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- This topic has 60 replies and was last updated 8 years ago by
he is just stringing you along. time waster. delete his no and stop responding to his texts.. don’t even give him a 2nd thought much less ask him..
block block block.soni
I posted my message wrt Ninja. just forget him.
Oh thanks Soni I was worried for a sec! lol x
to em.. lol. no wasn’t referring t o you. as you said your just being paranoid. its too soon to know. but give as much as you get. don’t flood him with texts. you will know in time whether this will go anywhere or not.. all the best xxx
That’s exactly what I’ve been doing, total tennis messaging and he’s been known to do two. I won’t say morning unless it was him the day before etc… keeping as cool as I can and letting my neuroses out to friends and here rather than to him! ha xx
As I thought, he’s coming over tomorrow :D x
Geez, three weeks?? I must have SEVERE committment issues, I can be seeing someone for like 6 months *although not exclusively and STILL not know what I want from them… Maybe it’s because I date multiple people??? I’m just floored by these short time frames that I’ve never been that comfortable with but everyone else seems to be… Sorry, just thinking out loud. Lol
Maybe it’s a bit dangerous that I’m not seeing anyone else but honestly, I just don’t want to :S
I’m not pressurising him or even expecting him to be doing the same but from what I can tell he’s not seeing anyone else. I wouldn’t have any right to be angry if he was, we haven’t discussed exclusivity yet after such a short time.
We’re just getting along really well enjoying each other’s company and letting things happen naturally. It’s exactly as a friend said I needed… my last relationship he was younger and immature and it was all hearts and flowers and “I love you”, granted after months of friendship but the relationship side of things ran away like a rollercoaster and ultimately it blew up in our faces, he ended it and I was devastated.
This slow burning, mutual understanding that we just like each other and want to be around each other is exactly what I need :) x
Okay hunnie, honestly, the reality of the situation is that he is playing games with you. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. So don’t let it happen again. Next time he ask to link up, tell him u can’t, you are busy.
Okay hunnie, honestly, the reality of the situation is that he is playing games with you. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. So don’t let it happen again. Next time he ask to link up, tell him u can’t, you are busy. @birdiekemisha instagram
I’ve been seeing this guy for about 3 months in the beginning he txt me all the time and I saw him a lot in the past few weeks his visit on a time limit. I told him he makes me feel cheep and nasty his reply was u r high maitinence? I sent a txt next day askin why he thought this. No reply for a few days its doing my head in I think he’s a got a problem. He has given me a hard time about not being able to climax is he a jerk player or just scared as he says he is????
Hi everyone,
I went out with this lovely guy, we had a great time together. He was super talkative, lovely person. He suggested to hang out again. I was all happy. However, this guy’s texting habbit drives me nut. It makes me doubt whether he is still interested or not. He seldom initiates. His repliesare sometimes on the same day, sometimes following day or he doesn’t reply. Realising itbis a turn off for guys, I text only every 3-4 days and very short. I didn’t hear from him for 4 days, texted him but didn’t hear back, then following day texted hoping he is ok, he replied a day later saying he is super busy with the new job. I replied few hours later with short message wishing him lack. I am confused whether there was anything at the first place or he is very busy at the moment. I am not being clingy, needy but where is the line to keep it going or going cold or he is playing with me. Can anyone shine some light on tjis please?
I met this guy in a dating website. I msg him first on skype. I can sense that he isnt interested at first. But as time goes by there were some instances where he msg me first asking ‘how are you’ ‘hes trying to chat me early coz he dont know if i will be having my duty early the next morning he even said to me ‘i like you’and asked me ‘are we serious cause i liked to be he even deleted his dating account. he even msg me that he got into a car accident and would stay on her moms house for a week.he would even talked about the names of his kids he want with me.weve been chatting for almost 3weeks everyday and he was the one who always initiate the first chat. My problem is im getting so attached to him and it has been 3 days since his last msg. I msg him first saying ‘ i miss you and where are you’ a couple of times. In the 4th day he replied jus saying ‘ hi,how are you?’i replied ‘ its been awhile what happened to you then he said ‘im here sorry just been busy. So i said sorry for bothering you, it wont happen again. Pls help me figured out if this guy is being serious or what.?
I just had a frank abd honest chat wurh a guy iv spent a weekend with a couple if weeks ago. I got back in touch with him after 3 yrs (we dated back then fir a bit) I just asked him straight out if he was still interested or was he letting me down lightly or was work the only issue for him. He runs his own business and works 12 hrs 7 days at the moment and made this clear from the beginning.
Anyway he phoned me and told me straight he was still very interested and wasn’t interested in any e else as soon as he has a free weekend he’s with me. Alot more was said but u gdt the idea.
My point is just b straight and honest with how u feel it’s the oy way u gonna know he’s a man not a mind reader abd most are selfish tooNatalie
So I’ve been dating this guy for 5 weeks, he’s in the army but still saw each other a lot, dates and stuff. We texted every day an phoned sometimes. We actually talked about some pretty personal stuff but now he’s saying he’s busy at work.. I understand that he could be because off what he does but am I worrying over nothing ?? Haven’t heard from him for 2 days
Honestly, sometimes I am so sick of technology/dating. Texting has made things so complicated, now there’s like a set of unwritten rules that we abide by and we get anxious over meaningless text messages. I have been in the exact same situation and totally understand you wanting to reach out to this guy because you like him. However, I agree with what everyone else says, don’t text him again. If he’s interested, he’ll come after you. You have already done your part. I’d hate to see you reach out again and him take advantage of you or thinking that your desperate. Just let things run their course and continue seeing other people, if it’s meant to be, he’ll come back around.
If is your 9 months boyfriend and he is who is just texting a little bit less and just answering the neccesary. What should I do?
BTW. we are in a LDR, and I understand he has things to do, but Should I just wait to him to contact me? I don´t know what to do.
Many people have same problem with a boyfriend. I also have same one. He texted me “I’m really way too busy with numerous things I need to focus on.” Then he didn’t text me yet….I’ve been waiting his reply.
Stop trying to run relationships via text. It makes you too accessible.
I tell guys right up front that I am not big on texting, I don’t do whatsapp, viber or any of that. You want me, you need to pick up the phone and call or make a date to see me or send an email with real words in it.
I do one thing at a time and focus on it fully and I’m not connected surgically to my phone. Puts them on notice I’m different and I’m special and I’ve got my act together. I just started on OKC and setting these rules up front helps me weed out who’s serious and who’s not and saves me from wasting my valuable time.kellie
SERIOUSLY, what’s up with all these guys saying they’re BUSY with work. IM SORRY – but to all the girls out there – after trying to reach out and having the guy follow up your text with “im so busy with work” — RUN THE OTHER DIRECTION and just don’t even bother entertaining them. honestly, if you’re THAT busy with work, WHY are these losers on the dating sites anyways?? its a lame excuse and please dont fall for it hoping that they will somehow “free” up time for you. it’s never going to happen because the harsh reality is, they were really never that interested in the first place. and i do agree with Nicole — technology has made us super anxious and it just complicated human beings. if a man wants to see you, he will. you just gotta trust us when we tell you that. DO NOT accept that kind of looney, wishy washy behavior from any man. believe that you are awesome and that you WILL find someone who is crazy about you..who wants to spend time with you, without begging them or having to hear some lame excuse.
Nope. Stop contacting. You must view your time as a valuable resource. If he doesn’t appreciate it the way you do and stands you up, cuts you off, etc then he is out. He needs to do the initiation from that point.
If you keep reaching out, you’re lowering your value, social proof, and come off needy. Our biggest fear as men is losing our freedom in a relationship. Don’t give him that illusion.
Hope that helped,
Elliot Scott Dating Coach
You’re not overthinking it. Texting is one of those things that just because you can do it doesn’t mean you should. IF you’re texting him and trying to hold a conversation with him over text then you’re lowering his attraction. Men are visual creatures. We want to see you in person, win over your approval (because men like when they can satisfy a woman’s needs. It’s our purpose and we heavily tie our ego to that),and see escalation.
Texting should only be used for setting up dates, minor flirting, and confirming. That is it.
Hoped that helped,
Elliot Scott Dating Coach
My bf has been super busy lately and he’ll text but then be gone for hours and text in the morning. Dosnt have time to meet me… Everything was going well. Its been a year
hi i recently texted a guy that i dated 3years ago has recently got married since then.at first he was really exciting to hear from me, we even met up he even tried to have sex with me but i pulled away. since then he hs. invited me around but i have been busy. he has been canceling everg since then is he busy or just not intrested
Which planet did you come from girl? Have some dignity! Oh Lord…