Initiates texts then takes forever to reply??

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  • #777298 Reply

    Hi all,

    I have been casually seeing a guy for a little less than a month. I have spent 5 nights with him, we are very physically compatible. He recently referred to me as his girlfriend over a text and has started introducing me to friends.

    I last saw him Sunday morning when he brought me home. I’m not a huge texter and don’t initiate often, but I always reply (not always immediately, I have a genuinely busy work life). Sunday night he texted me “hi” and I responded right away…he didn’t write back until 2pm the following afternoon. I was at work and didnt respond until I got home at night. We had a short texting conversation that was nice. Today, he texted me “how are u” and I responded about 15m later, telling him and asking the same. He hasn’t responded now for 5 hours.

    First, I don’t understand why you would initiate a conversation and then not reply. I was content just not talking to him, but the starting and not following through makes me wonder if there’s an issue. Second, he asked on Sunday to find out what day I can leave work early to go to dinner, so I need to ask him about Thursday so I can schedule someone to sit in for me, but now my text is just hanging there and I don’t want to be texting 3x in a row and pushing him off further. Am I reading too much into this?


    #777304 Reply

    Hi-I would just text with the info,since he did ask you out again. It sounds like he likes you,and all is okay. I am guessing he is not a big texter either and is just “keeping in touch”.
    If he takes forever-(like a day or two) to answer back about Thur.-then you should not text him again, and when he gets in touch,tell him,you did not hear back so you can’t go,now have other plan etc. Then if he wants to keep seeing you,he will step it up I would hope. Chances are,he will follow up and you will have your date. Then I would just say ” I am not a big texter,but I don’t understand why you send me a message and then don’t contact after my reply” Maybe you are “just saying Hi and don’t need a reply?”

    #777306 Reply

    He’s sending the same intiation text to about 4 or 5 different people (maybe other potential dating partners, or maybe just friends) because he’s bored. then he gets a bunch of people responding, gets wrapped up in one conversation (or none if he’s just looking for attention which sounds more like it), then goes on with life.

    He’s looking for attention (aka he’s f**king with you). You aren’t the only one he’s talking to. Wait a while and text him back when you are bored yourself. That may be today, that may be tomorrow ;) You said yourself you have a “busy work life” and that you are content “just not talking to him” so don’t. Do your own thing, let him wonder instead of serving yourself up so easily

    Plus, it’s only Tuesday girl, you saw him on Sunday morning (we all know what that means) RELAX. Plus it’s been less than a month who knows WTF he’s doing.

    #781613 Reply

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