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- This topic has 5 replies and was last updated 4 years, 10 months ago by
So i started to talk to this guy about a month ago. The start was perfect. I know that people show their best side when they first meet someone. We had the best conversations and we both agreed that we’ve never got along with someone so good like we do with eachother. We were talking all the time like 24/7 and he also called me multiple times a day.
He started to show toxic signs when i got to trust him and told him about the one time i hooked up with a friend of him (I didnt know the guy i’m talking to right now at that time) But that was quiet a while ago, thats why i thought it wouldnt be a big deal since he told me about his past relationships/ hook-ups and I just wanted to be honest with him from the beginning.
He told me that it bothers him, what i do respect. He also told me that it would be hard for him to imagine a future with me, knowing I’ve hooked up with one of his friends a while ago. I’ve accepted it and was ready to move on because I didnt want to waste neither of our time. So i stopped texting him out of respect for myself, I didnt want to chase him since he doesn’t want a future.
He didnt stop starting conversations with me and neither did de calls. It’s really hard for me to let it go when he still shows how he cares about me…..
What do you guys think I should do?
Tell him that you appreciate him being honest about not seeing a future with you and while it’s a shame he feels that way, you accept how he feels and it’s best to cut contact now so you can both move on. He’s just using you to pass the time and will be gone when he meets someone else.
Thank you for your adivice. I blocked him yesterday and I feel much better now even though I still think about him. But it’s better for me :)
Word to the wise, never bring up your past sexual interactions with a guy! Trust me, its a lopsided mentality where men feel PROUD to gloat about it but in their mind but when a woman does it, it puts all kinds of images in a guy’s head about you screwing the other guy!
Best to keep your mouth shut and let the guy think you’re the only one, even if he’s not.
The problem is, if I wouldn’t have told him from the beginning, his friend would have told him immediately if he mentioned my name. Thats why I told him out of pure honesty. But I will follow your advice for the next adive that comes into my life…
Not all guys kiss and tell, so best to stay mute unless they say something about it. If they do, keep it short by responding with “yeah, we dated for a bit and it didn’t pan out.” If they try to dig for any further details, be Switzerland by keeping all responses non-sexual and be matter of fact, such as your personalities didn’t click and then drop it by moving onto another topic pronto.