I’m lost

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  • #784460 Reply

    I was completely in love with him. That all time, consuming love that almost can be confused with infatuation. His beauty, his kindness, his personality, his mannerisms, his work ethic. There was chemistry & Spark & he made me feel alive. I felt a love, I never knew existed. Unrequited. One sided. His low level investment & lack of respect meant I had no choice, but to walk away.

    The invalidation of feelings, the gas lighting & being and option, instead of a priority, grew harder and harder to tolerate. My mental health was suffering. I gave it much consideration but I knew, I had to leave because the short term pain would be easier than a life of torment. He didn’t love me, like I loved him.

    I’m hurting. I cry in the toilets at work & wipe it all away before I leave to carry on with my day. I tell no one. I can’t sleep. I’m running on hours a day of sleep. I can’t seem to get him out of my head. I’m finding no enjoyment in anything. Anytime my screen lights up? I hope it’s him.

    How do you let go and stop the over active mind. I ruminate. Nothing at all stops this. I can’t do a single thing, without him on my mind. The only way I sleep is if I close my eyes and pretend he’s cuddling me. I will never expose myself to another human being like this again. I’m utterly lost & defeated.

    How can I stop my mind from taking me down memory lane every minute, of every day. Why does he cloud everything I’m doing? How long does this pain last for?

    #784500 Reply

    Sounds like Jekyl & Hyde…
    Start by blocking him.

    #784505 Reply
    LaFrance Thibodeaux

    Rose,I apologize for what you’re going through..I must say that I do think that you did the right thing by leaving him..The first thing I think you should do is accept the fact that you two weren’t meant to be..Secondly,focus on yourself..Remind yourself of why you left him in the first place..That reminder alone can give you the strength to not go back to where you were hurt..& above all else pray for strength,pray for progression,& for this hurt to lift from your spirit..You may not see this now nor do you feel any more at ease,but each day you’re growing stronger..Each day without his disrespectful mannerisms is a day you continue to stand up for yourself..You have a piece of mind now,take advantage..Understand that sometimes we’re more hurt because we’ve allowed things to get so far out of hand than the actual lost of someone that we thought was worthy of our love..Rose,you are brave & you are free..I send you a million warm embraces..Take care..

    #784506 Reply

    Keep asking yourself why you want to continue hurting this much over a guy who didn’t want you.

    One day your answer will be “I don’t want to continue this self torment” and THATS the day you’ll move forward.

    Low interest/one sided/unrequited love? He’s not sitting at home dying because you walked away. Neither should you be.

    #784519 Reply

    Just accept your thoughts and let them pass like leaves floating down a stream and allow yourself to fully feel your feelings… Go into the sadness and pain and hurt and really feel it. Don’t think while you’re feeling your feelings, just go into it and feel it and let it lessen. If you keep doing this the pain will diminish over time; it’ll come back in waves but you’ll be able to tolerate it. If you want more help check out Eckhart Tolle on Youtube.

    #784520 Reply

    Were you too just chit chatting at the office? Or did you two actually spend time together outside work?

    What was your relationship with him?

    #784522 Reply
    T from NY

    Agree about feelings your feelings! Tend to you. Time WILL assist in healing. Also — I think these experiences can be invitations to self love. Invites to fall in love with yourself. I’m not saying that to BS you, or as some kind of fancy coping mechanism I’ve constructed. I mean that every woman who dedicates her life to being a healthy, authentic human aware of her own infinite worth – has her heartbroken before she can evolve. I had an all consuming, bright, beautiful love affair that I treasure in my memory. But I would not wish it now. The relationship did contain enough of ME. Too much of an ‘us’ and I think I would have grown past it. I’m convinced that part of a healthy, authentic human growing process is not ever allowing someone to completely break your heart again because you know that — what’s meant for you will NOT pass you by — and that people in your life who are worthy of you will CHOOSE you and you’re okay for how long connection last or… don’t. It STILL hurts! For sure. But not like this. Many of us have been there.

    You’ll be alright eventually. Moment to moment tend to you. It’s all you can do. Then one day wake up and do better than wallow. Then wake up again and again until you feel better. It will happen if you don’t let him mess you about and IF you’re determined to heal. Ester Hicks videos on YouTube helped me loads.

    #784525 Reply
    LaFrance Thibodeaux

    @ T from NY,I just want to let you know that often I find wisdom in your words..I can tell that you speak from experience & I value the thought that you put into your post(the ones I’ve read)..Thank you!..& to Rose,I apologize for deflecting from your post,but I had to give credit where credit is due..

    #784630 Reply

    Your heartbreak is breaking my heart. We’ve all been in your shoes… and it seems like you will never feel good again. You will. The overwhelming, sinking feeling of “what now?” is awful. It truly hurts.

    When will you feel better? There’s no exact time but it will start when you give yourself permission to be distracted from thoughts of him. You are mourning a loss. Think about the stages of grief. Your intellect may tell you this wasn’t a death but your emotions often don’t see any difference. They feel what they feel… in turn, you feel that.

    It’s ok to feel what you do. Sometimes though, as hollow as it can seem, you have to go through the motions of normalcy to get back to it. Start small at first. Watch a show you used to enjoy, or anything you aren’t stressing yourself out over by having to commit to seeing it through if it gets too hard. That won’t transform you but it will start your mind and body on that path.

    Distraction from him will happen a minute at a time. One minute will turn into two, and then five, and so on. Once this starts, the times he is in your thoughts won’t have such sharp edges. He will become a dull flicker. Your light will take over.

    Start by giving yourself permission to think about you. It’s hard, I know. You’ll torment yourself with wondering what’s the point of anything without him? Step by step that thought will fade. I promise.

    Also, it has been shown your body reacts to heartache like it does to physical pain. Ibuprofin, acetaminophen, and aspirin can help you with some of the physical reactions. Relief from physical pain can sometimes “trick” your brain into sending out different chemicals that will improve your mood.
    Lots of hugs to you!

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