Home › Forums › Did He Lose Interest? › i want him but, should i let him go
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March 19, 2022 at 1:50 pm #932032
Last summer i bought a rental property in a town 4h from me. By the fall renters moved out.
I needed to fix a lot of things in that property to make it nice for renting again and there were things that i just didn’t know how to fix so i asked for a handyman in facebook.
Then this man offered help, I was kind of weirded out because he said he wasn’t going to take my money and i thought people doesn’t usually do things without expecting something in return. I tried finding someone else that would take my money but couldn’t so i got his help. He showed up and i don’t know, something just clicked. I felt instantly attracted to him. I was seeing someone, and old time ex who become my friend for the last 6 years and we just went back together. Plus handy guy lives 4h away so i didn’t try anything or flirt or anything. I thanked him a lot, we kept in contact as friends.
I kept fixing the house and i put it for show and then the people that came to see it were concerned about some electrical issues and i tried finding an electrician but again, nobody would come. It’s frustrating trying to find help in that town and specially with so many people doing big construction jobs during covid, i think nobody wants to work in small jobs. So i called this guy again, to see if he knew of someone and he again offered to do it himself. He asked me if he could take me out for dinner and i said, as long as is as friends, i’ll be happy to go get dinner with you.When he came to fix the electric stuff, i was in that desperate moment where i thought I had just exceeded my potential by buying that house and thinking it was a huge mistake. I thought the electric work was going to be beyond what he could help me with and i was very nervous. But he came, and very confidently start fixing it. I somehow just wanted him. Badly. Like ripping of his clothes right there. I am sick. It was late, i was very stressed out, he didn’t mention anything about dinner and left.
I texted him later when i got home, that i was hoping he would take me out for dinner and he said next time I am up there. But i never went back.
I left the guy i was seeing, i don’t think he was nice to me or for me, I wrote about him a while back here. I spent the winter doing the things i like and trying to clear my head, thinking that probably that attraction was just a need of feeling someone cares about me, feeling that i wasn’t getting with my relationship.
But i couldn’t stop thinking about him. Winter is over, cooling off period too and i still think of him.
He is traveling now, visiting family, I texted him that i would like to get to know him more once he is back. He was seemed very interested, he told me he liked me since the moment he saw me, not jut my looks but also my confidence (if only he knew how weak i was feeling inside with this project) and that he didn’t make a move again because he thought i was too young for him. I am 9 years younger but he thought i was 15 younger, it felt like a compliment. Still those 9 years difference seemed to much for him and he seemed nervous, he kept telling me “i don’t think i can give you what you deserve”.I don’t know what he meant by that but i guessed kids… so i wanted to easy his mind and i think he misinterpreted. He has grown up kids, I don’t have kids. I don’t mind kids i just think i am already too old for that. I also think it would be unfair for me to start something with him and ask him to go again through all the family/raising kids combo. He already has a family he loves and they seem very close. That’s also part of what i find attractive on him, his selfness. I think he is an extremely good man and it shows.
Anyhow, he is late 40s and already a grandfather, he said he had his first kid at 18 and he man up and took care of the family. He did what he had to do. He said it didn’t seem too bad to him because his friends mostly had kids in the early 20s. I said that’s interesting because most of my friends don’t have kids or they are older kids so i guess we end up keeping around those with similar life situations. He took this wrong and said something like “that’s what i have been telling you, you and i are in different roads in life, lets just not do this, i wish you the best”next day i explain him that i just wanted to easy his mind that i don’t need a family, i didn’t mean to criticize his life choices and that i hope he is not mad and at least we can be friends and he said no worries.
and that’s the end. I haven’t heard from him. He is still away, but i’ll be in his area in 3 weeks and i don’t know if i should tell him. I really like him but i also think it’s unfair to pursue him knowing that he is already living the life he wants.
I don’t know anything abut his romantic life, but I had the feeling he was scared. I don’t know why he thinks low of himself and so high of me, when i think actually, that if something i would be the lucky one.should i text him when i am in the area?
March 19, 2022 at 3:08 pm #932034Raven
He (pretty much) told you no, twice…
March 19, 2022 at 3:10 pm #932035flor
Maybe i didn’t explain the story correctly, he wanted to get to know me, despite the age gap. He said we would be great together, we joked/flirted for a while and we were going to try, until that last conversation.
March 19, 2022 at 3:24 pm #932038Raven
Well, He was going to take you to dinner & then didn’t…
How long ago was that last conversation?
What is bringing you back to his area?
March 19, 2022 at 3:30 pm #932039flor
He said he wanted to take me out but that he thought i was too young. I look younger than i am and he guessed i was 15 years younger and he said he liked me but that he has respect.
last conversation was 4 days ago.
i have an energy audit in the house i have rented i want and should be there.
March 19, 2022 at 3:37 pm #932040AngieBaby
“Still those 9 years difference seemed to much for him and he seemed nervous, he kept telling me “i don’t think i can give you what you deserve”.
I’m with Raven, he’s told you more than once in more than one way he’s not interested in pursuing this. Watch the actions. His actions are not demonstrating any real romantic interest.
Leave him alone. And please find someone else to do your house repairs. Advertising on FB and getting a total stranger (who isn’t a professional) to come to your house and then doesn’t charge you is a very bad idea for a lot of reasons. You want work done by a bonded and licensed professional, especially electrical.
March 19, 2022 at 3:52 pm #932041flor
I did not feel it that way. I don’t think he wasn’t interested because of the age, i think he was worried it won’t work because of that, because he thought he couldn’t give me what i deserve. Despite this, i told him i knew the differences and i still wanted to try, but i respect if he doesn’t. He said he wanted to try, so we started flirting.
March 19, 2022 at 3:53 pm #932042flor
also when he came to the house i told the neighbors about it and they were keeping an eye.
As i said, it was impossible to find someone else.March 19, 2022 at 3:56 pm #932043flor
And also, when he was mad because he missinterpreted i didn’t not respect his life choices i told him “you are actually wrong, in fact, probably what made me want to text you about getting to know you more was that picture you put with your grankid in fb, i found that very very cute”
he is not really a big facebook poster, but he has been posting pics of him with his grankids every day… may be a coincidence, i don’t know…March 19, 2022 at 4:36 pm #932044AngieBaby
OK well then text him and see what happens. It doesn’t seem like you’re ready to let this go no matter what anyone says. And I don’t mean that snarky. I mean that just straight up, hey, then what the heck, give it a try since it seems like that’s what you really want to do.
March 19, 2022 at 4:48 pm #932045Maddie
“I don’t think he wasn’t interested because of the age, i think he was worried it won’t work because of that, because he thought he couldn’t give me what i deserve.”
When someone says this, you must believe them. You are assuming it is because of the life stage / children thing. But you don’t know him well. It could be anything, he could have emotional issues and he doesn’t want to get into a relationship with anyone because he knows he won’t commit.
Looking at the facts in his actions: he never made a move, he rejected you multiple times, he said he can’t give you what you want (he’s being honest, you’re making excuses to explain this away). His words and actions have been those of a caring friend, he is not being confusing. I understand this is disappointing, but if you lead yourself on you will extend your own pain about this while being closed off to a different person who is actually available for an eventual relationship with you, and may even be located much closer to where you live. Please think about why you are so set on someone unavailable.
March 19, 2022 at 5:04 pm #932047Flor
I really don’t see any rejection other than at the last conversation. He seemed very interested and enthusiastic. He was stalking my Facebook with his daughter and we were laughing. I think we misread the texts.
I’ll give him space and once I am up there I’ll let him know but I won’t tell him in advance nor make plans. Before I opened up he asked me multiple times “when are you coming up to visit” and I couldn’t/didn’t want to. So I’ll let him know I am there and take it from there.
If I don’t hear from him until then, then it’s obvious he is not interested
March 19, 2022 at 8:27 pm #932052mama
not sure why this person posted in an advice forum when she doesn’t seem to consider any of the advice given.
March 20, 2022 at 2:09 am #932055tammy
I agree with Angiebaby.
@ Flor – i think you have made up your mind that he is interested in you and that you wont let this go unless he actually says no, again. sometimes we just feel that insane attraction to someone so well can understand your mind. do connect with him when your down there in 3 weeks. and see what happens. at most all that can happen is he saying no again. but there is a small chance he may just say yes. so try it out if you feel so strongly. but be ready for a no and be ready to walk away gracefully. and do remember you cant force someone in such things. all the best.
March 21, 2022 at 8:05 pm #932090Flor
Lol I didn’t make this up in my mind, I may not be the best communicating but he has been trying to get together for like 6 months and I have been saying I can’t.
I am finally ready and let him know, he is excited, me too and he start flirting.
I said the wrong thing and he got mad. It was a misunderstanding but he said he didn’t want to try, I said fine.
Next day I apologized and he said all is fine.
We haven’t talked but I rather let things cool off and he having fun in his vacation that being bugging him. Other than the last 3-4 days before the argument we used to text maybe once a week or less. It’s not like we were besties.I wasn’t asking if he is in love with me or if we were getting married.
I was asking if I should tell him when i am around. I am classy and I like the men taking the lead but I also have been around long enough to know that nice guys don’t come around so often and that texts get misinterpreted often.
I can’t believe how judgy this forum has become. I can’t believe I am being told I am imagining things…
March 21, 2022 at 9:16 pm #932092LnJ
@Flor, I don’t think people are being judgmental here. It’s just that, very often the people who post here will write these long scenarios about what’s happening with some guy, and asking about his interest. And the people here, having seen so many of these stories come up, will see little details that suggest whether or not the guy is actually interested. Often, sadly, the guy’s actions indicate that he’s not really interested. (Keep in mind, the actions can be 100% the opposite of what he says; believe the actions.) And so they will try to point out that the guy isn’t interested in order to save the OP some heartache and embarassment.
Since you wrote so many details, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that you just asked one question: Should you text the guy? Well, sure, send the text.
I think what everyone is writing about is the next questions that would naturally come up: What is his level of interest?
If you weren’t really trying to ask that, then why would you have written out all those details in your original post? We’re just reacting to what we’re seeing here: You’re gushing about this guy but can’t really get a read on his level of interest, and everyone is telling you what they think, based on their life experiences and all the words you wrote.
That’s not judgemental. That’s just kinda how a forum works.
Anyway the words suggest that his actions don’t line-up with his words and everyone’s telling you to prioritize the actions over the words.
March 21, 2022 at 9:18 pm #932093LnJ
Wait sorry, I should not have said “everyone is telling you”. That is an exaggeration and I am not trying to exaggerate or come off as flippant. I should have said “some people here”.
March 22, 2022 at 7:36 am #932099Tammy
I thnk you posted details here to seek opinions. And thats what most of us have done. Most feel that the guys interest level is not quite up there. But you feel otherwise. So then few of us suggsted that sure if you feel hes teally interested in you, go ahead and approach him. Maybe your right since your the involved party. Its an online forum and posters here share their views based on what you share and their prior experiences in life.
Dont think you should feel offended by the views since all just want to belp out. And noone has said anythng about being classy or trashy. If you feel so strongly and ur sure that the guy is quite interested in you thn pls go ahead and connect with him. All the best.
March 22, 2022 at 9:52 am #932101Liz Lemon
My read on the guy is that yes, I think he has some level of interest and is perhaps flattered by your attention. What jumps out at me is that he is saying he “can’t give you what you deserve” and “you and i are in different roads in life, lets just not do this.” A guy who is confident about pursuing a woman doesn’t say these types of things. So I’m not sure this guy is psychologically in a position to pursue you, even if he is flattered by your interest (you commenting on this FB posts with his grandkids, etc).
I’m taking a leap here, but I’m guessing this guy is from a working class background (working in the trades, having a kid at 18, most of his friends having kids by their early 20s when in contrast, your friends have young kids). Believe it or not, if you make more money or have more education than him, that can be an issue. My bf is from a working class background and works in the trades as well; I have a graduate degree and work in higher education. It’s never been an issue for either of us in our relationship (he is honestly one of the smartest, most inquisitive and interesting people I’ve met). But I found out later that when we first started dating, he worried a tiny bit about me being “out of his league” so to speak. He never verbalized this to me however, or said anything to make me wonder about his interest! He was always very obvious, direct and confident in pursuing me. We’ve been together 4+ years now so obviously this was never an issue.
But, that may be the case here– it’s only an issue if it’s an issue in his head. Again, this is a major guess on my part– but this guy’s language about not being good enough for you, and you two being on different paths in life, etc, strongly suggests to me that this may be a mental barrier for him. His self esteem needs to be strong enough to feel that he’s “good enough” for you, for this to go anywhere.
So I agree with the others that there’s no harm in texting him- might as well do it and see what happens. But I think the mixed messages you are getting are a sign of some kind of mental blockage on his part. A guy who is genuinely interested in pursuing a woman would never say things like “I”m not good enough for you” and “we’re on different paths in life, let’s not do this”.
March 22, 2022 at 10:02 am #932102Liz Lemon
“I had the feeling he was scared. I don’t know why he thinks low of himself and so high of me” — this is exactly what I’m talking about, OP! He needs to think he is good enough for you. If he doesn’t, then it won’t matter how much interest the two of you have in each other- this will go nowhere.
March 22, 2022 at 10:29 am #932103Sam
Hi Flor,
You shouldn’t have to convince someone to date you. It really is that simple. I would let him go.
April 15, 2022 at 12:46 pm #932713Flor
i texted him very soon, i think, that i was coming up. He said he didn’t want to meet. Wow, it really made me feel horribly sad so i thought, well those people were right. I deleted his contact, blocked in on facebook etc…
Then yesterday i thought i would try just to say something funny and see how he reacts. I was hoping the space would have feel him well and it did! :D
he laugh the joke we chat a bit. He said we should meet up. He said we have chemistry but seem to say the wrong things sometimes. I am glad he realized that.
I don’t usually pursue guys this far, but there is something about him that just feels right. i will take it slow though, i am aware we are not up to the best start, but it’s worth trying.
April 16, 2022 at 12:07 am #932730Luv2bMe
I wish you luck. I still do not get the feeling that he is interested in you. He seems to continually say “no” then when pushed – he will say “let’s get together.”
April 16, 2022 at 8:11 am #932732Rayne
I agree with the others that this guy unfortunately is not into you. And I see that you are very persistent. You should distance yourself from him on social media and phone. And then you will get the true reaction of how he really feels. If he doesn’t pursue you, then that’s your answer. It’s obvious this guy has lukewarm interest at the moment. But you paint the picture that he really wants you because you are totally interested in him. Don’t waste time on lukewarm guys. You can’t force a guy to feel a certain way.
April 16, 2022 at 11:01 pm #932733Roseann
I don’t get you. You posted here asking for advice. You got lots of good advice but you complain you’re being judged and you argue with everyone that tells you that he’s really not that interested in you, based on his actions. You go by his words, which are worthless. You are chasing him, hard. I’m sure he’s flattered by a younger woman pursuing him even though he keeps saying no and that’s why he engages with you sometimes, it’s an ego stroke. You’re supposed to be the prize a man chases, but you’ve made this man into a prize you’re chasing. Messed up dynamic. This isn’t going to work, but I guess you like unavailable men. You’ve got a big age difference and probably not a whole lot in common. But you’re not going to stop until you’ve gotten hurt, which isn’t his fault because he’s been honest and he’s told you he’s not really interested in you.
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