I really don’t know what to make of this :(

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  • #794722 Reply

    I really don’t know what to think and I would love some advice from you guys!
    I met this guy last year October online. He asked me out on a date and I agreed to go, not thinking or expecting much other than brunch with some conversation.

    We met up around 12pm for some pancakes. First impressions were good! Attractive (my type) with a great personality. We instantly clicked and the date went well, we followed up with drinks and then dinner! This date lasted for 9 hours before we said goodbye. I can honestly say it was one of the best I’d been on in a while! – he said the same.

    We went on a second date a few later (Wednesday) after to the movies which was also great and I ended up staying at his (no sex involved) and we stayed up all night talking/ connecting. We finally went to bed around 4am because he had to work in the morning, plus he wanted to get up an hour early to cuddle haha.

    In the morning we agreed to meet up next Tuesday for a lunch date then on Wednesday for a dinner date. It all seemed so promising that i allowed myself to feel happy. On the Monday (before the dinner date) I realised that he’d been quiet all weekend so sent him a text to see if everything was all okay for tomorrow. 8 hours later he texted back saying “he’d thought about it and thinks I want something more serious so it’s best to not continue”

    I felt so sad about it but texted him back saying okay, thanks for letting me know. I didn’t want to get angry or come across hostile so left it alone even though I felt like he would come back. The connection I felt was too strong and I knew he felt the same.

    7 months later I got a random text from him, seeing how I was during the quarantine etc. Honestly I was starting to forget about him (talking to other guys etc). He asked if I was open to meeting up and I agreed but I also made it clear that i wasn’t interested in anything sexual happening so if that’s what he was after he might as well say it now. He was fine with it and agreed to cook dinner and catch up. It was good seeing him and I we talked about how things have been etc. I was actually surprised at how much info he remembered about me. We talked again for hours – around 5 or so and ended up making out. Literally felt like we didn’t spend any time apart. He walked me back to the station and asked if I wanted to meet up again in a couple of days which I agreed to. We ordered pizza and watched a movie followed by a long chat again haha. However, we ended up sleeping together this time which felt nice. We even showered together after and kissed some more. He invited me to stay over but I decided against it as he had to be up early the next day and I didn’t want to get up at 7!
    He texted the next morning to tell me he had a great time.

    I heard from him again a few days after that asking if I wanted to go to the park and grab something to eat which I agreed to. We met up at the station to start the 45 min walk to the park we wanted to go to and he also bought me dinner.
    We talked and talked as usual before walking back and saying goodbye. That was 10 days ago and I haven’t really heard from him since! I messaged him 5 days ago and he responded fairly quickly.
    We had a brief conversation and that is it!
    Radio silence.
    We don’t really talk in between dates but this is the longest He’s taken to message me or ask to meet up. I know he has a few things on his plate at the moment (in the process for a new job, looking for a new place and he’s got plans with his friends this weekend).

    Honestly I don’t know what to make of the whole thing and his actions. He acts so interested when we’re together but the complete opposite when we’re not. Am I overthinking his interest in me? Or do you think he’s waiting for me to try to set something up?!

    Any help will be greatly appreciated!!

    #794725 Reply

    Reading your post reminded me so much of this guy I was seeing before I met my now fiance. I’m going to be blunt, because I wish someone would have been with me so I didnt waste so much of my time.. he does not view you as the one.. I’m sorry. I feel like it was a mistake to engage/meet up with him again, because you are clearly waay more invested in this than he is. His actions are showing you that he is still not interested in anything serious with you, I know it’s hard to see that when you’re so far in it and wanting more.. but this guy is not the one. He is most likely just keeping you as an option for when he is bored..

    #794726 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    Unfortunately I think this guy just hit it and quit it. He wanted sex, got sex, and is not interested in more. If you want a relationship or more than a casual hookup, this is not your guy.

    The fact that he blew you off last year after 2 dates because he sensed you wanted something “serious” was a big red flag. He didn’t want something “serious” with you before, and I’m sure that hasn’t changed. When he texted you after 7 months and wanted to meet up, you should have asked him what changed and why he was suddenly interested in dating you again?

    Another warning sign is the intense, long dates at the beginning (9 hour first date, staying up all night on the 2nd date, sleeping over on the 2nd date even though there was no sex involved). This creates a false sense of intimacy on your part. You think you had a great connection, and that you mean something to this guy, because he had a couple of extra-long dates with you. That’s not how it works. Guys that start out fast, tend to burn out fast. You have to pace relationships. A guy needs to earn your time and attention! If he is not willing to take his time, he is not really interested in getting to know you.

    A guy that is interested in you is consistent. You will hear from him pretty much daily, even if it’s just a text/call to say hello. He does not just show interest when you’re together and go radio silent when you’re not, because he doesn’t want to risk losing you to some other guy.

    You’ll probably hear from this guy at some point when he wants another hookup. But if you’re looking for a relationship, and a guy who consistently wants to see you and treat you well, you won’t find it with this guy. Take this experience as a lesson. In the future, pace yourself. Limit first/second dates to 2-3 hours, no matter how magical the connection. Leave the guy craving more of your time. If he’s a guy who is truly interested in getting to know you, he’ll follow up and schedule more dates. You won’t be left wondering in radio silence.

    And needless to say any guy who stops dating you because you want something “serious”, but then has the nerve to reach out 7 months later wanting to see you again, owes you a HUGE explanation at the least. You would be within your rights to totally ignore him, but if you really wanted to see him, at the very least you should make him explain what has changed in his mind.

    #794727 Reply

    Forget about him. You invested more than he did, you’re already way too bonded because you guys had sex.

    In the future, don’t tell a guy you won’t have sex with him, because most guys whose intentions are to get laid know it’s all bluff; talk is cheap. It just shows that you have poor boundaries once you do have sex with him. You need to talk less and observe more before being so available. I’m not shaming women who have sex outside of a monogamous relationships. But you obviously want/expect more than just a hook up so now you regret it and you will have to suffer the consequences. Just because sex feels good at the moment doesn’t mean it’s okay to do it because the pain is not worth it now is it?

    Truth is, if a guy is into you he will be hitting you up frequently, no matter how busy he is, he can take 5 seconds to reach out to you to reassure you that you’re on his mind, if he doesn’t you need to kick him to the curb and not settle for less. I used to be like you when I was less experienced, making excuses for men who are just not that into me, now that I know better, I don’t deal with flaky men. I don’t message them or do small talk. They don’t hear from me unless they ask me out on a date or offer to help me with something. And I definitely do not respond to men from the past, they’re old news, you need to be upgrading and not going backwards! He’s just not that into you, don’t ever chase a man. Just let this one go and learn from your experiences.

    #794728 Reply

    @sam thanks for your response, I think you might be right which is sad :(
    I really like him and haven’t connected with anyone like that in so long. We talk about personal things and I feel comfortable when I’m around him. But when I’m not around him I don’t hear from him at all. I just don’t know why he’d bother though. I told him I’m not interested in just being some girl he’s sleeping with so why is he treating me so casually?!

    #794729 Reply

    @dandy I don’t even know what else to say to this except taking your message on board. I’m tired of feeling used etc and although I expressed that I don’t want to be a fling, I still feel like it’s kind of heading that way. I just wish I stuck to my guns on this one, but he makes it feel so real :(

    #794732 Reply

    Honey, where are your boundaries? He bailed on you last time and you did not even make him work for it at all! You were way over invested. You were staring to forget about a man you saw twice 6 months later???

    Why did you meet him at his house, he should have gotten at best an outside socially distanced dated! And then you kept following up with him, both times you engaged with him. Let men lead, make them earn you. When he asked you if you were open to meeting, you should have asked what had changed, you still wanted something serious.

    And for goodness sake, don’t be so available for dates so quickly. Once a week during the first few weeks. Never initiate, and make him wait a week to see you. And don’t have sex on a second date if you want a relationship.

    #794733 Reply

    He is not interested. That is what is going on. I am sorry to be so harsh, but this man was not interested the first time and you welcomed him back with no boundaries the second time. When men don’t contact you it is because they don’t want to. So make him earn you next time.

    #794734 Reply

    I have a hard time understanding what your motives were for agreeing for a date again. You told him no sex, but what was it you thought you would get out of it? And did you ask him what his motives were? You should not have said: no sex (and there is the thing you slept with him anyway) but say: you were right the first time you noticed i am looking for a relationship. And you didnt. So has anything changed now?
    This guy was never into you, told you the first time, comes back after 9 months for a date and some sex. Do you really think this is the path guys take who want a relationship with you. He might check in now and then but do you really want to spend your time on mr now and then?

    #794737 Reply

    Honestly you guys, I get what you’re all saying and I can see where I’ve been going wrong. I think I just got so carried away in the way we were when together instead of looking at the bigger picture and his actions overall. I’ve also experienced guys who have used me and been verbally abusive that I focus too much on his sweet gestures. I’ve obviously been clutching at straws thus hurting myself in the process which is not what I want. I guess I’ll just tell him where I stand and look elsewhere if it’s not what he wants

    #794738 Reply
    T from NY

    I know it’s difficult when you get such overriding blunt replies. Honestly it’s because I think those of us who’ve been here for years and kind of make male-female relationship sociology our hobby – it’s just really clear. And it’s SUPER normal that you were high on hopium when he reached out months later. Which of us has not smoked that in our pipes on multiple occasions.

    But dating lots and reading here has schooled us. Never let a man hurt you twice! If a man says no to you once — IF (and that’s a big ole IF) he ever wants to try again – the price of admission JUST HAS TO BE much higher for him to prove he
    actually wants to explore something real with you. You allowed this guy to come back with little, to no, explanation and without a clear definition of what he was seeking from you. And PS no need for you to speak to him or wonder — not reaching out for 10 days!!!!! after you two have begun having sex again makes it CLEAR it’s not what he wants.

    But that’s OK. You’re OK. All pain is instructional. Go forth. Love yourself better. And only allow men attention and time and sex from you when they’ve earned it.

    #794739 Reply

    SnA, oh honey I’m so sorry he has done this. Truly, I don’t even think he’s contemplated the amount of pain and how you feel used (he’s probably super selfish). It really tears me apart when I hear of guys taking advantage of women’s hearts when they they know full well they have no intention of being a good man to them.

    A lesson? Sure. You’re fault? I don’t know. I think you went with what YOU wanted. I think you wanted to trust him because you’re a good soul, a sincere one. That does NOT make you a bad or stupid person. It makes you a real one. A person who has a lot to give and even MORE to offer.

    You had a deep connection with him, he took advantage of it. You were willing to give him a second chance, he abused you in the process. You offered grace, and HE stomped all over it.

    DO NOT feel bad for being a beautiful forgiving and graceful woman. If anything, be disappointed in the man you thought you were falling for. He wasn’t all he made you to believe.

    The other poster probs disagree with me but I have no doubt your intentions were true and you were really just trying to believe in something that you felt between you and him.

    It’s a hard experience to come back from, and it sucks you will have to carry it with you. A burden you never asked for or planned on. Just remember, HE is the one who wasn’t true in his intentions and HE is the one who took advantage of your sweet soul. Could you have been more cautious? Sure, we all could be more cautious. It’s not the point.

    I wouldn’t even text him, I wouldn’t even know what to say when he reached back out. Maybe something short like, “I was sincere when it came to you, I’m disappointed you were not” and leave it at that. He at least would need to hear how much you were honest in your feelings and actions towards him. It’s up to you.

    My heart breaks for you. Although, I’m going through something similar-ish, I know you weren’t trying to make mistakes or hope for false narratives. You were trying to open yourself up, with forgiveness, with sincerity.

    I’ve been used by men too, so many women have. You are not alone in that boat. We all row together in some respect. Don’t beat yourself up thinking you were an idiot. Just remember the experience and know that caution is going to need to be used always since many men can’t just be true in their actions. It’s not a measure most women would take if they weren’t treated so poorly by men. Sadly, we all have to because of the deeds by others.

    Hugs from afar, you will get through this.

    #794740 Reply

    Do not tell him anything! If you do, you are trying to either make him feel bad or change him mind. Simply stop contacting him and if he ever reaches out again, either ignore or say….

    thanks for reaching out, I am not interested in pursuing this any longer. Best of luck to you!

    #794741 Reply

    Please please please do not ask him what he wants. He has told you what he wants with his actions. You don’t need any more explanations or closure. You have it. He is acting not interested so guess what, he told you he is not interested. When you learn to watch what a man does, you have your answers.

    #794742 Reply

    I’m not going to repeat what everyone else has said as they are spot on. But i will pick up two things that came to mind.

    Firstly you said no sex. You became a challenge and you went against what you had said by sleeping with him the next date. He got what he wanted so he hit and quit. Nothing wrong at all about having sex the first, second or any date – as long as you are prepared to never see the guy again and genuinely don’t mind if you do or don’t.

    Second point is this “deep connection” which i have fallen foul of several times and even recently when i already know the truth on this one. There was not a deep connection. Women are conditioned to think that men don’t open up and talk about emotions or deeply private things, so when a guy does do so it is seen us them trusting us and therefore having a deep connection, just any connection really. We see it as meaningful. But here is what I’ve worked out; some guys actually LOVE talking about themselves. They are happy to chat all night about supposedly emotional stuff but they dont see it as some deep connection because they are talkers. That’s fine and I’m not suggesting that these talker type of guys are intentionally leading women on. Its just how they are and the women think it means more than it really does.

    This connection stuff is a myth. What you feel is dopamine, attraction and some bonding/trust through the man apparently “opening up”.

    I guy i dated recently just disappeared. After a couple of days of no contact from him i wasn’t bothered because i have learnt on here that i should give zero f**ks about a man that isn’t my bf. I’m cool with it and really wasn’t massively invested but I’m quite ruthless with time wasters and popcorn men so after 8 days on read i deleted his number, but i recall thinking “well this is a bummer because we seemed to have a great connection” then i gave myself a virtual slap and recalled that actually this man just loved to talk about himself – alot. I realised that my parts of the “deep” conversations we had actually just felt like filling time before he could talk about himself more.

    My point is, just because a guy shares information or feelings with you doesn’t mean you have a deep connection at all.

    Oh and one final thought- he DID NOT use you. He simply took what was offered to him. He knew you said no sex, but then you gave it up and that’s on you not on him. I’m not saying this to be harsh or criticise you for having sex with him but it is better not to go into victim mode here – you offered sex and there were no explicit conditions to that. You broke your preset boundary and he was no doubt thrilled that you did.

    Take care and just think “thank you, Next”


    #794787 Reply
    Better off single

    he’d thought about it and thinks I want something more serious so it’s best to not continue…

    Dont give this guy the time of day. He’s sweet talking his way into your pants.

    Jonesin for a bone-in and currently outta options.

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