How to get back in the game?

Home Forums Dating and Sex Advice How to get back in the game?

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  • #870561 Reply

    Recently I left a highly abusive relationship. Where this person was abusing me physically as well as financially. As well as lying (lied about everything from skipping a day work to the extreme of lying about being a veteran) of course also cheating on me. How do I get over the trauma this man has caused and start trusting again. I know im not ready for a serious relationship but I’m literally afraid to open up enough for a causal date. I don’t want to live my life thinking every man will lie to me to the extremes this man went.

    #870564 Reply

    Find a therapist…

    #870575 Reply

    Dumb website

    #870577 Reply

    That i can post but not 8 tries for real advice

    #870578 Reply

    Anyway i also suggested councelling and no hurry to go on dates

    #870562 Reply

    Have you tried councelling to get some grip on what happened? Because the relationship itself needs adressed but also what kept you started. The problem usually roots from lacking the feeling you deserve to be loved. Many people lack it, i did too. So it wont just be right on a whim.
    I would try with friendships first, ones you already have and maybe new ones. Why the urge to get back on the horse. The more not ready you are, the higher the change you get attached to the new whackjob. The more secure you are, the less you put up with cr/ap.

    #870625 Reply
    ANM Staff

    ack! I’m sorry the forum ate your post, Newbie. I released it, it’s showing up above – it says it was published just now even though you actually wrote it earlier today.

    (I didn’t understand why that happened – then I realized that it didn’t like the word “whackjob” because it saw the word “hack”, which is a super popular word with spammers. I’ll try removing that word so it doesn’t trip us all up with other innocent words!)

    Anyway sorry for the inconvenience, carry on everyone!

    #870639 Reply

    Thanks anm staff, i tried more versions with different words but then it kept saying ‘you already said that’ lol

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