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Okay, I know I made the first mistake by snooping. But if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have gotten this piece of crucial information about my BF (29) that I have been dating for 7 months..
Basically I was reading a text conversation between him and a friend. It was dated a few days after we had officially started dating. In the text, he sent his friend a photo of a newborn baby and told his friend that this is his child with someone he casually dated previously (foreign lady). Based on his friend reaction, I could read the context that it was a conversation they had before prior to the text so it wasn’t a surprise baby. In the text, he also told his friend that he told his baby mommy that they are cutting contacts. That’s about it.
He didn’t mention this at all prior to us getting together and even now, 7 months in. I’m also growing a concern about the type of dad he will be if he can simply ignore a living breathing child that is his own blood. I love him dearly and am stuck right now. Do I have a conversation with him to hear him out (is there any reason he could give that makes it okay?) or do I just end the relationship?
There must be other red flags that motivated you to snoop, right? It’s not good to do, but the impulse usually reflects that there are already underlying trust issues threatening the relationship. And then you found even more than you expected! So it’s probably time to listen to your gut about the type of guy he is and end things…
You are 7 months in and he still hasn’t told you about a child that he created but cut contact off with?! What could you possibly want to hear him out about? End this and move on.
If I feel a tug in my gut to snoop, there’s always been a good reason. We women KNOW when something is off.
I’m trying to put myself in his shoes. He dated someone casually who got pregnant and she decided to have and keep the baby. (Presumably she lives in another country or is she a foreigner living in your country?) It sounds like he is not going to be part of that child’s life, at all, and that decision was made right when you got together. He may feel for that reason, he isn’t obliged to tell you – I’m guessing that’s the case. If you saw this text telling his friend he’s told the baby mama he’s cutting contact, it sounds like it wasn’t necessarily a mutual decision, he’s decided he’s out and that’s it. He’s going on with his life. How old are you two? He may not be thinking about the future when this child could possibly turn up on his doorstep.
There’s really no way to have a discussion unless you admit you were snooping. And he may break up with you over that, would you be prepared for that to happen? You could tell him honesty is very important to you and as your relationship is strong and you are in love and you see a future with him, you want to clear the decks about a few things. Admit you snooped and tell him you’d like to hear the whole story about this child, because if you’re going to be together, then this child could become an issue. And if you have a child together, that child will have a sibling. This will be a very challenging discussion. It will break you up or bring you closer together.
On the other hand, if you already know for sure you couldn’t be with someone who for any reason denied his own child, then you need to just end it without explanation other than you don’t see a future with him.
I once dated a man who told me in month two of us dating that he and a past GF had a child while they were in college, unplanned pregnancy, and they chose to give that child up for adoption. All parties agreed it was a closed adoption so it’s not likely the child would come looking for him someday. I was surprised but appreciated the honesty. It didn’t affect how I felt about him.
I’m guessing your guy may be struggling with how to handle this and that’s why he’s not saying anything. But it doesn’t make it OK.
Your call. Personally, I’d talk to him because you won’t be able to continue with him for long knowing he’s harboring such a major secret.
Angiebaby, I think your advice is very fair and measured here, and to not mention something like that for two months seems okay because you wouldn’t have been serious yet. But I see seven months as another story.
He may not know how to bring it up, but that likely reflects poorly on his readiness as a serious adult partner as well. I knew someone who kept a secret like this from a serious partner, and I tried to talk him into telling her. He said he intended to tell her — after they got engaged!! I asked how he thought she’d respond when she discovered she agreed to marriage without knowing important info about her partner AND that he kept it a secret for that long. He shrugged and said he was relying on her very forgiving nature. I lost respect for him and distanced myself after that, especially since his girlfriend was a really nice person, but it still wasn’t my place to tell her the secret. And I recognized that part of his behavior was absolutely from a place of denial. He had not processed what had happened in the past, but that also made him not ready for marriage at that point in time. I do know that his plan didn’t work out because they broke up at some point.
So I think of things like that when I hear about this shady BS, because even if best case scenario it wasn’t entirely the guy’s fault and he meant well and was doing the best he could, keeping a huge secret like that for so long which would impact a partner generally means too many negative things about the person’s ability to be in a serious relationship. Can Joanne talk to him about it? Sure, as long as what you said, she’s willing to risk him breaking up with her over snooping, but ALSO as long as she can stand up to him sweet-talking her and potentially making excuses so she won’t leave. Joanne, if he has a tendency to try to turn on the charm and melt you any time there’s a problem, or in any other way steamroll your boundaries, then I personally would just break up without the conversation.
Maddie, we’re on the same wavelength. Two months is one thing – seven months is entirely another thing. I was raising my experience as an example of how that kind of admission looks when it’s done right. That particular guy had several interesting things,shall we say, in his past and to his credit I heard it all directly from him inside of three months of dating, as we got to know each other. You don’t need to spill everything in the first few dates or in the first few weeks. But there is an appropriate time frame and I 100% agree seven months is past it.
I tend to be very logical, to a fault, because I’m a bit on the spectrum and look at things from both sides dispassionately. I’m not advocating for him, I can simply see how a man could get a call from a woman he dated casually that she’s pregnant and not deal with it well. And maybe it’s a manipulation to reel him back him – who knows? So many unknowns here. Unless there’s proof there’s really a baby and unless there’s a genuine DNA test that definitively shows him to be the father, for all we know it could be a shakedown. I read the story and thought either this guy is cold and heartless to deny his child OR there’s more to the story than is apparent from the text messages.
See, that’s the downside to snooping. You only find part of the story. Sometimes what you find really is the whole story and sometimes it’s not. Only Joanne knows him and can judge if he’s lying or not. I like your advice Maddie about if he has a tendency to turn on the charm and sweet talk then just walk away.
Wait – I forgot the part where he sent the friend the photo of the newborn. That’s pretty good proof there’s a baby. My bad.
Hi all,
Thank you for your sincere advices. I read them all once, and then again, with a heavy heart.
I’m 31(F) and he’s 29(M). Leaving is a difficult thing for me to do, something about being worried of never being married and abandoned. Things like that. I’ve always wanted to get married and to have kids, so this topic is pretty heavy to me. I’ve decided to keep quiet for now, even though it’s eating me up inside.
In the meantime, I’m looking for answers if he is someone I would want to settle down with. Him on its own, his character, behavior, personality. If that is something I want, then I will have a talk with him on this child to see if that is something we can work together on and to give him a chance to explain.
If him as a person does not meet the quality of what I want, I wouldn’t even bother to talk about the child and leave.
I’m saying this because there have been a slight change in his behaviour and I’m trying to figure out if this is just the honeymoon phase wearing off or if it was all an act.
It seems easy to say, but I do hope I stick through with what I planned. I’m heartbroken, I feel like I have always been unlucky with love. I would accept his past but a child? Not only a child, a secret child. It would be difficult. But I think I could accept it, depending on how he answers.
Angiebaby, thanks for the response, that makes perfect sense!
Joanne, it seems from your response that you’re not trusting your instincts and you are making fear-based decisions. It’s up to you to reflect on this, but usually people unlucky in love and finding themselves willing to put up with BS to make things work is a trauma response to something earlier in life, and they likely have an insecure attachment style. Unresolved and unaddressed trauma make you subconsciously attracted to toxic people. I know this from personal experience too. I eventually got married to a great husband in my late 30s and have a kid, so do not twist yourself into knots forcing something to work if it feels off. If things don’t work out, you’ll need to mourn the relationship and it’ll hurt, that’s true. But you can break your patterns if you motivate yourself to truly make effort to heal from your fears (might require some help from a professional if you have the resources) before you jump back into serious dating. Trust me, straightening anything that’s festering behind the scenes out first really helps fix your picker to find a good partner, plus makes you a better partner too. It’s much less stressful when you can trust your person as well as yourself! Don’t lose hope and assume that this guy is your last chance.
He’s definitely a person you don’t want in your life.