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- This topic has 22 replies and was last updated 10 years, 2 months ago by
I met a guy on a dating app back in September. We’ve been together ever since. Everything was going really well and then 2 weeks ago things seemed to change.
I saw him two weekends ago. We got along great and I stayed the night. The next day we went to the train and kissed goodbye when I had to leave. When I got home that afternoon, he texted me about what he was doing with his friend that night. We were texting back and forth. Same thing the next day (Sunday). I last texted sunday afternoon and then Monday he wrote back to me saying he thought he replied to my last text, but realized he didn’t. I didn’t care either way. However, I wrote a funny little joke when we were still texting after and he never responded. I thought that was more strange.
I started getting a weird feeling about him. I can’t explain it, but my gut was telling me something. 2 days after I texted him something small just to see if I was going stir crazy. He completely ignored what I wrote. I knew this because he was on other various social media platforms that night. He’s never done that to me before.
The next afternoon I just asked if everything was okay since he didn’t reply to me twice in 2 days. He said he was fine and that he was falling asleep early each night because he was exhausted from work. (B.S). We didn’t speak for a week after that. Again, strange for us. I finally asked him this past thursday if he was free on the weekend to hang out. He said he was sick, but would see saturday if we could “maybe” plan something. I haven’t heard from him since.
I’m really confused as to what took place that he would all of a sudden distance himself. I want to see if tomorrow he wishes me a Merry Christmas. If he doesn’t, I’ll definitely know something is truly up. I can’t comprehend how things could go from great to what the hell is going on?
It hurts a lot.
Oh sweetie! How aweful that he is such a jackass. I have no idea what happened, but he is acting like a jerk. After two months, he owes you a breakup, not a fade out, especially when asked directly. Please lose his number, and remember what he is showing you is who he is. Not very nice. That is who he is….
It could just be that he needs space as you guys are getting serious. The more you contact him and pull forward as he’s pulling back, the more you’ll drive him away. Stay busy with other things and see if he contacts you. If he doesn’t, then you know it was more than space that he needed. Do not sabotage the possibility of this relationship continuing when he’s had his time to sort his feelings out by asking him over and over what’s going on. Have faith that it was nothing you did. If and when he reaches out, sound happy and be easy, breezy as if hearing from an old friend…”Hi, glad to hear from you!”
Thanks Vanessa and Tallady for your input! I am definitely going to give him a lot of space. I haven’t contacted him since Thursday. I’ve been noticing he’s been adding different girls on instagram..idk what’s with that. Today I also saw he had a new top follower in his snapchat best friends list. I can’t figure out if it’s a girl username or boy username.
I guess i’m going a little crazy over this because I’m so confused. The days prior to the last weekend I saw him, he had suggested seeing the rockefeller christmas tree (I was so happy- you don’t do that with just anyone!) and also mentioned that I was probably going to be meeting his brother soon. We ended up not seeing the tree because it was raining really bad. But both of those statements/comments were pretty strong and made me realize how he felt about us.
Maybe he is taking a little break. I mean even after I asked if everything was okay after he didn’t reply to me twice, he kept texting and making the conversation continue. I guess he felt bad that I felt bad? He recently received a new job and works very long days. I do understand that he’s exhausted, but I’m still worried though that he might have met someone else or something.
I wish I could read his mind :(
Please pay attention here. This may be who he is… It may not be enough…. It is Xmas, if he does not contact you over the holiday, I would be done. That is me, though…
I’ve gone through something similar recently and I know how frustrating it is when you know you did nothing wrong. SO confusing!! but we must remember when we are feeling bad that it’s something in the GUY’s character.. a guy who is a gentleman wouldn’t behave like such a jerk. once you truly comprehend that a guy is just a jerk, you won’t even want him anymore! :)
My advise is to not ask why…. It is what it is… Take things at face value amd get on w your own life..
I find that takes away 80% of the pain
Yeah i’m going to see what happens tomorrow. I don’t know. I can’t stop thinking about it. I’m reading through our text messages from the past two weeks. After I contacted him about asking if everything was okay, his responses are actually very normal. It’s just that he hasn’t been initiating/contacting now as much as he did.
I weirdly also noticed that when I put up a snapchat story- he doesn’t look at it. (It tells you which friends view it). So that’s making me scratch my head as well.
If i don’t hear from him tomorrow, I would like to say something to him next week. I don’t know what, but i think it’s important. And this wouldn’t be to get him back, but to say how rude it is for him to fade on someone after seeing one another for 3 months. He should have been honest that he didn’t want to continue dating.
Any advice on what to exactly say?
So I never heard from him today. I was really thinking he would reach out since it’s Christmas. I’m even more hurt. I’m trying to stay up beat and positive around my family today, but It’s hard. I needed to get out how I am feeling. I’ve never felt more confused over a guy. How could things go from 100 to 0? It just breaks my heart. It’s so hurtful how someone could start to ignore you, make up excuses or forget about you like it’s nothing. How does one think that it’s perfectly fine? I feel like i’m going to cry at some point and i’m trying to keep it together. I’ve had a rocky year and to have it end like this is even worse.
I don’t know what to think or do.
I would really like to say something to him. He owes me an honest explanation. It’s not like I only saw him once or talked to him for a week. This has been going on for a while now. You don’t throw someone away to the side that you’ve been dating for over 3 months.
Three months of relationship is still new and you don’t know the real him. Please don’t let someone you don’t know that well to rob your very Merry Christmas. As female, we put so much effort in the relationship by nature. It may not be the best idea to ask men to behave the same in the beginning of the relationship. Relationship is generally not their top priority and purpose being here. Have yourself a merry Christmas and forget him today and appreciate that we can and will create a good life for ourselves.
Forcing him into a discussion is not going to work. He is showing you with his actions who he is and what he feels. You are never going to get the explanation you want, so please close this yourself…
I really think you should lose his number. If he contacts you, just say this isn’t working, you are looking for a boyfriend, he is not it, no hard feelings and best of luck.
If I were Christian and dating someone and they did not even send a text on Xmas, it would be over. I just got a text from a man I never met and had said I was not interested in meeting, That is how it should be. It takes 3 seconds.
I can empathise as well as sympathise with your situation. Going through something very similar. The hardest thing is being left in limbo with questions you know you probably won’t get answers to. Some say what difference will it make but if you are anything like me I just want to know good bad or indifferent. I am not sure what goes on in the minds in some of these men who are hot like fire the one minute and ice cold the next minute and you have become their arch enemy and you have not even had an argument for goodness sake. I will just say this as hard as it is you will get through it. Cry if you have to. Take one day at a time. As much as I have been treated very badly I will not let the actions of someone rob me of myself. So as you guys say over there forget him and do you. Your’re worth it.Amy
I felt better last night thankfully. I decided I will not reach out to him at all. I’m always the type of person that wants to know “why” and it bothers me that I can’t figure out what happened. I guess though it doesn’t matter now. He is showing he doesn’t want anything to do with me. It hurts, but there’s nothing more to do.
Part of just feels like it will never work out with anyone. Definitely going to take a long break from dating
Hey Amy, I just wanted to offer a virtual hug because it is super crummy if people behave poorly especially over the holidays. I think the best you can do is what you plan on doing, letting this go, (I too feel like writing essays on manners to some but have to stop myself), and if he contacts again, I would personally ignore it, since your natural curiosity may get you back to square one if you try to work out the why of it all.
Do not let him taint your New Year too, be open to new things and spend a bit of time pampering and spoiling yourself, treat yourself as he should have, we all deserve it! x
Do not think he is the be all and end all of all men. Men are varied and different and some are needy and some are players and some are just nice guys looking for love too. Make a list of qualities you want, it will help weed the pool of potential dates going forward and you will feel more in charge of your dating future-you are trying them out remember not them trying you! If they don’t match up, move on. :)
Free Spirit
I agree with what Vanessa initially posts. Just be cool and let go of trying to control the situation. Know that no matter what, if it doesn’t work out, it wasn’t meant to be and someone else is in your future. He may just be taking space to assess his feelings and whether he wants to take it further. I would not confront him at all. Not even if he fades. Just know it wasn’t meant to be.
I literally just experience this last week so I know your pain. I went a week with no contact from the guy I was seeing which was mainly on his part. I decided to text him yesterday though and he wrote me back apologizing for his disappearance. However, even though he apologized to me, I got to see his real character. I thought he was so nice when we went out but when he dropped contact with me, it showed how inconsiderate he really was. I do have questions on why he would drop communication when things were going so well, but you know what? I don’t really care anymore because I can find someone better for myself and even though you have been dating this guy longer than I have with mine, it’s the same concept for you. There are better guys out there for us so keeping looking. :)
I know the feeling Amy. My situation is slightly different, the ‘guy’ is my sisters boyfriends best friend. We have been texting for over a year now and when we first met he had a girlfriend, it was an on/off relationship that had been going on for nearly 3 years. In March of this year, he was single, we met up for one date and everything was great, we continued to text, but in May he got back with his ex (again). In August, he text, just general conversation (I had been told he was single again prior to him texting me), I was going on holiday 2 days after so he asked could he see me when I came back, I said I’d love to. As soon as I got home, he text me asking how my holiday was. We met up 2 days later and I knew instantly that if I carried on seeing him, I would fall for him. He said straight away that he did not want a relationship for a while, which I respected. We continued to see each other 2 or 3 times a week and I could feel myself completely falling for this guy, which if you knew me, you would be completely shocked by that, it takes me a very, very long time to even reply to a text! I knew he was till in contact with his ex and had also heard he was texting other girls, but I felt I didn’t have a right to say anything because we were not ‘official’ and he had said from day one that he did not want a relationship. So as much as I knew I was falling in love with this guy, I still held back and kept my guard up.
We started seeing each other (by chance) in clubs and bars in our home town and it was just.. awkward. He would just stare at me from across the room but not come over and when I approached him he wasn’t making any effort with me whatsoever, but would continue to keep an eye on me and make sure he was close to me all night.
At the beginning of this month, I realised he would hardly text me anymore, he was starting to ‘like’ girls pictures on Instagram and all his ‘best friends’ on Snapchat were girls. I was obviously confused by this because a couple of weeks before we were absolutely fine.
Two weeks ago, I had a text from him saying ‘I’ve heard you’ve had ‘company’ these past few weekends’. My sisters boyfriend was in the house and I had brought back my GIRLfriend to stay the night, he just presumed it was a guy. I text him back obviously saying that its not true and I wouldn’t do that because I liked him, he replied saying ‘You can do what you like’. He’s obviously bothered, but I know for a fact he has slept with at least 3 girls since we started seeing each other, I don’t understand why it’s one rule for me and another for him.
Like any normal girl, I asked my friends’ advice and they said it’s because he was doing all the work and I was giving nothing back, I went over and over our texts from when we first started talking and not once had I text him first.. In 4 months! On Christmas Eve I phoned him and he declined the call, so I text him everything I thought, regretting not making an effort to start with, but I didn’t do so because I obviously thought he was going to get back with his ex and he didn’t want a relationship, so I didn’t want to get too attached. He phoned me straight away and we talked for over an hour. He said he would phone me the next day and he wants to make ‘us’ work.
Yeah, it is now the day after boxing day and I still have not heard from him. You have no idea how much I wish I could turn back the clock and do things differently. Have I blown it completely with him?*dee_dee*
Hello. This is my first time posting something like this. I need some information. My boyfriend hasn’t respond to my text or my calls for the past month now. A month ago, he said that his phone will not be working so i waited until he turns it on. Sometimes I text him but no response so I just waited again. I also tried to call him and the phone was ringing so I thought that his phone was on. I text him to see if he’s okay but still no response. What could that mean. Idk what’s going on with him and it bothers me. I still want to have faith in him but it’s hard.
This has been over a month.
This is going to hurt, so brace for it. You don’t have a boyfriend anymore. If a man is your boyfriend and does not contact you in a week, it is over. And he is an ass…
Amy, sometimes a guy will go quite for a day or two, he may send a short message but otherwise sometimes unlike us girls their not always up for chatting however this sounds like it’s been going on for more than a few days and it’s obviously bugging you.
As someone who’s been through something very similar, save the upset and right him off. I believe if someone cares they’ll at least explain when you reach out and ask directly, if they can’t well enough said.
It’s news years eve tomorrow so get your friends together and celebrate and I wish you a happy 2015.
P.s I know it’s easier to say right him off and move on but honestly if you can it’s probably the best for this situation otherwise you’ll drag it out rather then cutting loose.Lucy88
Dee dee, move on these days everyone has a phone and it takes seconds to respond to a text.
Don’t keep trying just move right along! -