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- This topic has 4 replies and was last updated 10 years, 9 months ago by
I’ve been dating this guy for over 2 months. And we hand out every other day (mostly on my part because I don’t want to hang out everyday). We hang out during the day and go on dates and I normally spend the night at his place. Well yesterday he found my wallet after we went out Friday, and he called me around 3 asking if I wanted to come over. I told him sure just text or call me when he wanted me too. Well instead he went out with the boys. I am just wondering is it normal for guys to just want guy time with their friends, or is he pulling away from me. I mean he did text me at 12 saying what’s up and wanting to hang, since he normally can’t sleep till 5 am. Today I am getting my wallet back from him and I will see how he acts. And, I mean I have gone Saturdays without hanging out with him. IDK, AM I JUST OVER THINKING THIS?
Yes. You are overthinking it. Are you really asking if it is normal for men to want to see their friends? Is it normal for people to want to see their friends? Come on sweetie…
Men pull back to get their autonomy back. But, I do think it is pretty lame to make plans and then bail. I do not think he is not interested, but you may want to tell him you view casual plans as plans and that you don’t want to turn down other options while waiting for him. That feels icky.
It is just my anxiety, I don’t know why all of a sudden I am feeling like clinging to him.
And in the first weeks of dating he asked me what we were, and I said what do you think we are and he didn’t answer, because at that moment in time I didn’t know what to say. I guess I just want him to come out and commit to me even though he says I am the only one he is seeing. And it seems like he gets jealous when I talk to guys because on Friday I was talking to some guys outside while he was inside shooting pool, and I wasn’t giving him all the attention. Then he was drunk and we were kissing and he said some girls have been wanting to talk to him, and I replied that a lot of guys want to talk to me, but I just ignore them, and he said that obviously he was too since I am the one he is spending time with. And Saturday he acted like everything was normal when we woke up and he called me like usual and proceeded to text me. IDK.
You are at the period where that definition becomes clearer. I see nothing here to assume you are not on a good trajectory. But, you should never sleep with a man before exclusivity if that is important to you.
And jealousy drunk at a bar? Jealousy is never an indication of interest and it is childish, it means nothing.
Work on your anxiety, it is yours to own and will leak on him. That said, not ok to blow off plans…