How to expose a narcissist ?

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  • #802480 Reply

    Hello !

    So, I need advice out there, as to how do I expose a narcissist ?
    This dude did me really wrong, and i mean really wrong (going into details would take a long time to write) He has been downright mean many times, and has all the traits of a narcissistic person.

    My problem is that he STILL get so much attention from every single female i can think of, and it p***me off, that no one else see his game !

    He acts like he’s a nice guy, especially to new people, however, treated his exes bad, cheated on them, been horrible to me after all i’ve done…

    He doesn’t deserve the attention he receives, he’s a bad person. I would love that all those female that gives him attention, just stop, so he’ll be alone in this.

    How can I eventually expose his lies, and everything else, so that I can save a few hearts who won’t fall for this horrible person ?

    Thank you !

    #802483 Reply

    You don’t. You focus on healing yourself and finding someone better. More negativity will not make your life better.

    #802489 Reply

    Yes, but don’t you think they deserve to be exposed ? it’s so frustrating!!!

    And let’s talk about karma, when is this ever happening ??

    #802498 Reply

    If he doesnt care about you and he doesnt, then nothing you can do to hurt him bad

    #802499 Reply

    It’s not about him not caring, he has been a d*** to a lot of women ! this is awful
    I don’t care he doesn’t care about me anymore, i don’t want to be with a cheating scumbag, my problem here, is that he hurts women and get away with it !

    #802502 Reply

    You do nothing- They expose themselves…

    Engaging with a narcissistic just eggs them on, they love the attention…

    #802508 Reply

    At this stage, you’re right @Raven
    This one’s an idiot anyway, and will never have a meaningful relationship with anyone because he’s too busy trying to get attention from every women he sees

    #802543 Reply

    Totally erase this guy from your memory & life. He is wasting your energy!

    Sure you want to make him “pay” for hurting you. But, the fact remains you let him. I know it sounds harsh to realize you’ve been played & you succumbed to his games.

    Get a grip on reality and move on with creating a great life for your yourself.

    #802544 Reply

    Thank you for your reply @lara
    I know it’s so hard :'(

    #802598 Reply

    I can guarantee you no matter what truths you reveal about him to others, there will still be someone who’ll side with him. Maybe even without him manipulating them.

    It’s infuriating. I feel you. I felt the same towards the guy my sister hurriedly married (and later successfully annulled). Boy was I ready to make the most drastic of decisions to protect her and future victims. I’m not a very forgiving person. But I like to pick my battles.

    I could give you suggestions to expose him but engaging in those will likely fuel your bitterness, not to mention nothing you do will save everyone. Don’t ruin your time or life dedicating it to seeking revenge. Focus on what will bring you peace and help you move on and forget about him with increasing difference.

    #802599 Reply

    increasing indifference*

    #802624 Reply

    @anderson Well, he still has his harem of girls who keep liking his photos and give him so much attention, and it kills me.
    This man is horrible, has no compassion, is a user and manipulator.
    He cut me off out of nowhere after taking advantage of me, a few month ago after years of knowing each other…
    It hurts… so i (i know petty, but i have no choices) insulted him on social media, everywhere, but of course, he deleted the comments very quick, and didn’t even come to me to confront me, which i find it out, like: So you would rather be insulted everywhere, than coming to me to apologize ? what a douche. Sorry but i’m mad. I can’t even.

    #802639 Reply

    Honey, you need to look at your own extreme behavior. You stalked him, you publically commented all over the place and then you expected a confrontation? You owe him an apology not vice versa!!!!

    That sounds completely crazy. And you were likely not used without your consent. Did he rape you? Or did he just use words and actions and disappointed you? Not all painful breakups make a man a narcissist. Because otherwise you need to look at why you would be sucked in by a narc (which you are not a clinical psychologist to make that diagnosis). If you knew him, you most likely saw how he interacted and spoke about women.

    Take ownership of you and your behaviors. Your question is dubious once you said you tried to embarrass him publically. You may have deserved each other.

    #802641 Reply

    Oh tallspicy, if you knew what he did to me, no HE owe ME an apology, it’s crazy how you can even say that !!
    he humiliated me, manipulated me and other women (his exes), acts like a massive prick, and I should apologize ?
    No sorry, thats not ok. If he hurts me, i should do the same to him, that’s how i work.
    He has been morally abusif, lied to me about other women just to get what he wanted, publicly humiliated me.
    An another quick example about how crazy he is. we were going to have sex, and while we were, he took the condom off without telling me ! you must be a psycho to do that !!!! when i specifically told him it was important to wear one because we weren’t dating.
    So please stop making me look like a monster.
    it’s not about us not dating, i don’t care, i dont want to date a prick like him, it’s about what he did to me, and his dishonnesty.
    i know a breakup doesnt make a man a narcissist. i know that.
    But please, avoid talking to me like if I was the crazy one, when i’ve clearly been manipulated, used and completely made a fool of.

    #802643 Reply

    Another quick example: a weird women he was flirting with got jealous of me for some reasons i still dont get, and started to insults me on my social media.
    I talked to him about it, and he assurerd me she was blocked and she would never do it again.
    Well guess what ? he never blocked her.
    Two weeks after he threw me away (again, for no reasons after getting sex) and i might add: threw me away and insulted me on top of that, and when i say for no reasons, i mean, no reasons,
    two weeks later, i find them going for lunch together.
    I asked him for help and he betrayed me. He never blocked her, and never even cared she was harassing me. so who is the dickhead really ?

    #802646 Reply

    I don’t give a rats a$$ about him. You are acting crazy…. stop putting that on him. You did not leave After those examples…. stop putting that on him. You are vindictive…. stop putting that on him. You stayed. You stayed. You stayed. You are making a insane public display. You are making an insane public display. You are making an insane public Display.

    You are not a victim. You have strength to pick yourself up. Do it. You are not a victim.

    You need to focusing on you:
    A. Why did I tolerate this?
    C. Why do I create drama? Why do I tolerate drama?
    D. What did I ignore?
    E. Why did I choose to be involved? Why did I find him attractive?
    F. Why did I sleep with a man who was not committed to me and expect more?

    Or do I want to love me and move on? Choose.

    #802649 Reply

    I am missing how he manipulated or used you? Any examples you can give? Because to me he just sounds like a complete a-hole, treated you like a complete a-hole would and you seemed fine with that until HE dumped you.

    Like when he took off the condom (which by the way i agree is not ok in the slightest, but many men try that) , how did that continue? Did he put it back on? Did you stop having sex? Did he force you to continue?
    If this episode enraged you so (which i totally understand, i would be furious too) why did you continue seeing him?

    In what ways did he manipulate or use you? He seemed pretty outright in his dreaful behaviour?!

    If you need to vent on here, go ahead. But please do yourself a favour and move away from this toxic person. You gain nothing from engaging or trying to “expose“ him. Absolutely nothing.

    Focus on yourself and maybe try to figure out why you would let anyone treat you like this in the first place.

    #802653 Reply
    Tdot Gal

    Oy! I feel you! You can try, but from personal experience, if this guy is truly a narcissist, “exposing” him won’t work. If he has left your life, be thankful. After breaking up with a narcissist years ago, I also thought that people should know about who he really was. Your feelings go hand-in-hand with being discarded by a narcissist when you are no longer of use to them. The problem is, the guy you “know” is quite likely very different from the person these other people think they know. Read up on narcissist masks – these are completely fake people fronting 24/7. They lack empathy and thrive on chaos, especially yours!! In my case, I sent fairly detailed accounts of my horrible experience with this person to about 5 of their closest friends thinking, like you, that I would expose the dude and get my revenge for the months of bs I endured. BUT like several of the replies you have received on this forum, I was labeled as crazy and of course they took the guy’s side. I can look back and laugh about it now. Narcissists can be exceptionally charming, mine was, that’s why I was initially attracted to him. So this “charming dude” was the guy everyone else saw too. But, honestly, I was lucky to have good friends who knew this guy was “off” somehow and started dating a really great guy (who I eventually married) shortly after which distracted me from all of that mess. I get your rage but honestly, narcissists are master manipulators, block him, run and never look back! And yes, he will do this to these other women and yes, they will learn – but not from you telling them. The only silver lining I have is that I can now spot a narcissist a mile away and know to keep my distance.

    #802687 Reply

    I agree with tall but not that you should apologize. I do believe you that he is a big lying scumbag but you didnt have the proper boundaries in place to see right through him. You let itself in that position. In stead of using all that energy on him, use it on yourself. On this site are great articles on how to become a woman that doesnt get high on breadcrumbs. Read them and apply. Go to the baggage reclaim site and read. You really have to recognize these type of guys before you get drown in. And thats the best payback you can give

    #802691 Reply

    I also agree with cupcake that you seemed fine with his behaviour until he cut you off. But he did you a GIGANTIC favour breaking it up. Now you have the time and space to look for normal but i would take a break in dating first. First build up your confidence, selfworth, selflove antything really so you can see the part here you played

    #802695 Reply

    Hello everyone who replied,

    Thank you all for taking the time to reply.
    To be honest, if i let him step over me it’s because i loved him and i was scared to raise my voice because i was scared he would leave and never talk again.
    In the end, he cut me off for no reasons anyway, and that hurts.

    I’ve known him for years, so not talking to him anymore for some reasons, feels like a massive a-hole in my heart.

    The only apology i have to give, is to myself, that i let him step over me. but i was in love and clearly blind at this rate.

    He’s a gigantic a****hole. I say narcissist, because i read so much about it and it does have very similar traits. He cheated on all his gf, did the dumping and acted like a victim.
    Even worse, his ex for instance, had a friend before she met him. this ex and this prick dated, then when HE dumped her, the exe’s friend sided with HIM and needless to say, the ex and her friend arent friends anymore. He breaks hearts and friendships.
    He also cheated on his ex with a work colleague last year, his ex thought they were friends, well, now they’re on holidays together. Classy. NOT.

    #802701 Reply

    You can give all the examples you like but the fact you tolerated it all is a huge problem. It probably stems from your childhood. Many adults chose not love but the pain they know from their childhood that they associate with love. It really takes a lot of work to see through that and fix yourself. But you can now! Throw trash where it belongs and dont mistake you being humilliated, craving, crying, begging for breadcrumbs for love. I like to watch ru Paul drag race, i dont know why, i guess it shows we can be who we like to be. But anyway she finishes every episode with: you can love someone else until you can love yourself first. Can i get amen to that? Its so true

    #802702 Reply

    Oh youre also Kelly

    #802717 Reply

    It honestly doesn’t matter if he is a narcissist or just a common a-hole. He treated you badly and you let him because you thought you were in love. That’s the bottom line.

    I agree with Newbie that he did you a MASSIVE favour by dumping you, because you deserve much better than this.

    Take it as an opportunity to really work on your self and build up your self confidence.

    Calling him out/revenge whatever you want to call, might appear like the best option and oh so deserved, BUT… it won’t pan out the way you want. I can guarantee you that! All it will do is make you crazy and add more negativity to YOUR life.

    As i said…if you need to vent, do come here and vent. But take a deep breath and say to yourself “thank you for dumping me you total d-bag, now I can move on to something better because i deserve more”. Take it as an opportunity to work on yourself and protect yourself from this kind of toxicity in the future.

    Think of yourself and YOUR future (and future relationships) only. Working on yourself and moving on to something better and less toxic will feel so much sweeter and satisfying in the long run than “exposing” him ever could or will!

    #803055 Reply

    I met a man that I knew was an alcoholic and a gambler. He made me feel special. He knew all my insecurities and not so pleasant health issues that I am very insecure about. He didn’t care. Made me feel comfortable around him to the point we moved in together and shortly after that he proposed. Bought a ring and couldn’t wait to give it to me at Christmas so a week before I front and all our friends he proposed. Tears flowing. He loved me so much.

    Then came the small comments about how I didn’t clean very well. Or he has to eat, she don’t feed me. To I could out do you in your job with my one hand tied behind my back. All with a smile or a laugh after he would see me look hurt. It was just him joking. I tried talking to him about how it hurts my feelings and wished he wouldn’t do that.

    Then came the only talk to me when we are home. Not in public. Wasn’t suppose to sit by him because couples didn’t do that. Would partner up with other girls for dart games/tourneys. Again I would try and tell him that hurt but his response was always I’ve know her for blank years or we’ve been doing this for blank years.

    One night he calls me and tells me I have to pick him up in another town cuz he is drunk. Mind you he never called or returned my calls or text messages and refused to call the actual bar number. I arrive and sit down beside him and he tells me without looking at me that he is moving out at the end of the month. (Less than 2 weeks). I’m crying asking why and he says he doesn’t know. We get home and he still won’t tell me why. Another woman? No. Did I or my son do something? No. I’m sitting asking questions and crying and he just turns to me and asks if I’m going to cuddle with him and have sex before he goes to bed. I’m like no.

    He doesn’t return home the next night but the following night he does. Then gone 3 days with him calling multiple times being nasty and threatening to turn off all utilities/tv etc. Funny thing is I set everything up. There were things in his name but I was given permission on the accounts. All phone numbers and emails were linked to my information. On top of that I had paid all the rent, utilities, food, gas, smokes, bets, bar tabs, and when ever we went out. His job had really taken a hit and I was making enough to cover.

    By day 3 I had the landlord change the locks and start on a new lease with him removed. I had his name removed from all household bills. Here’ the kicker. He is a regular at the bar I work with. Everyone loves him. That’s just him. He’s never gonna change. You were never gonna change him. I didn’t try to change him. We went were he wanted. We left when he wanted to. Every choice of our activities he decided. On top of that my boss told me that if I caused a scene with him either behind the bar or in front of the bar I didn’t have a job.

    People (friends) watched him being rude all the while I’m being polite and trying not to cry. Him either not tipping or giving me a quarter for serving him for 5-6 hours and then saying he would leave the door unlocked. I got the looks of sympathy but NOT once did any of them speak up and tell him to be nice or knock it off. It was just another thing to laugh and say was a joke. That that was just him.

    So yes I put up with stuff I shouldn’t of. I walked in with open eyes of the alcoholic and gambler. He could be cold and mean but then could turn and be the guy I met and first lived with. He loved me. Always did and always will. And I would go back and the cycle went on. Until now. I am breaking my ties to him and very interested in another guy. He knows about my ex. He has concerns and I am being as honest as I can be with him. He is a really good guy I think.

    What I’m trying to say about the original post is….

    Move on. The people that allow him to act and treat you or anyone badly because that’s just him and he’s such a good guy can HAVE him cause he will not be responsible and be there to help them when they need it. Let go to the anger. It will go in one ear and out the other. It will only be thrown at you as YOU dated him. YOU kept going back.

    What some may not understand is we go back cause be believe in second chances, that love we cure anything, that if we do better then they will see and treat you better. Yes part is low self esteem and some is codependent and some is that we are too nice, too caring.

    You can’t expose cause they know already. They just don’t care. So use that energy on making you happy whether that is self help and being alone for a while or finding the special person elsewhere.

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