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- This topic has 30 replies and was last updated 3 years, 7 months ago by T from NY.
Just after some advice on a tricky subject.
My fiance spent a weekend with some new friends a couple of weekends back, my finance and the wife of the friends, got talking about fishing etc, her son is a mad fisherman and has his boat, also told my finance that they should get in touch and organise a fishing trip, also told my finance to send through his number so they could tee things up.
Yesterday, one of my best friends (who is also friends with our new friends) asked if I knew that my finance had been texting this friends “wife”. I said no, that he hadn’t mentioned that he had, apparently he had also asked if she was free to catch up with for a coffee. Now, this isn’t unusual for my finance to just say, cool, lets catch up for a coffee sometime, it would of been completely innocent on his part. The unusual part was, he hadn’t mentioned he had actually messaged this lady to me at all, he tells me everything, but for some reason didn’t tell me about these particular messages. There were only three messages and they consisted of:
“Hey, hope you enjoyed the weekend”….the wife replied “who is this”, he responded “his name”…..she responded, “yeah it was great” my fiance then responded with “maybe we should catch up for a coffee sometime”……she replied “who is this again” to which he responded “his name” and then she asked “oh Annabelle other half”………….that was the last message, he didn’t message back after that. Now he knew very well that if this was anything sinister, it would get back to me, as she is very good friends with my best mate. So I know that this had to be all innocent and he just didn’t go about the communicating who he was with the first message and why he was messaging her. But this wife has gone to my best mate telling her that it’s very odd for him to be messaging her, she can’t tell her husband as he will lose his mind and that she needs to let me know.
So I approached him about it last night and he completely blew off the handle, told me that it was absolutely nothing and that he said he tole me he was going to contact her (I just didn’t know he actually had). He also get so upset with my best mate and also this lady, that they had turned it into something that it wasn’t, as if they were talking among themselves that my fiance is a cheater etc. He really got upset that I had thought he had done something in the lines of cheating as well. He hasn’t really spoken to me since and is now extremely distant and cold.
I know this was innocent, I know he meant nothing by it, or was looking to pursue anything. I deep down know this. I told him that as well, but didn’t seem to help.
Now I am even more confused…………..I copped the brunt of it.
ZoeIts not innocent, men dont text females to be friends
AnnabelZoe – That makes my heart hurt. I would be lying if I wasn’t at all upset when I heard he had messaged her and not told me about it. We have literary just built a brand new house together, we have only been in it for a month. It makes me somewhat mad.
EwaI agree with Zoe, he is certainly not looking for a friend , if he was he would have said, maybe we (as in you and him) should meet up again with her and her partner and then you would tell you hey I messaged her as I thought it would be cool to see THEM again … however he only wanted to meet up with her.
I liked her response like she reminded him that he is actually taken… Problem here is, you know about it because she is somehow your friend, now the question is how many other women he has messaged behind your back?ErinDoesn’t sound like an innocent text, he was shamelessly trying to shoot his shot. And she checked him by reminding him he has a woman and she wasn’t down for his plans.
You should let him know you found his texting this woman and arranging to meet up as inappropriate and shady. More so she is a married woman and he could’ve handled it with more tact being inclusive of her husband and you.
ElviraHi Annabel sorry you are dealing with this. I agree with the others that his intentions were to see how far he could go with this woman. Which is very disrespectful since she is married. My other concern is his reaction to you questioning him. For him to get so angry and not speak to you is concerning. If his intentions were innocent he should have apologized to you and that other woman if “he gave the wrong impression” not get angry that now everyone assumed he is a cheater. No one called him a cheater, from what I see everyone questioned why he was texting this woman out of the blue saying lets meet up for coffee and he shuts the conversation down when she brings up his finance. You had every right to ask him what that was about. As far as moving forward from this I would consider couples counseling before the marriage. Not sure how long you have been together and of course this is is going to put a damper on a time that should be very happy and exciting for you.
RavenHow did he get her number?
AngieBabyIf I”m reading your post correctly, your fiancé was chatting with this woman, she said her son was a big fisherman and told him to send her his number so they could set up a fishing trip. Which means she gave him hers for that purpose.
If I read right then he was asking to meet for coffee to discuss that. He didn’t specify it in the text because it was already agreed the fishing trip was the reason for contact.
If that’s the case, then he is indeed innocent and this is a simple misunderstanding.
If it would be totally out of character for him to do something like this – text a married woman he just met and ask to meet for coffee – then that’s why he’s so angry he’s being accused.
How long have you been together?
LaneThis doesn’t make sense to me.
1) Did she write her phone number down, and hand it to him? How did he get her number?
2) Why didn’t he just text: “This is “____”, Anabelle’s fiance’. The other weekend you told me to send you my number to set up a fishing trip with your son.” Let me know the details when you have them. Thanks.” Something along those lines that one would have expected for being the reason someone reaches out, especially if you discussed it beforehand.
I’ve been there. I too have been put in super uncomfortable spots with a friends BF/SO, where I’m like WTF? When I told my friends, guess who they turned on? ME! So yes, the messenger is the one who gets shot in these situations. It really sucks.
What I read from those texts is she clearly didn’t know who your fiance’ was; only that he wanted to take her out for coffee. He should understand why this woman, and your best friend, would be creeped out by it. Why couldn’t he just say “Oh yeah, I can see why that looks really bad. I should have explained it better, and will apologize and make it right” v. acting like a petulant man-child. If this is how he solves problems, or deals with difficult issues, then I think you need to re-think if this is the type of man who will own his stuff, admit when he’s wrong, or prefers the blame game.
This really goes deeper than the text—its how he copes, deals with, and handles problems. Something you need to really think about.
AngieBabyLane – no disrespect intended – that’s an interesting take and what you say makes perfect sense, but everyone doesn’t think and behave as logically as you apparently do all the time. From everything I’ve read that you post, you are an unusually left-brained, logical woman.
I can totally see how he might have just jumped into the convo without the set-up you suggest, since that woman is the one who suggested he get in touch with her. From the text exchange the OP reports, looks like he was assuming she remembered the conversation at the party, which obviously she did not. And that’s likely the root of the misunderstanding. (Assuming for a minute it is a misunderstanding and not a come-on.)
I completely agree with everyone that at first blush this doesn’t look good at all. But since the OP states she knows him well and it wouldn’t be unusual for him to say to anyone, hey let’s get coffee, I think it’s better to step back and try to see it from all angles and see how the disconnect might have occurred before condemning and dumping him.
AngieBabyI can also see why a man who was innocent could still get so angry at being accused like this when he had no bad intent whatsoever.
ElviraI agree with Lane…he had the perfect opportunity to say this is so and so remember you asked me to call to set up a fishing trip with your son? Also his actions towards his fiancée who is just asking for clarification and obviously on his side is questionable.
SSI don’t think his approach makes any sense since he didn’t say anything about fishing at all and if that was the purpose of contacting her its rather odd. The finish on just restating who he is, rather than explaining it was about fishing is really really odd and it doesn’t look innocent. If an acquaintance’s other half texted me as you’ve set out I’d be confused and wonder why since there was no explanation and I’d feel uncomfortable.
It doesn’t seem to just be an innocent misunderstanding… its really quite odd. His ott reaction doesn’t help. Surely he would text her to say sorry for the misunderstanding I was just texting about the fishing trip you mentioned. He hasn’t. He flew off the handle instead.
If I were you it would dent my trust a bit and leave me concerned.
AnnabelI honestly do believe it was case of misunderstanding, however, he really of should of explained himself better and when I confronted him about the messages, he should of just said that, rather than take it to the next level. I never accused him of anything, rather asked him “why did you not tell me about it”. He was highly offended that I would think he would do that. When we got together (few we have been together now), that was one of his biggest fears.
The lady he had messaged as well, I don’t mean disrespect whatsoever, but she is in her mid to late 50s (we are both early 40s) and she would not be someone that you would seek to have an “affair” or anything, she is absolutely lovely don’t get me wrong, but looks wise……I don’t want to say anything without being negative (I sound terrible saying that, but hoping it might clear up some confusion). She is totally in love with her husband as well, which is extremely obvious and my finance could see that as well.
He has totally shut down now and barely speaking to me, we have a rental property a couple of hours away, so he has now left to go up there as it needed a bit of maintenance, painting, before we re-rent it in a couple of weeks.
He has an “avoidant” personality as well, it’s a fear of being abandoned which stems from his child hood. So if we argue about a pretty serious topic, which is very rare, he stone walls and takes him a few days to snap out of it. It’s not fair to me at all, as he doesn’t seem to take in account my feelings during this, only his, until he snaps out of it. So it’s kind of gone from bad to worse right now. I am left feeling terrible and wish I had approached it differently.
AngieBaby@Annabel, so it doesn’t sound like he meant anything inappropriate by the text, he wasn’t coming on to her and you are certain of that. I agree with your take on the situation based on everything you’ve said.
It does sound like he doesn’t handle conflict well and you are aware of that as you’ve said he’s avoidant and has abandonment fear. When he’s triggered, he acts like another person, from what you’re saying.
I”m not criticizing you or saying how you handled was wrong… from what you’ve described I can see how he would have taken “why didn’t you tell me” as a frontal attack and that’s why it’s escalated like this and he’s off in left field and red hot pissed off. I’m not saying he’s right (he’s not, he’s out of line for how he’s handling this but he doesn’t know how to do any better right now). I’m saying that’s the kind of behavior those kinds of wounds create. (I speak from experience so I’m seeing this very differently than everyone else commenting… had a BF like this once, we broke up after a year, I couldn’t handle his abandonment paranoia and temperament and he wasn’t willing to get help.)
Do you think he would be open to go to counseling so you can both work together on being able to handle conflict better? Because if you’re going to get married this could become a real issue. If you look at John Gottman’s research on relationships and marriage, stonewalling is one of the big 4 problems that he calls the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse. Stonewalling the way you describe could ruin your marriage. You may need to learn to phrase things a bit differently and he has to learn to handle conflict.
If he isn’t willing to talk this out with you calmly, if he needs that much space every time there’s conflict, you may want to consider if you really can and should get down the aisle to say I do. Unaddressed, this won’t get better, it will get worse. He will not feel more secure once you’re married. He’ll have more to lose.
I really hope you can work this out, it’s a tough one as you say. If he won’t go to counseling, maybe you should go alone to figure out what’s in your best interest here.
NewbieAll b$ why dont you come up with a better story.
Let me give you a recap:,
Fiancee texts woman, woman doesnt know who he is. But right away she tells a friend who knows op. Friend tells op. Op knows of all text details somehow. Literally.
Response now from op: it was a case of misunderstanding. Boohoo.
So why did you post this sob story again?AnnabelNewmbie – I am not sure I understand your comments?
Not sure why you bothered commenting at all to be honest, if it wasn’t any form of helpful advice. I thought this was a forum to get other peoples perspectives on things, on dealing with relationship situations. Not to be told that my situation is a sob story, I am feeling pretty crappy right now and trying to work out the best way to resolve my situation.
I am sure if my fiance was to put himself in my position, he would 100% be questioning my motives as well, if I hadn’t told him about messaging another man.
Extremely hard to approach a subject like this, without trying to accuse someone of doing the wrong thing.
AnnabelAngieBaby – I perhaps could of approached it different, but my mind was spinning after the conversation with my friend, even though I knew it had to be all innocent and a misunderstanding. You still have doubts creep in, also, why didn’t he just tell me about the messages, I wouldn’t of looked like a fool in front of my friend either.
I didn’t straight up accuse him either, I asked if we could have a chat and then asked if he had been messaging this lady, asked to meet for a coffee and why didn’t he tell me about it. He said he told me he was going to contact her, but he never told me he actually did. I told him I knew it would of been innocent, but confused why he didn’t actually tell me and it kinda looks bad. That was enough to send him off the deep end, shut down, stonewall and then leave to go up to our rental. Not hearing from him for this long is killing me, but I letting him have his space.
The whole situation has turned into a big fat mess, over thought and blown well out of proportion by everyone involved, this includes me as well.
Hoping that my fiance can see where I was coming from and understand my confusion. Just hate having this conflict for no reason.
RavenListen to them Red Flags burning in your gut…
EmilyI have a different opinion. Of course, discussing these matters calmly is always best, but I find it inappropriate that an engaged man would arrange a coffee date with a single woman. I understand a mother wanting to get to know a strange man before allowing him to take her son on a fishing trip, but it seems a more appropriate arrangement would have been for her to meet the gentleman AND his fiance for coffee. If she did not know he was engaged, he should have raised the topic. I know I am old fashioned and these attitudes are unpopular, but I find many people lacking in boundaries and a sense of appropriate behavior.
AngieBaby@Newbie… whoa, that was so unnecessary. You disappeared for a while and have come back recently… you’ve been calling people out pretty harshly lately and your posts often have kind of a sharp edge. You seem really critical and well, unhappy. Are you OK?? Maybe just don’t respond if you think it’s fake instead of unleash like this??!! You and I have already had a run-in and I don’t want another one and I’m not going to get into it with you. But damn, this woman is hurting and is here to get help, not get more abuse. We all know this here – if you can’t say something useful, just pass on to another post where you can help. Don’t make the admin have to intervene again.
@Emily… I think everyone including the OP agrees her fiancé didn’t use good judgment in that text on any count and made a bit of a mess here.
@Annabel… having dealt with someone similar, I really get it. He’s giving you the silent treatment, and that’s really sucky. When he calms down and comes back around, you’re going to have to have a conversation about how you two are handling conflict in the future. Him treating you this way over a misunderstanding that isn’t this big of a deal is unacceptable. Again, I don’t think you did anything wrong. Obviously he took your questions as attack. I also couldn’t resolve conflict with the man I dated who was like this, he’d act the same damn way and I finally couldn’t take it any longer even though I was crazy about him. It was weird, it was like he was schizophrenic or something. A counselor could help you understand his behavior and how to handle. I think it’s worth you going a few times on your own to get some professional advice, we’re just amateurs here. I don’t want to tell you to break up with him; at the same time, I don’t think his behavior bodes well for your future if this incident slides by without discussion. I’m sorry, this must hurt so much. Hugs. Wishing you the best.
tammyasking her for a coffee sounds fishy. but your very sure that he is not interested in that lady. if that’s the case and your confident about it, then just be patient. he will eventually come around and you guys can have a calm talk and put this behind.
but if i was in your place, i would pay attention to any other red flags that crop up in future. coffee invite still doesn’t make any sense to me tbh though.
AnnabelRaven – The Red Flags in my gut are telling me what I already know, it was all innocent and a case of misunderstanding. This is just what I want to believe either, it’s what I am sure of. He is not a cheater, even if it sounds all really dodgy, which is completely on him for not being clear enough and not telling me about it.
AngieBaby – Yeah I can’t handle the silent treatment at all, I hate it when he does it and I have told him this. But it’s been well over a year since he has done it to me (we don’t have heated fights very often). He also changes when he gets fired up, I can’t even speak to him and he won’t listen or even talk rationally, he doesn’t raise his voice at all, or swear or carry on like that, he just gets to a point where I can reason with him, it becomes hopeless to even try. I think this one has really hit a nerve with him. I think he probably would of hoped I would of put my friend straight and told her that he wouldn’t do anything like that, also for her to tell the “wife” that she is making something out of nothing. He did say during the heated argument that they should of confronted him about it directly as well. I guess he might be feeling let down that I didn’t stand up for him, that they have accused him of doing something sinister when it wasn’t, to which he has really gotten upset with. I probably sound like I am making excuses for him now, but I am just trying to understand so I know how to approach it when he is willing to talk about it.
But if he doesn’t communicate with me, how am I supposed to even know.
I wish he would put himself in my position and if one of his best mates let him know I had messaged a married man and asked to catch up for a coffee, then didn’t tell him about it, how would he feel.
I messaged him that I was concerned and if he could let me know if and when he would be back home. His message was short and abrupt “I will be home tomorrow”.
So that is a three night stay now away, he has been working on the rental, which was the plan this week, however he was going to come home each night.What a mess :( an absolute horrible mess.
Ewayou do realise Annabel that he twisted this whole situation around and now you are the one feeling guilty where in this case he should be the one apologising to you for doubting him not the other away around. He should apologise to you for putting doubt in your head and he should be the one explaining how innocent his text was.
you are doing the job for himRavenYes, it’s a form of gaslighting…