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November 20, 2016 at 8:45 pm #579672
So I have been thinking about all the inputs I get this guy A few days, and decide that I don’t have the patience for things to drag on much longer…I feel like I’d start new….
He texted this morning with a pic of his son making pancake..he is very dedicated dad and has sent me ton of his son’s pic….and we agree to meet tonight…
My plan is I will straight up ask him about his feeling towards me, ask him to confirm sex exclusivity, and tell him how frustrated I am w texting first and see what he has to say…..if we can’t come up with solution, I am soooo ready to walk…. will see
November 20, 2016 at 9:06 pm #579676M
If you have to ask someone how they feel about you… you already have your answer. Even worse if you have to ask if you are sexually exclusive if you’ve already been doing it.
November 20, 2016 at 9:29 pm #579682alia
It’s super nice and thoughtful of you to talk to him in person about this, but it may make things difficult for you to break off. I would seriously consider having a phone breakup with this guy. If he cancels tonight for any reason I would simply not speak to him again. You’re giving courtesy to him he hasn’t particularly earned.
November 20, 2016 at 9:48 pm #579688Kathy
I think she is doing it this way for her piece of mind.. She likes him and wants to explain her position and have him explain his. Nothing wrong with that.. Why leave guessing when you can have a conversation and see where they stand..
I see nothing wrong with that.. that’s what I did.. Left as friends and left the door open if my friend can work less in the future, but moved on.. Why burn bridges when someone has not done anything wrong to you?
November 20, 2016 at 10:42 pm #579698Jen
I’m confused. First you say you are ok with things and will stop texting him to see if he shows interest. Then he just sends a pic of his kid and asks you to come over last minute, so you jump?
You know you are going for sex. And it’s juvenile to tell him you don’t like that he didn’t text first? Seriously? Your issue isn’t about how much he likes you. I thought he covered that at least twice and said ‘duh, of course I like you or wouldn’t talk to you for so long?’
Then, you ask him about sexual exclusivity? I thought you were confident he had no other dates or time for anyone else?
Meemee, the question you keep avoiding to ask him is whether or not he is seeking a BF and gf relationship.
You don’t want to ask him the real question. This has nothing to do with his texting or if he likes you. It has everything to do with whether he views this as a real relationship or casual fwb.
November 20, 2016 at 11:05 pm #579701M
Good spot Jen. I think she knows the answer to the questions she’s going to ask him perfectly well. She doesn’t pick men who are truly available because for whatever reasons she isn’t truly available. Your world is a mirror of what’s going on inside of you. Nothing more, nothing less.
November 21, 2016 at 9:41 am #579787Meemee
So I went over and had the talk……… and he said he likes me a lot, that we are seriously dating in his mind, that he never realize the importance of text to me, that now he knows he will text more, that he is slowly learning what is important to me and what is not…..
So that is surprising to me, and I think it provides clarity ….
I need to spend time to think about it…and figure out how to balance my expectation vs his habits…
November 21, 2016 at 9:45 am #579790Jay
But he didn’t say after 9 months you were BF and gf? If he is seriously dating, why do you always have to initiate or ask for dates? He once again just called you last minute and invited you over, didn’t he?
November 21, 2016 at 9:46 am #579791Meemee
He also said the last 6 months with me made he realize how different men and women are and he is slowly adjusting himself
November 21, 2016 at 9:48 am #579794Meemee
Jay – this is good enough for me for now… you have high standards I know….I am not you, and I don’t mind this slow process…. I actually like it….
So will see
November 21, 2016 at 10:05 am #579799Lane
Meemee, you do not like it or you wouldn’t be on this forum for so long on top of paying for advice that left you in the same position you were…no where!
Are you his GF? Does he envision a future with you? If not, YOU ARE IN AN FWB, and a weak one at that. You solved nothing by not directly telling him what you want (“a relationship”) and then confirming if you are IN a bonafide RELATIONSHIP with him. Sorry, but all you’ve suceeded in doing is to go round and round on the same hamster going no where.
I digress.
November 21, 2016 at 10:32 am #579806kaye
Sure..that makes sense. The guy has been married and through a divorce but this last 6 months with YOU has “made him realize how different men and women are”. I call bull$hit!!
And I love the “he is slowly learning what is important to me and what is not” too. I mean how much slower can this guy be? It took 6 months to just have sex with him twice!!
But the best part is “we are seriously dating in his mind”!! Apparently in his mind is the only place that realization existed because you certainly didn’t know that! Otherwise don’t you feel like an idiot for posting on a forum about this guy a half a dozen times when the entire time you were “seriously dating”?
Wow. He said exactly what you wanted to hear because this “relationship” is so convenient for him. All he’s got to do is a little more texting to keep you on a string and get sex with no commitment.
November 21, 2016 at 10:35 am #579808alia
Meemee –
Here’s a quote that helped me in the past to make good decision for myself..
“What choice would I make in this situation if I truly loved myself?”
Pretend you are someone who loves herself and has excellent standards.
November 21, 2016 at 11:10 am #579823M
MeeMee, like Mike, doesn’t listen. Nor will either of them ever find happiness in a relationship because they aren’t right within themselves and until they resolve their inner stuff, the outer world just won’t work. All the money, career success, material stuff, etc won’t get them love. You gotta feel for them a little, they just dont’ get it. Hardheaded mules. Oh well… everyone learns sometime, on their own schedule.
November 21, 2016 at 12:50 pm #579846kim
You are seriously dating, but he never bothers to ask you out or integrate you into his life -oh, other than to send you pics of his kid.
I’m with Kaye on this. He told you just enough to keep stringing you along. This man is not your soul mate! He is using you for a FWB and in fact, making you do most of the work at it. And he is very good and slick about it.
Notice how he sends pics of the kid to make you think he is incorporating you into his life – and then only to ask you over for sex. He doesn’t even come to you.
It’s too bad that at his age he doesn’t understand the difference in men and women. I call BS too on that. He was married! And I’m sure he has dated before and after that- probably even had other GFs. But of course now amnesia has set in and he has no idea how to really treat a woman. So you now have to teach him how. Poor thing. Let’s see if he can make it through remedial training and send a few more texts to you.
November 21, 2016 at 1:03 pm #579847Jay
This man deserves an Oscar.
You stated the following:
“he is slowly learning what is important to me and what is not…..So that is surprising to me, and I think it provides clarity ….
I need to spend time to think about it…and figure out how to balance my expectation vs his habits…”Your expectations are not off, HIS attention to what constitutes ‘serious dsting’ is off. This man had 9 months to figure you out. He ignored you for several months until you sent him a drunk text telling him you missed him. Since then you have had to ASK him to take you on a real date. Is that because he didn’t know you want dates? Apparently he does, since you had to ask for one. So in response to this learning experience he decided to call you over for another booty call last night? Slow learner? Isn’t he?
I don’t think your expectations are off at all. You want a real romantic relationship with a man who makes you feel wanted and integrates you into his life. You want a man who chases you and makes you feel special. You want a man to claim you as a GF and partner.
So why are you compromising what you want? Here is real problem. You are afraid to ask him for all of this, because you would rather settle for crumbs than lose him. You have set the bar so low for him that this could go on for years and never get much further than where you are right now. Men don’t slowly fall in love. We all know this. His pace suits him and keeps you at bay. He knows exactly what he is doing. This man is not one bit clueless.
November 21, 2016 at 1:08 pm #579848jen
That is why I wrote my last post. Meemee knew going into this that he would double talk her. She even posted how the conversation would go and she wasn’t far off the mark. This man talks in circles and gives no answers.We all know when someone can’t give a straight answer they are lying and/or avoiding.
This man knows he has her where he wants her, and how to keep having her with little to no effort. I agree with Jay. He is manipulative and slick. His behavior is not how a man acts when he see’s a future with you.
November 29, 2016 at 10:25 am #581401Jen
Bumping this up since you have been providing sporadic updates on other people’s threads.
What caught my attention is that you said you are getting ‘bored’ with this guy. How so? You used the same term with the colonel.
November 29, 2016 at 10:39 am #581405Sherri
This is so interesting. My FWB was in a bf/gf relationship before we met. They had broken up for over a year. What he told me of the relationship made me realise that what they had was an FWB with a title. They used to meet to have sex once in a while when they were free. There were hardly any dates. He told me that he did not see a future with her and that she was just convenient. She just was not comfortable being in an FWB so for her “convenience” he gave her a title. When in actuality all they were was FWB. His previous gf also, he had dated for over 5 years and then she dumped him as he was not progressing and met and got married to another guy in a year.
I think my FWB and I went on more dates together than he and his last ex gf. I think he took his previous gf on more dates at least.
I thought he was ideal for FWB as I did not see a future with him and so offered him that and he accepted.
Meemee – you say that you are not ok with FWB. But what you have is an FWB with the guy telling you that you guys are in a “serious relationship” to appease you that you are not really in an FWB.
November 29, 2016 at 11:00 am #581418Meemee
Sherri – interesting story… thanks for sharing….
No, I am not ok w FWB, in a million years…. otherwise all problem solved….
At my age with 2 kids, not looking for marriage or move in, the diff between relationship and FWB can be blurry, so I have decided to focus on how I feel as opposed to the title….. and he is NOT making me feel very good to be honest….
I did not abrupted cut him offf when I still have tons of feeling for him… I opted to let things run its natural course and I am closer and closer to dumping him….when I don’t feel pain about doing that , I know I am ready….
Guys like this tended to be dumped over and over , /!: tat is why my guy told me that he does not why everyone dump him, why he is not good enough for women… … LoL
November 29, 2016 at 11:06 am #581421Jen
How can you ‘dump’ someone who isn’t a BF or really into you other than casual sex?
Be honest meemee. This man never was what you wanted, and kids or not, you already said you want a soul mate and a man to be with you for life, whether that means married or otherwise.This man never was…I just wish you would admit this and move on. Because right now you are playing semantics. He ignored you for 5 days over thanksgiving AFTER he claimed he would understand your desire for more contact. In his mind he isn’t ‘dating you seriously’ he is a dick.
And the sooner you recognize that, the sooner you move on and meet a man who wants what you want, I would drop this partner guy without even a glance back. He is using you. And you know it,
November 29, 2016 at 11:06 am #581422Meemee
Sherri – why are you ok w FWB? What is your situation like if I may ask?
November 29, 2016 at 11:12 am #581425Meemee
Jen – you are over simplify something that you do t really understand a lot about..
It is not easy question in terms of what I want…. I think I want more than I can afford to have , given my life situation and my desire to raise my kids freely and give them a free childhood, which means no man in the picture until they are off to college ….
So what kind of man should I be looking out for? I don’t know is the most honest answer
November 29, 2016 at 11:17 am #581426Jen
You obviously can’t handle fwb. You already stated you want a partner and soul mate, I have no idea why the man you choose can’t be part of your kids life, that seems to be a self imposed issue. I know many women who remarry, etc.m that involve the new many, appropriately, in their kids lives.
You constantly pick men who are emotionally unavailable and instead of deciding what you want and going for it, you keep trying to fit what you meet into something that could work.
Decide what you really want and go for it, stop chasing men who don’t really want what you want. It’s not that difficult. You seem to make it that way because you pick men who don’t want what you do.
November 29, 2016 at 12:53 pm #581440Sherri
I am divorced with 2 little kids under age 10. I was dating this really great guy for about 1.5 years but broke up with him as we were not compatible in two things which I thought was essential to marriage. He showed me how a guy who is really interested in you actually treats you. And it is so great to know that I never had to wonder with him.
I am looking to date someone and get married but I am not in a hurry and he would have to be one hell of a guy.
Right now I am taking a break from dating as I have been unwell and I want to emotionally get over the guy I was dating. I do not believe in jumping from relationship to relationship. In fact to me personally, I still consider it “dating” and not really in a relationship if you are not living together/engaged/married. Bf/gf is still just dating for me.
When I had just gotten divorced, I was not ready to jump into a new relationship and so got an FWB who used to satisfy my physical needs as well as provide friendship. And I always choose my FWB depending on how he treats me, how considerate he is, that I know we are on the same page and the most important of all …. that I DO NOT SEE A FUTURE WITH HIM. With my FWB I had gone on dates, we have had movie nights etc. etc. What I have not done with an FWB is go on overnight outings and sleep overnight. My FWB is always sexually exclusive … no if/ands or buts about it. We both get tested and always use protection. In fact I had even met his parents/gone to a family function and even met his friends. Why not? We were friends too. It does not have to be a sordid hit it and quit it affair.
Again I find myself in a situation where I am not really looking to date till I am emotionally ready and physically ok. Again, I have a guy who is wooing me for an FWB. He first asked me to date and I told him that I do not see a future with him and so DO NOT intend to date him in the traditional sense. But that does not mean I want to just jump into bed with him. In fact I am so busy right now with my kids, work and friends that the time that I can spend with him, I rather do a Netflix and chill evening than go out on “dates”. I need to be able to know the guy whom I am going to be doing an FWB with. I take it really slow where sex is concerned, it is totally awesome just not jumping right to the sex and it helps a guy and girl know what ticks and how to turn on the other person better. The slower the better as then you know exactly where the other person’s erotic zones are. This way I believe you can teach the guy exactly what kind of foreplay you like and you also know if he is going to be a giving lover or a selfish one.
My old FWB contacted me but he is going thru quite a bit right now and I do not think he would have the time more than once or twice in a month or two to meet up and I am definitely looking for more frequency than that.
That’s another reason why I feel this guy is the perfect FWB for you. And if you do not like the “word FWB”, then you can put a title on it to appease your “sensibilities” but what you would have would still be an FWB with a title.
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