Hurt, Confused, Not Sure What to do..

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  • #789831 Reply

    Hi everyone,
    My bf and I are doing well. We have had ups and downs but generally get along very well. We are very much alike in hobbies and life experiences and he says he loves me. I have strong feelings. We are both quarantined in NYC, and so we havent seen eachother but we talk alot, and stay in touch very well. When this all clears he asked me to move in with him. He talks marriage and is sure I’m for him.

    The other day I was scrolling back in in our convo looking for a pic he had sent me but I forgot to save. On my way back up to that day, about 5 days back, a chunk of the conversation stood out. He had reached out to me, and I answered but it looks like his texts went to someone else.

    HIM – hey i was productive today
    ME – yay
    HIM – of course i do
    ME – i was productive too
    HIM – Stop it I share everything with you…
    ME – I’m cooking now

    it’s clear I didn’t catch it because I was preoccupied whereas I normally would. Some background here is he has a female friend who’s last name starts with the same initial as mine. He mentioned pulling back from her because out of respect he wants to focus on us. I never asked him to do that. Anyway, this female friend once texted him at 8am on a sunday going around about to see what he was doing but never asking. When she realized he wasn’t answering she asked if I was around. So she knows I’m in his life. Anyway, the text is now bothering me – ALOT. And I have been distant with him. I asked him, he denied it of course, and said he admits it looks weird.

    I’m trying to forget about it, after all it happened a week ago. Friends are telling me its nothing and it could’ve been a mistake. But I just can’t. I find myself crying because we shared everyday together especially being quarantined and now I’m alone. And I genuinely have feelings for him. He initiates everything. He has shown incredible caring even while in this distance.
    I don’t know what to do…

    #789838 Reply

    That’s the terrible thing about texting- guys can text tons of women and it really means not so much to guys. I’d let it go but just remember it and be aware of it if it comes up again. Remember actions mean so much more than words. My bf has several female friends he texts and I don’t like it at all, but I know he loves me and shows that consistently.

    #789854 Reply

    Do not put a lot of emphasis on texting. I too misconstrued some texts from my BF the way you are now because of something else going on that made it appear nefarious when it really wasn’t—we laughed about it later.

    For instance, the first time he lost satellite (works on a ship) his texts didn’t come in until a few days later, and when they did, I seriously thought he was texting other women and inadvertently sent it to me because of how they came in, when they did finally come in. I too took the “WTH” mindset like you did, called him out on them, and he was seriously confused as to why I so upset! After we had a moment to clarify them, I felt like an idiot, and apologized. Now when it happens, although rare, I no longer get bent out of shape when a flood of his texts come in a few days later haha.

    I suggest you let it go. If it was a new pattern, that was occurring more frequently or regularly only then would suggest somethings amiss. But if its only one, some time ago, I would dismiss it as a one off and carry on like you normally do.

    #789892 Reply

    I had an odd texting occurance once with my guy about 3 months back (we’ve been seeing each other almost 8 months) where I assumed he was texting another woman by an out of context message arriving (he was referring to having just got into bed, it made no sense in our chat, looked like an answer to a question I hadn’t asked) but I called him out on it immediately by asking if his text had crossed, he said his phone was being weird and he didn’t understand it, and I chose to give him the benefit of the doubt but told him that I wanted to trust him but occasionally found it difficult and that hadn’t helped. Things have gone from strength to strength for us since then, I trust him absolutely, and we’re now at the cheesy social media posts stage LOL.

    I think sometimes all you can do is admit the things that trigger you when they do, confront them, and see how his account of the situation makes you feel, and make an informed decision as to how you react and move forward.

    #789899 Reply

    This is what men hate about women! You didn’t catch this in the moment so now you go back a week later, look at a text thread and are crying over it! And now you are jumping to the conclusion this was meant for his female friend when it could have been to anyone else. How many times have you been texting 2 people and switching back and forth and almost send the text to the wrong person? It happens to me often. Especially if a text has come in while I’m trying to reply. Luckily I look at the name on top of my phone before I hit send!

    And why does any of this matter to you? Even if it was to her it wasn’t incriminating by any means. He’s pulling back from her out of respect for you and you didn’t ask him to. You didn’t ask him to stop talking to her, so …he could still be talking to her. But you are the woman he wants to marry and the one he is with, so why are you letting this get under your skin so? 

    I’m sure quarantine has you lonely and missing him but please listen to your friends. This is NOTHING and don’t let it cause issues with your relationship. Also, you mentioned you make him initiate everything and that’s not good when you’ve been dating awhile. A man isn’t going to keep chasing you and have the burden of the relationship on him. It’s give and take and you need to get over this and reach out to him and tell him how much he means to you. 

    #789944 Reply

    Hi Everyone,
    Thank you for your input on this. It’s helped me to relax some, and show me the bigger picture. I guess I should’ve included the history of his friend, M.
    A month back I was leaving his house at 8am on a Sunday when a text came in. He immediately answered. I”m thinking it’s his siblings, one who was ill, or his children, he has a 21 yr old and 13 yr old twins. He had the alerts on so that was a good sign. He looks at the phone and makes a face. I ask him if everything is ok. He says it’s M. Then he says, “why is she texting what does she want” So I told him “either ignore her, since it’s 8am on a Sunday, or answer and ask” So he decides to ask her what is it. She decides to rudely say “relax” How do I know? He showed me.
    When I saw her reaction, and how she wasn’t really trying to find out what he was doing, I realized they hadn’t made plans. When he finally decides to ignore her, she texts “is M there? Is she driving you to the store? I can lend you money but it would be hard for me now”
    THAT sent me over the edge. He did not answer her saying anything that I feel he should’ve. I grabbed the phone but he took it back. I drove away and on the way home he and I spoke aobut it he agreed what she did was insensitive, and wrong, and it looked very suspect.
    Here’s why I don’t like her. She managed to convince him I was cheating 3 months before that. I supplied proof and he had apologized but that put a distance between us. Since then we are working hard to get back to what we were as we both have feelings for one another. HOwever, this text did something to me and I can’t seem to relax. He defended her, saying she’s a nice person, theyve been friends 3 years and she has a man of 8 years now. That she’s never given him money and was the reason he decided to go to school so he’s grateful to her. That shes a nice person, has 3 kids, and is just charasmatic.
    But he also said he’s been pulling back, and she is feeling it. That he feels i’m the woman in his life he needs to be with and slowly their friendship will dwindle.

    #789948 Reply

    That last post shows you are right in being suspicious towards M. But this is about you trusting your bf or not. Do you? I suggest you keep reading Kaye her imput as i think you can profit from that

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