I said I love you and he didn't say it back

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  • #374787 Reply

    I TOTALLY agree with Ivy. Well said! :)

    #374788 Reply

    OMG you ladies sound like professionals!! I hope to someday rock it like you are!!

    #374792 Reply

    Thanks Sara

    Niki, Just remember — nobody rocked it until they had to sink at least enough to learn some lessons and do better the next time around. Life is about learning, as long as you are open to it. Rarely do people just end up in amazing relationships out of chance, unless they had awesome role models and even then, we are all human, and sometimes need to mess up on our own.

    #374796 Reply

    So true! If you were to take a look at my past relationships, you’d be shocked at some of the crap I did for my men – exs, recycled ex’s, fwb’s, non committals…It’s a horrible past and I was definitely hurt A LOT along the way. My last two relationships (my last ex and my current bf) were the relationships that really made me think,”OK! COME ON NOW! You can’t do this crap anymore!” I wanted to learn what it was that I was doing to participate in the breakdown of my relationships, because although I picked shady men, I also had a part in the breakdown. My now bf and I almost broke up and I realized I did not want to repeat my past, so I stepped up! Not for him, but for ME! I believe I hit my bottom and decided I didn’t want to be there anymore and knew I had to change the way I thought and behaved. But first I had to understand my past behaviors and the messages that they were relaying. Then I worked on my confidence and then everything else just began to fall in to place. It’s still a work in progress but I’m way better today than I was 5 months ago. :)

    #375023 Reply

    So he’s been texting me like normal but no plans to see me. I’m not even sure I’d believe him if he did make plans since he’s been so flakey lately. I’m torn because I don’t want a relationship where I can’t depend on him and expect that he will cancel our plans. He says that it’s because he is overloaded with schoolwork (and he is) and to cut him some slack until the semester is over. But I feel like he could see me for 1-2 hours a week or something. Maybe just dinner. Anything if he actually wanted to see me but he doesnt ever try to see me when he’s busy. Should I just give up? He wasn’t like this before. So now I’ve backed off but I’m unsure if anything will change. I miss him tho. He was so wonderful for the first couple of months. Am I supposed to compromise and give up the things I want in a relationship until the end of the semester? Especially when there is no guarantee things will change?

    #375025 Reply

    You could simply ask him, how long do you see this going on, and what can we do to fit in some time together in the meantime… unless it is his intention not to see you until the end of the semester? That should get you the info you want.

    #376997 Reply

    UPDATE- I’ve been thinking we were over and I didn’t hear from my guy for two days. He had been really distant and cold since I told him I loved him and flipped out about his canceling on my dad. Then all of a sudden he asks me out tonight to dinner with his friends and to stay over?!? I’m confused if we should talk about what has happened or no? I’ve been upset and mourning the relationship the last few days definitely thinking we were done and now this? I’m thinking I shouldn’t get my hopes up but I don’t understand what he wants… a relationship on his terms only or space or WHAT?? I just want things to get back to how they were for the last 4 months and forget all this crap that happened in the last few weeks. Any advice ladies?? How should I behave?

    #377004 Reply

    I’d just go with the flow. …let him do the talking. see what he has to say and if he explains. Monitor his behaviour and actions.. don’t put him under pressure to explain all…and protect your heart yourself. If he does not explain. ..I’d put him on probation. If he’s not stepping up by Xmas. ..consider letting him go..mirror his a tons and only give him as much attention as he is giving YOU.

    good luck.

    #379329 Reply

    I have been seeing this bohemian style Costa Rican for 2 months now. This guy has been single for 11 years, and the longest relationship he had was with his ex for 4 years, the mother of his two sons. He is younger than me but had a vasectomy and he is not planning on having more kids and me neither (I have 3 grown up kids). We do not plan on getting married (I have been divorced for a year after 25 years of marriage). I met him on the dance floor, he took my number and saw that I had come cycling and he made a 5,000kms trip on his bicycle, so we started having coffee and cycling together almost everyday. We always have a good time together and great conversations. He says that he loves communicating with me and we get along pretty good in bed too. He came here not speaking much English and I have helped him find a room, gave him a mattress, etc. He appreciates all this and we feel a good connection together, but he is not ready to live with me. I know his language and culture and he knows mine (French). We have a lot in common. He is a free bird and maybe he is afraid he will feel confined and will loose his own space. I just enjoy the moment with him for now and just try to accept the fact he is not ready yet for that milestone. He calls me everyday to see how my day was, and I let him be the one who contacts me first, and it is working fine for now. I’ll just wait till he feels ready to say he loves me. He did say that it’s tempting to live with me, and it might be the right time to not be single anymore, so I see this as a (+) step. He is the type of guy who shows he cares other ways, not by saying romantic things, though if I call him ‘sexy’, he’ll call me ‘mamacita’. All guys are different, I guess you should just let him be and see how it progresses.

    #393717 Reply
    stephanie – United Kingdom

    I just want to thank you all for the replies to this young ladys dilemma.It’s actually also really helped me. I’m in same boat also. I said I loved my boyfriend after 3 months and it’s my first love. I’m 24 he’s 30. I said it in alcohol whilst rather merry and I haven’t said it since. Although he has reminded me I said the ‘L’ word to which I acted shocked etc even though I know I said it I played dumb. He said it scared him like so I haven’t brought it up sober. I brought it up drunk, again, and asked why he hasn’t said it bk, he just said there’s no time limit and I personally think he does not love me which is fine….I don’t expect him to say it bk but, now I’ve said it I’m constantly waiting for him to say it bk…..but after reading all comments it’s gave me a sense of understanding. I know he cares about me, we make love we don’t just have sex. It’s sensual it’s meaningful, he makes me happy I make him happy. I’m just gunna concentrate on the present n leave the future to him as thier actually is no rush to say I love you bk. Our relationship is still fresh and we are still getting to know one another. I do feel like I love him. These are the feeling I feel, if this is love can someone tell me this is love. Every waking moment he is the first and last person I think about when I wake and before I go to the sleep, I miss him when he walks out my door to go to work, I still get all nervous when we have our date nights, I still can’t help feeling butterflies when I look at him, he asked me why I’m smiling at him, I just say, because I’m happy. I jump at any chance to spend with him, I adore how he is with my two children. Girls. Aged 4 and 2. He also has a daughter aged 4. When we are passionate it feels rightt feels like nothing else in the word matters in that moment. I feel my heart beat faster when he tells me I look beautiful in a dress. We recently got bk from a lodge weekend trip, 3 full days to our selves for his birthday, it was lovely he played his guitar to me, which made me melt. We had fun in the jacuzzi ;) was like we just added a new level to us. I recently thought we were gunna end because after having the implant in my arm, my moods have been awful and he’s had to put up with my mood swings and my neediness and overthinking and insecurities and over powering nit picking. I nearly lost him. Until got it removed and I’ve returned back to myself. I feel back to my normal self. And it feels good. It’s crazy how us women have so many hormones floating around and we have so much to contend with, baby’s, periods, pills, etc etc…..He doesn’t have mood swings. Lol its like haaawwaaay god give me a break from being a crazy b*tch…..but yeah implants out. Stephs bk, however I do feel extra horny since implants been taken out. Lol he’s not complaining…..yet!

    #393725 Reply

    My partner took 8 MONTHS! Ridiculous, I know. But now he tells me many many times a day! Patience is key :)

    #394026 Reply

    I want to also thank everyone for the replies to Niki on this post as it helped me too. I can’t believe how common this is after saying the L word:( Lesson learned the hard way on my end.

    Niki!!!! I was wondering how your relationship has been? Are y’all still together or did it fall apart? Our situations were so similar. He was there but he wasn’t really there afterwards. We basically broke up without the break up. I let him go once he said he wanted time to think (mind you Christmas and New Year’s went by with not a peep.. we had been seeing eachother for six months and just dropping off the side of the earth during such a time was unacceptable to me).
    Anyways I’m wondering your outcome. What has happened since November??

    #394282 Reply

    I’ve been with my man for a year, and he’s been hurt- widowed then divorced. He treats me so well, we’re GF/BF, date, our families spend time together, etc. Sex is amazing. He calls every night. What he doesn’t do is say I love you. I’ve said it a couple of times, because I do, but he just smiles. He told me once that he’s only said ILY to his two wives. He has no plans to marry again (nor do I). I think he loves me, but I think ke’s afraid to say it. Who knows. I’m happy with the way things are….

    #394296 Reply

    Just got this email today from anewmode… seems to be apropos

    Sabrina Alexis here and I’m going to share
    the one question you must ask yourself in
    any relationship to save yourself a whole
    lot of time and tears.

    In any relationship, be it casual or
    committed, we often get so caught up in
    how we feel about the other person, or how
    that other person feels about us, that we
    forget to factor in how we feel about
    ourselves when we’re with that person.

    Allow me to further illustrate with a
    painful story of my own.

    Meeting D was unlike anything I had
    ever experienced. From the moment we
    locked eyes, there was a palpable shift in
    the universe, and suddenly, everything felt
    intensely different. I don’t know if love at
    first sight exists, but on that night, it sure
    felt like it.

    What drew me to D initially was his
    gorgeous looks and amazing body. What
    hooked me was the fact that he was smart,
    charming, caring and sensitive–but in a
    swoon-inducing, not cringeworthy, sort of

    Yes, I liked D from the start. What I did
    not like was the person I became when
    I was with him. The feelings of
    self-loathing crept in during the early
    stages of our courtship and reached an
    almost unbearable degree as the
    relationship deepened.

    D was not only (seemingly) everything
    I wanted and more, he was always
    slightly beyond my grasp and I never
    (ever) felt secure in the relationship.

    In order to keep this godly creature in my
    life, I made his happiness my priority. I
    dropped my life and my needs to help
    him fulfill his. I sacrificed myself up on
    an alter and devoted myself to the church
    of him.

    Well that’s all well and good for lucky D
    who happened upon such a selfless
    girlfriend but I was absolutely miserable.

    While I loved D more than words
    can express, I hated the person he
    turned me into. When I was with him,
    I felt needy, insecure, uncertain and
    afraid. I also never felt good enough,
    which was such a shame because pre-D,
    I had killer confidence.

    I was also constantly terrified that he’d
    leave me, a fear that literally swallowed
    me whole.

    My one and only purpose in life? Keep
    him…at all costs!

    While getting myself out of that
    relationship felt impossible, the end
    was always inevitable. When two
    people are in a relationship, they
    should bring out the best in one

    They should challenge each
    other to grow so that their attributes
    strengthen and they become the best
    versions of themselves.

    When a relationship crushes you and
    forces you to shrink, placing a dark
    mask over the things that make you
    shine, there are problems brewing.

    And unless they’re addressed, those
    problems will boil over like a burning
    cauldron, leaving you covered in
    blistering scars and a big mess to clean.

    It breaks my heart seeing some of the
    questions we receive via email and in
    the forum. So many of our readers feel
    miserable and trapped by their

    Yet despite these agonizing feelings of
    hurt / despair / insecurity / fear, they are
    unable to extricate themselves from the
    situation because of their all-consuming
    feelings for the other person. They get
    so caught up in their feelings for him or
    his presumed feelings for them that they
    miss the most important variable in the
    equation. And that is…

    Above anything else in a relationship,
    you MUST ask yourself this one
    question: Do I like myself when I am
    with him?

    That’s it. End of story. If he brings out
    your worst and squashes your best,
    extinguishing that inner fire that makes
    you you and trampling on the ashes,
    then get the hell out of the burning
    building and never look back!

    Lots of love,
    Sabrina Alexis

    #394314 Reply

    I agree with journal writing. when I had problems with clarity in my relationship. I wrote out what I would say to him, and the questions I posed. It helped me greatly. I x’d out the sentences which would drive him away, when I re-read it 6 more times. The last overview, I added words of love and patience. It helped me to go over it and re-write a lot of what I wanted to say. The important stuff came out and the rest was crossed out. I kept the rough drafts for myself. Afterwards, I felt empowered and a better sense of worth. I wasn’t super insecure and in worse shape at this point after writing it out.
    I am confident you will realize this too. You need to be appreciated for who you are and someone will see that quality in you, as you do these suggestions here and do the work on yourself. It starts with you to attract those qualities in a boyfriend or life partner. Most Sincerely.

    #445068 Reply

    Hello everyone,

    I really enjoyed reading your conversation so I thought I will ask for some advice myself. So I met my guy through tinder and we have being together for 6 months. There was an instant connection from the first meeting/date and we decided to be exclusive since the second date-the day after the first one.
    He is amazing and I know he cares about me a lot. He always makes time to come and see me and we had our first weekend away as well as 4 day summer holiday plans.
    Is being couple of weeks now that I was thinking of the 3 magic words and I just couldn’t stop myself after we had sex and we were hugging and kissing I said ‘you know I love you right?’ he shook his head yes and that was it.
    I know that he is very shy and that he sometimes find difficult to express with words, as well as the fact that I am the longest relationship he ever had (we are both 26).
    After I said the words I got some tight hugs and kisses and he turned and said I missed you, which doesn’t really make any sense since we have seen each other quite often.
    I have been normal with him and I don’t think he know how sad that made me.
    I feel a bit concern as I don’t feel I could say those words again if I don’t hear them from him and I really don’t know if he just doesn’t love me or just couldn’t find the way to tell me.
    I don’t want to be paranoid but I will be going back home for a month and I feel that since he hasn’t told me that he loves me that I will go crazy while I am away. That I will probably start getting paranoid as I already feel a bit insecure.

    Any advice please?

    #445071 Reply


    This is a very old thread. Start your own post so you can get more responses. The girls that responded to the original poster on this thread do not get alerts when someone posts, if what you’re hoping is that they respond to your situation.


    #452029 Reply

    I’ve really enjoy reading the posts. I’m in a similar situation myself and it’s been a year and I’m still waiting to hear it back.

    #452443 Reply

    Hi, To all those there with a doubt of the L bomb (I love you), a lot of men might feel like they love their partners but may not say it easily and this does not mean they don’t love their partner. For instance, my parents (They’ve been married for 27 years) and they barely say ‘Love you’ to each other and it’s not like they don’t love each other, but they’re both very private people who act like friends in public. Additionally there are some people that are extremely expressive, like a friend of mine. She tells even her friends that she loves them, even if it is on facebook.

    I think once you gauge how someone feels about you via their actions and you know that they treat you right then maybe the L word should not matter so much. And if it does, then maybe they’re not compatible with you.

    #517396 Reply

    This happened to me don’t worry we’ll actually yesterday I told my boyfriend I loved him I was thinking it in my head and I just said it and he just let out this disappointing noise and he knew I was upset and I started to cry I was just heartbroken by his response

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