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- This topic has 10 replies and was last updated 10 years, 7 months ago by
Ok before you judge me and think im a home wrecker I can assure you I’m not.i have unfortunately fallen for a married man who lives on my road.2 weeks ago I was in my local bar in town and he was there.I told him I recognised him from living on my road and he said he was married etc,I already knew he was married because I had mentioned him to a friend of mine and she told me he’s having an affair with her friend that’s been going on for about 2 years! Anyway,..at the end of a very drunken night we walked home together and I invited him in,I know it was wrong but I blame the vodka!haha,he spoke about his marriage and the other woman he was involved with,I said I didn’t agree with it but I can understand how you can get stuck in a rut etc.now let’s get to the weird part……we ended up going to bed together (yes it’s wrong of me) and he said “I know you could love me” wtf?!! I had only met him that night!!! I have since seen him 3 other times in which we have a brief catch up chat and then end up in bed together,why the hell is he mentioning love??? He’s religious Apprently and black (from Barbados) and this is the second time I have met a black guy who on the first date mentioned love!! I find it all very bizarre! I have decided to walk away before we all get hurt and I fall for him because he’s adorable but unavailable! I feel terrible for his wife but he’s the married one not me,can anyone give me an insight into this whole “I really wanna tell you I love you rachel” when surely that isn’t possible right????
Guys will say anything to sleep with u. Probably it’s his usual line to get a girl in bed. Walk away as I don’t know how many he is sleeping with. Condoms r not 100% n u r putting ur self at risk for STI.
Honey, I am sure he tells all the women he has affairs with that he ‘loves them.’
The pig. You are falling for words and nothing more. This man is a player and he knows exactly what to say in order to get a woman into bed with him.
You ok with being sloppy seconds? Because I guarantee you despite what he says, he is having sex with his wife, and admittedly at least one other woman. I hope you used protection, because a man like this isn’t going to care about your heart let alone your health.
The way to judge a man is through his actions and how they match with his words. This man is telling you loud and clear that he only wants sex from you through only having sex with you and then going home to wifey.
I bet if you had a chance to speak with her she either knows he does this (and accepts it) or does not have a clue and thinks the marriage is just fine. Never believe it when a man tells you he has a bad homelife. This is the biggest con a man will use to suck you in and feel sorry for him.
By the way… this is not a judgment, just a wake up call. Have you ever had a man cheat on you? If not, you have no idea what this does to the woman. Your attitude about ‘whatever, I’m single’ is going to come back and bite you one day…. once you are with someone you love and he cheats on you like this – I guarantee you will be so mad at the other woman for doing this to you…
And… should you ever end up being with this man, or someone like him, he will cheat on you too. It a man cheats with you – he will also cheat on you. It’s just a fact.
Something to think about. Karma….
Good advice and all so very true!!! I got cheated on by the love of my life and I think it’s made me numb to real love and feelings :( I have absolutely no respect for myself or men! Can I just mention that it’s me instigating the sex and taking him upstairs and he says the L word when he goes home! It’s all so odd! His wife knows about the affair he has had and she doesn’t sleep with him as often as he would like Hense him getting that sex elsewhere!i do believe in karma and I do feel bad for my behavior so I think it’s time I let him get on with it to save any unwanted heartache
Please take care of you and work on your self esteem. You are basically settling for crumbs,unless all you are looking for is to be someone’s booty call. Regardless of who initiates, you are just a willing body to him.
Men do not bond with women through sex. It is simply an act. This Love phrase is all in your head. So what if he says it? He certainly isn’t even pursuing you (you said you are going after him) and he still goes home to his wife. Making you pretty much insignificant.
One thing you don’t repent on that I feel the need to bring up. You said you were cheated on in the past and now don’t care…. how about caring for the other WOMAN that you are hurting? Woman should not do this crap to other women.
Why would you take your hurt out on another woman? Who is guiltless of doing a thing bad to you….
Women should help elevate each other, not tear each other down and demean them.
I wish you happiness and hope that instead of taking out your own pain by hurting others, you turn that energy into something more positive such as helping others.
When my abusive man of 4 years cheated on me (with multiple women), I could have gone out and done the same to other women just to quench my bruised ego. Instead, I found a way to get past it by supporting/counseling other women who were coming out of abusive relationships. You see, I viewed the other women that my man had affairs with equally abused – at least emotionally. Because he used all of us and convinced us to be with him through lies, manipulation and deception.
Not unlike the man you are seeing. You have no idea what goes on behind closed doors in his home. You are just another victim who he charmed into chasing him.. because he could smell your desperation for attention. The word ‘love’ does it every time, doesn’t it?
La girl I think that’s answered it all :) thankyou soooo much for this and you are so right! I am going to stop this to make it easier for me him and his poor wife,I will get help for my own issues and when I learn to respect myself I will become a different and better person :) thankyou again for taking your time to help me I do appreciate that :)
I’ve always wondered what it is that keeps single ladies bound with married men. Moreover, the ladies think of all over and over as a problem number 1 of their lives, unlike the married guys. Think of it: if he is pretty cool about the affair and its consequences, why would you get depressed? You’ll always have more options compared to him, since it’s you who’s single! Ask yourself a question: WHAT IS IT YOU WANT out of this bond?
1. Get him divorced at settle with you
2. Have someone to hook up regularly with no useless discussions and fights
3. Manipulate him because it’s going to increase your self-esteem
Do you really need any of these?
Why don’t you get you head out of your booty and enjoy every signle day of your life?Rachel
I wouldn’t want him to leave his wife and he wouldn’t even consider that an option so I suppose it’s just a case of liking the attention and the fact I don’t get all the serious stuff that comes with it,as from today I have stopped this situation because it’s never gunna go anywhere and it’s wrong of us to do this
Ok, I have been there and done that more times than I care to mention. I understand being wrapped up in the moment and things happen. No one is thing straight in the moment, we are all in the feel good zone. But I have found in my experience that Men from foreign countries specifically Barbados and Nigeria often think of love _saying the word to win a women over. I also think they are into love at first site. Or at least saying it. We all know as mature women that this is ridiculous but it works for them. I will also say that relationships from other countries especially 3rd world countries tend to disrespect women. I think that in those 3rd world countries being married and having affairs is acceptable. Just my take on it.
Hmmm interesting,I haven’t seen him for a week now but he had been ringing me when he gets the chance.i am going to tell him it’s over so I can move on and find an available man :) I definately don’t believe it’s love! How could it be after seeing me for a week! Weird :/
I hope that you have managed to walk away and that you will have the inner strength to stay away.
You said that you know it’s wrong. Socially speaking you are right but something that you should be very aware of is that it is their relationship and not yours – I know you mentioned it but I just saw the word “wrong” in there so often that I just thought I’d point it out.
You seem to not value yourself as much as you could. My tipp for you is to use NLP. Make a list of everything you want in ykur next relationship or man (not the things you don’t want and refrain from using the word “not”). Try to use positive and clear words in your daily speech and try to ship around words which “water your use of language down” (like, maybe, something, might, should, must, not, someone, etc.).
There is a huge difference between saying “someone should do something” or “I will do this”. It will help you speak more clearly and thus be more confident.
Maybe you already know this, but if not I think it will help.
Good luck and lots of love