I asked him out then he stopped responding

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    If a guy from a dating site stops replying during lockdown, is there a chance he could still be interested and come back?

    I was talking to a guy from [deleted] app before and during lockdown. We just a few weeks ago mentioned meeting soon. He started to reply rather slowly and then the other day I asked if he would like to meet at a distance but he never replied. I was hoping to meet him , is there a chance he could still come back and be interested, I know he was stressed about work atm. I’m scared that asking him out was offputting. Normally he apologises for a slight late reply and tells me that he knows how it felt, so this ghosting seems out of character


    Hi there!
    I know this situation can be really frustrating! From what I understand, you guys haven’t met in person yet? If this is the case, and he is not replying to your message, I will be blunt: if he wanted to talk to you, he would. No one is too busy to take a few minutes to reply. Something is clearly going on with him, could be work or maybe he changed his mind about seeing you. Ultimately, it sounds like he has to figure out what he wants. In the meantime, you should continue to text or talk to other men and keep your options open. If he wants to pursue you, he will text you back and agree to meet up. Otherwise, you are going to invest too much into someone who doesn’t deserve your time and energy. For now, give him time and don’t call or text. Let him come to you. If he does, you can see where things go. Don’t ask him what happened or give any indication that you were worried about what he was doing during the time he didn’t reply. Simply give off the vibe that you were so busy living your great life that you didn’t have time to care about what he was doing. This will have him questioning weather you are still interested, and he will be motivated to step up his game. But if he doesn’t, then you’ll have avoided wasting more of each other’s time. Hope that helps!


    Louisa, i have a weird sniffer for your posts. This is the 15th something post about the same issue. You are not welcome here according to ANM staff. I actually feel sorry for you if this is real. Because in that case you waisted 3 months asking not doing anything with the responses

    ANM Staff

    Mod update: Yes indeed, something is amiss.

    Louisa, please refer to this post. This is not among the first posts in these forums. Our community has grown exasperated with the posting pattern. It is explained in that post.

    ANM Staff

    Also, I want to make something clear.

    Many people in this forum post questions along the lines: “The guy I have been texting is slowing down in his responses now. What does that mean?”

    That’s a legitimate question, and it’s fine to ask questions like that here. Louisa, when you posted those kinds of questions over the past few months, the community did respond and give you advice in those conversation threads. I do hope that you can go back and review them, and I hope the conversation you started was helpful.

    But as mentioned in the link above, you are unwelcome to post here. The fact that you attempted to respond and say that it’s your first time posting on these forums really didn’t help your case.

    You seem like a person who legitimately wants clarity. But we have to respect the time and effort our community is putting forth when they answer you. Ignoring their responses is disrespectful.

    Please go back and read your previous topics – the community responded to you and hopefully they’ll help bring clarity to your situation. Here’s some links to a few of the total set of topics you posted: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and

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