I unfriended my crush on facebook…will he come back?

Home Forums Did He Lose Interest? I unfriended my crush on facebook…will he come back?

  • This topic has 6 replies and was last updated 5 years ago by kaye.
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  • #784885 Reply

    This is my story. I met him in another country at a club (i know…club red flag) we had this instant connection – very strong as he later said. He didn’t want to let me go without taking my number so i gave him my facebook contact. I left to go to my country the next day…I felt like I fell in love at first sight. There was no contact from him until a month later and I obviously didn’t contact him. He then one day send me a message on fb and it started…we were really into each other, heart emojis etc he wanted to visit me in my country but then he started to text less and be more distant..i started asking questions but he seemed quiet no giving me answers – this contact with him was only for a month. he gave short answers like that he’s single etc. but short and not really explaining what’s happening..I felt i was maybe too needy and also stopped messaging so then he asked me if i am mad at him, I replied no…just giving you breathing space …he sent me a kiss emoji with a heart and that was it…I thought he was glad I am giving him space but i was confused and having him on fb was making me really obsess with him as to what does he really want etc. so I decided to unfriend him on facebook…it’s a week now and haven’t heard from him…i feel relief but at the same time as if i lost something…I was going crazy because of him and felt like he was just ignoring me towards the end. Anyways…still thinking about him…will he come back?

    #784886 Reply
    Anon 2

    In a nutshell..no

    #784892 Reply

    You would have to reach out to re-friend (is that a word) him.

    #784899 Reply

    I think i would look foolish if i refriended. He was acting hot and cold giving me mixed messages. He was so nice and really funny and then distant…i told him that he is confusing me…i feel bad for deleting him…

    #784902 Reply

    What are you trying to achieve here? He is in another country! He was essentially a pen pal. Don’t waste your energy. Forget him and find someone else closer to you.

    #785386 Reply

    He won’t come back. But you don’t even know him. He’s in another country, you met him once, you only messaged each other for a brief period and he was elusive. He probably has a girlfriend or wife or at the very least, is dating multiple women.

    Don’t put so much stock into instant “connection” and emojis. And find someone closer to home.

    #785395 Reply

    This was going nowhere so you did the right thing. Honestly, no I don’t think he’s going to come back. First off, there would have to be something to come back to and you weren’t in a relationship. The fact it took him a MONTH to contact you after what you call an instant connection, where he didn’t want to let you leave without a way to contact you, should have told you his interest level!

    When I was being set up on a blind date with my now husband as soon as he got my phone number he was calling me! When a man is excited about you it’s clear. Emojis mean nothing. If he won’t even answer the questions you are asking to get to know you better and he’s giving short answers and doesn’t initiate until you stop messaging, he’s just not interested. In short, you never had him so you’re not going to get him “back”.

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