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- This topic has 32 replies and was last updated 10 years, 3 months ago by
Hey girls, so I’ve been texting this guy for quite awhile now, [we exchanged numbers in september and have been texting ever since] he’s always very attentive to me [and only me!] whenever I saw him but I haven’t seen him since september.we text several times a week and he always asks me questions about my life [which indicates that he wants to carry on the conversation] and answers mine about his…he also said he’d love to go to my sorority formal when I asked him which is why i’m puzzled as to why whenever I ask him “what are you up to this weekend?” he always says that he’s studying for exams or writing papers etc. I don’t want to straight up ask him out though because that’d be like saying “I LIKE YOU” and it’d be highly embarrassing if he said no…
You are wasting your time with a guy who texts only.
He just likes the attention.. but has NO INTENTION of dating you.
Cut this loser out of your life. He’s a waste of space.
I have been seeing this guys since july 1. we hit off right from the get go. sex was okay but physical attraction was there. Unforntantly I ended getting pregnant in our second month of seeing each other. He did not want to have the baby and insisted i have any abortion. I booked one as soon as I found out about the pregnancy but on the day of I went to the abortion clinic i called him to come and accompany me but he didn’t respond right away he said he would call me back but he never did. I got to the clinic and broke down so i did not go through with the abortion. I re-booked it several other times but i didn’t follow through with it because i just couldn’t see myself doing it since i already have two other older children. anyways we continued to see each other, he often came over we would watch movies, have sex and head to sleep. that’s pretty much all we did although whenever he went out to meet his friends he invited me to come along with him which i didn’t mind. but recently i got tired of doing the something over and over again, movie, sex and sleep. partly its not his fault as i am a full time student right now and time is limited for outing. anyway long story short…few days ago i told him I wanted a few days to week break from each other. I didnt tell him why although i had lots going but since he never asks me any questions i didnt want to vent to him unless he asked. After hearing that i want a few days to a week break he asked me if we can have two month break and at the time we can revisit and see if things are still mutual. Is this his way of breaking up with me? I am four pregnant now and my ex-finance still once me back even though he knows I am pregnant someone else’ baby. He says if that if that guys does not step up h’d be there for me and the kids no matter what. he still loves me dearly and wants to have our old life back. I am not sure to wait around for two months to see if the break would re-candle us and change things for the best or to consider my ex-fiance and move on with life. I know he would be such a great father to my kids the only reason i left him was because there was sexual attractions otherwise he was such a good man to me and my children. I Am confused, kind advice would be appreciated. Thanks
The father of the baby sounds a complete loser. have nothing to do with him.
ex -fiance.. it’s NOT fair to use him. Right now your hormones are all over the place. I would wait til after the baby is born, months later, see if things settle and you ARE re=attracted to ex fiance.If not.. SET HIM FREE.
Thanks Harley thats really helpful. will keep that in mind. it is true that my hormones could be playing a role on my emotions right now which can impact my decision making process. Although I have tried to keep a distance with my Ex-fiance but the more I do it the more he wants me it seems. He insist on wanting to take me out on a dates and wanting to work on things.He is a real gentleman and got along with my family very well when we were together. Like you mentioned I don’t want to settle with my ex-fiance for the seek of my situation but I want for both of us to be happy.so I will consider your advice.
Good girl. IF you go for the ex fiance for the WRONG reasons…….. it will blow up in your face eventually. Better to be alone, than with the wrong person. IF YOU REALLY ave feeling for your ex.. go on a date,but don’t lead him on. EVERYONE wants somebody to love.. but both HAVE to love each other. Otherwise.. the cracks show and the split comes at some stage.
This is Not strange to me. I have been in hurtful relationships and getting or staying in one scares the h*** out of me. I have been dating this really loving guy for almost 2 months now. Before we met, he was everything. Caring, calls me up every second, the second he wakes and the minute before he goes back to bed. We have met now and I feel everything is reduced. He is always busy these days. I know he is busy because he has exams coming up couples with a recent tragedy his family faced bit sometimes I wanna be there for him and I feel like he is pushing me away. I don’t want to lose him because I love him but I’m afraid he isn’t into me anymore like he was the first time.
Hey so I sit beside this guy in class. he is sooooo sweet and he always jokes wiff me. even if he is having a bad day he still makes me happy. he said I remind him a lot like his sister and some other stuff person and all. but the only problem is he is very social especially wiff girls so idk if he is truly interested and idk how to find out. I know if we date he isn’t a cheater or cassanova type. but I want to know if he is interested or just being friendly. Ps how would I flirt wiff him and show him I am interested. So can any one help me