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- This topic has 6 replies and was last updated 3 years, 8 months ago by
I was seeing somethijg for a couple months. It was electric, like I cant even explain how absolutely incredible it was, like a whirlwind. It was intense and I truly though he felt the same.
We hadn’t had the talk just yet but I was going to the day this happened actually. His actions up until last Thursday were something a boyfriend would do. I didn’t have any doubts that this was where we were heading.
Thursday night, I see him at his house and we go for dinner. Incredible night as usual and then he was pretty much MIA on Friday. No good morning messages, no messages at all. This was not like him at all and I got nervous. Saturday, same thing, silent. In the late afternoon I messaged to say hello and hoped hisnweekend was good and onky at this time did he tell me that he couldn’t meet up for our walk later because his daughters wanted to watch a movie. No big deal. But wondered when he would have told me this, ifnst all. If he had to reschedule somethijg with me, he let me know, I didn’t have to message to pull this out of him. I said that was fine, maybe next week and asked if we could talk later once his daughters were asleep. No response the rest of the night or all day Sunday. Completely out of character. Something was up for sure and it wasn’t my imagination.
Sunday evening I sent a message. Not judging or mean, just said hey, I dont want to assume anything but I’ve sensed some distance for the last few days and I know you’ve had a stressful week and im here for support. But its felt kinda s***y on my end here and I wanted to reach out since communication is important to me.
I got a message back. I knew it wasn’t goijg to be good and it wasn’t.
He said that his feelings for me are still the same, apologized for being distant but that he was introduced to someone and it made him think that he wanted to explore other relationships. He then said he met someone at a park and didn’t think he saw it going anywhere with her but still felt he cant commit anyways. Also said he still wanted to be with me but just date others too but with me knowing instead of behind my back
I was crushed. At first I wasn’t sending emotionally charged messages at all I said I wss disappointed tthat a random stranger made him want to throw me away so easily, which is when he said he didn’t want to change things with me, just not be exclusive to me. Said he enjoyed time with me and wanted to continue. I said I cant do that. I need to be the only woman in someone’s life.
He said he respected my decision but then said he felt that it was ME that was throwing it away. Thats when things got emotional for me and I did send angry (not abusive or insulting) messages that it wasn’t fair to be tossed aside for a random and that I couldn’t have meant much to him at any point this entire time. But at the end of the day I wasn’t goijg to tolerate sleeping with him on Monday and he’s having other women over the rest of the week, that to me, I woukd feel awful knowing it couldn’t just be me. I told him I was dropping off his things, which I did do immediately. I had obviously been crying and he saw this and tried to apologize but I walked away
His last message to me was that maybe I wont be as upset or angry about it in the morning. It was 11 pm and I had half a bottle of wine and I sent 4 responses back. Not paragraphs though. I said that um yeah, I was going to stikk be angry tomorrow, why wouldn’t I be after being told im not enough for someone and all it took was for a stranger to say hi in a park for him to. And another one saying that I didn’t want to be with someone who felt that I meant less than a random stranger. He didn’t respond after that I stupidly sent a message in the morning, but a calm one. Said I had some wine the previous night and meant what I said about feeling sad but that I stuck by my principle and that I was sorry he couldn’t choose me and felt the need to go after others. I also let him know that in the interest of healing, I felt it was necessary for me to delete him from social media No response.
That was Monday morning. I havent messaged and neither has he. Its been 4 days. I am seriously struggling. I want him to come crawling back and am trying to keep my hands away from my phone. I am sitting here upset and he probably doesn’t remember my name already.
Just wish none of this had happened and I do wish I wasn’t so emotional messaging back. Or would it have even mattered. I dont know
Why?! Why do you want a guy that chose a random stranger over a budding relationship with you? Trust me, you can do better. And then he had the audacity to say that you were throwing the relationship away because you won’t let him sow his wild oats while he keeps you in his orbit as a fall back! What?!
Grieve what could have been but then pick yourself up. You are worthy of being loved fully the way you need to be loved. Let this time waster go. It will get easier with time.
Stop sending him messages. All that is going to show him is that his behavior is acceptable and you’ll tolerate being his side chick non-girlfriend.
Liz Lemon
What Gaia said! Let this guy go. Grieve, cry to your girlfriends, take care of yourself. Don’t regret walking away, you absolutely did the right thing.
Your emotional messaging had nothing to do with his reaction. This guy did not value you enough to make you his girlfriend. That alone should kill any desire on your part to get back with him. I know this is easy for me to say, but– he did not choose you, so you shouldn’t want him.
It was crappy of him to abruptly go radio silent on you until you dragged it out of him, too.
I’m sorry you’re going through this. I know it really hurts, but just know you did the right thing by not selling yourself short.
Let me see if I understand this… you were dating for a couple months, he randomly met someone and now he wants to be free to date her while still seeing you? And he says YOU threw away the budding relationship??
And you walked away from that BS and you regret it?????
Oh sweetie. NO. He was never really all in and was never going to be. You did the right thing. Credit to him for being honest, but he can’t expect you to want to keep seeing him.
You got waaaay too far ahead of him. Whatever you do, don’t ever communicate with him again. He lost his chance with you.
Grieve this and move on and make sure you go slower with guys in the future.
You didn’t walk away, is the problem. He put you in a forced-dump situation by trying to have his cake and eat it too. It wasn’t what you wanted, so you’re understandably upset. That level of intensity that quickly from a guy is usually love-bombing. Once it’s time to think about commitment, they turn it off and give you whiplash. It’s a pretty big red flag to look out for in the future, because they’re trying to win you over by fast-forwarding a fantasy and know they have nothing real to offer if they can’t hook you quickly that way.
He sounds like a jerk, and you’re having withdrawal from the intensity. It’s going to suck for a little while, but stay strong and don’t reach out. After a few weeks, the chemical attachment will fade away and you can look at the situation from a more grounded perspective.
Ending it was a GOOD thing, he can’t give you what you need or deserve. Even if it feels confusing and bad, it’s actually not. Nothing you did or texted caused him to be a jerk or would have changed it. It was bound to happen eventually because it pretty much always does with love bombers. It doesn’t feel like it right now, but the sooner you find out about someone’s character in this manner and/or that you’re not looking for the same level of commitment longer-term, the better.
He’s no good for you.
Like someone else here said, you’re going through withdrawal symptoms from the intensity of the relationship. It has been scientifically proven that the brain of a person ‘in love/infatuation’ has the same pathways of that of a drug addict. So going cold turkey on this relationship will definitely do a number on you but hang on its going to be okay.
The first two weeks will be hard I won’t lie, but after that you’ll start having clarity of thought and all ready to move on.
You did nothing wrong, actually it sucks that you had to pull it out of him, he wasn’t mature enough to communicate, instead he resorted to passive aggressive behavior.
Be with someone who sees your worth and who wants the same things as you do.
you did what most women wouldn’t do, most women would stick around , which is wrong and you my friend should be proud of yourself for showing you know your worth and you won’t accept scraps from someone.
This guy isn’t worthy of your love, you deserve someone much better, it will be hard for some time but then it will all go away and you will start seeing him for who he is and you will start wondering why did you even date him in first place :) -