I did something childish and stupid

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  • #935137 Reply

    Hello everyone. I am posting because I met a guy who was nice enough and very interesting but we met at a time in my life where things are just … not great. And as a result my anxiety has been very very high. I already have issues when it comes to dating (it really revs up my anxiety) and with where I am currently it did not go well. We hung out. I freaked out. Kind of blew him off. And then I was out with the girls and had a bit too much to drink so I sent an honest text about it saying I was sorry for being so fickle and explaining that my anxiety got the best of me and telling him that I found him interesting and inviting him to text me/hang out if I hadn’t scared him off. I hit send – and immediately blocked him. That was the stupid childish thing. I just couldn’t handle it.

    That was two weeks ago. I have no idea if he responded or not obviously. I had put him out of my brain altogether and chocked it up as a loss but then this afternoon he added me on Snapchat. He’s sent me two snaps but I think they are just his current stories so I’ve looked at them but haven’t responded/initiated conversation. Again my anxiety is wishing he would just go away but I do also find him interesting and if for some odd reason I haven’t scared him off with all of this then maybe he is a decent guy. Who knows. Not even sure what my question is here other than – any advice? Thank you.

    #935141 Reply

    What are you doing to deal with your anxiety?

    #935143 Reply

    I’ve been on Lexapro for a long time but I thought I was doing well with therapeutic techniques and so tried to go off. I’ve been managing well for a few months now but I’ve had some family things and work things all happen at once. I know I need to go back on the meds but it’s almost like admiring defeat. I was really hoping I could do this myself.

    #935144 Reply

    Are you meditating or doing Yoga or anything physical?

    #935145 Reply

    I work out with a trainer twice per week and that helps (endorphins and all) but I’ve never tried yoga or meditating. It’s such a vicious cycle because when I get like this everything overwhelms me – even putting things on the “to do list” that I know are for the best/promote my mental well-being.

    #935148 Reply

    I totally understand, One step at a time…
    The first step is the hardest- take it!

    #935150 Reply

    Thanks, Raven. I appreciate your kind words.

    #935152 Reply

    Meditation is a positive move forward since a person can feel in alignment with thought patterns.

    #935165 Reply

    Firstly, be kind to yourself :-) This wasn’t childish or stupid. Anxiety can be an uncontrollable beast.

    I once was in a rship with a woman who had severe anxiety and what helped our courting phase was taking things very slow with lots of breathing space.

    You mention you have issues with dating but have you been able to trace the source of your anxiety? eg. Is it being vulnerable? Or the intimacy being overstimulating? Intrusive thoughts? etc

    #935167 Reply

    Thank you for taking the time to read and comment Mary and Anderson. I truly appreciate it.

    Anderson, it’s funny you ask because I have spent the past few days trying to figure that out and I think the problem is that I have no control over courtship. I have this overwhelming need to excel at everything I do and therefore when I don’t have control over a situation, feeling out of control, stresses me out inappropriately. It does give me hope that you’ve been able to successfully navigate through this with someone else who has high anxiety so thank you so much for telling me that. Was she upfront with you about it from the get go? I don’t typically talk about this in real life especially not with guys I’m newly dating for fear of scaring them off of course but I’m wondering if maybe that’s the wrong move too. Having said that, keeping it a secret and internalizing it certainly hasn’t gotten me very far.

    #935176 Reply

    You have anxious attachment. Please read up and go to a therapist who can help you!

    #935177 Reply

    Tallspicy is right, look into attachment styles and into finding a knowledgeable therapist. It sounds like you may have a fearful avoidant style rather than an anxious one if you deal with overwhelming feelings with potential romantic partners by pushing them away. But that issue is yours to start dealing with, and it is not on the people you date. While you don’t need to keep secrets, it is over-sharing and not having healthy boundaries to explain all your issues right away to someone you barely know. It’s better to work up to such conversations after building a connection first and building a foundation of trust with them. Make sure they are “safe” to open up to AND that you will still feel okay on your own if it turns out they don’t deserve your trust.

    In regards to feeling like a failure that you may need to resume Lexapro, you’re not! Medication can help people get into a clearer state of mind to learn the additional tools they need to handle stress, anxiety, relationship issues, and heal whatever past problems are contributing to their difficulties. You’ve discovered that you need some more tools still, and there’s no shame in not being quite there to go at things totally “on your own” yet. It sounds like you already have some tools to manage stress and anxiety (like exercise and endorphins), but you still haven’t gotten down deep enough to fix the source of the problem. Which is likely because that underlying issue and fear is painful. That’s what a therapist can help steer you towards doing!

    #935218 Reply

    Hi Lori

    I can relate. I’ve suffered from severe anxiety in the past. A few things helped me. First professional therapy was a Godsend. It’s often hard to diagnose and treat ourselves because we’re in the problem and can’t see objectively.

    So I would highly recommend finding a skilled professional you can trust.

    I also found meditation and physical exercise a big game changer.

    And I also use something called Paraliminals by Learning Strategies, which are just phenomenal and brilliant and life changing.

    A number of things can cause anxiety, and a great therapist is worth their weight in gold.

    Dating can definitely be a scary thing to do can’t it? I’ve been there, until you really like someone, it’s fine, but the minute you start to feel something serious, the idea of potentially putting your heart on the line and having them reject you, can totally freak you out. I’ve behaved in exactly the same way before! It would even be funny, except it’s totally not when it’s happening to you!

    Here’s what I would say, sometimes the anxiety is an overreaction on the part of our subconscious worried that we are not safe. And sometimes it’s a legit message that there is something we need to change in our lives.

    Take it as a prompt.

    Personally, I’d get a handle on the anxiety issue first and get myself to a more peaceful and centred and confident place consistently before I started bringing a second person into the mix.

    It’s going to be hard to evaluate another person for fit, when pre-existing anxiety is muddying the waters. (And leading to a vicious loop.)

    Find the peace within that is your birthright first. There is a way to get a handle on this, I promise. I used to have chronic chest pains almost consistently for ages – that’s how bad it used to be, and I found a way through, so you can too.

    If it’s not that much of an issue, and you think it’s just the dating that is scaring you, then I highly recommend reading some of Eric’s posts and his and Sabrina’s books.

    I can’t find the exact posts now, but Eric wrote these brilliant pieces on how the reason we freak out is because we start interacting with the idea we have in our head of a love story with the guy, instead of just being present with him in the moment.

    I think there are a few keys to this.

    One is that when you have this great self-belief in yourself and peace in your own heart, you’ll be able to treat others well and you will be able to accept and enjoy the love they give back to you.

    And the other part is just about being present in the moment and being connected moment to moment.

    And also understanding how men and women are wired differently.

    You know what, You can do this! You can find peace in yourself and you can set out to discover who the guy you’re dating is at his core. What’s his character? What does he like, dislike, care about, fear, want to achieve, be and do in the world.

    It may be that once you discover all these things, YOU decide HE’s not a good fit for YOU! But you’ll never find that out unless you allow yourself to be inquisitive about him and evaluate him (without judging of course!).

    Let yourself experiment with what works for you and what doesn’t. And keep reflecting and evaluating so you notice patterns and you make consistently wiser and more effective decisions over time.

    Sending you love and best wishes. Be well and believe in yourself xxx 😘❤️❤️❤️

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