Is he projecting his own guilt or is he insecure

Home Forums Dating and Sex Advice Is he projecting his own guilt or is he insecure

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  • #907039 Reply

    Met a guy at a bar in the middle of July. I instantly pursued him. Asked him for his number and everything. The very first date he said he was ugly but i told him he want and didn’t pay it any mind. After a few dates i noticed he would say things that was weird to me.

    Like he would say “i know you don’t really want to be with me you probably have other boyfriends”
    Or “you have hoes “ just to name a few things

    Two days ago he said “why didn’t you answer when i called if you’re talking to other guys just say it”

    This morning while on FaceTime he said “i know you mess with other guys because you’re real cute and you’re just down to earth i don’t know why you want me “

    why is he talking down on himself when I’m truly not messing with other men

    #907049 Reply

    probably has low self esteem? insecure? doesnt trust women? i would stay away.

    #907060 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    I agree with Tammy. This guy has low self esteem. He doesn’t need to be dating, honestly, from the sound of it. Why set yourself up to date a guy who’s going to falsely accuse you of talking to other guys, or accusing you of not wanting to be with him? You’re setting yourself up for a headache. Nothing you say will make this guy secure because he has issues he needs to work through.

    #907083 Reply

    Who cares about him…
    Why are YOU still engaging with him?!

    #907197 Reply

    Run away! It doesn’t matter if he’s projecting his own guilt or is insecure (or both), any of those possibilities are terrible situations for any sort of commitment. Controlling behaviors like this tend to only get worse over time.

    #907260 Reply

    I had a a guy do similar things. It drove me nuts. I couldn’t decide if he just wanted reassurance and was super insecure or was messing with my head. I decided both. Either way it’s not good, and if he is starting this this early it’s a very bad sign.

    #907423 Reply

    @ P yeah it’s driving me nuts and it’s hard to date

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