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- This topic has 60 replies and was last updated 8 years ago by
Ok, so I know there are lots of discussions on this website about why guys don’t text back. I’m having an issue with a guy at the moment. It’s still early days and we have only known each other for 6 or so weeks. When we started texting each other it was pretty frequent, and he even wanted to text me while he was on holiday, which I was surprised about. He said he wanted to keep in contact with me because he thought I would forget him. I thought he was being a bit too needy, so I didn’t text him as often, but since he got back he hasn’t really texted me much. It had been 5 days and I thought I had upset him so I just asked him how his holiday had been and he replied soon after to say ‘sorry I’ve just been crazy busy catching up on work, but yea it was great’. I texted back a few hours later, but it’s been another 5 days and I haven’t heard from him. My guy friends say he may not realise he is hurting my feelings by not replying. I didn’t ask him another question but 5 days is a long time!! Do you think he is busy or found someone else? S
Shall I contact him again?
No. Stop initiating contact and let him come to you.
Have you been on dates with him?
Texting does not equal dating. In fact, you can guage a man’s interest by the following:
lots of dates and face to face time together = high level of interest
lots of texting and few or no dates = low level of interestBethany
Yea we’ve been on one date, before he went on holiday. He contacted me on Monday saying sorry for not contacting because he’s been swamped with work since he got back from holiday. I haven’t replied to him cos I don’t want to seem desperate…any advice? Shall I just leave it or write back?
Sweetie you’re oozing with desperation here and its the WORST mindset you can be in! I know when you THINK you met a great guy that reaching out will pull him in, but TRUST ME ON THIS, it will have the OPPOSITE reaction! When a man pulls away you pull away, when a man pushes, you push (engage).
If you don’t have a busy active lifestyle then you will not create the right dating atmosphere. Never be too available or accommodating, always be busy with work, friends, hobbies, activities, and DATING others so you don’t fall into the insecure/neediness mindset.
Right now you’re on a CHEMICAL HIGH, but trust me it will dissipate and the last thing you want is to be with a man you can’t stand to be around because you didn’t properly vet him by paying very close attention to his ACTIONS (initiating calls and planning dates). Never rely on their words through text or those just looking for sex!
You need to take a step back and stop waiting for this man to contact you. Keep busy, go on other dates, and if he contacts you do not get into a texting spree because if you take away all the mystery and intrigue this way a guy will be less likely to take you out on a date if he get it for free while having to do nothing but type some words—don’t act like a bird chasing after these crumbs.
Thanks Lane. I know exactly what you mean. He has texted me but I haven’t replied to him yet because I want him to know I am busy too and Im not always replying to him straight away. It’s been 2 days so I don’t know whether to write to him now or wait until next week as I have a busy next few days so I won’t really have much time anyway. What should I do?
It seems that you are not his first priority. He isn’t a player or playing games. He just feels when he gets bored at the moment he can text when he wants and when he dosent and you will be there. He is not interested to take you serious. If he is serious, then you will see it and feel it. Obviously, he could care less about your feeling right now. Because besides the case it is just rude to not respond, and maybe hinting something to you like don’t expect anything from me. Just move on.
What did he write in his text? That will help in providing some assistance and help determine if he’s e-tethering or not.
He just said ‘ sorry I’ve been crazy swamped with work since getting back from my holiday, hense why I haven’t been very talkative xx.’
I don’t know if I can be bothered with him. My guy friends say that I am overreacting and guys don’t think like girls do. What I don’t get is that at it doesn’t take much to text someone so why does he take 5 days to reply?!?
Now he has replied I don’t know whether to reply or just forget him…
Sweetie you’re making a HUGE issue out of a non-issue. He said he was “crazy busy” after coming back from holiday and there’s nothing out of order about this. Sometimes I need a vacation from my vacation because when you get back you have to tackle a lot of chores and tasks/issues/problems at work when you return.
Just simply respond with something along the lines of “I understand how busy one can get when returning from holiday, glad everything has calmed down and able to talk again :-)”
Keep your responses short and do not over engage in senseless texting. I usually let the guy know that I hate texting on the first meetup/date and if he wants to communicate prefer a phone call and in person. Best to establish ground rules in the beginning :-)
Well, I think it could easily be the case that he is super busy and it doesn’t mean that he lost interest… it’s true, guys dont think the way girls do and he may not realize he is hurting your feelings, especially since he explained his behaviour to you (as far as he is concerned, he sent you that text explaining that he’s been too busy with work, so he may not understand why you’re upset with him).. Guys also like to focus on one thing at a time, so he probably feels like he needs to sort out his work stuff before giving you his full attention. At this point, he probably doesn’t even realize there is a problem or cause for concern. Whatever you do, stay calm and don’t show him any neediness or start drama about this, that might actually push him away from you for real and you will have an actual problem!
But I think if this problem persists and becomes a common long-term pattern, you may really not be a priority in his life…but too early to tell yet…
Please help with my question? i really need help with my ex situation…
I would just say something like “I understand how hectic things can get with work especially after a vacation… just let me know when you’re more free and able to talk again” and then give him some space to do whatever he needs to do. I think it’s the perfect strategy because it shows you’re understanding of what he’s going through, you accept it ( aka not going to get all needy and dramatic about it) AND it tells him you’re still interested in continuing to talk after it’s over AND then you give him the space he needs instead of pressuring him to respond right away.
Thanks for both of your advice. That’s very true now I’ve seen how you’ve said it. I just needed some help from people other than my close friends coz I was worried they were lying to me because they don’t want my feelings hurt. I’ll send him a text soon and will stay calm about it all. If it’s meant to be then it will work :)
Could you please answer mine? I could really use some advice right now… its called “just friends with my ex?”… Thank you so much!
Well I messaged him back 2 days ago…still haven’t heard back but guess he must be busy. I just feel like an idiot for becoming so attached to this guy. This hasn’t happened to me in years!!. I think you are right Lane about the idea of phoning rather than texting. It is a big pain waiting for a text. I’ll just leave it and if he replies I may suggest that.
Do you think I should text him again or just leave it? I don’t want to seem too needy but I just want to know if he is actually still interested or not. I know the normal thing is to leave it but I don’t want to assume something if it’s not the case.
IS this the 3rd thread you’ve posted about this guy ????????
I’ve answered you on the other threads, if so.
I’m a guy and have been through this before. The original poster has probably moved on by now (I hope), but here’s some advice to those in her situation. If a guy is truly interested, it will not take him 5 days to text or call back. That’s just crazy. No one is busy to the point where they can’t take a minute or two to reply. We all gotta eat, use the toilet, and sleep. Surely, there’s time then for him to quickly text or call back. Don’t overthink these things. Sure, some guys play mindgames but even those guys can drop their guard if they like a girl a lot.
I’m a guy and have been through this before. The original poster has probably moved on by now (I hope), but here’s some advice to those in her situation. If a guy is truly interested, it will not take him 5 days to text or call back. That’s just crazy. No one is busy to the point where they can’t take a minute or two to reply. We all gotta eat, use the toilet, and sleep. Surely, there’s time then for him to quickly text or call back. Don’t overthink these things. Sure, some guys play mindgames but even those guys can drop their guard if they like a girl a lot.
I’m a guy and have been through this before. The original poster has probably moved on by now (I hope), but here’s some advice to those in her situation. If a guy is truly interested, it will not take him 5 days to text or call back. That’s just crazy. No one is busy to the point where they can’t take a minute or two to reply. We all gotta eat, use the toilet, and sleep. Surely, there’s time then for him to quickly text or call back. Don’t overthink these things. Sure, some guys play mindgames but even those guys can drop their guard if they like a girl a lot.
So I’ve been out twice with this guy. Met him on an online dating site. He asked for us to see only each other and hide or take down our profiles. He calls several times a day and if I don’t answer, he doesn’t leave a message. He texts a few times a day but we haven’t seen each other in over a week but he still keeps texting and calling. He says he’s just really busy. He runs his own business and I travel a lot but I’m frustrated because I can make time to see him. I feel like he’s just just keeping me on the hook. The morning he texted me “good morning sweetie”. I haven’t responded.
Tell him very clearly: I don’t like texting in the early stages of dating. If you’re interested, let’s meet up. I’m not looking for a pen-pal
So i met ghis guy two weeks ago at the beach we exchanged details! The next day he asked me if i was keen on getting a drink sometime and i said sure why not ! Then he didnt answer for 5 days , so i sent him a text jus saying ” hope u have an awesome day” and he called after 5min sayin that he was busy but on the weekend he was going to camp with some friends and invited me to go so i said i would think about it , i sent him a message after a few hours confirming that i would go but he didnt answer, so i also just decided to move on but after 4 daus he sent me a message asking where i was and called but i didnt pick up because the phone was on silent , the next day i sent him a message explaining then he said that he jus wanted to invite me out to go get drinks with some friends then i just said ooh ok. After 3 days i then decided to be straight foward and tell him what i wanted out of the relationship and he said he felt the same way then said that we definitly needed to meet up so i said ok is monday ok with you and he said no what tuesday i said ok and now he sent me a message saying that he is so sorry he keeps moving and that he is going somewere to surf and spending the night there so i just said ooh ok to bad maybe next time have fun though !!!! So now i dont know what to think of this ?!
Bin him.Em
I think I’m just overthinking but I met this guy on a dating site three weeks ago. We’ve had four dates, the first, coffee 4 days later, I was in a show so there was a week’s gap and then I saw him last Monday/Thursday. We’ve never gone a day without a couple of texts and he’s called me darling and sweetiepie and always puts kisses.
His messages do seem to have cooled off though. He was with a friend in hospital Friday and actually apologised for being quiet over the weekend which I told him not to be so silly, how can I hold it against a guy that he’s looking after his friend!?
I’m only conscious now that he’s not trying to see me again and his messages are shorter and less frequent. The first message of yesterday was 6.55pm (him). I texted him good morning to which he replied half an hour later with 3 kisses.
Leaving it to him now, and I am probably just being paranoid!
I’m mostly surprised that I actually like somebody new so much as I broke up with someone in January.
I need to just chill out I guess :) x