I'm depressed and my boyfriend doesn't care.

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  • #575440 Reply

    So I’m going through a whole lot of really awful stuff right now, and it’s really a lot to handle. My boyfriend and I are long distance (2 hours) and have been together on and off for 3 years. I finally broke down and texted him how depressed I was feeling, and how I was feeling slightly suicidal. He took 7 hours to reply (even though he wasn’t busy) and didn’t really say much to help me at all. He didn’t respond for another few hours and then at night, when he was in bed he texted me a bit and told me to tell my parents etc. He always calls me at night but hasn’t for the past 2 days, it’s like he doesn’t care. He told me he was sorry but he was going to sleep and that I shouldn’t do anything stupid. I have not heard from him since last night, he hasn’t texted me to check up on me or called me to see how I was feeling. I would’ve even appreciated a quick I love you text so I know he cares but nothing. Meanwhile, my best friend (who I also told) basically dropped everything to comfort me and has been texting me a lot to check up on me and trying to cheer me up. I thought my boyfriend of 3 years would be equally concerned but I guess not. This is making me even more upset because I’m starting to think he doesn’t care, I really thought I could rely on him. What should I do..?

    #575450 Reply

    If you are that depressed, get yourself to a Dr. right away!

    #575453 Reply

    I am sorry you are going through hard times. I know how that feels. I thought about suicide for many years but never came close to doing it. Anyway I think you are learning what kind of person your boyfriend happens to be. Some guys cannot deal with the hard times. I personally would not want to be with that kind of boyfriend. You need to think about that and make your own decision. There are guys who will treat you better.

    And see a therapist. They do help.

    #575454 Reply

    PS I don’t think its so much that he is not concerned but that he is the type of person who does not like dealing with emotional stuff. I still think that’s no excuse and would not want to be with him.

    #575473 Reply

    That’s honestly a really strange reaction. Had he mentioned anything to you about maybe feeling like the relationship is causing some of the depression? Guys handle that stuff weirdly sometimes and he may feel like some of his inadequacies may be making you unhappy. It’s a bit weird that he hasn’t texted you to check up on you though.

    #575506 Reply

    I am going to guess that his isn’t the first time you used some dramatic comment to try to get his attention.

    Because what he said was pretty typical of the ‘I can’t deal with her drama’ response.

    That’s a really unfair thing to do to people. Your girlfriends trying to ‘cheer you up?’ People who are seriously depressed and suicidal don’t just cheer up.

    If you are wanting to hurt yourself for real, seek help from a crisis hotline, family member or mental health professional. If not, this game you might be playing isoing to just push people away and not bring them closer to you.

    #575592 Reply

    @J, are you serious? You seriously think I’d tell someone I’m feeling suicidal just for attention? Because I’m pretty sure that’s the lowest of the low and I would never do that. I’ve struggled with depression on and off for 8 years now and I don’t need someone telling me I’m “just doing it for attention”. I didn’t mean that my friends took my depression away, but normally trying to cheer someone up is a normal thing to do if they’re feeling down. Since you’re clearly not compassionate, you wouldn’t understand anyway. Have a nice night!

    #575609 Reply

    This is such a hard topic to give advice on, especially since everyone deals with depression differently and there are so many emotions involved. I’ve struggled with severe anxiety and depression my whole life so i’ll give it a go…

    From what you’ve said, I think your bf has a hard time dealing with very emotional topics. Do the two of you normally get into really deep conversations and talk about depression or emotions a lot? If not, this probably shocked him a bit, especially if you hadn’t previously talked about your depression.

    Of course everyone wants to feel cared for and I’m sure he does care about you, however you sent that text expecting a specific type of response, right? But when he didn’t respond the way you wanted him to it made you feel even worse and even more insecure. I think the best way to avoid this from happening is not to discuss important things via text. I’ve done it a few times and it always backfires, because the minute you send the text you expect a response, and when they don’t respond the way you want them to it makes you an anxious mess.

    Most men aren’t used to talking so openly about emotional topics like we are with our girlfriends. They retreat and go silent to deal with their issues. Try to put yourself first right now, get some help with your depression and talk to him about it in person, not by text. XX

    #575610 Reply

    Your BF can’t ‘fix’ you or your depression and frankly telling him you felt suicidal is beyond reasonable or fair to him.

    Get professional help.

    #575622 Reply

    J – he is her boyfriend! Of course you tell your boyfriend when you are depressed. That is not ‘beyond reasonable”. The idea that a crisis counselor or therapist is the only person who can ever hear about depression is nonsense. Close family and friends know the good and the bad. The idea that we have to ashamed of mental illness and never even tell those close to us does incredible harm to people. If you have a bad day you tell your family. iF you have the flu you tell them. If you hurt your ankle you do not hide it from everyone but your physician. Mental illness is not something that needs to hidden. It is not scary. It is something a lot of ppl have and no one should feel bad for talking about.

    #575628 Reply

    The way he treated you in this situation is a sign for you to end this relationship and move on. He could have called and said something, offered some support. It i very burdening when someone dumps all their problems onto you but you can’t do anything about it, this is how he felt probably. But some empathy should come naturally from people who love us.

    8 years is a long time to endure unhappiness. Not to diminish your pain, but imagine someone who is paralyzed. How would your problems compare to theirs? Take some sun. Go away and spend time in the sun swimming surfing playing beach volleyball. Exhaust yourself physically.

    #661257 Reply

    Seriously, @J is a real jerk for suggesting that someone’s suicidal tendencies and mental illness has to revolve around a single person (and getting his/her attention!!???!!!)
    She asked for help, which is a brave thing to do. Now, she is asking for advice, and clearly, she isn’t getting the best one from some people like J.
    Also, of course you tell the people closest to you when you are in crisis. Refer to any crisis website and that is what they recommend (on top of going to therapy, which can’t happen right away). A decent person don’t just go, “oh okay” when someone is at risk of suicide.

    AC, you are a wise and compassionate person. Your feelings are too much for you right now, but don’t let ignorant people like j being you down.

    #661263 Reply

    Sorry u are struggling with mental health issues, and that your boyfriend seems not to care. I agree with other posters on here that u need professional help. Your boyfriend bailed because he doesn’t know what’s to do or say to help your situation. I agree with other posters that he is lacking in compassion and that he may not be in this as seriously as u are. In any case, I would leave him alone and get some help. Try not to expect certain behaviors from people in the future. Good luck and do what’s going to help u!

    #661264 Reply

    In all honesty you need to get to a therapist as soon as possible if you are feeling suicidal / depressed. You probably completely freaked him out with that message, he isn’t a doctor, nor is he your therapist or your carer. So he waited and thought about the best response to give you in that situation which was to reach out to people who are immediately in your life and not living 2 hours away. In my opinion that is being kind.

    I have been in a similar situation when I was younger, I made the mistake of thinking that my partner was responsible for my happiness. He wasn’t. That he should fill up the void and make me feel better when I was down. He shouldn’t. That if he REALLY loved me I would be the center of the universe and he should drop everything for me. He didn’t… And you know what it was completely right. I had to learn to grow up, stand on my own two feet and when I was feeling depressed reach out to a therapist of a helpline to talk through the way I was feeling. They are trained and it is their job AND YOUR job to support these issues, literally no one elses. I know this sounds harsh but you will be healthy and happier for having the strength to come through the dark days (which will get few and fewer the more you learn self love) and eventually you will see relationships for what they are… lovely things to have as PART of your life, to be enjoyed and treasured.

    When you are in a better headspace you can talk to him about this. With a rational voice explain what happens when you are feeling low and how you manage the situation and get help for yourself as you know its something you need to work through with a trained proffesional. Maybe appreciate that some people aren’t cut out to be with someone with mental health problems and thats okay, it just means the two of you aren’t compatible which means that you can find someone who does love you for who you are and will stand by you when you are feeling blue. I know that I did and I’m now with a kind and loving man who I enjoy with all my heart, as for the mental health I speak to a specialist and (occasionally) rant on here. You will be fine. Sending hugs.

    #661277 Reply

    I’m sorry to hear that you are going through a tough time.

    Please go seek help because he really can’t do much for you.

    Focus on you right now.

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