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- This topic has 32 replies and was last updated 3 years, 4 months ago by
You really think the OP will update after 3 years?
Men where do I begin. I met this girl recently beautiful, very flirty attractive. Everything was great in the beginning she was showing me love giving me all the attention in the world. Which I enjoyed over time I got used to eat
Everything went south when she told me about another guy I already knew about food some weird reason I couldn’t take it that day it made me act funny, we started fighting all the time to the point she started avoiding me . This made me even more insane I started over calling and over texting you know acting crazy begging her to come back to me and all the works I really I wish I didn’t do that it just made me look needy .well I saw her recently we hung out and I made sure I was on my best behavior she had fun but I’m sad cause I feel like I ruined a good thing by acting like a needy whiny person.
I wanted to know how to fix so far all I’ve been told is to give her spaceRaven
Sorry… You can not fix crazy.
Hi I was dating my husbands best friend after we broke up for about a year. It came out to my husband after 6 months. Everyone knew at that point. Anyways everything was going really good between my boyfriend and I for awhile we got really close( he was also my best friend) then a few months later he broke up with me for two days we talked and got back together about a month later he broke up with me again for about 2 weeks but we were still having sex we talked again and got back together now about 2 months later he broke up with me again because I had said something about a rumour I heard about him and another girl sleeping together behind my back. He was mad and calmed down told me we could come up with solutions to improve our relationship and then the next day breaks up with me. I called and texted a bunch cause he wasn’t responding and was being really mean (like hes never been so mean) I kept texting him and he kept telling me to leave him alone or he would block me but I didn’t know why he broke up with me so I kept on and he blocked me on everything. Do you think he will come back after the way I acted and will he ever unblock me. I miss him in my life so much we were really close
Hi so get ready for this.
Me and my ex were together for 9 years, we were young when we got together.
Anyways he recently broke up with me 4 months ago this was after we had moved to NC and about two weeks later broke up with me, we have an 18 month old son.
Everything was fine and dandy before we moved he told me how much he loved me and couldnt wait to move and then bam!
Now our relationship was a little rocky before the move but we tried to make it work.
Anyways fast forward to now ive been begging him to come back home to me and his son since we both moved back to the city where we used to live *only he is living with his friend and i live back at our old apartment with our baby*
Its been 4 months of begging and crying, he was still texting me and flirting with me until recently this past weekend when i spiraled out of control and went to his friends house banging on the door for him to come out and talk to me or console me for crying or just show he still loves me.
Now he is no longer reaching out first this is the second day and im starting to think he wont come back to me again, even though hes said this a bunch of times and eventually came back.
Our relationship did end because I didnt really treat him well and him to me we are both new parents and the stress of that on top of the way we moved down to NC was rushed.
Im in the process of starting therapy which he always told me to do and trying to better myself so we can come back together, he says hes trying to do the same so that he can take care of me and my son, but he got his own place and i feel like that means that this is really over.
Someone tell me he will be back to me !!!ANM Staff
KeymasterHi P – I’m sorry to hear about your situation!
Your post is showing up as a reply to someone else’s topic, and that topic is really old. You’ll get more responses from our community if you go ahead and start a new thread. That way, people won’t be confused about whether they’re answering Kate’s old topic or your new one. You can start a new thread on this page – just swipe to the bottom of the page, and you’ll see the form for a new topic there. It’s fine to just copy and paste your topic over to the new one.
Thanks, best wishes to you!
Call a psychic hotline if you want someone to lie to you and tell you he’ll be back.
There is absolutely no way anyone can tell you what he’s going to do – you’re an adult, you know that. So start adulting and stop asking co-dependent childish fantasy questions.
I’m not going to be easy on you. Woman up. You have a child who is counting on you. You need to get yourself together and stop focusing on him and chasing him. You’ve literally run him off now and since you admitted you didn’t treat him well that can’t be any surprise. You need to be a decent person and a good mom before anything else. Leave him alone and work on you. Ironically, when you stop caring about getting him back because you’ve made a good life for you and your child, that’s the most likely time he would come back, if he’s going to and truthfully, he might not. DO YOU. Get the therapy. That’s what’s most important now.