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- This topic has 111 replies and was last updated 7 years, 5 months ago by
Yesssss 😘
I am so glad you are feeling better. As for insight into this there are some questions you need to ask yourself.
What made him so attractive to you? Could some of these good points also have a dark side? Is he agressive or passive? Who does he remind you of? What does he have that your male friends do not that made you want him in a romantic relationship? If you could change a couple of things about him what would they be?
He’s very intelligent/successful reminded me of my uncle (my best friend in the world, we’ve always had a special bond, I’m closer to him than my parents) he could see how special I was right off the bat, I felt this connection. The way he speaks, old fashioned like “the pleasure was all mine” sophisticated lifestyle, manners, all the things that reminded me of my favorite person (my uncle) … obsession of food like me, same political views as me, favorite color the same as me, also loved Hitchcock movies, he seemed caring like would cook food for the homeless on Thanksgiving for example.
My male friends I am not sexually attracted to while him I felt comfortable with him yet attracted. Guys in the past who turned out to be bad news, they made me feel this anxiety negative feeling but he made me feel this comfort like I belonged in his arms.
If I could change something it would be that he treat me with the consideration he did in the beginning. That he would be direct & tell me he is not into me, instead of hiding like a cruel coward & treating me with this disrespect.
Clearly the person I thought he was & how he is currently treating me, do not match
When I was in his presence I felt like I belonged with him. Just this lovely feeling. But soon as I left him the last time I saw him, the bad vibes came knocking (my gut warning me he was going to disappear & was instead spending time with other women)
For those who suspect he’s a narcissist you might be right, this is odd lol & has never happened before…
So I reactivated my Snapchat cause apparently if you don’t within 30 days your account is permanently gone so I’m like eh I’m not going to wait to activate it on the 29th day or something lol I want to use it here & there so I’ll just do it. Now that I know I have the strength to not look at his, there’s no benefit to having it deleted, I’m just not going to use it much.
So I was cooking for my friend, I always post when I cook something good. 3 posts: ingredients, cooking it, then the finished meal. She said when I posted, he posted 2 minutes after me & the second part of the story, he did the same. I’m like well the first time could be a coincidence but the second time is weird. A couple hours later I post my finished meal & she said he posted 2 minutes after me…again.
What are the odds that he genuinely just coincidentally happened to post 2 minutes after me, 3 times in a row. I mean come on. Seems like he was trying to bait me & see if I would watch his story. Nope!
Lol don’t fall for his BS. He fooled you once, maybe even twice, but that is it. He seems to have little man syndrome lol. It is okay to be happy that you are driving him crazy by ignoring him. Next time a guy treats you like crap (hopefully there won’t be a next time, but just in case) believe him the first time. Anyway, brighter days ahead!
Ashley, did he see, that you posted? Can you see somewhere that he or somebody looked at your posts?
Now you are acting like all the other crazy girls on here. Trying to read into social media? Admit it. You didn’t need to open your snap account to post a few pics about what you cooked. You opened it because you wanted to see if he was going to respond or had reached out to you. Now you are being ridiculous. The guy ghosted you a year ago. Came back for one date and now you are obsessed with him? All the traits you just posted about are about commonalities in interest. They have nothing to do with who he really is as a person. And calling him a narcissist doesn’t solve your problem which is moving on. He is a man who doesn’t want to settle and dates many women. That isn’t a crime. Stop looking for reasons why he doesn’t want to be with only you. I doubt he is sitting around trying to figure you out. When men do this type of thing they are usually bored.
It takes more than superficial looks to win over a man. It might attract him to begin with but looks fade and even the most beautiful women will be put off to the back burner if the man meets someone more interesting. If you want to make the OP out as a victim fine. She chose to reconnect after he ghosted her.men don’t ghost women that they see a future with.so you can blame his height, call him NPD, say hes stupid and rant all you want. But that’s just letting off steam and ignoring the real issue which is why give a second thought at all to this man. You don’t have to be unhappy and insecure to treat people this way. In fact I say it takes a pretty strong person to know what they want or not. He is being true to what he wants or not. Being the kindest and sweetest person ever doesn’t win you any prizes in life. Unless you are mother Theresa. It’s called being naive. You don’t have to be mean but you have to set up boundaries for what is acceptable to you or not. When you come off as always being the nice person people will and do take advantage.Ashley
Amanda, I sure will!
Pandora, yes he can see when I post because he follows me. So as soon as I posted, he did, 2 min intervals 3 times in a row
Julie, ummm not really!! I know he is not even going to even VIEW my story lol (he just saw I posted, he did not view them) I know he is not going to reach out to me so you’re wrong.
Someone doing what he did is not “looking into” anything it so prettyy strange, something that probably wouldn’t occur naturally. If he posted in 2 min intervals as soon as he saw I did, more than twice, all on his own, so be it, but that seems unlikely.
I just said I am not going to use Snapchat much so I’m not going to open the app every day & try to do whatever. The people who follow me enjoy my cooking stuff I’m not going to stop that if I feel like interacting on it once a week or so?
Yeah I don’t walk around trying to label someone as having a personality disorder just because they don’t like me. I’m not an idiot. It is his traits of seemingly having no empathy & so on that are making me consider it when others have said it. It actually does help me or I wouldn’t have tried to figure it out or look into it. I’m going to stop nowIf, soon as I saw your name I didn’t read a word you say lol I’m not interested
It takes more than superficial looks to win over a man. It might attract him to begin with but looks fade and even the most beautiful women will be put off to the back burner if the man meets someone more interesting. If you want to make the OP out as a victim fine. She chose to reconnect after he ghosted her.men don’t ghost women that they see a future with.so you can blame his height, call him NPD, say hes stupid and rant all you want. But that’s just letting off steam and ignoring the real issue which is why give a second thought at all to this man. You don’t have to be unhappy and insecure to treat people this way. In fact I say it takes a pretty strong person to know what they want or not. He is being true to what he wants or not. Being the kindest and sweetest person ever doesn’t win you any prizes in life. Unless you are mother Theresa. It’s called being naive. You don’t have to be mean but you have to set up boundaries for what is acceptable to you or not. When you come off as always being the nice person people will and do take advantage.
Sorry wasn’t my most well written reply lol I don’t have caffeine I probably sound all over the place without thinking it through. Julie if he was just a normal guy who decided that I am not for him, that’s fine. It’s that he did not act like he was going to no longer see me. The convos we had were in no way in line with a guy who was on the fence about continuing with me. He literally “changed” in a moment like a manipulative person. Normal guys don’t do that. A normal guy who decides they don’t want to continue after 2 years would have the respect & consideration to tell you. It could be a cliche like I’m too busy or I don’t want a relationship. The point is they wouldn’t hardcore ignore you in every way for weeks. He knows I’m very accepting it’s not like I’m a girl who is going to curse him out, cry, or scream. He knows I would cry on my own time, I wouldn’t make a scene, so there is no reasonable reason to treat me with such disrespect. There was nothing to “avoid” by normal human standards. The way in which he threw me away was the way narcissist do. A normal guy if he wants to avoid conflict for a few days or even a week, ok. Nothing he did was normal, if it was, I would have accepted it. But you’re right I do have to stop looking for reasons now I can’t let it go on & on. I just needed to do what I needed to do for myself to make sense of it & comes to terms with it