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- This topic has 15 replies and was last updated 10 years, 5 months ago by
An interesting conversation I had with my male friend last night, was while he was talking about his online dating experiences.
The recent girl, who he really liked, he mentioned he hadn’t heard from her for about 5 days.
He said he’d really liked her, she’d seemed keen on him. But he noticed that he was always initiating the contact. So he decided to leave it to see if she initiated. She hasn’t, which has now left him wondering how genuine she was.
I mentioned to him, that in a lot of online relationship advice the female is advised not to initiate in the early stages.
He disagreed, because he gets confused about her lack of interest when she never initiates. He said it makes him think she napot genuine and was a player.
Thought this was quite interesting.
I really am back to thinking it’s a culture thing. I’ve said it before…Europeans and Americans appear to have slightly diff rent takes on the dating game. Europeans are more 50/50.
0/50 re asking on dates and paying. .Americans appear to advise the guy does all the chasing.yams
See I really think it depends on the dynamics and people involved in each case. The more assertive and manly the guy is, the more they will feel comfortable doing all the lifting at early stages. Most guys who aren’t super experienced or who don’t play the field often don’t have this level of confidence and do need to be aided along by the girl
Also Harley and buttercup I know yu guys have been around these boards for a while. Do you think you could take a look at my thread “I have no idea what to do” and give me you two cents worth. I’m so confused and upset and would appreciate any advice.
I agree about the cultural thing and experience. I think and by experience this is better for us in Europe to initiate from time to time. Like 30-70 or 40-60. It s better to let the guy asking out at the early stages at the beginning IMO
If I am interested in a guy, if I have not heard from him for may be 2 days, I will message him, if the messages stop again and he has not asked me out, then I delete him. If I don’t really feel any interest then I let him do all the chasing. Also if a guy has messaged me last, then I always reply to that message even if it is the next day.
With hindsight in my own situation I think it’s true that a man who is less confident of his appeal or less experienced in dating would be more hesitant in putting himself out there ESPECIALLY with a girl he actually likes… because like us girls the fear of rejection forces you to err on the side of caution. Perhaps men with more irons in the fire or who are not that bothered about a woman would be more willing to push and see who bites? Also doing a lot of chasing gets them to the end goal quicker, ie into bed.
Like everything in life it probably works best if everyone naturally meets in the middle. So if not 50/50 then 60/40!
Buttercup I asked my boyfriend this question not long ago, and he said had I not initiated in the beginning as much as I did he’s not sure he would have done all the work. I mentioned it to him because on the boards here it always says the girl shouldn’t. We were pretty much 50/50 and I think anyone would feel put off if they didn’t get some kind of communication back. Maybe it’s the people involved but I don’t think it should all be put on the guy.
I still believe that early on the man should initiate most of the time. I would say early on my guy and I were 90/10 – he pursued hard.
With other guys, I too like Sherri would reach out maybe once when to a guy after a couple of days if I was interested. After that.. I was done.
My guy did the classic pull back at about month 3.5 and I felt icky reaching out to him a bunch. I reeled it back in and he stepped forward. We have settled into a 70/30 texting balance (as he owns stores in retail, I don’t text too much as I know he could be with a customer). A relatively new development over the past few months that I am really enjoying is us talking on the phone more – typically I get a phone call as he is on the way home from the shop at night.
I think it all depends on how you do it, you can initiate some contact, but there is a line where you become the chaser, or come off as needy. So I think as long as you aren’t blowing things up, a casual message it okay but if he doesn’t respond there is no need to send another.
When me and my guy first started talking, I actually initiated first, then he would initiate contact after that. But I don’t think it is a bad thing, to show interest in someone.
Every single guy I know (both European and US guys) would agree with your male friend BC.
A girl doing nothing/showing no interest can certainly be a turn off for guys, and a reason not to chase her/not to want her in his life.
Men do love to lead, chase and win but IMO they are not (primarily) motivated to do so because a girl sits back and does nothing/shows no interest, they are motivated because they find the girl irresistible, and because she brings something to his life that he feels he can’t “live without” (his life is better with her in it). That is also what matters in the long run, and what builds a lasting relationship (that and compatibility).
Making a guy want you is not about being passive… you can be as active as you want as long as you make sure he knows he has to step up and show his best behavior in order to get you AND to keep you (being active should of course never mean being the chaser or being needy though, like Mel said) (I think that goes without saying, cause why would a guy ever want to step up/show his best behavior if you chased him/were needy!!?)
That is dating 2014 and onwards IMO.
I agree not all guys are alike, but I do belive that the above goes for pretty much all types… regardless of if they’re shy, experienced, confident, bold, young, old (fashioned), European, from the US or elsewhere etc. etc. etc.
For me I reply one on one. For every one message sent or one text sent – one reply. If he ended the conversation the previous day, then I reply to it the next day. But that being said, if I am interested and say he does not message at all today when my last message was yesterday, then I would send something by the end of the day and leave it. If he replies or engages – great!! If not …. then NEXT!!!
But chatting/texting is not much on my part as I prefer to meet and talk. I am ok with phone calls may be a bit but meeting is my priority. I have stopped chatting with guys bec it seemed that they were too lazy to ask me out.
I agree Sherri. If a guy shows low interest or is too lazy to ask you out I wouldn’t ever encourage or bother with him at all…
It’s when you know a guy really likes you and you really like him it is a definite plus to be active instead of passive… Being active meaning “making” him want/chase you even more (without chasing HIM in any way)…
So there are 2 guys on the horizon right now ….
1) Guy 1 – 42 years … seems like a nice guy but let his ex walk all over him in the divorce. Even now most of his income goes to his ex …. long term I don’t know how that would work out … If we get together, would all the expenses would have to be paid by me just so he has money to pay his ex?? IDK .. that is something to think about for me. He doesn’t own a car as he lives in the city and uses the subway system. But he knows to drive and has driven his sister’s car or rental car etc. Also I intend to talk about his mom bec he said he has applied for immigration for her… so does that mean she will live with him?? If that is the case … he is out of the running … not doing that again. He has asked me out for dinner. I have still to give him the day I am free as I am quite busy this week and weekend.
2) Guy 2 – 47 years … 12 years my senior … not sure if that means a generation gap between us. We have not yet met and would be meeting for coffee on Sunday afternoon. He seems like a nice guy when I spoke to him with a good head on his shoulders. He has two teenage boys though. IDK about that … And he lives in the city about 1 hr driving … don’t know how that will work … Lets see though.
Sherri…On paper.. both sound bad options to me. One with his life not quite together, the other too old. But go , have fun for a night out. In reality, either/both could be lovely.
If I thought about it I would say bud starts the texts 95% of the time. He texts good morning and I respond. I only call when he asks that I call him. I think I have called him unprompted only three times. Once to tell him he left his tools at work. He calls almost every night. We talk for about an hour. Untill his phone looses service.
And when he calls in the morning we will talk untill he gers to work.
We talk about all kinds of things. Like hunting, cars, guns ( things he likes) or shoping, movies, books ( things I like) or work, crazy customers, bad managers. Today we talked about how he would love to go in to space and that he went sky diving, found out he hates rollercoasters and I hate hights and would not sky dive if you paid me but ilove rollercoasters. I seem to have gotten off topic sorry ladies.
It makes sence that a man would think the girl was not into him if she never contacted. But everything you read says don’t text first. I think it depends on the man. How comfortable you feel with him. I see nothing wrong with it so long as you dobt go phone-stalker crazy. -