I love him and I don't know what to do

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  • #797891 Reply

    Hi, I’m in a tricky situation. I’ve been with my boyfriend for half a year and we both love each other. He has introduced me to his family. Me on the other hand, haven’t.

    I have mentioned it briefly to my parents that I’m talking to a guy. But my dad is forcing me to stop talking to him (ie break up with him). They haven’t even met him and I have not talked about anything apart from he went to community college. He works full time in a manufacturing site.

    He is basically forbidding me from speaking/seeing him because he’s ‘not been to university’. He said he’s disappointed in my judgment and that I’m dumb if I can’t even date someone who’s similar to my education level. He’s also saying that I’m too naive thinking a guy would find me attractive/ want to be with me.

    I overheard him talking about monitoring my activities/plans on Friday nights and Saturdays. what the hell? I’m an adult, 22, university graduate and works in the medical field and facing patients all day.

    I don’t that’s being protective, anybody think he’s controling? Or even emotional manipulative?

    #797904 Reply

    If you’re an adult he’s not legally allowed to monitor or stalk you. This may something he’s able to do in his country but not in the US.
    This is the time to start adulting by setting firm boundaries with your parents. Let them know you are perfectly capable of finding a good person to love, degree or not, and who loves you too. If you can’t stand up to your parents now then you are going to have a difficult life as it doesn’t appear in their eyes your a capable woman and that’s really sad.

    Stand up for yourself and especially your BF, whereas, if your family won’t include him then you need to exclude them until they accept he’s apart of your life and treat him as respectfully as his family does you.

    #797995 Reply

    Thanks for replying. It just upsets me that not only my parents but my brother is saying the same thing. On top of that, my brother saw me hugging a guy who was younger and said I was flirting with under age boys. He was a FRIEND people. The fact that he accused me of flirting with underage boys makes me sick to the stomach. What the hell?

    They said this morning that if I don’t cut ties with him, they’ll kick me out. I have a job so that’s not a problem but ‘kicking me out’ also means cutting ties with me. They are basically saying choose them or I’ll disown you.

    They also said that he went to college and not university that he’s not good enough for me and that if I were to leave, they don’t care what happens to me in the future. If I were to go through a break up, divorce, need help with kids, get raped or murdered, they don’t care.

    They’ve not met him, they don’t know him. But they’ve made up their minds that he’s the ‘bad guy’. Said that I don’t know him well enough, that he could be lying about his job, his background, his family basically doubting him for everything. Having no respect for him at all… all based on the fact that he went to college and works in a manufacturing site.

    I took your advice and stood up for myself and they said ‘sure, but we’ll never speak to you again and need to leave within 3 months’. And that they will never ever respect him.

    They said that I’m something wrong and that they are helping me. What did I do wrong apart from got a boyfriend and fell in love, anybody here think this is crazy?

    #798140 Reply

    I’m sorry you are faced with this but sometimes tough measures are needed and this appears to be one of them. Just so you know I disowned my mother for a few years because she REFUSED to stop talking bad about my dad when they separated. I got tired of engaging in *arguments* with her where one day I hung up on her and refused to talk to her again!

    Interestingly it was my mother-in-law who finally got me to talk to her again and guess what, she NEVER brought up my father again as that was a ground rule (boundary) I set with her, among a couple others topics and she knew what the consequences of doing so were. Sometimes you just need to stick up for yourself even with people you love when they become toxic poison in you life. Life’s too short to be miserable, so grab that happiness when it comes around because you really want to surround yourself with as many good people as possible. They will eventually come around and if not, and even if it doesn’t work with this guy you at least were able to break away and become your own sufficient person—a win-win! :o)

    #798146 Reply

    I cAn tell you that this is going to be an uphill battle. Your story sounds almost exact to what mine was at the exact age you are. Even my sister was wrangled in to encourage me to break up as I was “ruining the family” by dating my bf. I ended up marrying this man, and as we grew older I could see where the differences in background impacted us. As I worked hard to contribute more than 1/2 the income he was limited in his career aspirations. We struggled so much financially and I could see our different backgrounds with education contributed to different values with raising our children. I wish you the best as I know this is so stressful and not particularly easy to set boundaries at the age you are.

    #798149 Reply

    I feel you need to deal with your family first and learn to stand up for yourself. I dont understand how you can tolerate a dad who tells no guy will be attracted to you. If they dont want to know your bf but only care about education i would think they care very little about the person that you are. Maybe start with finding your own space will help you. You can vent hete about how crazy this is, but thats not very productive. You need to emancipate yourself. And how is very character different.

    #798302 Reply

    Your parents want what they think is best for you. Unfortunately, this is not a healthy way of showing that they care. They can’t force you to do anything and the more that they do, the more you will resist.

    First of all, half a year is a very short time to claim that you’re “in love”, maybe it’s more of an infatuation because you really don’t know someone until you’ve known them for at least a year.

    Second of all, education level is not as important as whether or not he can provide for you. Will he able to financially support the entire family with this manufacturing job? If you make more money than him in the future, will you feel resentful for being the breadwinner? How are your compatibility in regards to religious, political, or other important values? A lot of things to think about before you tell your parents off and dismiss them forever.

    I’m only saying this because when I was your age, I thought I was madly in love with all of my ex-boyfriends. My dad would warn me about them just based off of what I tell him and I thought it was unfair. But hindsight 20/20, my dad was right about some of the things and I’m grateful that I didn’t end up marrying any of them. Just be calm and tell your dad that you respect his input but that you’d like some time to get to know this guy more before you make a rash decision.

    #798626 Reply

    I’ll keep it short because really that’s all that’s needed here.

    If you don’t stand up for yourself and set boundaries, they will continue to control YOU and your decisions for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.

    It will be, “why did you take this job over that one?” or “you shouldn’t buy that house” or “raise your children this way” etc. The list will just go on and on.

    Your family is controlling. You need to be ok with standing on your own two feet. It isn’t about who you are dating. It’s about you being secure enough in your life to make your own decisions with our WITHOUT them.

    This is YOUR life, live it as you see fit!

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