i texted happy birthday and he did not even say thanks

Home Forums Texting Advice i texted happy birthday and he did not even say thanks

  • This topic has 94 replies and was last updated 8 years ago by Jade.
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  • #595759 Reply

    Yeah, most young guys are total buffoons when it comes to communication. “Suddenly stop replying” huh? and we need to rationalize this as “normal”? Girl thinks that or this, suddenly not replying is not ok.

    If you think he is ‘ok’ with you I would caution you about this. Guys are guys. If they are into you, buffoons in communication or not, they will take initiative. If it is you who is after them, they’d appreciate your attention, reply to you but not necessarily be into you. Stop chasing after him. You already showed him your interest quite clearly, now let him lead.

    #596066 Reply

    why do you guys always saying i’m the one chasing him?? i’m not even the one who started the whole thing, and he started the conversation we are talking about here….

    #596067 Reply

    Gamer22…most situations where the woman is chasing the guy began with the guy “starting the whole thing.”

    Unfortunately, as annoying and lame as it may seen to be (and it is)! although it is the 21st century men prefer to be the one in control and chasing the woman.

    You’re young, so you’re going to learn things faster than I did. I was in my mid thirties before I learned.

    Don’t text a guy first, unless you have a GOOD reason to do so. (You’re meeting up and your car broke down). Never double text. If you text a guy in conversation and he doesn’t respond right away LEAVE IT. Do not keep texting him.

    If a guy really likes you, he will make the effort to keep YOU In his life. If he doesn’t he’s not into you. Yeah, I know this is annoying and from the fifties advice but let’s get real, many men seem to want to live in the fifties. They are turned off by aggressive women.

    Texting first, double texting, etc etc…men all view this as clingy and needy behavior and are turned off by it.

    #596104 Reply

    im not at all aggressive. im not clingy either..i only ever texted him back when he didn’t text me once, and I never even mentioned that, and (no effence at all, really no effence) you guys said to let this one go (not you I don’t think) but people said to let this one go, and they though I was done for, and I came back, and nothing changed at all. ?

    #596106 Reply

    between him and I

    #596109 Reply

    So nothing has changed? Meaning what? Did he ever thank you for wishing him a happy b-day? isn’t that how this whole issue started?

    #596689 Reply

    No nothing changed as in he is okay with me. A lot of people on here said I was done for and to let it go, and It was just a message that he didnt reply to it didn’t even need a reply. But he is still his old playful self. Told ya it was nothing. Sometimes you have to know the whole situation , which you guys don’t bec a use your not me you don’t know me or him but that’s okay. And no effence about that

    #596736 Reply

    Guys that are interested ask you out.

    They don’t act playful for eons with it never going anywhere.

    #596828 Reply

    well no offence at all but you guys were wrong about some things. people on here don’t know everything, it could go somewhere, but I wasn’t even thinking about that. im just thinking about the here and now, like im supposed to, also I cant even date him. and I know he probably likes me. I can just tell he does. also you don’t just date someone who goes to the same youth group with you, no offence.

    #596829 Reply

    I think children shouldn’t be posting on here. The subject matter on here is for adults.

    #596830 Reply

    and we just met, normally its better when your friends for a while, also you don’t want to just hook up. and.. I cant even explain it..

    #596832 Reply

    hey L, im not a child.

    #596839 Reply

    I’m sorry to offend you… but getting upset over not getting a text? I thought you were about 12. My opologies. I didn’t mean to offend you or be offensive. I’m sure this boy didn’t mean to offend you either, he probably lost his phone or something, no offense.

    #596849 Reply

    im not getting upset ? and I was serious when I meant the apology, im not arguing anymore.

    #596850 Reply

    and how old are you, you said that this cite isn’t for kids, but you like about 12 in your profile picture, no offence

    #596856 Reply

    Gamer22, it is fine if you are seeing this as a harmless flirtation that may or may not lead to something.

    BUT if you are getting your heart set on this guy and ignoring all other opportunities to be with other guys because you think this one is on the verge of asking you out…I would caution you against doing that. From where I’m standing, all signs point to him just not being THAT into you. What that means, and if you read the book and the movie, that he kind of likes you but not enough to be motivated to make you a part of his life.

    I spent way too much time in my life waiting on guys who were not that into me. You may think our advice is harsh and does not take into account everything about the situation, but realize I see myself in you and I wish I could go back and just forget about those guys that didn’t step up. Crushes are fun if you keep them that way. But they’re called crushes for a reason…usually you end up getting crushed so you need to protect your heart.

    #598109 Reply

    hey L, I really am sorry. I was acting like a kid.. I also forgive you. im not going to act like that anymore. if ya want we can forget anything happened and just be nicer to each other ? I really don’t like fighting :(

    #598132 Reply

    The original post is from 2 years ago and it could still go somewhere?

    #598142 Reply

    Gamer22 had the same situation.

    To be fair, it’s not altogether that clear on how to post a new thread on here.

    #598215 Reply

    Ah that makes sense! I thought it was the same OP. My bad.

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