” (well for some of us). It can impact your future dating where missed messages or delayed communication start having you worried about “is he busy or ghosting me”. It can lead to a really anxious communication style until you begin to trust people again.

    I wish “ghosters” knew the damage they can cause. It’s hard because it is a grey area, but if you have an inkling that someone is more into you than you are into them, just do the right thing and end it with at least a text.

    #781986 Reply

    We were dating exclusively. I am confused why he is keeping tabs on me and watching all my IG stories but decided to ignore me?

    #781988 Reply

    He’s being a coward by not formally ending things. That does not mean he doesn’t still care for you hence his continued interest in your life/ IG stalking. The truth of the matter is it really doesn’t matter what he does or doesn’t do on social media. Those small actions will never take the place of a real relationship and attention from him. It’s best that you remove him from your IG. It’s so hard to completely move on when you constantly see his presence even if it’s just in your Stories. You may even get to the point where you’re altering your content because you know he’s watching. Don’t get to that point. Just delete and do your best to move on. Happy New Year!

    #782021 Reply

    What did you say that you think was so annoying that you had to apologise? It seems like whatever it was pushed something in him. Its also a bit odd that you sharing about a bad day was something you felt might be badly received by him.

    He is a coward for not breaking up with you and just disappearing. Its so hard as you never get to know why or what changed. I’ve really struggled recently with a guy i was dating who turned out to be married. Not because i want to still see him but because he sent vague response and then just ignored me – i want to know why he lied to me, if anything was ever real etc. But i deleted him and blocked him so I’ll never know. Rationally i know that even if he had replied and explained properly it wouldnt have been enough or really given me much insight or closure – it would have just been more lies… but part of me will always want those answers even knowing it wouldnt change anything.

    As others have said, delete him from your IG and try not to dwell on it – you to see how pathetic he is to not be able to be a grown up and use his words… at least you know that now and you don’t want to date a cowardly child so he has done you a favour and shown you who he really is!

    #782152 Reply

    I was a bit annoying about our plans for one day once I am back in town. He said he doesn’t know his schedule and that we will discuss it a few days before I come. Then I tried calling him to rant about my day but at the same time he sent me a message he is off to sleep and then I was a bit pushy (sent 6-7 short texts) you won’t pick up, are you angry, not sure what is happening here but just wanted to talk. And then the next day I sent him a voice note apologising about being annoying, that I had a really s****y day at work and got overexcited for coming home as it is my happy place.

    #782156 Reply

    Unfortunately I do not think this guy is really into you. If he was he would never have not responded to you when you tried to talk to him. He liked you for now, but knew he wasn’t really interested in a future is my take. The thing you do now is move on and when he gets back in contact with you, let him know you’re no longer interested. Women have to let guys know they will not tolerate their bad behavior of not responding by giving them another chance- no way.

    #782181 Reply
    T from NY

    You did nothing wrong. Remember that first. Who cares if you were annoying if that was something that rarely happenEd. Only you know that. But the writing was on the wall that the LDR wasn’t going smoothly and if his time away from you didn’t make his love ardent – nothing would.

    I agree that ghosting is straight up awful. I’ve heard people say if you are put-together it wouldn’t bother you so much. I say that’s a crock of malarkey. Being an emotionally healthy person doesn’t mean you can’t be sensitive and feel things deeply. Getting ghosted HURTS especially when it’s been months of interactions and rituals and relational familiarity.

    What’s counts is how you handle it afterward. Take some time to grieve he wasn’t brave. Tend to you. But as soon as you can get back up and do something healthy things for yourself. Take an assessment of your personal and emotional boundaries and make sure you didn’t miss something you could improve on next time. Blame is a time-waster. All pain is instructional. Someone who has good self love feels the sting of a douchebag – but the wound doesn’t last as long because you know that persons exit is a gift if they weren’t invested in you. YOU deserve investment and to be able to vent after a bad day once in a while AND be told something is over. We’ve all been there and we’re doing fine.

    #782191 Reply

    Helle I am going to answer you as direct as I possibly can. Please don’t break your head over this. Stop trying to analyse the situation over and over and over in your head. I have learn over the years that if a man ghost you it is because of one reason normally and that is THAT HE IS NOT INTERESTED ANYMORE!! Whether it is cause he found another girl or something about the relationship did not work for him anymore, fact remains HE IS NOT INTERESTED ANYMORE! So now you forget about this man and you focus on yourself!! Plenty of fish in the sea my darling and these ghost boys is not needed in our lifes!! We deserve more!

    #782201 Reply

    Thanks for your replies, they are insightful!

    I was not happy with the frequency of our communication but decided to talk about it face to face – I know he is not into texting and when we were together in the same city, we used phone for administration. Other than that, had nothing to complain about. When we were in the same city, everything was going smoothly and he said it would have probably turn into something very nice if he were staying. Hence, I decided to talk about it first before making any decisions. I really thought these holidays will be break it or make it for us but never thought he would ghost me and then lurk.

    I was never in this situation before, thought something like this happens after one or two Tinder dates. I honestly fell for this guy, trusted him and really like him for being nice and kind person. And I rarely fell for someone hence this shocked me quite hard.

    I am just wondering if I will see him ever again and trying to reflect on the situation so that I learn something from this experience.

    #782202 Reply

    PS Sorry for grammar mistakes, it is not possible to edit posts and I realise the mistakes after I re-read my post a few times.

    #782204 Reply

    The thing is to not give him the time of day again. Think about how bad you are feeling because he is not interested, but you know he’s ok because he’s following your stories.
    I’m guessing he will reach out again and when he does, you show him the door. Because we have such an easy time to communicate doesn’t mean we have matured to using these methods when we don’t want to see people. 20 years ago when you didn’t hear from someone we assumed they were not interested and didn’t worry excessively about it. Only because contacting people is so easy do we become upset about it- me included!

    A couple months back I tried to reach my boyfriend via text and asked him to call me and when he didn’t within a couple hours or respond to the additional text I sent him, I got upset. The reality is that not too long ago we couldn’t even have reached each other unless we were home and we had to be patient and trust that they would contact us.

    #782273 Reply

    I see that many of you are saying he will reach out sooner or later. And some of my friends are saying the same. What do you think that?

    #782316 Reply

    Helle, no matter if he contacts you or not- your response is to say to him- not interested-as he will do this to you again and again.

    #782320 Reply

    From the very beginning it sounds like this guy was warning you that he is not relationship material.

    I’m sorry this happened to you, I know it hurts when someone disappears out of nowhere.

    If he reaches out don’t respond. When men do this don’t give them a second chance to do this to you again. We cannot control others but, we can control what we are willing to allow.

    #782351 Reply

    Helle, I’m going to give you some hard advice here. You were being too needy! It is very off putting to the other party when their feelings aren’t being heard nor respected, and I will tell you *respect* is on the top of a man’s list of needs, and when he loses that for a woman its literally impossible for them to recover from it. He clearly told you he wasn’t in the mood to talk about it by not only saying he would talk to you about it in a few days (clue 1) but that he was going to sleep (clue 2). This should have been your big clue to step way back, stop all talks, take a ‘time out’ and wait until he was ready to re-engage.

    To be blunt, he did not fall in love with you in the way a man needs to fall in love in order for HIM to progress and move it forward or you wouldn’t have had to have that lack of communication talk. Men interestingly fall in love in a woman’s absence, its the time a part that will either draw him closer (fall in love) or push him back (not fall in love). In this case, the absence didn’t ignite the loving feelings he needed in order to move this forward and you refused to acknowledge his lack of interest or enthusiasm to keep it going and kept shoving a round peg into a square hole trying to force it to work.

    I’m going to tell you *why* he is doing what he’s doing. He’s leaving the door open in case his feelings change. If he formally breaks up in his mind its over but if he doesn’t then in his mind the door isn’t completely shut if that makes sense. He’s still unsure about his life at the moment, doesn’t have the ability to begin a future with anyone so in his mind it would be futile to start something he’s unsure he can finish. But that could change which is why he’s keeping you on the hook in the event something changes and he’s in a better position to carry it out.

    The problem here is he may never fully open it, if or when he does resurface, which 7 times out of 10 they do! He will come up with a reason such as his life was a mess, he wasn’t in a good place, he wasn’t (fill in the blank) but it could be meaningless empty words that end up going nowhere and just using you as a crutch to get through a tough time. This is when a woman needs to to be super careful about is what their true motives for reaching back out are. A smart woman doesn’t or won’t entertain them unless they are fully ready, able and capable of stepping ALL IN where a man will not only tell the woman but prove to her beyond a shadow of a doubt, they love her will naturally begin the process of building a future with you without you having to say or do anything!!!

    This happened to me twice. Although I wasn’t *ghosted* as I understand that anything under six months is just a trial period and I also expect an LDR won’t last long as its very common for feelings to fade out and die, so not surprised when it happens and just allow it to naturally out. When they did come back many months later they were the one’s who had to do all the heavy lifting (hard work) for me to trust they not only meant what they were saying (smart woman do this too) but they were indeed ALL IN and not messing me about or I would have dropped them in a heartbeat. I ended up marrying one (lasted over 20 years) and now in a relationship with another for three years that is progressing towards marriage.

    In a nutshell. I would pull way back and out at this point as he’s not in any position to carry out the obligations of a relationship which is something a woman needs to seriously consider before they not only get involved with a man but continue with a man btw. He clearly told you this and when you ignore blatant waving red flags then you do need to take ownership for your part and role when engaging in high level risk relationships like this. trust me, he will come back; its just a matter of what his *true motives* are for doing so and if he’s still NOT in any position to be in a NON LDR [key words] then cut him off forever and only date men who are from hereon if that’s what you want and only looking for.

    #782354 Reply

    I would not entertain this person ever again if ghosting bothers you. This is obviously how he deals with pressure, by withdrawing. There are people who will say something like “This is too much pressure now,I need to step away”. That is the person YOU need. You have info now. He deals with stress in a manner that bothers you, thus he is incompatible.

    #782357 Reply

    Agree with the other anon. You both are incompatible- you are not needy. Do not look at this as you were too needy and that drove him away, if a guy is in to you he wouldn’t be driven away by texts like this. Definitely set the boundary of not letting him back in

    #782407 Reply

    Hi Lane,

    I agree that I was needy that evening. I apologised the next day as it was caused by huge stress at work. I disagree that he was not ready for a relationship, when we were in the same city everything was going well and we communicated our feelings openly.

    I agree about the LDR part but given it was three weeks between my last visit to our hometown and holidays, I thought it would be the best to communicate the issue face to face and see if we will continue this journey together or break it off. I was mentally prepared to break it off but not to be ghosted (this never crossed my mind) hence me being hurt a lot.

    I thought my last message was pretty clear that we are broken up (I told him that I had a high opinion about him and did not expect to be ghosted, thought he had more character and respect, had a nice time hanging out with him, wished him happy holidays and all the best). I am really tempted to reach out to him on Instagram and tell him that his stalking is funny given the situation (I am 70% sure he is not aware that I can see who is watching my stories) or even freak him out and put it on my story something along the lines hello there ghost, nice to see you are stalking me.

    #782408 Reply

    Helle, as hard as it is you need to fully disengage right now and mentally accept its over and that you will never hear or speak to him ever again.

    What I mean by being ready for a relationships is that a man has to be in a certain place and mindset for a relationship to flourish and survive. His life was not in order, still not in a place to carry out the obligations of a relationship, which is putting another’s needs before their own, and the fact you were now LD and he was struggling to get his life on track was a double whammy.

    Like I said, he didn’t ghost you, he checked out as he wasn’t in a position to be the man *you* needed him or wanted him to be as was still struggling to get his career off the ground which is a very huge deal to a man. He’ll pop back in when he feels his life is on a better track but it may not be on the relationship track still sand will put you in the friendzone.

    A woman’s needs and man’s needs are very different. A man puts a higher priority in their career and ability to provide; whereas women put a higher priority on relationships as this is how nature designed the two species to ensure our survival. His career IS at the very top of his list or needs where a relationship is near the bottom because a relationship doesn’t pay the bills; a job does. You put this relationship at the top of your list because majority of your needs were or are being met. In a nutshell, you were ready to move this forward but he was not as he still has a lot of goals he *needs* to accomplish and achieve before he’s fully ready of taking on the challenges of settling down into a domestic lifestyle which is not all sunshine and roses but requires a lot of work and nurturing for it for it to flourish and survive long term.

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