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- This topic has 19 replies and was last updated 2 years, 11 months ago by tammy.
Okay I don’t know what to call this post. I’ve been seeing this guy for quite awhile for the first eight months absolutely amazing we were completely inseparable we did everything together. Then I was diagnosed with a medical condition which has been fast debilitating and has prevented me from going out and doing stuff. He still remained extremely supportive through the whole process and has always been there for me as I’ve been there for him. It’s been ten months since I was diagnosed and he’s been my rock. He works two weeks on two weeks off at the mines, on his last trip into town, things were a little bit different. Firstly He didn’t come straight home like he usually doe instead he went out with the boys and gotbreally really drunk and then passed out in town and some stranger contacted me and I had to come in and pick him up at about 4 am in the morning. I didn’t mind but I did t think much of it either, just a night to hung out with mates. And then after that we spend about two weeks together which is really wonderful, it was over
Christmas we exchanged Christmas presents Did lots of stuff together, went out to lunch a lot and did a lot more than usual together, everything seemed better than normal. However one day he accuse me of being with another man which I haven’t and got really angry at me and he took off, but strangely enough he went and stayed with the other guy and he was accusing me of being with. Then two nights later while I was out with my daughter came into my house and completely trashed it. And then refused to talk to me, except abusive texts and voicemails and then flew out to work again. Then when we started talking again and he apologised for his behaviour. I found out that he had some problems with his children and he was unable to go and see them because of Covid and it was really upsetting him. I forgave him. I thought it sorted things out, but his next visit into town he never came home at all. And then I found out He found somewhere else to live. He caught up with a few of our friends without me knowing about it and for some reason, which I still don’t understand they didn’t tell me. Then he contacted me, apologised for his behaviour and said that he thought that I didn’t want to know him so he decided not to come home. He cryed, seen how upset I was and told he that he hurts so badly seeing me so upset and with my worsening medical condition, told me how he left helpless and powerless to help me and that it’s breaking him. We talked for hours and i thought we sorted things out and hebtook me out to dinner to really nice restaurant and then he said helping me move some stuff out of my house as we plan to move somewhere together. Then he went back to work again, this time while hes been back at work I have had a bad turn with my medical condition and I ended up having major back surgery, a couple of my vertebraes collapsed into each other, caught early so the damage is reversible, but will require at least six months rehab and a second surgery, with its rehab. I managed to walk a week after surgery again, feeling and strength is returning to my legs. He has chatted to me daily and been a great support for me, he’s wanted to come home, but I told him to stay at work, i wasn’t permitted visitors in hospital due to COVID restrictions. So he decided to do three weeks on so he can have three weeks off. I have been released from hospital and we are two days out from him coming home and he started to be really funny again, abusive text messages, ignoring me. I’m pretty sure I’m not going to see him, I am very sure he’s going to avoid me, hes been very angry towards me in text messages and phone calls. I have no idea what I’ve done and I can’t explain anything. I am just feeling really lost and hurt and I am scared, alone again. I don’t know why he’s doing this,SSYou need to get rid. He is an emotional and violent mess! Do not consider moving in with this man! Do you want to subject your daughter to such a mess of a man? No. He isn’t a healthy person. Focus on your recovery x
RavenI’m sorry you’re going through these medical problems. What is happening is not your fault.
You have been way too nice & understanding to this guy, to the point of being a door mat. He trashed your home & you forgave him?!
Change your locks & YOU be done with him, please.
He’s not man enough to end things with you so he’s being an @ss & trying to force your hand. You don’t need his BS or abuse. You need to take care of YOU.
AngieBabyKitty, I’m so sorry, it must be hard to deal with a medical condition like this.
I strongly disagree with your statement that he’s a “great support” – he’s abusive actually.
My read on it is, he can’t handle the medical issues, feels the responsibility of caring for you is too heavy for him to bear and he feels extremely guilty about that, but truthfully he wants out so he’s behaving badly to make you do the dirty work of breaking up with him.
In fairness, you had just been diagnosed when you two met and a difficult medical condition is a lot to ask someone to take on in a new relationship.
Whatever you do, don’t move in with him. Please.
You’re right, it’s unlikely you’ll see him this time on his days off.
I know you’re not going to want to hear this, but you do need to break it off and stop tolerating his abuse, which will continue and escalate if you let it continue like this. You’ve now trained him whatever he does is OK, you will take any treatment from him just to hang on to him.
Send him an email telling him you’ve been thinking about the past 10 months and you’ve decided it’s time to part ways, with no hard feelings. If he has things to pick up, then ask him to set a time to come and make sure someone else is there to ensure it goes quickly and smoothly.
Before you send this email, have the locks changed. You’re going to have to take a hard line here. It’s possible he will feel bad and cry and beg you not to end it, he’ll be better, but I guarantee the bad behavior will creep back in, fast. You have to love yourself enough to stop letting him abuse you because you don’t want to be without a boyfriend.
Again, I’m sorry you’re dealing with such a difficult medical situation. You can do without this kind of stress, it can’t be good for your healing to have someone behaving nicely sometimes and very badly at others.
AngieBabyI misunderstood – you’d been dating 8 months and all had been just fine when you were diagnosed.
His behavior after that definitely means he can’t deal with your medical condition.
KittyIt’s only been since the week before Christmas that everything went strange with him. Before that our 18 month relationship has been wonderful. Yes I was without a know medical condition for the first 8 months of that. It’s only been since the second last week of January that I had to have emergency surgery. The surgery should fix the problem but I will have to go through at least a year of rehab plus a second surgery to fix the problem and have my life return to close to normal again. So I really don’t know why he’s doing all this. It’s been so sudden. Prior everything was perfect. I don’t understand the change and yes the violent behaviour in smashing up my house. And why when I need him the most he’s not here..
AngieBabyHoney, I just explained to you why. Plus he’s told you it makes him feel bad to see you unwell and feel helpless. He can’t just break it off, he feels too guilty. So he’s forcing your hand.
I know this may take some time to sink in. And I know it’s not what you want to hear.
Sucks when someone flakes at the most critical time. But they’re showing you who they really are. This is a lot of bad behavior. You don’t need it. You’re going to have to rely on yourself and the other friends and family you know truly is there for you in the next year. If you have needs for physical assistance you’re going to have to make other arrangements.
MaddieAngiebaby and Raven are right. He can’t handle showing up when everything isn’t “perfect” or easy. This is what dating is all about: finding out if the person you are with is consistent and can stick with you “for better or worse.” Relationships that are entirely reliant on everything always working well in good times don’t actually work. There’s no foundation of trust or security if someone panics, acts out, and isn’t there for you when things get difficult. Life will always be challenging, but it took until you got sick to see how he behaves when he faces difficult times. It’s very unfortunate, but there are partners who won’t be mean to you just because you’re sick. What kind of man takes feeling powerless about your health issues out on YOU??!?!! He’s trying to be awful to you so he doesn’t need to feel guilty about outright leaving you when you need him most, but it will be awful for you to have him “around” in the title of boyfriend but you being completely alone within your relationship. Don’t move in with someone with ANY abusive tendencies. End this now before he escalates the abuse.
AngieBabyHere’s some further insight on what could be driving his horrible behavior.
1) This situation may remind him of another time when he was forced to care for someone and it required unfair sacrifices on his pair.
2) He may fear winding up financially responsible for you and having to care for you full time if your condition worsens.
3) This situation might remind him of another relationship.
4) You might be inadvertently be coming across as too needy. You described him as “your rock” and that may be more than he can handle.
5) He might just be a weak person who doesn’t can’t set boundaries and can’t handle difficult times.
6) He wasn’t ever serious about being with you long term and he was going to find a way out sooner or later.
AngieBabyon his part not his pair
KittyWell me becoming financially dependent is not something he had the worry about.
Guess maybe I did become needy, I didn’t intend to be, I always let him know I didn’t expect him to stay, as it was a huge ask, he was the one that made that choice in the start. I thought we could discuss that but obviously I was wrong, but yeah maybe I did depend on him to talk to about everything to much.
Previous relationship for him, I thought he would understand as someone left him when he had depression. Do I thought he’d be more understanding.
Maybe he just didn’t want me anymore, he was so. Clingy himself, always appeared so excited to see me. They change is just so sudden.
Maybe there’s lots of things lol
RavenKitty, I’m sorry…
I also think there is another woman in the shadows…
AngieBaby@Raven… I couldn’t bring myself to add that one to the list, I didn’t want to inflict any more pain than the OP is already in. But I suspect that very well could be it too. A guy who accuses you of cheating on him when he knows damn well you’re not is usually doing the cheating.
MaddiePlease don’t blame yourself for being too needy in this situation. No matter how you acted (which frankly was probably fine, if you deal with him being gone for work half the time and are okay with that arrangement then I imagine you are independent enough), his responses are completely immature and inappropriate. I think this has far more to do with him than you, and having a history of depression and someone even leaving him for it in the past fits into that. I think he has his own problems he doesn’t know how to deal with. If someone can’t even show up for themselves (and he can’t based on how he’s treating you instead of having adult and mature conversations), then you certainly can’t expect them to show up for you. I stand by my comment that the first 8 months you just didn’t see how he responds to adversity and challenges and obstacles, and he was actually always this way. I bet these are his typical patterns.
KittyThank you everyone, the idea of another woman has crossed my mind, but he has always exhibited some form of jealousy since we met. My friends he works with away have sworn to me it’s not the case, but in truth I don’t know who to believe in anymore.
I just don’t know just feel very broken by the entire situation. Guess I need to move on the best I can. Just terrified I did something to push him away. Not knowing has been the hardest part to deal with. Guess I am extremely vulnerable ATM.
Than you all
AngieBabyHugs Kitty… you did nothing wrong. No one could possibly do anything to deserve the way he’s treating you. He’s obviously got major issues. It would seem he can’t process his feelings or communicate appropriately.
You may never know why he’s doing what he’s doing. He may not even understand it. The bottom line is the way he’s treating you is unacceptable and it’s gone too far. It’s not just one blip, it’s now a pattern. And the pattern screams he doesn’t want to be in this relationship any longer.
I know it’s human nature to want to understand, get all the facts, analyze, get closure, etc. but in cases like this it’s better to walk away and don’t look back and conserve your time and energy for people and endeavors more worthy. It’s very important you take care of you right now. Stress inhibits healing.
tammyi think angie and raven have given you all the possible insights an outsider can give. pls reread what they suggest. even if your person has turned this way recently, you cant ignore the fact that hes been really nasty and abusive. while you should now be focused on your recovery, your trying to figure this man out and dealing with his abuse. it appears to me that despite him behaving so badly on so many occasions, you keep giving him chances clinging to the happy past. that’s gone. you need to see the situation as it is today and how things are between you guys today. you need to take that step and make the break as the poster suggested above. walk away and focus on recovery.
KittyYeah I agree with everyone and I have know that since the first time he acted up at Christmas. The events that have occurred in my life since the with the emergency spinal surgery, and the eminent looming of a second surgery to re-stabilise my back, has left me in a situation I am unable to look after myself for a period of time. My sister has taken over my life. She has basically isolated me from everything and everyone. I get to see my daughter, that’s a bonus, but I literally can’t do anything else anymore. I don’t have the means anymore. I feel locked up,
My sister has packed up my house, and she’s shipping me down to stay with my mum, on the other side of the country. I am scared, lonely and have no one now. I relayed so much on the simple conversation he gave me. Up until two weeks ago I had control and was able now I feel as if I have lost everything. This probably isn’t the space to say this. But it’s hard to go from a completely able person with a partner to what I am today. I knew this was going to happen and I know it’s short term until I finish the final surgery and rehab. But losing everything including my own autonomy and partner in a since Christmas, well Boxing Day has been really hard.
Trying the cheer myself up, bought myself a ridiculously expensive bed, and bedding lol, a king double, adjustable split remote control with inbuilt massage zones and zero gravity settings lol. Choosing it and all the new bedding accessories has kept my mind of things. A big bit too extravagant and well above what my budget allows lol. But takes my mind off things.KittyI guess I have never required or asked for any physical assistance from him, when things started to get bad and turned bad. I really needed the emotional support. It’s what I have lost with him. Being with him gave me the sense of still having some control. My family have been great helping me, but on the other hand they isolate me. I think that’s one of the reason I have been so forgiving.
tammyi think you could luk at this situation another way. how many siblings and how many old parents are there when you need them? your soo lucky! you have your sister and your mother both ready to luk after you when you need them. and your going down the negative spiral instead of feeling fortunate that atleast you have your family with you when you need them the most. the break will do you gud. my suggestion is that you tell this guy your off for your recovery and that you have no idea when things will normalise. so its not fair that you should tie him up in such uncertainty. wish him luck and break off all contact. focus only on your recovery and positive things. that will help you heal faster. all the best and hope you recover soon kitty