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- This topic has 31 replies and was last updated 10 years, 8 months ago by
Hi everyone :-) love the great advice around here and would love some insight.
I’m in an open relationship with a great guy, have been for about a year. Fantastic sex, very sweet and reliable communication-wise. I’m very emotionally open with him, share pretty much everything with him including details of all my other hookups (which he seems to totally get off on) and my love life in general (nothing too serious going on there, just meeting people and having fun). He is sweet and supportive and is always there for me if I’m having a tough day – even if it’s about something stupid he’ll let me vent and help me figure out what to do. Our time together is mostly sex sex sex, and then talking afterwards, and then texting several times a day about sex and life stuff, but mostly sex, which I enjoy and so far it has been great. He texts me good morning every morning and it’s basically very sweet and nice while being totally low-key and zero drama at the same time. Which is great.
The sex is pretty intense and obviously a fantasy playground for all kinds of things, but one theme that comes up every time (for him) no matter what is some boyfriend/relationship talk which I think is just roleplay but I’m not sure. The way I talk to him is mostly like “I love your cock blah blah blah” (which is true). But sometimes he will stop me and say “do you love my cock or do you love all of me” (and I say, all of you, because at some level it’s true, but also because it’s part of the game) or he’ll say “tell me you love me” and make me say I love you over and over (he is very dominant during sex which I enjoy).
So…..I’m totally happy with how things are – I think we have a really genuine and fun relationship with basically zero complications and zero drama – but when he started with the I love you stuff it kind of threw me for a bit.
My question is: is this something I should pay attention to? Is he trying to tell me something about what he wants or feels from the relationship? Or is it all just part of the game of sex and I shouldn’t worry about it too much?
My guess is that it’s a genuine feeling at some level (I mean, I do love him too, whatever that means, without wanting to be in a committed relationship) and sex is a safe space to express it without it sounding too serious or like a DTR talk or a request for commitment.
He jokes about being my bf a lot……has said he only wants to have sex with me (I meanwhile encourage him to have fun with other girls all the time)…..but also says I need to find an age-appropriate bf (he is quite a bit older than me).
So this is just a weird unspoken undercurrent in an otherwise extremely fun and fulfilling relationship. I don’t mind it at all if it’s just sweet and expressive as I do feel a enormous depth of love for him too…..but I guess I’m just trying to make sure I’m not being clueless or obtuse….especially since I really do care about him so much.
One great lesson I’ve learned from all you wise ladies is that guys are extremely straightforward and tend to mean exactly what they say. So I assume I’m not expected to read into this too much and that if he wanted to change our relationship situation/dynamic he would just tell me instead of joking about it or testing me out with the I love yous….
So I’m assuming this is not an attempt to start a serious relationship conversation?
should I just let it pass and assume it’s all joking and roleplay with a bit of genuine feeling thrown in, but nothing to worry about further?Thank you so much!!!!
Sorry to sound so neurotic!! I just REALLY don’t want to hurt his feelings if he is being at all serious…..on the other hand if he’s not being serious about the love stuff at all I can just go back to enjoying our relationship as is without worrying or feeling guilty about it……Anyway, yes, would love your take on this!!
Hi Anna,
How’re you feeling about things?
My guess is you’re not looking for more (a relationship)?Anna
Hi Raven,
That’s a really great question (maybe the one I’ve been avoiding??). Thank you!!! I’m definitely open to a relationship (at some point, with someone) though to be honest the whole idea also makes me a little panicky (so maybe I just don’t feel ready??)
Part of it is I’m a bit of a late bloomer dating-wise…..I’m 30 but I was always so focused on school that up until the past year or two I never dated much. And also, especially after reading the great advice around here, and experimenting in my own life, the strategy of focusing on being happy with or without a relationship just seems to work SO much better that I feel like I’m afraid of even wanting a relationship for fear of getting needy and/or sabotaging everything when it is going so well. I’m happier in the relationship as it is than I’ve ever been in any relationship before and I think a big part of me feels like I just don’t want to mess with it (and risk losing a really good thing by trying to make it something it’s not).
Part of it is I feel like we’re in pretty different places in terms of where we’re at in life – he’s older and more established in his career and values and priorities…..I’m finishing grad school right now and not totally sure what my life will look like afterwards ……I think I like the open-endedness of that and the idea of committing to anything still feels a little claustrophobic and sounds like being tied down (which is maybe an irrational fear) – even though I know that the best relationships actually create more freedom and more possibility for growth (at least that’s what this relationship so far has felt like and a big part of why I love it so much).
I think it’s hard for me to picture us in a different type of relationship because what we have has been working so far. I’m also VERY hesitant about the idea of a domestic relationship with anyone as I definitely want and enjoy my own space (not that one is impossible without the other but my gut reaction is definitely fear and apprehension, maybe because I’ve seen it ruin so many things before (or just be the end of all the romance and magic – although I know intellectually it doesn’t have to be like that, it still makes me apprehensive about losing what is so precious and great about the relationship in the first place).Whereas what we have now is so completely fun and easy and uncomplicated by any of that.
Sometimes he jokes about waking up together every morning and how great it would be – I totally agree but I think the whole idea is still in fantasy land for me (and I guess I kind of just assumed it was for him too.)
The focus has definitely been on sex so far – partly I think because it’s definitely the way I feel safest expressing emotion – so although I appreciate him for ALL that he is (his kindness, character, humor, integrity) and tell him so pretty often, for the most part I just focus on how much I love having sex with him – and it is really great, definitely the best sex I’ve ever has in my life – also the most emotionally engaged sex ever which is partly what I love about it – it just feels very real in a way that I haven’t experienced before (and I’ve had a LOT of sexual partners). In a weird way sex is kind of my comfort zone in terms of feeling and processing emotions, if that makes any sense at all.
Our opening talk last summer about where we were each at was basically just like “we’ll see how things go and just let things evolve” and that’s pretty much the attitude I’ve taken so far. He is SO supportive of me living my life, exploring with other people, and finding out what is right for me that it’s hard to imagine he could actually be serious about wanting anything different than what we have now. Occasionally I can sense that he’s a little jealous of the other guys but he hardly ever gets possessive and always just emphasizes that the most important thing is that I am happy. Sometimes he jokes about being too old for me or how much he’s going to miss me when I find the right boy (ie a guy more my own age I guess) although he knows I’m not in a big hurry to settle down with anyone, much less get married or anything like that. So I don’t really take it too seriously. The age difference has never really bothered me (in a lot of ways it’s great because we have a lot to learn from each other) but I can imagine it being more of a practical issue (different groups of friends, different places in life) were we to become more serious. As it is we get along really really well and it seems like a pretty risky thing to do to even bring up the possibility of anything more or different than what we have now, just because it’s so great as is and working so well.
I want to be honest about my feelings for him if he asks (I do love him – just as he is without necessarily wanting anything from him except to keep spending time together and growing together as we have been) but I would never say I love you unless he specifically asks me during sex. Outside of that I never bring it up just because it seems to heavy and I guess I hope he knows how I feel without me having to be too explicit about it (which just seems like it could make things weird or maybe not as fun and easy as they are right now).
Not sure if the whole I love you/joking about a relationship thing is just his way of saying he cares without pushing things any farther (if so, great) or if I’m being self-absorbed and not hearing what he’s saying just because the whole idea of a more serious relationship makes me a little nervous and I just don’t want to go there (in which case I feel like I have some definite issues to work on!)
Any outside perspective on this would be very welcome – thank you!!!!
um….i feel like he is not roleplaying that…especially because he talks about it a lot. I think he is telling you his feelings in a safe way so that if you don’t respond positively he can always fall back on the roleplaying aspect ya know? So pretty much he is being passive aggressive…I think y’all should sit down and have serious conversation about your relationship. Not during sex because then hormones get in the way. Sit down away from a bedroom, while sober, and maybe during a meal and talk about things.
Agree with EL.. ALL you said here is very valid and explained well. Just tell him the same. Tell him ” if there WERE to be anyone.. it WOULD be you “.. IF you feel you CAN tell him that.
EL, this is super helpful, thank you!!
Any advice on how exactly to bring this up or what exactly to say? I think I’ve avoided it so far because a) if there’s one thing I’ve learned here is that it’s best to assume a guy isn’t interested in anything more unless he explicitly brings it up (so I was like, is this “bringing it up” or just random joking?? ) and that the general effect of a rleationshp talk is to make a guy shut down and push him away (which isn’t what I want to do!!) and b) because I don’t really NEED an answer or need anything to change – I just want to be open to the conversation if he’s trying to start one and not be a bitch by ignoring his gestures (usually if he brings up anything relationship-wise or about being my boyfriend I just assume he’s joking and say something like “haha you’re so funny” which is maybe a little immature but I haven’t been sure how else to handle it, especially because he usually brings it up in a really lighthearted way if we’re just talking (or really intensely during sex …..but that’s like, sex, so I never take anything that anybody says too literally and usually just assume whatever gets said during sex is pretty much meaningless outside that context – I know it doesn’t have to be but it just seems safer to assume that)
Also, I kind of like being able to date other people right now. I’m not sure why but it just makes me feel safer and like I have options. He is definitely THE BEST person I have ever dated (in terms of how he treats me, who he is as a person and how well we get along) but I spent so many years getting so obsessed with guys and wishing for a relationship with them and making myself miserable over it that even thinking about wanting a relationship kind of takes me back to those years – and I’m so much happier now than I ever was when I DID want a relationship that I’m really hesitant to even consider the possibility.
Basically every day I tell him some form of “you make me so happy, you make me feel so good” – usually in a sexual context but not always – because I DO want him to know how I feels and how much I appreciate him. He is truly an amazing, caring, loving, generous guy and the last thing I want to do is to be an immature little bitch when he is authentically expressing his feelings. I guess I’m just not sure what the mature thing to do would be or what my role is…..my instinct has just been to “lean back” and let him come to me as much as he wants to and not worry about the rest.
One last random thing – not sure if it’s relevant. We always joke about my relationship with my best guy friend……he (the guy in question, the one I’m sleeping with) always jokes that we (me and my platonic guy friend) are meant to be and that we’re going to get married. And when I tell him about the other guys I’m dating (he always asks and is super curious so I end up telling him a lot of the funny adventures I’ve had) he will say, “they’re all in love with you! They all want to marry you!” – in a sweet and playful way that makes me feel like he really would be happy if I found a boyfriend (whenever I’m out he’ll be like “did you meet any cute boys?” and with the other guys I’m dating he always asks if any of them are long-term boyfriend potential – not in a jealous way but like he really wants me to be happy.) My repsonse to all of this is generally something like “haha you are so funny……nothing serious, still exploring” both to keep it lighthearted and also because it’s true.
He also jokes a lot about being too old for me……not sure if he means that he would never want a relationship because of that or if he’s just trying to gauge my response. I never make the age thing an issue because it isn’t for me but I can tell he’s a little hung up on it sometimes, even though I always make it clear that it’s not a big deal to me at all (or even a good thing in a lot of ways)……never sure if he’s trying to figure out how I feel about him when he brings it up or just using it as a way to make it clear that this is definitely a casual relationship and would never be anything more. And honestly is totally good with me at this point – actually much much easier for me to deal with in many ways.
Thoughts on bringing this up? Like I said, I don’t actually need any answers about his feelings or any change in the relationship (I know he likes me a lot and the relationship is great as it is)……I just don’t want to be stupid or inconsiderate by laughing off the love/relationship stuff if he really does want to talk about it in a more serious way rather than just joking and indirectly (which is how it’s been so far). But I’m not sure what kind of conversation he actually wants to have? I definitely want to hear what he has to say, I just don’t want to make him feel awkward or uncomfortable (which I guess is partly why I keep it lighthearted and joking and indirect myself!)
Thank you!!! SO appreciate any and all perspectives on this (and again much love and gratitude for everything I’ve learned from this wonderful community so far!!)
Harley, just saw your post!!! Thank you that’s a really great way of phrasing it (and also completely true to how I feel)
What kind of tone would you say this in? Like seriously or lighthearted or somewhere in between??
Thank you SO much!!!
Me.. I’d say it serious, hold his hands and look into his eyes .. hold his gaze.. so he knows you mean it. We ALWAYS tell gals here that when a guy says he doesn’t want a relationship… he means it.
I THINK.. you NEED to make this guy understand that you don’t want a relationship right NOW .. but that YOU ARE open to one in the future WITH HIM and that you would like to contiue on as you are , just NOT get too intense.
Guys are VERY focused on ONE thing at a time.. i.e a career, a woman, building a house, whatever. You need to make him undestand that YOU are a bit like a guy now..if you know what I mean.
OUT of ALL the guys you could/would/should choose.. would you choose him ??( based on attraction, traits, values, bad points)
I never got over my ex of 22 yrs ago.. if I had it to do again “I’d still choose him “… warts and all. I got in touch with him recently.. but he just couldn’t go throught the heartache again.
SO.. don’t let circumstances get in your way.. the right guy WILL wait whilst you sort youtr career out.. they will grow WITH you , not AWAY from you.
WHAT is the age difference..how old are you both….my ex and I were 10 yrs.. never bothered me at all as I have all older siblings. I worry that perhaps he is at the “marriage/children ” stage. and you are not.
Hi.. I wouldn’t tell him about the other guys.. he may pretend it does not hurt his feelings.. but perhaps it does. I talk to my FWB about this type of stuff… but my FWB is NEVER going to be “mine” .. nor do I want him to be… he’s a serial cheater ! I HAVE NOT told him anything about my ex fance/love, only that I still care for him deeply.. I have cried on teh phone with my FWB and said I still love my ex.. but nothing personal about my ex.. as THAT is private between my ex and me. I think your guy wants to be ” yours ” so perhaps tmi ( too much inforation) is secretly hurting him. Just a caution.
fance.. fiance
Hi Harley and EL,
Thank you both so much!! You are both so insightful about all of this and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.
To answer: YES, I would definitely choose him. Our dynamic is great, he is the most emotionally evolved person I have ever met – definitely still a guy but amazingly communicative and articulate and able to remain steady and calm no matter what the situation. He has taught me so much without even meaning to and I truly feel that I grow as a person with him … just by the nature of our interactions … so being with him feels very in tune with the overall personal growth and transformation I seek, and this is really important to me. The age difference is pretty significant (I’m 30, he’s 50), but so far it surprisingly has not really been an issue (but mostly we just hang out on our own, no telling what this would be like socially). We have a lot more things in common than I do with most people my own age (both in terms of shared interests and also that we just seem to be on the same page so it’s easy to talk and hang out. At the same time I DO feel he is much more mature than me in certain ways – just as a person – so I think that’s partly why I don’t take him seriously when he brings up the relationship stuff – I still see myself as very immature in comparison and with a lot of growing up to do until I could be a person who is as good and kind and relaxed and stable as he is. But of course, I would like to get there…whether with him or just in general in my life.)
I would even be open to a relationship now …. IF he proposed it …. but I think I feel like I don’t want to be the one to say it. If that were something he were interested in I think it could be really great and just more growth and connection …. I’m not totally sure what would change actually …. but of anyone that I could imagine being in a relationship with, he would definitely be the one, just because of who he is, the absolute respect and kindness and affection with which he treats me, and because our dynamic feels so natural and relaxed (and yet sort of intense and meaningful at the same time, although I would say that intensity only really comes out during sex).
I’m not sure how to handle the other guys – he always, always, always asks, and then asks for details, and seems to (for the most part) really genuinely want me to be happy and have fun no matter who it’s with (which I have never experienced before). He is an extremely secure and grounded and confident person. At the same time he definitely wants to know if he is the best and my favorite – again I can’t tell how much of this is joking around or actual competition and a (tiny) bit of jealousy – overall he is an extremely non-jealous person, I think again because he is just very grounded and open-minded and secure. But I DONT want to hurt him and would hate to think of even accidentally doing so. It’s tricky territory because a lot of his sexual fantasies involve seeing me with a lot of other guys and then him being the best one, the winner by the end. We actually have done this as well – I couldn’t get a read on how exactly he felt about seeing me with other guys but we did end up having a lot of fun, and it was the same sort of dynamic where he would encourage me to play with other guys but ultimately be recognized as the one in control and the one that I would end up (well, at least for the night). We have also done threesomes with girls (mostly because he knows I like girls) so I have seen him with other girls (hot but intense) … he always treats me as special during that though….like his focus will mainly be on me. And I’m not sure if that’s because he likes me so much or just because we have a very uniquely intense (at least in my experience) sexual connection so it just sort of comes out when we’re with other people.
I honestly don’t have any issues with him as a person …. if anything being with him has just done a lot to reveal make me want to be a better person, to meet him at his level …. and I do think that if this turned into a relationship (or grew into more of a relationship than it already is) I would be one hell of a lucky girl. I just never would have thought that that would be what he was interested in since from the beginning he was always very clear about just seeing how things go, plus I got the sense that he had already done the serious relationship thing before and was more interested in just being together than trying to make it into anything, which was totally fine by me. I was kind of thinking that he was past the marrying/children stage whereas I was maybe just never going to get there (I like kids but I don’t necessarily know that I want any …. I like relationships but I don’t necessarily know that I need to get married), so despite the age difference it kind of seemed like we were in a similar place and thus able to get along really well.
I guess my main goal right now is to just be kind and honest with him (about my feelings and feelings about a relationship with him, i.e. that I would be open to it in the future) IF it’s relevant….but the last thing I want to do is to make a big deal of it or force the talk if that’s totally not even where his head is at. I think I’ve seen so many posts/articles about NOT bringing up relationship future/status issues and just assuming that “it is what it is” for now and going from there that I’m a bit uncertain as to how to express where I’m at without it coming across as psycho or needy or controlling or trying to turn a FWB into a relationship. I wouldn’t really call it either FWB or a relationship at this point – it FEELS like something more in between, but I’m not sure if I’m totally misreading that which I think is why up to this point I kind of just wrote off all of his relationship/love comments as just him being silly and playing around rather than something I should listen to and think about seriously.
thank you SO MUCH for your perspectives – it has made such a difference in how i think about all of this already and i appreciate it so much :-) xoxo
OK so I am super straightforward person. If i were you I would just straight up ask him next time he jokingly brings it up. Be like hey what are ultimately looking for? Are you just kind of into casual or are you looking for something serious. Then if he says he is looking for something serious, ask what he sees for your guys’ future. I think that it’s important to really narrow down exactly what you want though before going into this conversation. Because you seem kind of wishy washy. You say you could have a relationship with him, but you don’t really want it to change. You need to know exactly how you feel about the situation before bringing it to his attention. Because if he says he does want a more serious relationship are you willing to go with that?
As for him asking about other guys it’s probably because he is comparing. He wants to know what is going on with you and your life. Wants to know if you are seriously into anyone. I’d do the same thing if I were in his position.
I do think that you kind of need to be the direct one here, because he sounds very go with the flow and passive aggressive.
IDK.. I read this differently.
He TOLD you during sexto say you loved him. It was a command. I don’t see that as endearing… It’s domineering and feeds his ego.
The fact you only have sex is another thing. Men who see a future with you don’t isolate all activity to sexual. They also are not crazy about having their woman with other men.
It sounds like he is older and quite settled in this open lifestyle. If he were to start taking you on dates, or out with friends… Etc.. That shows movement. But I think you are reading way too much into words. His actions are not showing you he wants a relationship.
It’s also unclear if you want a relationship… Although I believe you do, or you would not be analyzing this so much.
Just ask him what he wants.. Is he thinking of wanting a relationship at all? Not just with you.
Hi EL,
You are so right. I guess my biggest issue at this point (and the reason I’ve been so go with the flow and wishy washy too) is that I don’t actually know what I want. Mostly because I haven’t been in a healthy serious relationship before so it’s hard for me to imagine what that would look like or what would change (besides not dating other people – and that part I don’t mind at all, the main reason to be dating them in the first place is to just not get all wrapped up with this guy or treat the relationship as more than it is.)
I guess what I need to figure out is what DOES change in a serious relationship as opposed to just seeing each other. I think I haven’t had enough experience to actually know (except for having a pretty good idea what the unhealthy version looks like, and that’s definitely what I don’t want to repeat. The consistent affection, respect, trust and fun is what I want to keep……beyond that ……I know this is a stupid question but I am honestly clueless…..what would I be getting myself into?? Or is it just something that you work out along the way???
Thank you again for such honest and straightforward advice. I’m so grateful
The only way to learn how to be in a relationship is to get into one. That is how you learn how to interact, truly date, etc.
Are all the other men you see also just sex buddies?
LAgirl…..yes, now that you say that, I think you are right.
We sort of take on different personas during sex so I’m not sure it has anything to do with real life.
I think I maybe just like the fantasy/ego trip of the idea of him being interested …..I definitely care very deeply about him as a person, and vice versa (I think) but that’s different than actually wanting a relationship together and I think I may have been confusing those things.
If it’s just a roleplay thing I’d rather not mess with it – my concern was that I was ignoring his words (and thus being insensitive to something he was trying to talk about) but if it has nothing to do with what he actually wants then I’d rather just go with the flow and let it be what it is……no need to mess with a good thing…..I think I’ve just been overthinking it
Thank you!!
The other guys are more like “date buddies.” We go on dates and sometimes have sex but the level of emotional connection and the depth of conversation – the sense that we know each other and really get each other and are invested in each other’s well-being – is much stronger with this guy. I’m not sure why. Either the sexual chemistry makes it seem that way when it’s not or he’s just a very relaxed and open-minded person without a definite agenda so it’s very easy to connect and be my most authentic self. So maybe the best way to describe it would be a FWB with a very kind, wise, and loving friend. And maybe it’s a stepping stone to a real relationship and it just feels safer because the emotional boundaries are clear. I think I freaked myself out a little when I thought it was turning ino something else but in retrospect and after talking it out I think maybe I was just misreading a few things as him trying to start a serious conversation when in reality it’s a non-issue!
I SO appreciate each of your perspectives – thank you!!
PS We started out with dates but then I indirectly pushed it in more of a sexual direction …..I suggested that was what I was really interested in (because the sex was and is very compelling and sort of my main interest in the beginning, although I’ve really come to appreciate him as a person in the meantime – not in an I want a relationship way but just realizing that he’s a really good person… ) …..he seemed ok with making it more just about sex it was just the periodic if-I-were-your-bf comments that were kind of throwing me off…..
Hi…EL and I are a lot alike…I’d be upfront and ask him too. Lagirl gives excellent advice all the time…only you can decide…ask him or don’t. You have a lot of advice here to guide you but ultimately…The choice is yours. Good luck.
Maury John
Male Perspective – I read the entire string, including great responses from two smart and wise women.
If you have accurately described everything, which I believe you have, then here is what I believe is going on. I think he is very insecure about the age difference and he is anxious about losing you eventually. He asks you if you met any cute guys with his fingers crossed behind his back hoping that you are going to say no. I think he is constantly gauging where he stands – and where you are in regards to finding someone closer to your age – incidentally you never said how much older he is. I am 52 and recently started hanging out with a 36 year old woman. I can’t speak for her, but for me I don’t even realize that I am 16 years older when we are together. Sometimes when I am home by myself and I start thinking about how much I enjoy being around her – then I start to obsess over the age difference. It makes me feel a little bit insecure because it’s hard for me to believe that she isn’t eventually going to meet someone closer to her age, who still has all of his hair and an athletic physique and all of those other wonderful things men start to lose as they get older.
I suspect he is feeling exactly the same way.
There is one thing that throws me – if I was having sex and my partner said “I love your cock” – I would totally get off on that and would assure her that it is always available for her, and maybe I would respond with I love your kitty kat, or something like that. I would definitely not say what he said – not in the middle of sex. I think most guys would love hearing their partner say “I love your cock” and that they wouldn’t want to take the focus off of that so quickly. The fact that he did makes me think that he does want you to love all of him. Again I believe he is constantly gauging where he stands with you – do you just use him instead of a vibrator, or is it more than that – and just because he leaves one day knowing you really like him, doesn’t mean that by the next time he hasn’t started having doubts again. It seems like with both the age difference and the emotions he requires reassurances often that everything is still the same.
I am going to make a suggestion – from a Man’s perspective. You can certainly ignore it if it doesn’t feel like the right thing to do.
If I were you, the next time he asks if you met any cute guys, say “Actually, yes, I did. I met a very handsome guy who was really sweet. He is taking me to dinner on Friday night.”. I think that you will learn a lot from his reaction.
The first time you talk to him after Friday you can play it a few different ways depending on his initial reaction. You can tell him the date went really well and the guy was a gentleman and he didn’t try anything, and he is going to call you to make another date. My thinking is that this might make him take a stance if he feels like you are maybe about to start something that could potentially be serious. It seems like a good way to make him put his cards on the table.
Or – you could say you enjoyed the date, and the guy was really cute and fun – but in the end “he wasn’t you”. Something like that……
Or if he reacts initially like it is making him very jealous, you could say that at the last minute you called and broke the date.
That may seem underhanded and manipulative, but I believe that it is a good way to make some progress on understanding what is going on in his head and his heart.
Hi Maury John (and wonderful wise ladies!),
Wow, thank you so much for such a wonderful and thoughtful repsonse. This was SO helpful for me in terms of understanding where he might be coming from and honestly it definitely resonates a lot with my experience. I am 30 and he is 53 so it’s a similar age difference. As you say when we hang out I never think about it at all….. sometimes I get insecure about it because I feel like I am just not as grown up and mature a person as he is (though the whole situation definitely made me drop a lot of immature tendencies because I didn’t want to be acting like an idiot or a young drama queen when he is so cool and mature and relaxed). But he definitely makes jokes pretty frequently about being “an old guy” especially in comparison to other guys I hang out with. So far I’ve just made it very clear to him that he is absolutely my favorite and if he makes jokes like that I just say how lucky I feel to be with someone as incredible (and incredibly hot) as he is.
I’ve been actually been dating several other guys simultaneously – he is always very curious to know about them and I generally say something along the lines of “it was fun but it’s nothing like being with you” (which is absolutely true). He is definitely my favorite guy EVER (and I have told him so)…..usually he is really happy to hear this but sometimes he says, “you’re still very young, you’ll meet other guys you like just as much.” It’s a conversation we’ve had a lot and I basically just try to express how happy he makes me without trying to force the issue because I can’t tell if he says things like he’s too old for me or that I’ll surely meet someone else because he’s testing my feelings and maybe wants me to contradict him and say no, I want YOU (which is the truth), or if it’s just the reason he gives for not wanting to be in a relationship with me (usually I assume it’s the latter and just keep it light and casual because the last thing I want to do is to be forcing it to be something it’s not). We have SO much fun together that I honestly don’t care if we never turn it into another kind of relationship – what it is now is so good that I just feel incredibly happy and lucky and grateful that he’s in my life – as we are now – and honestly too overwhelmed by gratitude to even think of asking for anything more – and I wouldn’t think about it at all except that he keeps bringing it up.
We do a lot of dominant/submissive roleplay stuff during sex (he’s very dominant during sex, and it’s kind of the one time where he’s very direct and expressive about what he wants instead of just mellow and go with the flow. So during those moments he will demand to know if he’s my favorite, if he fucks me the best, if I love him, if I want to be with him every single day. And I always say yes (very passionately) – not just because it’s part of the game but also because it’s true. But I would never (or at least I haven’t so far) be so direct about the depth of my love for him or how open I am to him outside of sex because I’m really really wary of seeming crazy or needy. So after every date with someone else I always tell him “you know you’re still my favorite” and I mean it.
I guess my instinct has been to just keep living my life, dating other people, enjoying the relationship for what it is, and just assuming that if he REALLY wanted to make it into something more that he would say so and do something about it. My main reason for posting is that I want to be smart and sensitive in how I respond to all these comments he makes (both about his age and about what we could be.) He is a truly wonderful person and I want to make sure I’m doing a good job of listening and responding (but without overanalyzing or overthinking whatever he says).
As a guy …..what would you WANT the girl to do in this situation? I feel like I end up laughing a lot of things off because I have no idea what he means or how serious he is……and I definitely don’t want to be delusionally imagining there’s some profound depth or possibility here when there’s not. Like I said, I’m in no rush to jump into a relationship with him or anyone, but the relationship as it is is so valuable to me and has been such a source of joy and growth that I truly do want to do the right thing and be a good listener and communicator for wherever he’s at. And hopefully communicate how much he means to me IF he wants to hear it and if that’s the reassurance he’s looking for or the question he’s indirectly been asking.
Would love to hear more if you have a moment – if not THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for such a thoughtful and generous response. I appreciate it so, so much and it has made such a difference to me.
Anna.. It’s GREAT to have the male perspective. ! Best of luck .
Harley, thank you so much!!! And thank you for all the great advice, it really resonated with me and my intuitive sense of the situation. Having a balance of perspectives really helped me get clarity not only on the situation itself but on what I might ultimately be looking for – it was interesting to realize that my own ambiguity and open-endedness might be sending a lot of mixed messages too. I realized that my own uncertainty about whether I would want a committed relationship was maybe even more of the issue than interpreting his words or behaviors.
LAgirl (and Lane!) you are SO helpful in figuring out how to behave if you DO want a committed relationship and I have appreciated that advice throughout this forum so much. Harley as you say, you and EL are very similar and I really resonate with what you say and where you’re coming from, and you both always have such great advice. Maury John, it is FABULOUS to have a guy’s perspective – I’ve read some of your other posts and they are really great. It was also really interesting to read your description of how guys change over time – I always wondered why I got along better with older guys and after I read what you wrote it totally makes sense!
I think I’m going to take it easy and maybe take some time to figure out where my own head is at before bringing any of this up with him, and maybe bring it up by just expressing what I do want from relationships (not necessarily with him), since I feel I have definitely not been clear at all with him or myself about that. Sometimes he goes through phases where he tells me how much I deserve a really great bf who will take me out on dates and hold my hand…..and then I’ve been like, but I don’t WANT that, I just like having sex with you. And I always wondered if that was his way of trying to break up with me (I asked and he said “NO!!!”) or feel out how I felt about having a bf in the first place. In many ways I’m sure I’m a much more confusing person to deal with and I hadn’t really realized that before. I think I got caught up wondering what he wanted when really the issue was I didn’t know what I did.
One of the sweetest things he ever said to me: “someday you will really understand that whatever makes you happy – having sex with lots of people, not having any sex at all if that’s what you feel like – is what makes me happy. And if you move to canada or find the right boy, I’ll still be happy if you are.”
Part of me was like, well that is a weird and confusing statement if ever there was one!!! But ultimately I found it really moving …..like very pure and generous……the overall arc of the conversation was basically ” I want you and I want to claim you as mine and I don’t think any of these other boys really deserve you, but ultimately I just want you to have your freedom and be happy.” Which was pretty amazing – I’ve never had anyone be so generous with me before. And it made me realize that I’d been focusing so much on trying to figure out what HE wanted that I’d sort of ignored the fact that actually I needed to figure out the what makes me happy questions for myself.
Thank you everyone!!!! I have learned so much from all of you and I appreciate each unique and wise perspective so much :-) Xoxoxo