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- This topic has 8 replies and was last updated 2 years, 10 months ago by
Eric Charles.
I’m turning 26 in a few weeks an I have never been in a proper relationship all my life. I’ve had short term situationships, things that seemed like a relationship but wasn’t, wasting time loving people, being used.
I’m someone with so much empathy, i love a lot and love hard. Even after being disappointed a thousand times I always gave love and people a chance because I believed love wins. But I’ve experienced so much hurt and disappointed , I give people so much love and care only to be disappointed.
I’ve come to a point where love and dating scares me so much, I can’t do it anymore. It scares me to even try to open up to someone again . I never want to experience the pain and hurt. I want to remain single and give that love to myself. Even if I am to ever date in my life it’s going to take a lot to get me out of this fear.
But for now I’m pulling myself out of the most recent disappointment and this is my last.
I want to run away from anything love and dating but focus on loving myself and dating myself.
I know this is not a dating question but if I would appreciate any suggestions on how to focus back on myself and give that love back to myself.Raven
@Malika, What are you passionate about?
Do you have career goals?
Do you treat yourself, just because?Liz Lemon
What Raven said– dedicate time to your passions, your hobbies. Volunteer for a cause or organization that you feel strongly about. Take a class, learn something new. Travel if you can. Start a regular exercise program. Ironically we often return our focus to ourselves by focusing on other things– when you start doing that, you naturally connect with what you love, and it makes you a stronger, better, more fulfilled person.
Honey, your post reeks of codependency. I love hard and a lot? I give people a lot of chances despite being disappointed? These are red flags!
It sounds like you lack standards and boundaries and then wonder what happened. If you keep choosing bad people, it is on you as a pattern. It is not just happening to you. Please do some reflection.
I was a similar person in my relationships but then I realised it just doesn’t serve me at all. So I made a list of 5-6 things I hate in relationships and 5-6 things I liked. The things being: loyalty, quality time, understanding, empathy, communication were my top 5 wants and controlling behaviour, talking down on me, wandering eye/cheating, secretive nature, actions not matching words were my top 5 dealbreakers. If anybody behaved in these ways I wouldn’t give them even half a chance no matter how much I loved them because I get into relationships for live and fulfilment and these behaviours hinder that for me so it’s best for me to remove myself from such a situation as fast as possible. I suggest you do something similar and choose the right kind of people for yourself
When you stop seeking and chasing… when you’re consumed with living your “why”… when you’re just enjoying life and loving yourself… that’s when amazing people show up in your life. :)
Eric Charles
KeymasterThe way to focus that love back on yourself and give love back to yourself is to make better choices going forward.
You chose men that were the wrong choice for you.
And you didn’t know, so you had those experiences and you learned.You gave love and empathy to those men and it didn’t result in you getting that love back.
Again, you needed to learn this lesson.Yes, you were disappointed that things didn’t turn out how you wanted or expected.
But the truth is, there was a lesson you hadn’t learned yet that you needed to learn.The question now is: Have you learned the lesson?
If your reaction is that you’re so afraid of relationships you want to avoid them and love yourself, then I don’t think you have.
You could, but you haven’t yet.
You’re running from the lesson. You’re avoiding facing the fullness of the truth.
When you see the truth, it’s not going to feel like life-shattering disappointment. It will feel more like, “Wow, I was looking at this all wrong! I can’t believe it…”
See, we can get stuck in suffering when we have a vision of how we wanted life to work out and then it didn’t work out that way.
I’m not saying don’t have goals or dreams or aims.
I am saying that sometimes we form our dreams when we are the least informed!
At the most basic level, you want a loving relationship.
You want that, there’s nothing wrong with wanting that and it’s something possible for you to have.
It doesn’t matter how much you want it.
It doesn’t matter how much love you’re giving.
It doesn’t matter how much you stress over it.… if you’re choosing the wrong men or have the wrong approach.
It’s helpful to understand that our culture has lost virtually all wisdom of what creates a good loving relationship.
There are men out there who want a loving relationship.
But when a man thinks about having a loving relationship, he looks at it as an enhancement to his life and to his ability to live out his purpose.
So these men are watching women that demonstrate they’d be a great partner in their life’s journey.
They see that having this woman as their partner would help them reach heights they never could on their own because she brings something out of them. She brings out their best.
Now on the woman’s side, I know it can feel like you’re accomplishing something if you just “love him enough”.
But that’s not what makes a man see potential in you as a life partner.
He might appreciate the love. He might even feel guilty that you are aiming so much love at him while he doesn’t feel the same.
But aiming love at a man isn’t what gets felt as love by him.
In fact, it gets felt as desperation.To him it feels like you want love so badly from him that you’ll pour all your energy into obsessing over him and trying to please him in hopes that it will result in him feeling the same way back.
You can’t grovel your way into a man’s heart.
You inspire a man’s love by inspiring him.
Having the aim to bring out his best does…
Having the aim to help him access the “winner” inside of himself does…
Understanding him so deeply that you can remind him who he is when he’s spiraling downward does…Those are the ways that a man feels your presence as love in a way that makes him love you back.
He can’t help but want more of what you bring him.
Here’s a major (and counterintuitive) piece to understanding this puzzle:
When you aim to be in a partnership where your purpose is to help him bring out his best, that’s when everything changes.
Specifically: If you’re willing to walk away from a relationship if you can’t bring out his best (or he refuses to step up to his best or he’s unwilling to even expose this side to you), that’s actually a required ingredient for him to love you!
In other words, he needs to trust that you will fulfill this role of helping him bring out his best so much that you’re willing to walk away from the relationship if the relationship doesn’t have this kind of dynamic.
You have to require that the relationship has this aspect because this is where his love button is!
You can’t be in a relationship if you can’t push his love button. He won’t experience love for you and you’ll feel that you’re not receiving love from him!
Succinctly, he needs to trust that you’ll be in his corner when he’s at his weakest and lowest points.
If you’re afraid of “losing his love” or walking away, then he knows you won’t be there to give him what he needs when it’s most important.
But if your highest aim in the relationship is to inspire him and show him the way back to being his best, then you will become the most important person in his world… irreplaceable.
That’s why you have to require this aspect of a relationship… if you have it, there’s a flow of him feeling love for you, you feeling that love from him and returning that love through your intelligent feminine support.
Your ability to INSPIRE a man is directly proportional to your ability to make a man fall in love with you.
This isn’t a magic wand.
You still need to select a man that’s open enough to discuss his actual real life with you.
And real life is where his fear, failures, frustrations are.
Real life is where his aspirations, dreams, sense of meaning and sense of purpose are.And these are where he’s most vulnerable, so a man isn’t going to reveal his true vulnerabilities to you right away.
And if he sees behaviors or traits in you that show you wouldn’t be good to bring up vulnerabilities around.
He’ll never open this side of himself. You’ll never see it!
So that’s why the world of dating and relationships can be so confusing for women… the very first thread to pull on will never get offered if he doesn’t think you can handle it or understand it.
He’ll still smile, flirt, banter, say sweet things, do the right behaviors and, of course, have ongoing sex with you…
But you’ll be interacting with his mask. You’ll never once touch his heart, where his life is actually happening.
This is why it’s so important to understand that the real “game” has nothing to do with charming first dates, “chemistry”, how soon you have sex, etc.
It’s about inspiration and partnership.
You learned what didn’t work.
Don’t give up. Forgive yourself. Forgiving yourself is loving yourself.
Then let go of what didn’t work. Let go of how you used to approach things. Let go of your vision of how things should have gone.
That’s loving yourself. Letting go of what doesn’t work is loving yourself.
This touched on a lot, but I hope it’s helpful.
This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by
Eric Charles.
Beautiful message. But I have seen some men themselves don’t have answers to these questions regarding their fears, winning etc.lol. And get uncomfortable if you try to know them this way.
But I guess that’s the takeaway from here. Date men who are open to discussing these with you.
Eric Charles
Keymaster“But I have seen some men themselves don’t have answers to these questions regarding their fears, winning etc.lol.”
True. I’m glad you said this because this is worth clarifying here.
I’m not saying to openly discuss these things as topics.
Rather, know that this is where his heart is. Know that this is how he experiences the world, where his attention is and what makes-or-breaks his experience of life.
On the surface, you won’t talk about any of this head on. But you will listen for it and you will know what he’s really talking about when he’s opening up.
Ideally, you want to be a woman who knows this but never discusses it explicitly with him.
An interesting example here is how male friends will fall in love with their female friends. The female friend has open discussions with him about life and he feels safe to express his real experience.
He doesn’t necessarily express the fullest, deepest version of his truth, but he shares enough for her to see how he’s struggling with it emotionally and offers support.
Suddenly, he starts catching feelings for her. She “gets him”.
So there’s a clue in those instances and it’s not that he’s desperate or couldn’t get other women. It’s that there’s a real connection that men feel when they feel safe enough to talk to a woman on that level.
“And get uncomfortable if you try to know them this way.”
Yes, you can discover a lot of this information in a curious, fun and playful way. But again, I have to emphasize that learning this information through observation and indirect conversation is best.
Don’t go for it head on. Some things he will volunteer if he feels you’re a safe person to express himself to. Other things you’ll read between the lines.
“But I guess that’s the takeaway from here. Date men who are open to discussing these with you.”
Yes, and this is a gradual process. You can’t rush it and frankly there’s no reason to rush it. The process is the essence of the relationship!
If a man is willfully intent on hiding his life from you and blocking any discussion about any detail of his life, daily experience or journey towards what he wants, then that’s not great.
In the beginning a guy might deflect those topics because he doesn’t know you well enough yet or wants to keep things light and flirtatious. There’s nothing wrong with that in the beginning.
But if you sense after ongoing interactions that he 100% refuses to let any discussion touch on his actual life, then that’s a red flag.
This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by