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I was hanging out with this guy I’ve been dating since Valentine’s day. We are not official, but I’m enjoying our relationship as it is (: I decided to wear these nice boots that day, however they always make my feet stink! When I was at his place he made me take them off and wash my feet. Later he decides we should go downtown, but he tells me I should change my shoes and meet him at a certain place. So I did and head that way, he calls, but struggles to find me so he says “I’ll just ride the bus instead” then he just hangs up! I call him tons, and he doesn’t respond (and I know this is needy behavior but I was just reacting on instinct) I started to cry literally after he hung up. So I texted this: “*****, I do not appreciate this. This is unacceptable. I’m by Jack in the box. I don’t appreciate that you would want to meet and leave me. I was 5 steps away from the street. I am not happy with you and I want my stuff.” I left my backpack at his place cause I knew we’d come back there together. He tells me he’s leaving already. So when I call and he picks up… I yelled at him of how unacceptable it was to leave me, but he just kept responding with “okay.” I’ve never yelled at him before because he’s never frustrated me like this, he even told me to stop yelling. I wasn’t able to keep my cool because we were supposed to hang at that moment. He hangs up on me cause I wouldn’t stop yelling. So finally I decide to text him “Let me know when you’re here or at least heading back so I can go there.” He came back instantly, and he responded 10 minutes later with “come get your shit”. So I walk over to his place, he hands me the backpack and tries to close the door, but I stop it and walk in, ask to talk, but then he says no and runs to his room and locks the door. I tried to plead, beg (I know, I know, I gave him all the power right there) but he ignored me so I left a short letter that read, “I’m sorry for yelling at you, but I don’t appreciate that you left me when we planned to hang out, I’m disappointed in you and I thought you had my back. How could I trust you again? Good day to you” I slid it under his door and left. Two hours later I decided to text this: I feel guilty about yelling at you, I’m really sorry. I was really mad that you left me, can we just move on if you don’t want to talk about it, I’d like to talk about it. I like it when we do, it means a lot when you reach out to me about these things.”
This all happened yesterday and he did not respond at all. I’m not going to reach out to him anymore about it. I figured he’s just freaked out over my yelling and is in withdrawal mode. But I want to make the best decisions so I don’t make him disappear completely. He’s not my boyfriend, but I do want a relationship. Now I know because this happened, I can’t exactly see where we’re going or “inspire” him to want to be with me.
What to do now since he’s withdrawing? Do I just fulfill my life till he reaches out to me? I figured I should just move on till something happens. I was hanging out with this guy I’ve been dating since Valentine’s day. We are not official, but I’m enjoying our relationship as it is (: I decided to wear these nice boots that day, however they always make my feet stink! When I was at his place he made me take them off and wash my feet. Later he decides we should go downtown, but he tells me I should change my shoes and meet him at a certain place. So I did and head that way, he calls, but struggles to find me so he says “I’ll just ride the bus instead” then he just hangs up! I call him tons, and he doesn’t respond (and I know this is needy behavior but I was just reacting on instinct) I started to cry literally after he hung up. So I texted this: “*****, I do not appreciate this. This is unacceptable. I’m by Jack in the box. I don’t appreciate that you would want to meet and leave me. I was 5 steps away from the street. I am not happy with you and I want my stuff.” I left my backpack at his place cause I knew we’d come back there together. He tells me he’s leaving already. So when I call and he picks up… I yelled at him of how unacceptable it was to leave me, but he just kept responding with “okay.” I’ve never yelled at him before because he’s never frustrated me like this, he even told me to stop yelling. I wasn’t able to keep my cool because we were supposed to hang at that moment. He hangs up on me cause I wouldn’t stop yelling. So finally I decide to text him “Let me know when you’re here or at least heading back so I can go there.” He came back instantly, and he responded 10 minutes later with “come get your shit”. So I walk over to his place, he hands me the backpack and tries to close the door, but I stop it and walk in, ask to talk, but then he says no and runs to his room and locks the door. I tried to plead, beg (I know, I know, I gave him all the power right there) but he ignored me so I left a short letter that read, “I’m sorry for yelling at you, but I don’t appreciate that you left me when we planned to hang out, I’m disappointed in you and I thought you had my back. How could I trust you again? Good day to you” I slid it under his door and left. Two hours later I decided to text this: I feel guilty about yelling at you, I’m really sorry. I was really mad that you left me, can we just move on if you don’t want to talk about it, I’d like to talk about it. I like it when we do, it means a lot when you reach out to me about these things.”
This all happened yesterday and he did not respond at all. I’m not going to reach out to him anymore about it. I figured he’s just freaked out over my yelling and is in withdrawal mode. But I want to make the best decisions so I don’t make him disappear completely. He’s not my boyfriend, but I do want a relationship. Now I know because this happened, I can’t exactly see where we’re going or “inspire” him to want to be with me.
What to do now since he’s withdrawing? Do I just fulfill my life till he reaches out to me? I figured I should just move on till something happens.Raven
How old are the both of you?
You don’t need to feel guilty. You know why?
Because this man DOESN’T RESPECT YOU at all! He clearly in MANY WAYS showed you a lack of respect.
1) He asked you to go clean your feet. Really?!?! Don’t you see how degrading it was for you?!
Next time a man talks to you like that just leave him, block him…
Next time, don’t put these shoes when you will meet a date, better if you feel at ease.2) He clearly had fun of you in the phone!!! Complete DISRESPECT!
3) He let you down and lied when he told you to meet him later. He treated you like crap.
It is absolutely NORMAL you were mad. It would have been better for you to quit the situation before getting mad, when he started being an asshole, with your feet.
Now, you highly need to work on your self-esteem, self-love to not let ANYONE treating you poorly.
Stop being used.You deserve love and a healthy relationship.
For that you need to understand thst you need strong boundaries with people and what is a healthy relationship.Have a look at the website tinybuddah and boundaries, and on the articles on this forum
At the end, getting to the point where you are yelling to an asshole is not good for YOU. He doesn’t care.Lane
Oh my. Sorry, but I would delete his number and put him out of your head because this guy is gone. That’s what this process is about, deciding if the person is someone they want to be with or not. In the beginning, during the wooing phase you’re on your best behavior, but even if he DID commit it doesn’t mean he won’t break up with you if he sees a side of you he doesn’t like.
I highly suggest you take a “time out”. Work on how you communicate even IF someone isn’t acting the way you believe they should be, and also read up on the articles as well as learning how to become the CHOOSER, not the pursuer. Additionally, you need to learn how to be more playful, fun, confident and less dependent on a man to fill up your time and calendar.
Stop all the texting! Its the lowest form of communication that’s causing the biggest problem in dating today because its used and abused too much. It should only be used when you have something QUICK and significant to post such as “on my way, see you in 20 minutes”, “caught in traffic running a bit late”, “going in a meeting will call you when I get out.” Guys do not bond through text or sex, they BOND by spending one-on-one time with you crating fun and pleasurable memories—so dump the phone and start spending majority of the communication when in his presence.
You wont probably like reading this, but that guy doesnt deserve you and you wouldnt want to choose a guy like him to be your boyfriend. He CLEARLY DISPRESPECTS YOU. Just drop him. Find yourself a guy who really likes you and cherishes you for the person you are, and find those lovely things in you first, be conscious of all the things you are that any guy should feel so grateful and lucky to have you.