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- This topic has 27 replies and was last updated 5 years, 2 months ago by
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March 9, 2015 at 7:14 am #406319
So, I’ve been with my BF for nearly 10 months. His job has insanely long hours, 6 days a week, but we’ve always caught up on the Sunday or when he has a rostered week off I’ll see him a few times that week (usually staying at my house but sometimes at his). When he was trying to win me early on he would sometimes visit after work, but really with the hours he works I’m not worried that that stopped early on. I’ve always texted him a bit more than he texts me, but I’ve kinda gotten used to him only wanting to text chat every few days. He’s not very talkative whereas I definitely can be, but despite the lack of long conversations we have a lot of fun, whether going on dates or staying in, whatever.
A bit over two weeks ago his mood seemed a bit odd, he was a bit distant. We hung out all afternoon, I made dinner. After dinner I started doing the dishes, asked him if he would help. He didn’t respond, watching TV. I asked again, or at least if he would come hang out with me while I tidied up. Less than a minute later he is putting his shoes on, seems upset and when I ask him about it he says he’s gotta go, he’s not feeling comfortable. I tried calling his cell but it wouldn’t go through (I think he blocked my number after an argument a couple of months ago, I think it’s an extreme version of ‘I don’t want to talk’, and then, to not allow my calls again seeing as things have been amazing ever since? Anyway). After all that I thought, what an asshole, happy to have me cook and clean and not willing to help out.
Three days later, the middle of the week so even though he was working, he texted me saying he wanted to come over after work. At mine, we sat in silence for ages, eventually I quizzed him what the deal was (and mentioned him blocking my calls, he looked kinda surprised I’d mentioned that one). He said the company he works for is laying off everyone in his work area sometime in April (his work is contract-based and the contract is nearly complete). Given the crazy hours he’s been working for five years now, he said when his lease runs out in June he’s thinking he’ll go travelling for a while, not sure where he’ll end up. So he said he figures we need to break up. This was completely out of left field, to me. I said I couldn’t see the link, I’ve got a heap of vacation time saved up at work, no reason why I can’t fly over and visit with him sometimes while he’s travelling. Plus it’s not like I want to live in this city forever anyway. He was surprised, said he hadn’t considered that, wasn’t sure what to do now and needed to have a think. We cuddled for a bit then he had to leave, as by then it was well past when he needed to be asleep ready for work the next day.
Around to Sunday again (a week ago). Usually he would stay over Saturday night, but I hadn’t heard from him, and then didn’t hear anything most of Sunday. I wasn’t feeling too comfortable by then so I sent him a flirty text. Which he responded to by shutting me down. I was shocked and upset, sent back a – What the, is that a bad joke, was hoping to see you today – text. He said he’d come over, but still didn’t know what to do, so we could hang out but he didn’t want to discuss things. I thought, well fair enough I guess although I don’t see what is so hard to decide. We spent the evening together, had amazing sex, and cuddled til he had to go home again.
I texted him Tuesday as I wasn’t feeling well and wanted some sympathy. He was appropriately sympathetic but didn’t want to text much as he was tired from work. Thursday I figured I would send a nice text to distract him from all the stress he must be under, suggested we grab pizza and a movie Saturday night. No reply. Saturday afternoon, I still hadn’t heard from him. I texted him to ask how things were going. No reply. A few hours later (I know, I know), I texted that fair enough he was busy, I hoped he was having a good night and my weekend was going well. No reply of course…
Well I still haven’t heard anything. Part of me can kind of anticipate what you all are gonna say. But I feel torn. I mean, until a couple of weeks ago things were going really really well. So I can’t understand why this decision of his (well I guess it is a few decisions all connected, but the bit as relates to me) is so tricky. I am torn about whether he is really confident in the relationship and so is just taking time out to think about stuff. Although it is still rude not to reply to any of my messages (let alone call, shock horror). Or, is he ghosting on me, in which case, I can’t understand what on earth could have caused it. I would think that was the case but our relationship has been so amazing, it just doesn’t seem to make sense.
Can anyone help me with this one? Thank you.
March 9, 2015 at 7:30 am #406320Amie
As I reread this he is sounding like an asshole. He’s not normally of course, he is really sweet. And with these discussions he has seemed really upset, so it didn’t seem like he was just trying to come up with an excuse to break up or something. Oh, and we have talked about the future a fair bit, I never got the impression we were just FWB. I don’t think I’m wrong…
March 9, 2015 at 7:44 am #406321Sassperilla
Reading this you sound really needy Amie… you need him to stand next to you while you do the dishes? You don’t feel well and you need sympathy from him? He’s blocked your number from phoning him? Don’t you think that’s pretty weird for someone who is supposed to be your boyfriend?
You need to take 10 steps back here, do absolutely nothing and let this guy have space. I feel suffocated just reading your post!
March 9, 2015 at 7:50 am #406323zen2475
I think an important thing to consider is that with contract jobs, you know that they are finite and there is always an end. He’s known that for a while, and he has been considering his options because of that.
Unfortunately, he has told you with words and actions what his thoughts are. As painful as this may be, he doesn’t see his future with you. He as much told you he wanted to break up.
Trying to convince him otherwise by telling him you can go visit him, etc., is not going to change his mind. Your evidence is his silence.
From here, I would go radio silent on him and allow him the time and space to think. If he really decides he wants a future with you, he will tell you. Otherwise, I would stick with the status quo and respect his decision to break things off.
March 9, 2015 at 7:50 am #406324Julie
Hi Annie
It sounds as if he needs space to make some decisions about his life and regroup after a hard contract. If you give him room to do this he may decide he wants you to be in his future. However I’m sure you will lose him for good if you don’t give him that freedom to make his own decision.
JulieMarch 9, 2015 at 7:59 am #406327Amie
Erk, I hate the idea that although I don’t think of myself as needy, maybe my actions are saying otherwise.
I guess one way or the other he wants space. And I have been clear enough with him that I want to be with him. And of course he knows how to get in contact with me if he wants to!
It is just hard to suddenly cop a heap of silence.
March 9, 2015 at 8:39 am #406335Amy S
What a coward. After six months he should at least have the balls to tell you whats going on. I think to say you are needy is saying its alright for this guy with no manners to just cut u off like this. Its not. Its awful. I have sent guys the I dont want to take this further texts after a couple of dates becuase i think thats the decent thing to do. Yet girls have to put up with the ghosting/fade out bs after months or years. Im so glad u have had the dignity and sense not to blow up his phone. As to whats going on. Mens work is like their oxygen, we see relationships as the be all and end all and thats how they see work. His work future could be in jeopardy. Thats the hugest issue for a guy and he will be focused on that dilemma big style. Give him all the space he needs, keep yourself busy and happy and go out have fun with pals. This could all work out but you have to accept it might be over and deal with that as best as you can. He sounds dull anyway. A quiet workaholic mmmmm I was married to one of those and nearly died of boredom. LOl x
March 9, 2015 at 9:06 am #406346Amie
Thanks for your advice Amy. Yeah I figured it was too much to ask for a guy to actually be clear with telling me what was going on. One of those things I suppose.
I think its going to be really hard to distract myself and stop my brain with all its ‘Why?’ moments. Still, he is clearly acting in a way that he can focus on himself, so I guess I shouldn’t be so focused on him, and center back to myself as well.
Also thanks for the laugh at the end, I needed that!
March 9, 2015 at 9:35 am #406363Amy S
Amie its hard and these guys just go about their lives leaving us with the aftermath and the pieces to pick up. Just try and do things u enjoy for now. Focus on feeling good about life and yourself. And yes think about what you want too. Its not just all about him. He does sound as though he has a lot to think about but its still not acceptable behaviour. And yes the quiet type is fine but they sure do get dull after a few years lol x
March 9, 2015 at 10:03 am #406375redcurleysue
Hi Amie,
The advice you have been given above is good. After 10 months I would expect more outta him but it is what it is.
It sounds to me that he expects to lose his job and wants to sail the seven seas. Why, I don’t know (none of us may ever know) but I do know this that if a man wants his freedom give it to him. It serves no purpose to trail after him.
With a man watch his actions – he has cut you off in the past…not good. That alone speaks volumes. Although he sees you once in a while that means he wants to see you when he wants something…does not care about your feelings.
I would back the truck up 20 steps and not be available every time he wants to see you. I would break up with him and tell him you want to date others. I would not do this for effect – I would do it because I want to. I would not want to be with a man who acts this way.
March 9, 2015 at 5:21 pm #406566Amie
Thanks redcurleysue. That you are all on a similar page with your advice says a lot. And I really appreciate the time taken to help me out.
Obviously it isn’t a situation that I was expecting to be in. But it is what it is and I need to work on accepting that.
Am going to get to work on spinning this all about in my head so that I can see the positives in it, and refocus on what I want.
March 9, 2015 at 6:32 pm #406611redcurleysue
Good girl!
March 9, 2015 at 8:42 pm #406639Options2
Use the time you saved up at work to go on a long vacation.
Take that experience of what you have felt and make note if it.
When he is gone on his traveling … You will know for sure if you were missed. If you weren’t missed, that would be the answer.
Stay in peace, keep your sanity. Next time you will handle better of ghosting men.
March 9, 2015 at 10:09 pm #406648Phillygirl
I understand that a man is anchored,settled and guided by his job. I get the importance of it to a guys self worth and direction. But contract work is almost always finite (unless you get picked up for a very long term contract). He knew the contract would be ending soon, so I’m having a difficult time seeing why it seems to have surprised him.
I don’t like a lot of his behavior. You broke up before and he’s blocked you? Really. Block away baby-you wouldn’t be hearing from me again. Good luck trying to reach me after that, too.
If he had behaved better and it was just this one thing, I wouldn’t be so concerned.
I can tell you right now, when I cook for a man-he doesn’t get a second meal with me if he doesn’t offer to help clean up. I may not always take them up on it-but if they are raised right, it is only good manners. And it shows they appreciate and respect me. My BF would never let me do the dishes and clean up by myself.
I do think he sounds like an a-hole, actually
March 10, 2015 at 6:16 am #406693Amie
Options2, thanks for the reminder of all that vacation time! I have a few family members scattered about the country who’ve been asking me to visit, I think it might be time to do some travelling about and get back in touch with my support base too.
Phillygirl, now I am getting some perspective from you all, I am starting to think that yes there are a few things in there that are a bit off. And I am happy someone else understands the dishes thing! In my extended family, whoever cooks never gets a chance to get near the dishes, whoever enjoys their food is happy to clean up and give the cook a break. I understand everyone is a bit different but for me to have to ask, and then get knocked back, well I was pretty cheesed off.
Thanks again everyone for your advice. It’s a full day since I posted here and I am feeling so much calmer than I was beforehand. I’m sure there’ll be up and down days but today was ok! Thanks.
March 14, 2015 at 7:48 am #408152Amie
Well ladies, thought I would give you an update. I tried really hard all week to keep distracted, even booked myself a two-week vacation (which due to work commitments I have to wait 6 weeks to take, but still). So I am excited about that.
But my mood hasn’t been great even though I’ve been trying, mostly subliminal thoughts and that general uncertainty just getting to me a bit. And the old checking my cell at random times, as if there would be a message there from him that I’d missed. Part of me was worried, maybe he’d been in an accident. Yes, looking at it now, that was just the part that wanted an excuse to contact him.
A few hours ago (I am in Australia so it was an acceptable hour!), I texted him ‘Are you okay?’. I know, I know. I felt like I had solid enough reasoning at the time. He texted back quite quickly ‘I am okay but things are over between us, sorry I didn’t want to say that over text’. I sent a calm reply, asked if he could tell me why (although of course in the end it doesn’t really matter). He said he doesn’t feel like he used to, it’s seemed like a chore the last few times he saw me. For the record, the last few times he saw me were in the middle of a very busy work period for me, so for the first times ever I wasn’t 100% focused on him.
So that is that. Really hurts but it’s closure and I am happy to be out of that limbo and the sick feeling that goes with it. And I guess it is a good thing that it’s over, if he couldn’t handle being there for me for a few times, out of the multitude of times I’ve been there for him. And a breakup text, hardly shows respect for me.
Thanks everyone for your supportive comments and advice last week when my head was all screwed up and I was so worried! I guess I’ve just gotta try to get on with life now.
March 14, 2015 at 9:42 am #408171redcurleysue
Hi Amie,
I am sorry you are hurting but next time you will see the “negative” signals sooner and protect your heart. Just keep the lessons learned and move forward a day at a time.
March 14, 2015 at 10:23 am #408181Amie
Thanks redcurleysue.
March 18, 2015 at 1:49 am #409464Jennifer
Bummer, girl. Sorry to hear that it didn’t work out, but really I think you’re better off. He sounded like an a-hole. Not only that, but if he’s so stressed about losing his job, why is he planning to TRAVEL? I am facing a potential layoff in April as well, and I am certainly not packing my bags for anywhere exotic. Instead, I’m looking for jobs every single day and asking friends to pass along any info on jobs they may have.
Ghosting is just ridiculous and he owed you more than that. DON’T contact him again and if for some reason he does pop back up in your life someday, really take some time to think about it because you definitely deserve to be treated better than that.
March 18, 2015 at 1:59 am #409468Sue
Yikes! He dated you for 10 months, ghosts you, dumps you over a text, and says being around you felt like a chore? Never never give this guy another chance if and when he comes back!
I feel very sad reading this. You invested 10 months of your life in a guy that ends up acting like a jerk. Please live a great life without him!
March 18, 2015 at 3:32 am #409477miss independent
Wow, this sounds kinda like the peace of a so called relationship, I thought I had with my son’s father… I haven’t hurd anything from him since last Thursday night. In which I text him goodnight. And then on the 15 my phone accidentally, dialed him and it said at the subscribers request this phone does not accept incoming calls. So I don’t know if he blocked, my number or his phone just disconnected, either way ive already decided I’m done… the best thing for you to do is move on he is a jerk/ asshole you deserve, better. Good luck!
March 18, 2015 at 7:37 am #409501Amie
Thanks everyone for your comments. Yeah, he had his chance with me, no way he will get another one. And sure as hell not after the way he chose to end things. I’m not going to contact him, if I even think about him for more than about 30 seconds I start feeling like I’m going to throw up.
I am the standard mix of angry, sad, generally disoriented as obviously I thought there was a future with him and then suddenly there wasn’t. But I am trying to stay positive and just ride the waves as best I can. Surely there has got to be better out there! Not that I want to go anywhere near dating for a while. But I have hope that one day I will find an actually amazing guy.
March 18, 2015 at 9:52 am #409526Diane
I felt compelled to stop by and say congratulations…
This guy is not relationship material and has a very difficult personality…. He won’t be able to get along w anybody for long….
Saved yourself futher headache … Good for you.
March 20, 2015 at 5:30 am #410132Amie
Thanks Diane. No one has quite framed it like that before – congratulations – actually, I kind of like it!
August 15, 2018 at 3:22 pm #717130Frances
I have enjoyed this post as well as comments. This was in 2015, bring that we are in 2018 do you have any updates?
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