I'm being an idiot and need someone to talk sense to me please!!

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  • #777662 Reply
    Ms too needy

    I know where I’ve gone wrong here and I know I’m far too invested after just three weeks so really I’m just seeking validation and support.

    I met this guy three weeks ago and the interactions between us became sexual very quickly so much so that the tension between us in person led to some really dumb impulsive behaviour that I’m embarrassed to admit to – but i can’t ask for advice without being honest so basically he ended up paying hundreds of pounds for a hotel room that we were in for a few hours. The sex was amazing. I should say we both have impulse control issues as we both have adhd. He is medicated and i usually manage my impulsive behaviour well but not on this occasion.

    He messaged me the next day with a very intense and emotional message about how much he likes me and that his feelings are scaring him but in a good way. My response was calm – let’s just take it easy as we barely know each other. But of course i was actually flattered and taken in by his words.

    We arranged another proper date and it was all good. We then had a home date, another proper date and then a brunch date at mine on Friday morning. He had had a crazy working week and only 3 hours sleep but he didn’t cancel on me- i would have rearranged had it been me. He was clearly exhausted. He asked me to be exclusive sexually before he left on Friday, because he said he has no desire to be with anyone else whilst we are exploring getting to know each other. I said yes to that and that i felt we had moved very quickly and missed some steps. He agreed and when he left it seemed all was good.

    Yesterday was his birthday so i text and said happy birthday and he responded immediately. I replied quite a bit later as was working. He didn’t reply. I text again much later that evening – nothing big or intense and i suppose there wasn’t a question in it so no response was really necessary. I knew he was busy and had plans so wasn’t concerned.

    However, he has not read either message, has not text me today and I can see he has been online alot – but just not read my messages. I don’t usually get so hung up on texts because I’ve finally learnt that they don’t have the meaning women often attach to them. But today I’ve fallen back into that ridiculous anxious paranoia of looking if he is online and feeling upset he hasn’t messaged me at all today.

    Some context to texting with him- he either replies really quickly or doesn’t at all, but he usually initiates texts in the morning rather than me. The birthday text was the first i initiated. Last week there were times i messaged him back and he didn’t reply, only to initiate the next morning with no reference to my last message. When we saw each other Friday he said he was sorry for not replying to texts at times and that he felt he had neglected me but wanted me to know that when he is focused on one thing he can’t think or process anything else. This is an adhd trait I’m familiar with so my rational brain had meant i wasn’t bothered last week when he didn’t reply etc.

    I seem to be struggling with my rational brain today though! I know its only one day that we haven’t spoken and in the scheme of a very new relationship with someone where we barely know each other this should not be a big deal but i feel so anxious about it all and I’m catastrophsing … in my mind he doesn’t like me because we had sex too soon, its just sex to him, he is going to ghost me, he doesn’t care about me, he is with his ex, he is actually married… etc etc ad infinitum.

    I know this is ridiculous. I know its way too soon to even consider myself as a priority in his life but i can’t seem to stop thinking about him not messaging me so far today. I have no intention of messaging him, I can exercise enough self control to not actually show him I’m currently acting like a stage 5 clinger…he will have new clue that i am feeling so needy as I’ve never been like that towards him, so I’m just waiting it out to see if my gut feeling of him having lost interest is true or if I’m just being dramatic.

    I should add I’m really quite unwell with flu atm so maybe that is part of my ridiculous response! I just want to stop feeling so weird and obsessive as it feels i am because i know it makes no sense at! Please talk some sense into me!!

    #777664 Reply

    Are you messaging him on WhatsApp or FB? How do you know he’s online is my question. Sometimes the online activity is wrong or they have FB open and aren’t on it..It’s only been one day. However, it’s kind of weird he didn’t respond to a happy birthday message. But I would try to calm down. Either you’ll hear from him or you won’t. There’s no sense in driving yourself crazy over something you can’t control. I’d say go for a run or something but you’re sick so that’s not really an option. Try not to go into stalker mode you’ll just make it 100x worse. Maybe he’s busy because its the weekend and he might’ve gone out for his Bday. If he likes you as much as he said he does, then you’ll probably hear from him soon with an apology or something. How old are you guys? Did you meet online? You basically don’t even know him. So take it with a grain of salt. And stop jumping to conclusions. Don’t text him anymore. And when he gets in touch act like its no big deal. If he’s impulsive, he might be one of those people who rushes in and rushes out as quickly…be prepared to let him go if that’s the case and never put all your eggs in one basket! Good luck!

    #777666 Reply

    Ps just reread your entry and he did respond to your happy Bday message. He’s probably just doing his thing and will get back to you when he has time or is ready to respond. Give him a break. And yourself before you have a totally unnecessary panic attack due to your extremely obsessive thoughts! Watch a series on Netflix and message your friends or something…everything is fine!!

    #777674 Reply
    Ms too needy

    Hi Amy,

    We chat on WhatsApp, we are in our 30s and met on a dating app. Thanks for helping regain my perspective! I know there are loads of reasons why he might be showing as online and its only one day … i think I’m just overthinking as I’m doing nothing because I’m not feeling well when usually at the weekend I’d be too busy to dwell on things. I dont know this man at all really and whether he texts or not really shouldnt make or break my day.

    I know the rational stuff – I have learnt so much since i started dating and had been in a really healthy space… but just feeling a bit vulnerable for some reason with this guy.

    #777688 Reply
    Better off single

    Use the lack of contact to emotionally detach from this guy because that’s what happened.

    You had sex, you’re on cloud 9, it got you high….the come down is always the worst and you wanna get another hit.

    Practice self control and keep your mind busy on other things. He pretty much got what he wanted so the best thing to do (for now) is stop giving a s×it about him.

    #777695 Reply
    Ms too needy

    BOS – are you saying that after one day of not messaging me you agree that he has definitely lost interest? I kind of viewed my thought process around one day of him not messaging me, as me being quite irrational and needy.

    He still hasn’t reached out maybe it is what I’ve been worrying it is. It’s been a matter of weeks and I don’t really know him… its my bad I guess!

    #777698 Reply

    Better off single, while I agree with you and you’re smart.. it’s pretty jaded to say that just because he got sex he got everything.

    #777704 Reply
    Better off single

    Don’t guys kind of pull back after sex? I wouldn’t say he completely lost interest. Become needy and he will. Its not irrational or needy to want him to message you. Its irrational and needy to send him 20 wyd texts with no response. You’re still high on him because of the amazing sex you 2 had. It’s what you are putting all your energy into making you sort of lose your mind so, breathe and focus on something else.

    You said:
    let’s just take it easy as we barely know each other.

    SO TAKE IT EASY. I’d say after 3 days to a week of no contact there is little to no interest and the sweet words that make you feel the way you do now was total bs.

    Men need to be loved physically in order to love emotionally.

    Watch his actions, try not to fall for words and get your hopes up.

    He said likes you, make him prove it through his actions and let him take the lead. If he doesn’t step up, you were just a conquest.
    In the mean time, focus on your own life. Be a mystery. Make him wonder what you’re up to.

    #777705 Reply
    Better off single

    It probably is jaded to say that because he got sex he got everything. it seems that’s the way the cookie crumbles these days. not many guys give a damn about going steady and just wanna get off while lying their a$$ off shopping for women like kids in a candy shop.

    #777793 Reply

    My grandmother’s brother died recently and he and his wife had sex on a first date and sex was the glue that held them together. And those times were worse for women. I do agree but if it’s a douche whether it’s second or 6th date doesn’t matter as an endgame. Here I learned it’s all about emotional connection.
    I’m tired though of modern dating so I totally relate. We’re like candies, available everywhere and why to make any effort for you if so many women will do a lot for you for nothing..

    #777803 Reply
    Better off single

    That’s why I’m gonna sit back and enjoy life single. I’m over getting heartbroken. Guys always taking and never giving. With the online dating I was being stalked by someone. That was scary. He was hateful towards me and in the end, I practically lost my mind over it. Im better for it though.

    Finding lasting love is like winning the lottery and so the odds of finding that are very low. Might as well stay single. Figure out how to handle rejection better or emotionally detach when you first meet someone. NEVER compromise on what you want because it’s convenient and he is breadcrumbing the bare minimum of being interested.

    #777829 Reply
    Ms too needy

    We’ll he is still in contact and didn’t mention not messaging me. He hasn’t actually asked me for another date but keeps referring to things as “we can” and “when we”. I’m just mirroring him and not having any expectations…. his words are pretty but I’m not seeing any action so I’m just going to let this one play out and not over invest!

    #777832 Reply

    A lot of guys swoop in and then swoop right back out and there is not a thing you can do about it.

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