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- This topic has 12 replies and was last updated 10 years, 4 months ago by
I dated a guy just over a year ago for a short period of time. I liked him and we had fun together but he owns a successful business and was very busy. A lot of the time he wouldn’t reply to texts etc but he used to tell me if he didn’t reply I had to text him again to remind him (he used the same phone for work and personal use so would get a lot of calls, texts and emails due to the nature of his work). It got to the point where I felt like he was ignoring me so I gave up getting in touch and didn’t hear from him again.
Around two weeks ago he contacted me out of the blue and we met up last week. I think we both had a nice time and his body language etc gave me hints that he was attracted to me. He suggested seeing each other again and asked when I was free next and I agreed and said I would let him know. I waited a few days (I am fairly busy myself as I am a single mom and work full time) and messaged him saying when I was free. I heard nothing from him so I waited again another few days until the day I had said I had free and messaged him again saying I assumed we weren’t meeting that night as I had not heard from him. He apologised saying he was away in London but asked me again when I was free next.
That is the last thing I have heard from him and that was four days ago.I’m really confused as I know for a fact he is genuinely busy, but of course I don’t want to come across too needy. He is a really nice guy and we get along really well so I would like to see him again but I’m unsure as to whether he is just not that interested in me or whether it really is just his work getting in the way.
I would have thought he must be interested as why else would he have got back in touch but his actions suggest otherwise. Does anyone have any thoughts?!
Hi Liz.
Men like this shouldn’t even be dating! If they’re so darn busy and can’t even follow up with a simple text then honestly how much more frustrated do you think you would be when he continually does it by bailing time and time again.
Just because you get along doesn’t mean you’re compatible in the way YOU need to be compatible with a man. If you want a non-existent partner then continue to wait by the phone, but if you want a full-time partner then don’t because that’s the man who will call and take you out on a regular on consistent basis. Choice is yours.
Hi Lane, thanks for your response.
Of course you are right, the choice is mine. But I’m by no means waiting by the phone. I have actually already made alternative plans for the two ‘options’ I gave to this guy.
I’m just really confused about his behaviour, and I don’t want to be too hasty in writing him off. Obviously he is very busy but to be honest as i said, I am too. I generally only get one free evening a week so if he is busy that night it makes things difficult so it’s not just him who is busy. I always find when I start dating someone it’s difficult to fit in dates around my own life and why should I expect anyone else to be any different.
If he really is interested in me I am happy to accept that our schedules are going to mean we don’t see each other all the time but the problem is Im just not sure if he is interested!
He isn’t making you a priority. I dont care how busy a man is, he will find time to see you and communicate if he is truly interested.
This man is just fitting in dating, as he can. My guess is that he likely texted a few other women, as well as you, to try to get a date. It’s called e-tethering. Look it up and read about it.
Men will reach out at their convenience, and if you are free to see them OR just text they will do it. Otherwise, you are not top of mind or priority.
Men love company of women. But, unless you are ‘the one’ to him, he isnt going to put in all that much effort to see you.
It sounds like what this man is doing.
I also agree with Lane. If you have very little time (due to kids) and he is limited… there isn’t much hope or compatibility here. If this is any indication.. even if he did decide to date you – you will end up frustratred and always wanting more from him. We see that here all the time….
I wouldn’t invest too much energy/emotion into this one.
Thanks LA Girl.
I think you are right that our lives aren’t really compatible and actually he is too busy to be dating anyone. Unfortunately this is the case for me with a lot of men because of commitments I have.
I’m not really bothered whether he is texting other girls or not as I am talking to other guys too but I think the point is you are right if he was interested he would at least be in touch more.
I’m interested in your comment that he isn’t going to put that much effort in unless I am ‘the one’ to him. Do you think guys really know ‘the one’ after just a few dates? Generally speaking I couldn’t imagine a guy would know me anywhere near well enough to know that after just a few dates… I certainly don’t think I know him well enough to think that about him!
The more I think about it regardless of whether or not he is interested or how much he may or may not like me, I couldn’t be bothered to wait around for him before. I gave him another chance and he is behaving the same way so I won’t put up with it again. It’s just a shame when you meet someone who you genuinely connect with but are not compatible with.
Oh I just looked up e-tethering btw. It seems to be when I guy texts you every now and again to keep you on the back burner… As a back up plan so to speak but never really makes any real plans.
I’m fairly certain this isn’t what this guy is doing on the basis I hadn’t heard from him for over a year. Also he didn’t have my number and I didn’t have his. He actually sought me out on linked-in and then I gave him my number last week. Also he doesn’t really do any texting… This is the whole problem haha! He’s just totally illusive!
I have a similar issue with the guy I have been seeing. He says things like he wants to be mine and I mean way more to him that just sex. He even asked me to meet his family. But, he just doesn’t communicate with me on a regular basis.
Do I cut my losses or do I try to talk to him about this and let him know that it isn’t working for me
Hi Liz, the answer to “’m interested in your comment that he isn’t going to put that much effort in unless I am ‘the one’ to him. Do you think guys really know ‘the one’ after just a few dates?…is YES!
For instance I met my (now ex) husband at a party and conversed with him for no more than 10 minutes before my then BF pulled me away. Within that brief meeting he had developed a secret crush and the moment I broke up my BF a few months later, and he found out, he immediately started the pursuit! At the time I needed a “time out” and wanted to enjoy being single for awhile, yet he kept pursuing me for a few more months before I agreed to date him—he dropped the “I love you bomb” barely 1 months later!
He proposed within the 5th, I turned him down and finally married him 2.5 years later…need to make sure ya know! Additionally, I was engaged two times before with both proposing before the 6th month mark. Believe it or not but men fall in love much faster than woman do and if “you’re the one” you will know it very soon because they will lock you down to make sure another man doesn’t steal you away.
oops, meant I was engage three times before him (Travis, Don and Ed) before I finally accepted my exes second proposal.
im sorry but i must disagree. The operative word is ‘ex’. Your ex’s obviously thought you were ‘the one’ but you are no longer with any of them. So obviously you weren’t and they were mistaken.
There is a difference between people getting carried away and falling for someone believing they are the one when actually they aren’t, and taking time to get to know someone properly in a platonic and romantic way and then knowing for certain they are the one.
I’m afraid to say I don’t believe this happens in a whirlwind of romance like many american movies would have us believe, and this is sadly why so many relationships fail.
Many men (and women) get easily caught up in the romance and the excitement but I would suggest this is not a good basis to a long term relationship. It has to be based on friendship, companionship and compatibility as well as a deep emotional bond -love. The romantic ‘love’ a person feels at the start of a relationship will fade, and so if you do not have those other things as a foundation, the relationship won’t work.
This is something I have only recently come to understand as I have always ended up with the men who have pursued me but I have realised over time we didn’t really have that foundation. When you find someone who,even after the initial excitement and head over heels feeling has gone, you still have a deep emotional bond and connection with, then they are ‘the one’. This is not something anyone can know so soon.
So please Lane, do not get fooled into thinking that because a guy tells you you are the one (and even believes that himself) so early on that you are.
You are mistaken. “The one” means at that particular time they see a future with you—whether it pans out or not IS NEVER KNOWN…some do, some don’t. I was just explaining to you that a man can determine if “you’re the one” they want to take that journey with or not very quickly. Additionally there’s no magic formula of WHEN they come to this decision, some fall fast, some take longer, but it doesn’t mean if they wait longer the relationship/marriage will last longer.
I couldn’t predict my husband would turn into an alcoholic in our 10th year of marriage. IF that hadn’t of occurred then we would mostly likely would still be married. I left him in our 20th year and by today’s standard that’s pretty damn long! Oh and I bolted from the first three because deep down I WASN’T READY for marriage at 18, 20 and 21.
I think we had better just agree to disagree. I’m not mistaken any more than you are. These are my beliefs after many years of experience as are yours. I think your definition of ‘the one’ differs greatly from mine, but ultimately neither of us really seem to be in a position to provide expert advice in any event.
Lane is correct.
Men do not fall in love with you over time.. They actually fall very quickly and know very quickly if you are the one. Once he determines this, he locks you down and then watches to see if you continue to be ‘the one’ or if your behavior changes and you are not the one. It’s pretty simple.
Women on the other hand tend to fall for men over time. This is why fwb is so dangerous for women to get into. They go into it thinking they can do casual because at first they may not have feelings. But over time and through intimacy if sex, they catch feelings. Men don’t function this way and are not wired this way.
My husband knew before we even had our first date that I was the one. He said he simply knew.
So in your case, I would say if this man isn’t pursuing than interest level is low. Men who truly want to be with you will make time and won’t risk losing you to someone else.
I would keep this guy as an option only. It didn’t work out the first time with him, and right now he really isn’t showing you any different. The fact he used to tell you to keep texting him shows low interest. My man is very busy and never forgot or lost track of staying in touch with me or dating me.